The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America Accepts and Acknowledges its Law Form and Interpretation Rights!

Published in the American Herald on 08-04-2021


The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America hereby accepts and acknowledges the following Law Forms and interpretation rights of the Law of Nations, the Nuremburg code, and the Public Laws-101 LINK  within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.

This acceptance and acknowledgement of Law Form establishes the international venue and jurisdiction for capital offenses, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and torture violations upon the inhabitants, Declared Residents and American Nationals within the territory of the States of the Union of The United States of America.

The War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America officially convened on March 15th, 2018: LINK

Published by the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

Notice of Breach of Contract


Published in the American Herald on 10-23-2020


Notice of a Breach of Contract

First lien holder:
JP Mogan Chase,
P.O. BOX 901078,

Subject property: VIN 4S4BSAKCXH3422203 dated 10/15/20- C.T.A. NUMBER of 17309655

Processed by: DAN O’ BRIEN SUBARU
152 Charlestown Rd, Claremont,
NH 03743

In the name of:
PO BOX 741,

The aforementioned lien was created under false pretenses when the subject property service/car fax report was asked for from the sales representative ‘Cody’ and again from the finance agent ‘Andy’ before signing the agreement, thereby being led to believe we were purchasing a one owner no accident
vehicle, the agreement was signed.

There was an absence of full disclosure until after the purchase at which point ‘Cody’ claimed he didn’t know about the two accidents reported for the aforementioned subject property. 

The vehicle was not in the expected condition prior to the sale making the contract voidable nunc pro tunc ab ititio due to the negligent misrepresentation of the condition of the subject property prior to the
sale which is Fraud in the Inducement.

The subject property was returned in less than 24 hours after purchase and is currently in the possession of DAN O’ BRIEN SUBARU who has been given notice as to the voided status of the contract and the disposition of the subject property in the presence of a percipient witness. The deposits were cancelled and we now consider this matter closed as a peaceful settlement of a dispute.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

Automobile Association forms by transfer through American National Union Transportation Administration

Published by the American Herald on 09-07-2020


On September 6th, 2020, the American National Union Transportation Administration, (hereafter ANUTA), met in a planned pre-announced meeting in regards to forming the Automobile Association for The United States of America.

An official quorum was formed of current office holders of the department within ANUTA, along with an assembly.

After reading the proposed Automobile Association Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order through shared document, in assembly, a discussion was held on the overall proposal.  All questions were answered and a motion was made as follows to form the Automobile Association for The United States of America.

“Motion by ANUTA Administrator, that ANUTA hereby transfers all rights, title, and interest to the Automobile Association for The United States of America to its  Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order, thus dissolving the American National Union Transportation Administration.  This will dissolve ANUTA as a department within the American National Union, thus creating the Automobile Association within the American National Union, but stands autonomous“.

The motion was seconded by ANUTA office holder of Deeds and Recordings, and passed and carried with no objection.  The record was kept by notes and recording to be published in a timely manner.

It was so ordered to make a public notice that this Automobile Association for The United States of America will function as a Private Membership Association, and notification will be brought forth through announcement, publication, and newsletter type communication platform to all who are members of the American National Union as American Nationals and residents of The United States of America.

Further, details will be forth coming on how to join.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America. 

The American National Union Amends Article 3 of the Bi-Lateral Social Compact Agreement of the People for The United States of America

Published by the American Herald on 09-01-2020


Tonight the American National Union of The United States of America motioned to amend Article 3 of the Bi-Lateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people for The United States of America.

Article 3 reads as amended:

The people agree that all people have a natural and unalienable right to worship in accordance to their own conscience and according to the dictates of their own conscience; and that no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishment, or mode of worship in any republic form of Government within the States of the Union of The United States of America. Therefore the States of the Union within The United States of America religion is hereby known as the followers of the Way the Truth and the Life; and LINK

This motion establishes the religion for the States of the Union within The United States of America in accordance with the Law of Nations BOOK I Of Nations considered in themselves. Chapter XII: Of Piety and Religion. §129. Public establishment of religion. “But we should take care not to extend this liberty beyond its just bounds. In religious affairs a citizen has only a right to be free from compulsion, but can by no means claim that of openly doing what he pleases, without regard to the consequences it may produce on society. The establishment of religion by law, and its public exercise, are Duties and rights of the nation, matters of state, and are necessarily under the jurisdiction of the political authority. If all men are bound to serve God, the entire nation, in her national capacity, is doubtless obliged to serve and honour him (Prelim. §5). And as this important duty is to be discharged by the nation in whatever manner she judges best,—to the nation it belongs to determine what religion she will follow, and what public worship she thinks proper to establish.” LINK

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America. 



Public Notice to all Sheriffs and Law Enforcement

Published by the American Herald on 07-29-2020


ATTENTION: This is a public notice for an offer to all retired or non-retired Sheriffs and law enforcement to work with the Postal Police Department within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.

The communists are here pushing their agenda using Marxism and Socialism as a tool toward a one world government system and the overthrow of America. 

The offer is for Sheriffs or law enforcement that believe in upholding private property rights and capitalism to enforce public policy law HJR-192 for the sponsorship of the Continental Dollar legal tender for public and private debts that will bring you back under your State Constitution. By enforcing public policy law HJR-192 you will be supplied with the Continental Dollar that will fund all of your living expenses and equipment needs to perform your job under the terms and conditions of the Continental Dollar and use of the Continental Dollar.

Contact us at: [email protected]

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

Statement from the National Government of the State of New Hampshire; Southern Border Crises!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

             Reference: Migrant Caravan heading to the States of the Union Southern Border

The people of the State of New Hampshire find our fellow Texans and through the Charter of the American Continent, we find ourselves in the middle of International aggression. Our countries Southern Border is under attack, and our fellow Texans are in great need of assistance.

In accordance with the Law of Nations, the people of the State of New Hampshire have the absolute right to protect the Northern and Southern border by any means necessary. Anyone who volunteers to stand at post for the sole purpose of upholding their right under the Law of Nations is with authority. Anyone who stands against you is a traitor and will be treated as a traitor.

The National Government of the State of New Hampshire will do everything within its authority to protect the lives, property and any other threat that may arise in political retaliation against you or your family. Your right under the Law of Nations is your protection.

The Caravan invading our Southern Border must not succeed in their endeavors to violate the basic principles of the Law of Nations.

The National Government of the State of New Hampshire has accepted and acknowledged the obligations of the Law of Nations and stand in compact with the National Government of the State of Texas upon our ratification of the charter of the American Continent. An attack on the State of Texas is an attack on the State of New Hampshire.

The Organization of American States is in violation and dishonor and therefore does not stand for not speaking out against its charters violations. They sit there and do nothing and say nothing. The OAS is in dishonor against its own charter and has fallen.

We must all support and have the backs of the U.S. Military, our Militias and National Guard if it is their intent to protect the Borders, time will tell the truth.

Published by the office of the registrar for the National Government of the State of New Hampshire:

Email [email protected]

David Keith Aubrey


Introducing the New National Government of the State of New York!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of New York wasted no time in forming the new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

This effort of the people to remove themselves from the oppression of Vatican City is extremely self determined and there are two more States in the process of doing the same. Link!

If you would like to become a signatory to one of the States of the Union please go to:Link! and contact one of the temporary office holders to show you how.


Introducing the new National Government of the State of Florida!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of Florida wasted no time in forming the new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We, the people of the State of Florida, in Convention, hereby assembled, on Tuesday
the 10th day of July, A.D. 2018, claiming the right of admission into the Union, as one
of The United States of America, and by virtue of the Treaty of Amity, Settlement, and
Limits between The United States of America and the King of Spain, ceding the
Provinces of East and West Florida to The United States of America; in order to secure
to ourselves and our posterity the enjoyment of all the rights of life, liberty, and
property, and the pursuit of happiness, do mutually agree, each with the other, to form
ourselves into a Free and Independent State, by the name of the State of Florida.”



The General Post Master Council signs an International Order as it pertains to addressing format!



                                      INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The General Post Master Council for the Government of The United States of America signs an International Order as it pertains to addressing format!

Grounds for the International Order:
The grounds for this international order include but are not limited to the current addressing
system within the United States does not reflect the correct address. The addresses of all
public buildings do not include the term “United States” thereby claiming a jurisdiction but
not recognizing the United States as the country name by all of the fifty States of the Union
within The United States of America.

The current addressing format as established by the Bank of New York Mellon within its
software within the United States Postal Service distribution centers does not include the
United States within those address formats: Read More….
