Everyone is going to love this one UPDATE!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 04-30-2015 by the American Herald


UPDATE: The office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America has recovered most of the connections on linkedin. Further there are some new connections and people from all over the world in high places connecting with The United States of America. We believe the world is sending a message to the inhabitants of America. All can decide for themselves the intent behind the message.  If anyone would like to verify for themselves as to the validity of these updates. Anyone can go to linkedin and see for themselves.

Our Secretary of State is not posing as the Secretary of States of the United States to receive these connections either.

The Department of State for the Government of The United States of America is doing very well connecting to other countries to attempt to carve out a better future for the inhabitants in The United States of America. Although foreign relations is an interesting field, the focus of the Government is right here at home.

There are two commonly known expressions: Charity begins at home, and sweep your own door step before trying to sweep someone else’s.  American Nationals, RESIDENTS, inhabitants and others have a lot of work to do re-building the infrastructure due to all of the neglect. The Government of The United States of America has a few things to accomplish before that can happen. If people did a RESIDENT declaration with duel RESIDENCY for the purpose of helping, that would be a start. RESIDENTS are not required to take an oath or affirmation. The declaration for RESIDENCY is not a legal trap. It benefits both the Government and the RESIDENTS. There is a major advantage with RESIDENCY within The United States of America.

On the lighter side of issues. There is an ongoing joke and theory in the complaint department of the office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America. The Committee put Lilly in charge of the complaint department.  Lilly works very hard because of the constant complaints sent to the office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America. Here she is hard at work:


This is Lilly on her day of appointment:


The committee figured that appointing Lilly as head of the complaint department would accomplish one thing. Once angry people saw Lilly, their anger would abate immediately and all of their troubles would shrink in comparison. The committee hopes that others see it the same way as the committee did.

We hope everyone enjoys seeing Lilly and sometimes it is good to just lighten up a little bit every once in a while and realize that American Nationals have families and are human beings just like everyone else. It is time to find miracles within all of us.


Everyone is going to love this one UPDATE!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 04-29-2015 by the American Herald

There is an update on the article published yesterday under the “Everyone is going to love this one” series.  LINK

The “Linkedin Network” was contacted today. The name is Marina in Linkedin Trust and Safety department. 

Good News, the fraud claim has stopped once credentials were sent. It was recommended to start a business page or a group page. So the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America has complied with the request and all is well. Although the older contacts have been lost, it should not take very long to find those contacts and reconnect.

The Government of The United States of America would like to thank Linkedin for its cooperation in this matter.


Everyone is going to love this one!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 04-28-2015 by the American Herald

Hello Readers,

The American Herald has another sequence of events that have made the “Everyone is going to love this one” series.

About a week ago THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST ran a story about being ordered to stand down and take everything off of the websites otherwise run the risk of being labeled a terrorist group and put into FEMA camps by a man claiming to be a white hat. Of course it was being presented as if there was some concern for our safety.  LINK

Well, here we go again. In the same email it read “why are we claiming to be the Secretary of State of the United States”? further it was stated that it was John Kerry’s job to be the Secretary of State of the United States. 

The article written in THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST was thought to have stopped the false accusation. Today, linkedin restricted the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America’s account stating this:

“Hi Secretary of,

Due to multiple User Agreement violations and the nature of the false content associated with these violations, this account has been permanently restricted.

Linkedin Trust & Safety”

Linkedin was not specific about the false content association, however is does not take a genius to figure out that the false content referred to would be the fact of the Secretary of State claim. Someone is spreading lies to cover a future event.

The Secretary of State for The United States of America had a lot of connections from around the world on linkedin, including but not limited to Kosovo, Russia, United Arab Em rites (UAE) Bangladesh, Malta, Romania, El Salvador, Egypt, Macedonia, Palestine to name a few and a member of 42 groups with a network in the millions (approx. 10 million).

Now therefore, the Government of The United States of America nor its office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America is in no way claiming to be the Secretary of State of the United States, a company office held by John Kerry.

Point of View

To attempt to claim the office: the Secretary of State of the United States would be considered a demotion, a step down, a reduction in standing, or whatever other adjective that would best describe a demotion.

The whole point of going back to the original Government, claiming it and restructuring it was to get as far away from the oligarchy members of the United States inc. as possible. It is simple, the members of the oligarchy simply do not represent The United States of America nor anyone recognized as being a part of the permanent population and Government of The United States of America. The rumors being spread about the Government of The United States of America attempting to claim the federal position in the world are totally false and a weak attempt for the oligarchy to hold onto power. The members of the oligarchy are looked upon as an embarrassment and are losing power all by themselves. No one envies them, no one wants to be them, and to think someone would want to be them is an insult to the adult mind and looked upon as a really arrogant point of view by the oligarchs. Who in their right mind would want to be a Secretary of State of a company under dictatorial control of the Dutch? That job would completely suck.

Not one word has ever been spoken in any assembly about attempting to fix the United States inc.. Not one word has ever been spoken about correcting anything about the United States inc.

Take a look at this video, it is hard to watch, however, listen to the people, and it is not believed to be scripted. The video is horrible and inspiring at the same time because America is at a point not of waking up, Americans are awake: LINK  What was considered a crazy conspiracy theory 20 years ago is now common knowledge and no longer seen as crazy. Listen carefully to the people and what they are saying, the words they are using to describe the situation. 

In the vision of the future of America is to have all of the States treated as equals, not to be subjugated as colonies. The Government of The United States of America has steered away from the federal vision and structure simply because it does not work correctly and has failed. (17 trillion in debt) Maybe one day, one of these United States just might find it in their hearts to donate a building so the American Nationals can convene face to face. Until then, if anyone hears that rumor about American Nationals claiming the Secretary of State of the United States, just tell them it is rumor and a weak attempt to claim a tort for the purpose of getting rid of future witnesses for future crimes planned by Manhattan Island and its club. The main goal of a criminal is to get rid of witnesses before committing a crime. (jade helm 15)…..


No one is going to believe this!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published  on 04-11-2015 by the American Herald

Hello Readers,

You are not going to believe this!  A Human Rights case was heard by the Human Rights Tribunal- Link here! back in February 2015. The details of the case are basically the same as most cases. The difference is that one of the Human Rights Violators were “Freddie Mac”.

After the case was heard by the Human Rights Tribunal, the tort claimants were asked to file a quiet title action against the parties claiming the property in question and place the Human Rights Tribunal judgment in the case as evidence only.

This is what is not going to be believed. 

History: The Company passed a Patriot Act of 2001 decreeing all of the rights of the people null and void and domestic terrorists in the name of safety.  The Human Rights Tribunal saw the Patriot Act and decided that since the Company had given itself all of these extra liberties, then since all creations are equal, then the Human Rights Tribunal should have the exact same liberties as any other International entity. 

Now all of a sudden, Freddie Mac has Constitutional Rights and Due Process Rights under the United States Constitution (which by the way, there is no such entity or constitution in existence). Further, the State of Minnesota has become involved and attempting to regulate a International Proceeding under State statute thereby protecting Freddie Mac under a due process clause, and a full faith and credit clause which never really existed under government authority. Isn’t Freddie Mac federal?  Freddie Mac is seeking protection from the State of Minnesota from Human Rights violations. The federal venue is seeking state protections as a safe haven from Human Rights violations. 

On or about the middle of March, Maryland throws a human rights defender in jail for two years on a charge that had already been proven false in a previous hearing as retaliation for finding Freddie Mac in violation of Human Rights. Details on that case will be forth coming.

So, instead of fixing or correcting the Human Rights Violations, retaliation in a meeting was the conversation of the day.

It is believed that the people in America have outgrown the Company and its tactics of power grab and greed. The general sense is that the people are simply tolerating the Company with eyes rolling every time the Company or one of its officers come up in a conversation.  When anger turns to pity and a general sense of indifference, the Company has lost all moral standing because the corruption in the eyes of the people turns to finding ways to get away from it regardless of the consequences.

Self correction is the key to independence. Correcting oneself is the mark of an adult. Correction without council, correction without coercion or punishment shows character. Obviously all is lacking with the Company and the protest for correction ceases to be a viable answer.

Therefore, walking away and building something better is the only answer. If people cannot be corrected, nor will they correct themselves due to the ambition of winning, then all spiritual power is lost to those individuals that practice that juvenile behavior.  At this point, the Company employees are no different than those they profess to traffick and punish in their private prisons,

or Maybe the Human Rights Tribunal is just being a big meany head!

Read it for yourself here!


International Public Notice by American National-Maurice Johnson

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 04-04-2015 by the American Herald


Now comes, Maurice Johnson to issue a Public Apology to Judge Alice Tracy of THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE SIXTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, in denying her political right to choose a government, by stating she was citizen of the United States of America Inc., when asking “What government do I belong to?

The Human Rights Defender denied her right to choose a nationality under Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Therefore, the Human Rights Defender is withdrawing the administrative arrest of Alice Tracy and other court officers or any pleadings issued whether on the human rights defenders behalf by consent or otherwise.

Further, Mr. Johnson does have a driver’s proficiency card and as such is able to travel within the metes and bounds of all 50 States of The United States of America under its laws and as an Affirmed American National of the Government of The United States of America.

My Government does not recognize any claims made by the country of Manhattan Island upon one of any of the United States nor The United States of America or its General Post Office. It further does not recognize any non-court of record or court of record established and funded by
the country of Manhattan Island in any one of the United States.

In Honor and Respectfully Noticed to the Public,

Signed Copy: International Public Notice                         HRDI

A further look into “Perpetrators Exposed”

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 04-03-2015 by the American Herald

Hello Readers,

The American Herald likes to go into depth on stories that are published by other newspapers from time to time. THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST published an article entitled “Perpetrators Exposed” on April 1, 2015.

The article goes into some details about Manhattan Island. However, it did not dig deep enough. So the American Herald decided to put some scenarios together that would help those who read the other article get a bigger and better picture of the country as a whole and their personal situation.

Scenario #1

1: Lets explore the possibility that all U.S. citizens are correct that they have constitutional protections and that the United States is a country.

2: Lets explore the idea that we had a revolutionary war in 1776 under the declaration of independence, the Articles of Confederation was established in 1781, and replaced by a better constitution in 1789 where the Federal Government was born and the founding fathers had everyone’s best interest at heart.

3: It would mean in the present time that everyone that is born in the United States is a U.S. citizen with birth right citizenship and a resident of their State. Anyone that thinks they are not subject to federal law is an anti-government nut-job and a danger to the American Society. It would also mean that they hate democracy and are enemies and should be put down like every other rebel in history.  It would further make sense that the American people are very patient and tolerant of others and their political views and judge themselves as an advanced society that tolerate the ignorant and depraved.  Anyone that cannot see how great the people are and their constitution are terrorists that are jealous of the American lifestyle and their freedoms, and how dare they challenge the U.S. and its Military might.

IN scenario #1, that scenario should describe with relative accuracy as to the view of most Americans.

Here is a problem with scenario #1: On June 7, 1629,  the Netherlands settled Manhattan Island as a colony, and then an independent country that does claim the right to establish colonies of its own and has claimed the whole east coast and further to the Mississippi River which apparently still stands today.

Further, it established a central bank called the Bank of New York 1784, known today as the Bank of New York Mellon on Manhattan Island which means it is a foreign Bank to the U.S. because remember, the United States claims to be a country just like Manhattan Island.

Further, Manhattan Island is chartered from the  Netherlands which is also a foreign country to the United States if in fact the United States is a country of its own.

Further, this would also mean that Manhattan Island, being its own country tied to the Netherlands, finances the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. Congress etc… and the U.S. Treasury circulates Manhattan Islands money which would technically mean that the federal reserve notes would be a foreign currency to the United States and the U.S.  The U.S. Treasury does have its own Treasury Note that is debt free and interest free but fails to circulate them to its own U.S. citizens.

If someone can correct this scenario, it would be appreciated. If all courts in the U.S. and the U.S. states will collect nothing but federal reserve notes, that would mean that the prisons, even public prisons would technically belong to Manhattan Island, a foreign country, foreign to the U.S.

Further, this would mean that the United States is allowing a foreign country to traffic all U.S. citizens to a foreign State in all court cases and other conditions. It would also mean that the United States is enforcing tax collections on U.S. citizens in the absence of any law requiring it to a foreign country thereby subjecting all U.S. citizens to a foreign law and social agreement.  The currency of a country defines its independence and its sovereignty.  The federal reserve note belongs and emanates from Manhattan Island, a foreign country. The United States also allows U.S. citizens to pay the debt of a foreign country and enslaves its citizens to that foreign country which means every arrest is an Article 9 violation by every Public Officer of the U.S. or U.S. state. “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.”  Arbitrary: a :  not restrained or limited in the exercise of power :  ruling by absolute authority <an arbitrary government>

To be continued with scenario #2 in a future publishing.


Scenario #1 and #2