Published on 02-13-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
The Government of The United States of America hereby introduces two Ambassadors for the Government of The United States of America:
1: Ambassador Susan Kay Hanzlik-
About: Susan has served as an ambassador since June of 2015. Her primary work deals with Native American Tribes. Susan’s grandfather was Cherokee and Ojibwe. Her work with the Native Americans has been ongoing and she has made a lot of friends. Susan’s calm attitude and understanding voice has helped to heal some of the wounds by and between the Government of The United States of America and the Native American Tribes.
Susan says; “If you never lie, you never have to say your sorry”, “Honesty is always the best policy because you never have to remember your lies” and “Never take advantage of people no matter who they are or where they come from and you never have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life”.
2: Ambassador Lanny Kay Talbot:
About: The Government of The United States of America desired to honor the family lineage of Lanny Kay Talbot. Lanny is a direct descendant of Richard Morrill. This means that Lanny Kay Talbot and Benjamin Franklin are related.
Both Lanny Kay Talbot and Benjamin Franklin are direct descendants of Richard Morrill who lived in England from 1561-1615. LINK
Every office holder is overwhelmed at the fact that each office reformed and filled is a direct successor of the great men and women that fought in the Revolution of 1776. This honor is not taken lightly.
Since Lanny Kay Talbot is a descendant, then it was thought appropriate to keep the tradition and appoint Lanny Kay Talbot an ambassador for the Government of The United States of America.
Lanny is very patient and accepts responsibility easily. Lanny takes care of his family members when they are in need which is an honorable thing to do. Lanny is very easy to talk to and very sharp when it comes to right or wrong.
If any government would like to contact either of these ambassadors, go to the Virtual Embassy here for contact information: LINK
Judicial Branch of the Government of The United States of America
Lanny Kay Talbot had to be replaced as the Clerk for the Court for the Government of The United States of America.
The Government of The United States of America hereby introduces a new Clerk for the Court for the Government of The United States of America, Juan Manuel Rueda!
Juan has been learning from the committee for the Government of The United States of America for a while now and is a good addition to the Judicial Branch.
The Government of The United States of America hereby introduces the human rights compliant, Titles of Nobility compliant, and republic form of Government compliant office of Justice and Human Rights!
The Judicial Branch has been working diligently to resolve the Title of Nobility problem when it pertains to the prosecution of the laws of the Government of The United States of America. It is believed that the problem has been solved with the office of Justice and Human Rights.
A: Criminal Procedure and process link
B: Equity Process link
The criminal procedure resolves the problem of a private membership association representing a created STATE within a State. The criminal procedure does not put lawyers out of business. The criminal procedure balances the equation and resolves many current problems. The whole purpose of a Bar Association is to make sure that the established attorney’s keep the competition of new lawyers at bay. The criminal procedure may start a historical reformation of which could possibility change the course of history thereby removing the mistake of repeating it.
The Government of The United States of America has been a proud tradition and may she never fall to the wayside again.