Published in the American Herald News on

[1-2-2024, 1-3-2024 and 1-4-2024]


The people for Sedgwick county of the State of Kansas of The United States of America have established the Sedgwick county assembly Constitution provided herein; LINK

Published by Trustee

Introducing the American National Youth Education assembly and the Secrets of America Revealed program!

Published in the American Herald News on [12-28-2023]


The American National assembly of The United States of America has created the American National Youth Education assembly and is announcing the existence of a new program to teach real history to children and the name of this program is Secrets of America Revealed, hereinafter “S.O.A.R.”.

The issue with children raised within the corporate political subdivision called the United States is that they are only being taught a certain way to shape their beliefs falsely that the United States is a country. It is clearly a corporation operating within the metes and bound and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.

Under the S.O.A.R. program children will learn the real history supported by documents. Children will be taught how to read documents not taught in schools today. They will also be taught what the Constitution of the United States really is, Law of Nations, Articles of Confederation brought forward to the present day as amended on August 5, 2015, both copies of the Declaration of Independence, etc. The list of documents seems endless.

Please do not blame the teachers as they were trained to teach a certain way. The object here is to correct what the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers have taught. When there is an issue, there is a peaceful solution.

The great thing is that the children will earn National currency called the Continental Dollar labor backed (hereinafter CDLB) for participation with the parent or guardian’s permission. A link to the permission slip is provided here; LINK. CDLB is a labor backed currency and is tax free, interest free, and is not created from debt unlike the Federal Reserve Notes. Children will be taught how to use the voucher system.

The Continental Public Bank is where an account can be created AFTER the permission slip is completed and emailed to [email protected]. The link to the Continental Public Bank is provided here. LINK

It is recommended that the parent(s)/guardian(s) download the Telegram app and join the Constitution Q&A channel LINK and come to the presentations on Friday and Saturday nights at 7 pm UTC-6 (central standard time) as adults are taught everything that will be taught in the new S.O.A.R. program. The S.O.A.R. program will be taught on Saturdays at 2 pm UTC-6 (central standard time). The link to the American National Youth Education assembly is provided here. LINK

The S.O.A.R. program will be taught to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders to start with and will expand to children of other ages in the future.  January 13th, 2024, Saturday at 2 pm UTC-6 (central standard time) will be the program start date. A website is currently being built for a National school to include other classes and will be announced in the future.

For any questions regarding the S.O.A.R. program, you may call:

Brandon Scott Gibbs at 618-499-4192

Secretary of the American National assembly of The United States of America


Chris Pickelsimer at 864-735-0126

Intern for the Secretary of the American National assembly of The United States of America

Published by Trustee

Introducing State of Oklahoma’s Mayes county assembly Constitution!

Published in the American Herald News on

[12-06-2023, 12-07-2023 and 12-08-2023]


The people for Mayes county of the State of Oklahoma of The United States of America have established the Mayes county assembly Constitution provided herein; LINK

Published by Trustee

Notice of Liability for Denver City Council and neighboring Counties

Published in the American Herald News on [10-25-2023]



The State Coordinator for Chapter 7 – State of Colorado for The United States of America and North American National Party, the political authority within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of these United States hereby informs the Denver City Council, Air Quality Control Commission, neighboring Counties and Denver Building Departments of liability to cease and desist the intended overreach in the restrictions and permission associated with Gas burning equipment, appliances and HVAC systems.  

Arbitrary claims of “qualified”, “judicial” and “sovereign” immunity to circumvent liability from committing human right violations including but not limited to trafficking in persons, forced association, slavery, religious persecution and psychological warfare upon the permanent population are null and void. All persons are subject to international law including all political subdivisions within the political subdivision states under the political authority of the United States corporation. Operating outside of Washington D.C. is within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America and the States of the Union.  

The Right of Self-determination is free from the burden of the Communist Totalitarian Uni-Party, (CTU). The continued actions by Communist organizations is a violation of the Communist Expulsion Act of 2019. Record File Number: RH-20191118-5B7C-404B-9ZVX-5 C163ZM61108 

The known Marxists/ Communitarianism pushers of Climate Change are unjust and openly racist. Conspiracy to Acts of Piracy violates international law, Public Law 83-637 and Human Rights of the populace. Cease and desist with dictating how Engineers design the building systems, homeowners free-will choices of appliances, coercion of building ‘upgrades’ and all types of gas burning equipment of the people and businesses choosing. “Sales restrictions” is political correctness to redefine the word “ban” and prohibition will fail.  

Fake Net Zero or Zero emissions is merely advocacy for corporate governance through sustainable development, an unrealistic goal advocated for by the World Economic Forum, a non-governmental organization that has openly admitted to penetrating key positions in various governments, a Capital Crime to advance financial agendas. Carbon Offset is fictitious.

Social exploitation of inhabitants can be measured as belligerent under Public Laws 101 of The United States of America and the States of the Union (formerly known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). 

The City and County of Denver, Colorado Air Pollution Control Division, associated Counsel’s, neighboring political subdivision Counties and Denver Building Department has Thirty (30) days to redress the current projected plans. After this time limit the public Tribunals for The United States of America will be updated with the individual names of those persons  conspiring together to commit nefarious offenses of international law. 





4) Articles of Confederation, Article IX, “respective states shall be restrained from imposing such imposts and duties on foreigners, as their own people are subjected to, or from prohibiting the exportation or importation of any species of goods or commodities whatsoever”

5) What is the Law of Nations?

US Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 10: “To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations.”




 Proceeding with discretion is suggested.


State Coordinator for Chapter 7 – State of Colorado

This 218th Day in the year of Yahweh 6025 and the 23rd day of October in the two thousand and twenty third year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.

Certified document provided herein; LINK

Published by Trustee

National Demand to Outagamie County and Forest County in Case Number(s) 2021CF000176, 2022CF001159 and 2023CF000921 in the matter of STATE OF WISCONSIN vs. ANDREW JAMES BURNETT

Published in the American Herald News on [10-19-2023, 10-20-2023 & 10-21-2023]


National Demand to Outagamie County and Forest County in Case Number(s) 2021CF000176, 2022CF001159 and 2023CF000921 in the matter of STATE OF WISCONSIN vs. ANDREW JAMES BURNETT

Published by the American National assembly of The United States of America LINK

Attempted Murder alleged for false claim as a Sovereign Citizen!

Published in the American Herald News on [10-04-2023]


Attempted Murder, Slander and Defamation alleged against agent David Alan Brasher for arbitrarily claiming a reign citizen as a Sovereign Citizen.

Claim provided herein; LINK

Declaration of Existence of a Given Name for Nathaniel, formerly known as Kirk Edwin Jensen, provided herein; LINK

Published by Trustee