Published in the American Herald on 2-22-2022


On (December 1st, 2021) the World Health Organization (WHO) reached a consensus to draft a convention, agreement, or other international instrument to strengthen prevention, preparedness, and response to fight pandemics LINK. This is a typical process of global fascists that create problems, then offer solutions to further promote the satanic communist agenda as inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones.

The World Economic Forum in collaboration with organizations within the United Nations have been involved in the infiltration of key offices of international institutes using Young Global Leaders to create corporate policies that further demoralize and subject the civilian inhabitant populace to debt poverty, class warfare, and the depravity of religious preferences, following the 8 steps to communism LINK, thereby converting the populace to sin and immorality in rebellion with Our Father in Heaven, ultimately condemning the populace to the broad way and eternal ruination.

As the definition of “pandemic” references the widespread occurrence of disease, much like illegal wars that have been declared on invisible enemies, a broad interpretation of disease may be updated for the satanic communist agenda to include, but not be limited to, religion, noncompliance, and protests to tyranny.

The organizations within the United Nations (UN) have no authority to interlope on the civilian inhabitant populace as the UN is vacant the qualifications of a State as a person of international Law in accordance with Article 1 of the Montevideo Convention LINK stated herein;

ARTICLE 1: The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby objections to any and all claims by the World Health Assembly, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations attempting to interlope on the civilian inhabitant populace with claims of intergovernmental negotiations for a convention, agreement, or other international instruments under the Constitution of the World Health Organization.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Published in the American Herald on 2-14-2022


As new information keeps coming forward by credible medical personnel regarding the experimental synthetic genes now classified as lethal biological weapons LINK, the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America in and for the North American National Party hereby separates politicians within the United States Federal corporation from the medical community.

Those persons within the corporate subdivisions of the United States Federal corporation attempting to enforce corporate mandates for injections of lethal biological weapons and proof of experimentation have been advocating the science of the terrorist organizations producing said lethal weapons to further force compliance by the civilian inhabitant population instead of the facts produced by credible medical personnel such as Dr. Carrie Madej who has made stark revelations using proper chain of title to examine said lethal weapons LINK.

These deceitful satanic schemes perpetrated by politicians advocating for the New World Order agenda as inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones LINK shall no longer be supported by the medical community, especially for the purpose of emoluments by the terrorist organizations compensating medical personnel LINK and public officials LINK for participating in the marketing and distribution of said lethal weapons.

The relationship between medical personnel and patients should be without any Third (3rd) party interloping by politicians representing the governments, departments, agencies, corporations- incorporated or unincorporated, and institutions. Such activities are a violation of a persons legal, and natural obligations and rights to consider or decline medical opinions and/or recommendations.

Any interloping by said parties upon patients shall be classified as a communist agenda and advocation for the New World Order agenda as inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones subject to human right violations to be presented to one of the Tribunals for the Government of The United States of America.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE of the North American National Party Committee!

Published in the American Herald on 2-13-2022


The office of Transportation Committee
Identified as: 20220213-GC-IO LINK

North American National Party Committee

All powers pertaining to the American National Union Transportation Committee are hereby transferred to the North American National Party Committee (hereinafter “NANPC”).

NANPC herein proclaims the existence of the Driver License for the members of the North American National Party that wish to obtain the benefit of a bond issued from the intangible property right to the use of the public highways.  This Driver License will be distributed through the NANPC, published as the issuing authority. The member of the North American National Party is a holder of the Driver License, the member has granted their intangible property to the use of the public highways and travels on the original rural routes of the General Post Office of 1775 NAC System survey within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America

This Driver License is not required as everyone has the right to freedom of movement under the Public Law of The United States of America, formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights LINK wherein it states: Public Law 101-13-1 Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the border of each State; and exercised under a National I.D. Card and Nationality issued by NANPC.

The members of the North American National Party hereby accepts and acknowledges this proclamation of existence on this 331st Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 13th Day of February in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America


Affidavit of Fact in the matter of Allegations Presented by Iowa Department of Human Services!

Published in the American Herald on 2-11-2022


c/o 2758 Avenue C
Council Bluffs Iowa 51501

Affidavit of Fact 

Exhibits provided within Certified Copy LINK

Now comes, Noah Sammual Jacob Juhas, hereinafter “Affiant” with Facts on the matter of the allegations presented by Iowa Department of Human Services, Adult Protection Notification Registry Numbers D202200364, D202200366, D202200368 Claimant has first-hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Claimant’s knowledge and belief, and

  1. Affiant was hired by AmeriServe International hereinafter “Ameriserve” to provide in home aid services to persons in a group home with disability’s, including a wheel chair for some, and
  2. Affiant’s duty’s included care such as cooking meals, administering medications, checking blood sugar levels, helping household residents to and from bathroom, and supervision, and
  3. Affiant’s hours were from 3:00 PM UTC-6 to 11:00 PM UTC-6 as stated to Affiant by AmeriServe supervisor known to Affiant as Kassie hereinafter “Respondent 1”, and
  4. Affiant states that there was a brief class on the administering of medications however Affiant was told not to fill in answers, That AmeriServe staff would tell Affiant what to fill in as answers, and
  5. Affiant was trained to take blood sugar readings once by the “house lead” known to Affiant as Britney hereinafter “Respondent 2”, but neglected on how to interpret the readings and was told to input readings into a computer, and
  6. Affiant, after employment had ended, did some research on found that AmeriServe did not have a gait belt that is required to move a person from a wheelchair to any other place, and
  7. Affiant was told to write things in the log that did not occur by Respondent 2 such as: “Staff gave verbal praise + one for ‘John’ putting his dishes in the sink.” Affiant did question here that the statement was false and was told by Respondent 2 to put in the log anyway, being Affiant’s superior Affiant complied, and
  8. Affiant states that later in the week on Affiant’s shift a new staff member had joined on Affiant’s shift known to Affiant as Jamie hereinafter “Respondent 3”. Later on Affiant had knowledge of Respondent 2 being no longer part of AmeriServe, and
  9. Affiant assumed that Respondent 3 was a house lead due to Respondent 2 being terminated from employment via text message that Affiant received, and
  10. Affiant states on (January 6th 2022) had to make arrangements for transportation to and from work. When Affiant’s shift had ended no one showed-up for the next shift, and
  11. Affiant called Respondent 1 for a different residence at or about 11:15 pm UTC-6, and
  12. Affiant states Respondent 1 replied: “OH, shit I forgot to ask Tree to come in”, and
  13. Affiant’s transportation was there to pick-up Affiant, and
  14. Affiant states that after some time Respondent 1 was calling people to find someone to fill the next shift, and
  15. Affiant texted and called Respondent 1 that she needed to stop trying to find people to fill the next shift and it is her responsibility to fill the shift herself and worry about the details later as it was getting later and Affiant’s transportation was getting impatient, and
  16. Affiant states that on or about 11:50 PM UTC-6 Respondent 1 showed up for the next shift about an hour after Affiant’s scheduled time, and
  17. Affiant states that on January 11th 2022 that after Affiant’s shift was completed yet again no was there for the next shift, and
  18. Affiant states that phone calls were placed to Respondent 3 at 11:15 PM UTC-6 with no answer and no voice mail phone just hung-up, and
  19. Affiant states that on or about 11:40 PM UTC-6 called a number on the house white board 402-871-7530 Affiant presumed that this was a supervisor as it was the only number on the white board, and
  20. Affiant states that calling the office would have little effect due to it being closed, and
  21. Affiant states Affiant left his shift at 12:00 AM UTC-6 (midnight), and
  22. Affiant states Affiant made good faith attempts to rectify the issues with the next shift, and
  23. Affiant states that due to experience and witness of supervisors for AmeriServe, said supervisors are not qualified to hold those positions, and
  24. Affiant states that it’s not Affiant’s responsibility to act as a supervisor nor was Affiant trained to be a supervisor, and
  25. Affiant states that AmeriServe has full liability for the actions by Iowa Department of Human Services, Adult Protection Notification Registry Numbers D202200364, D202200366, and D202200368 due to breakdown of services of AmeriServe which Affiant presumes is a violation with the state of Iowa Department of Human Services and possible Medicare fraud, and
  26. Affiant states that AmeriServe did not provide proper training (instructed to fill in answers provided by AmeriServe), and
  27. Affiant states that AmeriServe did not have equipment required to move persons in a wheelchair, and
  1. Affiant states that AmeriServe staff told Affiant to falsify documents, and
  2. Affiant states that AmeriServe used Affiant as a scape goat when their staff was not able to cover the contact obligations of AmeriServe made to state of Iowa Department of Human Services, and Medicare, and
  3. Affiant concluded that AmeriServe had made a determination to submit three (3) actions of dependent adult abuse to the state of Iowa Department of Human Services to cover their breach of contract evidenced herein to cover their lack of staff, and default of obligations to state of Iowa Department of Human Services, and Medicare, and


Respondents 1, 2 and 3, under the supervision of the Board of Directors for Ameriserve LINK have arbitrarily circumvented liability for the aforementioned events, recorded by Affiant, and arbitrarily terminated Affiant for allegations of dependent adult abuse wherein Respondents 1, 2, 3, and the Board of Directors are liable for. The responsibility of continued obligations to provide service for those persons with disabilities by employees for Ameriserve is not the responsibility of Affiant. Affiant’s recorded time schedule was fulfilled and upon failure of obligations by supervisors to provide relief for Affiant, Affiant made adequate attempts to contact supervisors regarding the aforementioned circumstances, without remedy, therefore the damages incurred upon clientele lays solely upon Ameriserve, and

Course of Remedy

 Affiant seeks relief from allegations of adult abuse entered by AmeriServe and issued by the state of Iowa Department of Human Services stated in the Affidavit of Fact are to be stricken from Affiant’s name and any record thereof, and

Affiant seeks Justice for the victims in exhibit #1, 2, and, 3 wherein AmeriServe has failed their obligations to the victims for lack of any competent structure, leadership, and planning, and

Affiant seeks justice for placing injustice on Affiant due to lack of AmeriServe providing the necessary provisions in place to cover the obligations entrusted to AmeriServe for the amount to be determined by the Human Rights Tribunal for persecution of person, Bering false witness, breach of trust, fraud, sabotage of job, and withholding evidence, and

Affiant seeks justice that Medicare and Iowa Department of Human Services is notified of the facts of the matter of AmeriServe be reprimanded for their actions herein, and

Affiant Further Sayeth Naught,

//Noah Samuel Jacob Juhas//

This 357th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 11th day of February in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.

A PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE of the Pima county assembly Constitution!

Published in the American Herald on 2-9-2022


The Pima county assembly hereby publishes a PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE for the Pima county assembly Constitution on the International Public Record!

The Pima county assembly Constitution can be found here: LINK

Published by the Secretary for the Pima county assembly of the State of Arizona of The United States of America