In response to another version of this open letter, (more abrupt and candid) the International Notary has received this response: Quote: “”Remove this address from your list immediately, if not sooner!” from [email protected], Springfield, Illinois.
The Government of The United States of America holds no obligation to comply with the aforementioned published demand because it is independent of the Grand Lodges of the United States and simply does not have to comply with any of its demands. The Grand Lodges of the United States is a private club and does not possess powers and authority it claims. The secret obligations imposed upon the people from infancy by the Grand Lodges of the United States are notwithstanding under International law and the Law of Nations. There are consequences to violating human rights no matter who you are, even upon those that have placed themselves in high places.
Official recorded Copy: LINK
Greetings from the Government of The United States of America.
Several months ago, the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America sent notice of the existence of the Government of The United States of America under the Articles of Confederation, as amended August 5th 2015, to the Grand Lodges of the United States.
The non-response from the Grand Lodges of the United States is disturbing, but not unexpected. This open letter is a follow up communication.
To date, the Government of The United States of America, has established and published as part of the International Record, the following:
- The Grand Convention (aka constitutional convention) did not establish the United States as a National government possessing proper authority of character to interact with the international community, nor did the Grand Convention establish the Constitution of the United States (a corporate charter) as the law of the land. These false claims were originally presented by, and continue to be promulgated by, members of the Masonic Grand Lodges.
- The claim that the National Government was replaced is a fraudulent claim. The pains and penalties of genocide placed upon the original 13 States, and by extension, all 48 states, is self-evident.
The on-going presentation of the private corporate entity United States as a National government reveals intentional mis-representation. As such, acts conducted by the private corporate entity United States against National governments as well as the human family are nefarious in nature and include genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. No corporate body possesses the authority to poison the water, pollute the skies or otherwise commit crimes against the human family in pursuit of profit and to perpetuate the secret of invalid authority.
The Grand Lodges of the United States have enjoyed free reign to implement slavery against the people of the States of the Union under the pains and penalties of genocide and perpetual infancy.
The manufacturing of slaves and the conviction of these slaves via the secret of invalid authority and coerced jurisdiction can be connected to the Grand Lodges of the United States.
The continued promulgation of invalid authority perpetuated by the Grand Lodges, Bar Associations, United States and its other private agencies reveals organized fraud with intent to enslave. This intent to enslave is further supported by the 13th Amendment of the charter of the United States (aka the constitution of the United States of the federal corporation). The 13th amendment can be traced to the Grand Masters within each State.
The constitution of the United States is without executive power. Further, the People of the United States never obtained international power of attorney over the several States of the Union. This qualifies as an International Trespass and reveals a lack of due process under pains and penalties of genocide against the States of the Union.
A significant portion of the body of state and federal corporate laws of the Grand Lodges of the United States ignore intangible property rights of the people. This gross negligence renders all lawyers of the Grand Lodges incompetent to practice law and all judges impotent to make decisions on non-existent causes before their courts.
Violations against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, perpetrated with intent, qualify as nefarious acts.
As the aforementioned acts qualify as nefarious acts perpetrated by private corporations, private membership associations, private clubs, private societies, etc. any cases against these private entities falls under the jurisdiction of a Human Rights Tribunal.
It seems then, given the facts presented herein, the Grand Lodges and their members, often operating in secret, consider themselves to be entitled and privileged. But advantage gained by violence, coercion and fraud is not prerogative, it is tyranny. By continuing to promulgate myths of history and false claims to authority, these supremacists reveal that they consider themselves to be above international law. This supremacist outlook is as flawed as the actions that stem from it are criminal.
The Grand Lodges of the United States have become arrogant, drunk it seems, with power, death and blood. Yes, this Government is aware of the secret ceremonies of self-indulgence performed by the Grand Lodges of the United States, at the expense of the innocent.
The secret arrogance embraced by the Grand Lodges has manifest into public exposure, and so the people of the world are also learning of these sins. The laws of nature always restore the natural balance.
This Government and its people, American Nationals, believe that truth is to be embraced, not abandoned. Innocence is to be protected, not exploited. Life is to be cherished, not extinguished. And the state of existence of our human family is to be enhanced, not debased. These are the principles embraced by true leaders of men and women. True leaders do what is right for the human family because it is right.
The Government of the United States acknowledges the Grand Lodges of the United States have a right to exist. But the right to exist does not include a right to brutalize the populace and steal property and resources for selfish gain.
It is time for the leaders of the Grand Lodges of the United States to step away from the mirror of vanity and realize that each member of the human family offers no more and no less than any other, as the seed is no less important than the mature plant. It is time for the Grand Lodges of the United States to abandon the supremacist outlooks. Each day, as more people of the world awaken, the demand for the Grand Lodges of the United States to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Law of Nations grows louder. It is time to do what is right because it is right.
The Government of The United States of America does not seek supremacy over the Grand Lodges but seeks equal rights and mutual respect with the Grand Lodges. Just as this Government acknowledges the right of the Grand Lodges to exist, this Government demands, in return, the Grand Lodges of the United States to acknowledge the right of this Government to exist.
To that end, the Government of The United States of America considers the following issues in need of immediate settlement:
1) The General Post Office must be assigned a .gov (generalpostoffice.gov) domain name in order to communicate to all Grand Lodge and American Bar Association members its proper status.
2) The Grand Lodges of the United States, the American Bar Association and all associated networks are to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Government of The United States of America and immediately cease all interference in the foreign affairs of the Government of The United States of America and its people.
3) The Government of The United States of America has authorized a National currency and stamps for use by American Nationals. The Grand Lodges of the United States need to stop the war of attrition being waged against the Government of The United States of America and give notice to all of its networks that the Continental Dollar and stamps are legal and valid for acceptance so that the American Nationals and residents may honor their obligations and prosper.
4) The Grand Lodges of the United States, the American Bar Association and all associated networks must immediately begin adopting public policies to ensure compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Law of Nations.
It is a well-established custom to approach your brother and attempt to make peace before suit or public exposure. This communication from the Government of The United States of America to the Grand Lodges of the United States, fulfills that common tradition.
This Government will honor the same tradition in the event it interferes with any righteous cause of the Grand Lodges of the United States. A pact between the parties may be appropriate.
As consequence of previous non-response, the Government of The United States of America is compelled to stipulate that a formal acknowledgment of this letter be issued by a duly authorized representative of the Grand Lodges of the United States, or the Government of The United States of America will be forced to conclude the Grand Lodges of the United States have chosen hostility over harmony.
Kind Regards,
Thomas Frank Goudey,
The office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America