Published in the American Herald News on (3-17-2023)
The political subdivision commonwealths and states of the United States corporation (hereinafter “subdivisions”) in conjunction with the American Dental Association (hereinafter “ADA”) have conspired together to use dentists as administrators of experimental biological weapons upon the civilian inhabitant populace causing further potential adverse reactions and death LINK.
The ADA House of Delegates have officially announced its corrupt agenda to associate with the United Nations and World Economic Forum’s One World Order agenda for transhumanism, medical slavery, and carbon-population reduction. Experimental injections are also used for tracking purposes to incorporate Environmental, Social, and Governance “ESG`S” as part of the satanic Climate worship for a tyrannical communist agenda LINK.
The American Dental Political Action Committee (hereinafter “ADPAC”) advocates for association with the political party corporations of the United States corporation through lobbying as evidenced in an excerpt from the ADA’s About ADPAC website link; “Through the financial contributions of member dentists, ADPAC supports congressional candidates who understand the importance of dentistry and its contribution to overall health” LINK.
Minnesota subdivision’s bill SF-475 passed unanimously without objection for ADA members to administer injections of said biological weapons, along with other subdivisions, thereby complicit in the tyrannical communist governance agenda not representative of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights LINK. This advocation for communist governance mimics the Chinese Communist Party way of life. Violations of Human rights include but are not limited to: Nuremberg Code violations, Communism, Enslavement, Forced Association, Terrorism/Domestic, and Genocide LINK.
Supporting links provided below
Current Policies | American Dental Association (ada.org)
About ADPAC | American Dental Association (ada.org)
Published by Great Jury for General Post Union of The United States of America