Published on 07-08-2015 by the American Herald
Dear Readers:
When anyone takes an oath or affirmation to The United States of America, there is a unique perspective that allows the individual to see the American Society from an outside point of view. Most believe this is a condition that happens in the spirit, others believe that the perspective is based on a higher education. Either way, a profound revelation is realized and being shared in this article.
The subject matter is soul sacrifice through spiritual liability and the cannibalization of possessions and reputation. Lets take one example in American Society and expand on that point of view.
There is a case that was heard with a final judgment entitled:
By analyzing this case from an outside perspective, it appears that the case is really solid and upon further inspection, it is a solid case and has been finalized.
However, when taking a look at the whole scenario, the case can be understood from a different point of view.
The question is: What led up to this final judgment? How does the American Society really operate on a daily basis?
The American Society is based on sacrifice and a form of cannibalization. This does not mean that people sacrifice for the sake of others nor does it mean that people are publicly sacrificed on an alter, although Bohemian Grove may be guilty of human sacrifices, but the rumors have not been proven.
Sacrifice in the American Society means that the people will always hire someone to do their dirty work and create Spiritual Liability for those hired to carrying out the dirty work (crimes).
Examples: In the Richard Reinheimer case, Richard lived in a 2.2 million dollar home. In order to maintain that type of lifestyle means someone else is going to have to suffer or do without. In order to keep that home and lifestyle secure and comfortable, someone is going to have to protect the situation by keeping those that are suffering away from the neighborhood. Someone has to be hired to do that dirty work. In order to do away with the spiritual liability for the condition, someone in the neighborhood is going to have to be sacrificed for the sake of the rest of the neighborhood. Richard’s number was up and it was time to make a sacrifice for the rest, there were even neighbors rummaging through the Reinheimer’s family possessions that had been placed on the curb. The family was worried about the neighbors stealing their things. Why? Because deep down people know that they will be sacrificed by their neighbors and friends.
When Richard turned on those people that were hired to do the dirty work that Richard had been benefiting from for so many years, the hired help took it personal because of their sacrifice due to taking on the spiritual liability (crimes) that are necessary to maintain that form of lifestyle.
Families do this same thing to their own children. There is always one “Black Sheep” of the family that is blamed for everything that the other siblings do wrong. The parents will sacrifice one to benefit the other children. It happens all of the time and seems to be done naturally.
On an international level, Pope Francis wants everyone to sacrifice their rights so a World Government can be put in place. Did anyone bother to ask whether or not anyone wanted a World Government? Why would anyone in their right mind give up individual rights to fulfill someones fantasy. What right is claimed to ask people to sacrifice themselves and support through their labor that is taking food out of the mouths of their children to fulfill a religious belief in the form of prophecy? The prophecy could ultimately be completely taken out of context.
People will complain, whimper, whine, and cry over corruption in America. The reality is not one of them will really do anything about it because they benefit from that corruption in one form or another. They want those politicians to commit crimes for them, they want police to do away with undesirables in society to maintain their vision of success and status. Not one of them will really do anything about the corruption because deep down they know that if they really do something, the others benefiting from the crimes will make the “reformer” a sacrifice. People are hired to do the dirty work because the people doing the hiring want to go straight to heaven without any complications. The American Society does have a religion and that religion involves the systematic sacrifice of the souls of others. The religion also involves the sacrifice of their own to maintain the preferred condition through cannibalization of possessions.
The question that remains is: When is your number coming up to be sacrificed for the sake of your neighbors? Everyone knows that the bankers are going no where because privately, everyone wants them there for someone to blame so the blamer can benefit from the crimes. Someone to point at and say they are evil. Someone to sacrifice their neighbor so someone can benefit in home flipping and resales. Someone to blame in Washington D.C. for corruption, while at the same time expecting those same people to kill and murder for the benefit of the society.
There is another way, but the people in this type of sacrificial society will never find that other way because they are benefiting from the Soul Sacrifices, financial sacrifices and possessions cannibalized, and sometimes blood sacrifices with SWAT hits against those outcasts. No need to look any further. The people are benefiting in one way or another.
The American Nationals population is filled with people that have been sacrificed in the American Society with no where else to go. They are outcasts that didn’t fit and were sacrificed in one way or another. If you have been sacrificed because you stood up for the truth or your number came up for a foreclosure (sacrificed) and possessions are cannibalized or you know the truth and cannot take it anymore, then The United States of America is for you. Attempting to fit in the American Society is futile. Once you are sacrificed and your possessions are cannibalized, it is over and you will never recover because your friends and family members do not want to be next. They will turn on you as if you never existed to save themselves and you become the American Societies dirty little secret.