The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America passes a defense rule against 527 political organizations!
The communist Republican and Democratic 527 organizations, its police unions, private legislatures and its communist courts are becoming more and more aggressive under world communism influence.
A new rule has been created for the North American National Party creating republic forms of Governments.
Rule adopted: The North American National Party shall have the authority to protect itself and its members from direct political attacks or from political attacks disguised as judicial, administrative or otherwise; with auto-common law liens translated into federal common law liens against the Republican and Democratic 527 organizations; at any time after a International Notice of intent to sue has been served by the ambassador or office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America or the Government of The United States of America.
The lien(s) shall be in the amount of 50,000,000.00 XRP (fifty-million XRP) claim per incident until both 527 organizations learn the lesson(s) of equal rights and the fact that they are not gods of the earth.
All translations into federal common law liens will be signed by the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America.
For with power comes responsibility and these 527 organizations display the traits of undisciplined and childish communists everyday.
The Government of The United States of America spends way too much of its time and resources cleaning up the mess of the aforementioned 527 organizations and consistently attempting to educate its members. A political process does not need due process nor international due process.
The American Nationals and residents are consistently faced with no due process everyday within the 527 organizations courts which means that everything is a political process wherein no judicial process exists and two can play that game.
This rule applies to all past, present and future accusations from these aforementioned 527 organizations so the Government of The United States of America can close out the books and get the cases settled.
The communist Republican and Democratic 527 organizations can contact the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America at: at any time to discuss terms of peace; otherwise the communist Republican and Democratic 527 organizations can keep racking up international liabilities by consistently attacking civilians with its military forces within each of its illegal creature states within States.
Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.