PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 06-24-2023
Many organizations do not pay attention to some of the wording of their publications and or notices when they are published. The wording in the following notice did not in anyway accurately reflect the true intent of the reign of the heavens society Temple at that time:

The wording made it appear as if the assembly for the reign of the heavens society Temple placed Jesus, the Christ, also known as Yeshua on His throne that has been His rightful throne before the assembly for the reign of the heavens society Temple was thought into existence. The wording has been amended to acknowledging Jesus, the Christ/Yeshua is King of the reign of the heavens and the reign of the heavens society Temple and always will. As a matter of fact, Jesus, the Christ/Yeshua is the King on the earth and in Heaven and all power has been given to Him as acknowledged within the constitution of the reign of the heavens. LINK.