Published on 03-21-2015 by the American Herald
Letter By and from; Thomas Goudey, and the Government of The United States of America,
To; Nicolas Maduro and The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in response to http://www.globalresearch.ca/letter-to-the-people-of-the-united-states-venezuela-is-not-a-threat/5437487
Letter in PDF
By and from; Thomas Goudey, and the Government of The United States of America,
To; Nicolas Maduro and The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,
We are the Nationals of The United States of America, our people believe in peace and respect for all nations. Our Government is not to be confused with the United States Inc. which is in existence to manage the U.S. persons on the White House plantation operated by the descendants of George Washington. In other words, the Central and South American countries have been tricked into believing that the United States is a government.
For two centuries, our people have been oppressed by the United States inc. also operating as the U.S. Military arm for the Crown Temple and Vatican City state forming a three city state empire. This oppression unfortunately has reach to the other Americans known as the American Indians.
Now, the same oppression is reaching our fellow Americans on the Central and Southern Continent.
This letter is being published as an honest answer to the letter published in the New York Times on March 17th, 2015 by Nicolas Maduro and The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
To address the people of the U.S. is to address displaced persons. They have all been trafficked to a District out of the jurisdiction of the States and The United States of America. This fact has been published, and the U.S. persons seem unconcerned with their predicament and lack the will to address the problem.
The U.S. persons have also been notified that the Queen of England is their Chief Administrator of their Social Security System. That fact has also been ignored and they continue to believe themselves a free and independent people.
Further, it has also been published that the United States has been surrendered to Islam with plenty of evidence. That fact has also been ignored by the U.S. persons. The U.S. persons are very concerned at the moment as to which team will win the NCAA Tournament where the Muslim president has already publicized his bracket on television.
The U.S. courts and all U.S. state courts are busy buying and selling displaced persons from public to private prisons and using the private prison system as a way to steal currency from other displaced persons from over 3 million to 8 million families. All of this evidence has been published.
The U.S. Military officers have been notified that they have been issuing orders to help Islam expand its influence and every time one of the officers bring this truth to light, they are fired by the Muslim president. The United States, in Congress assembled re-instated their commissions in assembly on March 18th, 2015.
The Republican and Democratic Party members are busy manipulating policies to raise and lower the value of stocks in the stock market to fill their pockets while in office. Further, the same people have been in Washington D.C. for about 40 years moving from one office to another in the oligarchy that has been in power ever since 1789 under the protection of the Crown Temple, the Vatican, and Manhattan Island under the charter from the Netherlands.
The purpose of this open letter is to impart to The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela that it is being manipulated into an Islamic State. The Muslim president is acting arbitrarily and The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela need not be concerned about any violence coming from the U.S. persons. The real concern has been addressed in the aforementioned paragraphs.
The Government of The United States of America has been attempting to contact all of the Central and South American countries to initiate the American National Project and other forms of agreements that with the support of our central and southern neighbors can be accomplished.
The threat that the American Continent is under is coming from Islam and its growing influence. For within 20 years, all of the displaced U.S. persons will be dead or Muslim. This fact will ultimately affect the central and southern Americas. These American Nationals believe that all of us are Americans that need to come together in peace to fend off this threat that has already taken most of not all of Europe.
The National Government of The United States of America does not believe for one minute that The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a threat in anyway. The ranting of a madman and the rhetoric of the oligarchy members are ignored by many and hated by all of the rest that are very aware of the real threat.
Many efforts of the National Government of The United States of America that have been attempted to inform the rest of the world of the truth of its existence have been illegally thwarted by the oligarchy of United States inc., both at the United Nations and the Netherlands.
All evidence that is offered has been quickly covered up both within the U.S. states and especially at the local level. The locals believe anything they are told by the oligarchy members as the gospel and absolute truth as if the information has emanated from God and in this case Allah. Most of the locals truly believe that the United States is a country even when the evidence is right in front of them as if they have been brain washed in a cult like mentality. It is very frightening to witness.
So, therefore, it will take the Central and Southern America’s to assist the Government of The United States of America in its effort for full recognition as the National Government, if the Central and Southern America’s wish to remain free from the oppression of Islam.
Kind Regards,
Thomas Frank Goudey – Secretary of State
The United States of America