Published in the American Herald News on [12-28-2023]
The American National assembly of The United States of America has created the American National Youth Education assembly and is announcing the existence of a new program to teach real history to children and the name of this program is Secrets of America Revealed, hereinafter “S.O.A.R.”.
The issue with children raised within the corporate political subdivision called the United States is that they are only being taught a certain way to shape their beliefs falsely that the United States is a country. It is clearly a corporation operating within the metes and bound and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.
Under the S.O.A.R. program children will learn the real history supported by documents. Children will be taught how to read documents not taught in schools today. They will also be taught what the Constitution of the United States really is, Law of Nations, Articles of Confederation brought forward to the present day as amended on August 5, 2015, both copies of the Declaration of Independence, etc. The list of documents seems endless.
Please do not blame the teachers as they were trained to teach a certain way. The object here is to correct what the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers have taught. When there is an issue, there is a peaceful solution.
The great thing is that the children will earn National currency called the Continental Dollar labor backed (hereinafter CDLB) for participation with the parent or guardian’s permission. A link to the permission slip is provided here; LINK. CDLB is a labor backed currency and is tax free, interest free, and is not created from debt unlike the Federal Reserve Notes. Children will be taught how to use the voucher system.
The Continental Public Bank is where an account can be created AFTER the permission slip is completed and emailed to [email protected]. The link to the Continental Public Bank is provided here. LINK
It is recommended that the parent(s)/guardian(s) download the Telegram app and join the Constitution Q&A channel LINK and come to the presentations on Friday and Saturday nights at 7 pm UTC-6 (central standard time) as adults are taught everything that will be taught in the new S.O.A.R. program. The S.O.A.R. program will be taught on Saturdays at 2 pm UTC-6 (central standard time). The link to the American National Youth Education assembly is provided here. LINK
The S.O.A.R. program will be taught to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders to start with and will expand to children of other ages in the future. January 13th, 2024, Saturday at 2 pm UTC-6 (central standard time) will be the program start date. A website is currently being built for a National school to include other classes and will be announced in the future.
For any questions regarding the S.O.A.R. program, you may call:
Brandon Scott Gibbs at 618-499-4192
Secretary of the American National assembly of The United States of America
Chris Pickelsimer at 864-735-0126
Intern for the Secretary of the American National assembly of The United States of America
Published by Trustee