National Lawyers Guild caught in forced association violations under the title of asylum!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Source Link: LINK!

After all of the political moves that are being made by the U.S. Supreme Court, (hereinafter “the company”) under the foreign universal charter of the judge thereby taking orders through the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem by Pope Francis, the borders of the company are now wide open.

The metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of the country are secure and have been since 2010. However, Pope Francis is regularly violating Chapter 12 of the Law of Nations. By reading the source article, there are a few signatures written in the article that identifies the National Lawyers Guild as the boots on the ground implementing its treachery.

Example: “If you put all the recent court decisions on immigration together, it’s now clear why we have an invasion. One district judge said that children must be released. Then another one said parents must be released with the children. Then a district judge in D.C. said the definition of asylum must be expanded to Obama’s policy, beyond an individual fear of persecution. Now a district judge is being allowed to sustain a ruling that Trump can’t even request that they come to the points of entry.”

The term individual refers to the Personal Trust created by the internal revenue trust within one of the U.S. territories.

Example: “Left-wing legal groups, some of whom are tied to those organizing the caravans, have thought of a way to challenge every single denial of entry and deportation. Even when they lose on one, they come back for more. All it takes is one district judge in one bad circuit to automatically win the first two steps of litigation for them, permanently alter national border policy by applying it nationwide, and encourage a massive rush at our border. Now that Roberts has signaled to the lower courts that he will not police them, they will be even more emboldened to come up with innovative ways to shut down border enforcement.”

There is only one left-wing legal group and that is the National Lawyers Guild openly practicing law within the company courts. The National Lawyers Guild is nothing more than a communist organization established in 1937 fervently working towards changing the company into a communist regime thereby forcing association. It has succeeded, with help from high places, in stopping any Naturalization process to occur and therefore the company never had naturalization powers of a country if it is able to be stopped completely. Source: LINK!

By this brief International Public Notice, the Company Corporation is hereby noticed of the treachery of the National Lawyers Guild and the projects used to trespass on legal terms that it is not authorized to litigate: LINK! unless the American Bar Association is in on the political movement of forced association.

Published by the committee of the National assembly of the Government of The United States of America with more to follow.

Southern Border of the country ordered closed still stands: LINK!


Introducing the RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT OF 2018!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Due to the multiple war crimes committed in the name of Political Correctness in the past couple of months,LINK! this RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT OF 2018 is appropriate to finally publish in a Publication of Record. PUBLICATION LINK!

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The term “Continental Marshals” does not exist within The United States of America!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

A couple of people calling themselves “Continental Marshals” are attempting to associate themselves and their cause with The United States of America. Click Here!

Of course, you know who is involved with this group of people and has attempted to involve The United States of America to do one of two things. Either try to gain legitimacy for the Continental Marshals, or take down the Government of The United States of America with a group of people that are committing at least 5 international crimes, multiple trespasses, and are as fake as they come when it comes to organizations in general. Click Here!

If anyone sees and or someone approaches you claiming to be a “Continental Marshal”, please turn around and run as fast as you can the other way. We have heard about these people making this claim about 8 months ago and they have nothing to do with The United States of America or the Government of The United States of America. The term “Continental Marshals” does not exist within The United States of America contrary to popular belief.

Further, these people are trying to pass their persons off as American Nationals, they are not associated in anyway. If anyone claims to have claimed a Nationality, ask them for their oath or affirmation, if they cannot produce a certified copy of their oath or affirmation with specific wording within the oath or affirmation, they are claiming something that does not exist for their person meaning they are lying to you and posers.

Example of people that are not legitimate American Nationals and publish fake websites claiming something that does not exist. These people have even stolen this Governments colors: Click Here! The people running that website belong in jail or at the vary least, the website needs to be taken off of the internet.

All legitimate Nationality claims can be verified at the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America. Contact!

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares the Democratic Party an enemy of the Law of Nations!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Due to the past two years of nothing but strife, violence, contention and adhering to foreign enemies at the expense of this country for a quick buck, the 527 organization known as the Democratic Party is hereby declared an enemy of the Law of Nations.

The Law of Nations was and is the foundation of any country formed after the late 1700’s. The Law of Nations book was derived from the Scriptures. The members of the Democratic Party have done nothing but attempt to put away the Law of Nations in an attempt to escape liability for its members. The crimes against humanity, multiple war crimes, and multiple human rights violations being committed on a daily basis while at the same time claiming its adheres to these principals of international law when it suits its purpose to dismantle this country must come to an end.

Running a country is not a game nor is it a political game. Opening borders and endangering the lives of people is not a game. Displacing thousands of people with promises of a better life for the purpose of a stupid vote is not a game. Starting civil wars in other countries is not a game. The immaturity displayed by the Democratic Party is an embarrassment to every mature human being on this planet. By continuing to support satanic organizations to pollute the minds of the young is not a game. There are serious consequences involved in all of these activities.

It is time to do away with this 527 organization calling itself a Democratic Party. Its activities since it inception have done nothing more than pollute this country with expense; spiritually and monetarily. It has run its course and it is time to move forward to bigger and better things for a brighter future for all.

For with all of this violence used to force people to let the Democratic Party members have their way has done nothing more than cause those people that have had to live through the violence to outgrow it. We shall move forward and leave the Democratic Party at the kiddie table to fight over the scraps left to them by their task masters. The members do not deserve a country, nor do they deserve any power and authority, they deserve exile and condemnation for their acts of treason against the Law of Nations.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America closes the Northern Border!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Justin Trudeau Transfers Canadian Border Control To United Nations. Since this act of treason has occurred by Canada’s Prime Minister against Canada (read the comments on the link page below). A motion was heard by the committee of the National assembly with authority of the original United States, in Congress assembled, to close the Northern border and remove Canada from the original Union of 1781, both motions passed. As of now, there are no legal connections with the country of Canada. May our Father in Heaven bless and watch over the people of Canada. It is very clear that the Prime Minister of Canada does not have the best interests of the Canadian People.

Under the Law of Nations, the Canadian People now have the right to leave Canada and or reject any command from the Government of Canada. The people are not legally bound to an act of treason. The social compact has been arbitrarily changed without a vote or consent from the people in violation of:

Article 21
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

It is a sad day for the Canadian People and therefore a motion will be heard by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America to classify the Canadian People as refugees so they may qualify for political asylum within The United States of America to escape from the political persecution that is about to be exercised against them on a daily basis.



Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


Multiple International Pardons issued by the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America and Head of State for The United States of America!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Michael D. Cohen, George Papadopoulos, Sam Patten, Paul Manafort, Alex van der Zwaan, Rick Gates, and Michael T. Flynn; members of a politically targeted group…

The aforementioned individuals have been politically persecuted for the past two years based on their associations alone. This office has witnessed political persecution on a daily basis being broadcast on the air waves by the media outlets owned and controlled by individual corporations which include but not limited to the following:


The Government of The United States of America re-introduces the General Post Office Continental Dollar Stamp and the Continental Dollar!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Publication Link!

The Continental Dollar and the Continental Dollar Stamp now exists within the United States’



Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


Martial Law Authorized by the Government of The United States of America!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The Commander in Chief Donald John Trump has been publishing certain tweets and through other media sites that he is in need of declaring Martial Law in order to control the NWO from destroying sensitive infrastructure while in the process of removing treasonous people that have undermined the country on behalf of foreigners.

The Government of The United States of America hereby authorizes Martial Law to be implemented under the following conditions:

1: The Martial Law will last only until the threat is over and peace is restored wherein choice is restored.
2: Martial Law is subject to and governed by the law of armed conflict as written here: CLICK HERE!
3: The Government of The United States of America is free to continue its work by restoring the States of the Union with a permanent population, defined territory and other terms as written in the law of armed conflict.
4: Free and unencumbered interpretation of the law of armed conflict is not authorized by the Government of The United States of America. Free and unencumbered interpretation of the constitution of the United States since 1802 has resulted in the current condition. The liable party must be allowed self correction.

Further, in the event the United States Military Tribunals have been completely corrupted, the Government of The United States of America and its judicial branch stands at the ready to proceed with the trials necessary to clean up this mess that free and unencumbered interpretation has caused over the last 240 years.

In the event that the Martial Law is nefarious in nature by all parties involved, the Government of The United States of America is hereby indemnified from all nefarious intentions against this country and let the heavens be its witness against those nefarious intentions and blame fall upon those with a nefarious heart.

Authorized and Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The United Nations activates its Charter into a Silent Weapon!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The current Secretary General António Guterres, was appointed by the General Assembly on 13 October 2016. António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres (/ɡʊˈtɛrəs/; Portuguese: born 30 April 1949) is a Portuguese politician and diplomat who is serving as the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations. Previously, he was the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees between 2005 and 2015.[1]

Guterres was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and was the Secretary-General of the Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002. He served as President of the Socialist International from 1999 to 2005.

In May 2005, Guterres was elected High Commissioner for Refugees for a five-year term by the UN General Assembly, replacing Ruud Lubbers.

The European Migrant Crises started in 2015 under the watchful eye of Antonio Guterres. He was quickly moved into the Secretary General spot at the United Nations before the reality of the Migrant Crises was realized by millions of Europeans.

Ever since Antonio Guterres has taken office, the United Nations has become its own political power house with the intent of spreading socialism throughout the world in clear violation of the charter of the United Nations. It has even tried to pass a Global Compact on Migration which violates the basic principals of the charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Link!

The United Nations is being used as a silent weapon against nation states and their governments to eventually eradicate countries altogether. The United Nations was built by countries and now that act of trust is being turned against those countries that simply were trying to eradicate evil in the world.

Since this silent weapon has been activated, the war crimes have escalated around the world to make it appear that the United Nations, if given more power over nation states would save humanity from itself. While everyone is looking to the south and the migrant crises, no one is looking to the north where the culprit is sitting in his high seat acting as a puppet for the tripartite.

In reality, the Charter of the United Nations was heralded as an extension of the Law of Nations. Instead it has abandoned the Law of Nations and the charter of the United Nations is nothing more then a silent weapon against the people of all countries. It caused this migrant crises or at least those that truly control the United Nations and is being used politically, thereby attempting to hijack the sovereignty of all countries into its wicked bosom under one world Totalitarian Party with puppets like António Guterres at the helm.

The United Nations has slipped in a ICANN tax on new domain names without anyone noticing. That tax is a violation of the Charter of the United Nations. Link!

The United Nations caused the migrant crises through one of its many henchman George Soros. For those services insider trading with Facebook stocks goes widely ignored.

Where we watch these international players continue to strive for power from their high places created by them on paper, it continues to perplex the average man simply trying to make a living how much time, resources and dereliction of duty that the privileged continue to exercise on a daily basis. However, natures law does sneak up on those that continue to waste blessings and ignore obligations freely given and obviously wasted on these type of people.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The Global Compact on Migration violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

MEP Marcel de Graaff had a press conference speaking out against the Global Compact on Migration and how it expands the definition of hate speech to include the political crime of criticizing immigration, more can be heard here:

The mere offer of a Global Compact on Migration that has any speech classified as hate speech in it is a complete violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights namely: Link!

“Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

It appears that the real intent of the Global Compact on Immigration is to silence witnesses against the war crimes being perpetrated by a Global Political Party that are perpetrating the war crimes; thereby attacking civilians with military forces disguised as migrants to conceal the fact that “migrants” are literally militants hired to sneak into countries under the cover of real immigration laws and start terror cells ready to attack at anytime the order comes down from the Political Party responsible. Migrant Caravans are used to weaken a political opponent in a Global Chess Game by exhausting the resources of the political opponent wherein human needs are used to manipulate the political opponent out of valuable supplies that could otherwise be used to strengthen ones own country. This is called forced association:

“Article 20.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.”

1: Why is anyone being forced into association with Hondurans and the problems of Honduras? They are all adults and have the capacity to think and solve problems.

2: Why is Europe and America being forced into an association with Islam by Vatican City?

Association is by choice in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It appears that there is a group of people that were never taught boundaries as children and believe that the worlds problems fall on their shoulders which is the road to communism in all their forms. To compel association is a violation of:

Article 4.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Whenever international crimes are occurring, and there is an attempt to silence the witnesses on the international level under political crimes, there is always a perpetrator attempting to hide real international crimes being committed against people within foreign sovereign countries or against foreign sovereign countries. International political parties can not exist internationally that has any standing anywhere because only sovereign countries can form political parties. Political Parties must have boundaries to exist otherwise their existence without borders causes international criminal trespass against other political parties thereby violating the convention on political and civil rights.

The term “Hate Speech” was created as a political crime thereby attempting to create a international political party that cannot exist without violating the basic principals of the Charter of the United Nations. Supra National organizations cannot create their own political party and impose their politics on the countries they voluntarily exiled from their persons. Those global and or international political parties can only impose its laws on its members under private international law otherwise violate forced association.

Globalism and world government has been tried over and over in history and has always failed because it is impossible to implement. No one can convince billions of people of something that does not make any sense.

It is complete idiocy to attempt to coin the phrase “hate Speech” under political crimes that were not adopted by all political parties within their spheres. Any attempt to manipulate other political parties through violent and coercive means is the definition of terrorism whereby a criminal trespass has occurred and therefore classified as terrorism. Imposing the political term “Hate Speech” created by one political party cannot be prosecuted and enforced upon other political parties otherwise violate the neutrality of a judicial branch of a government and the absolute political rights of members of another political party.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.
