Chief Justice John Roberts caught lying to the public and the world!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Chief Justice John Roberts is caught lying to the Public and the World in the following statement: Link!

“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

It was further stated by the New Yorker that Chief Justice John Roberts believed the following:

“He is, after all, a judicial conservative who believes in deference to the intentions of the founders, and they clearly wanted to establish the federal judiciary as an independent branch of government.”

After reviewing the constitution of the United States 1789: Link! It does not use the word judiciary wherein everyone knows that terms are everything in the legal world. This term “judiciary” was used after the 1960’s and placed into a lot of State constitutions with the intent to create a monopoly for Attorney’s wherein only a member of the American Bar Association could qualify for office in the “Judiciary”. The term was slightly changed from Judicial to “judiciary”. The change went un-noticed by the Public at Large and the fact that the amending of those State constitutions was never voted on by the people nor the change in term.

The term “Judiciary” was found in the Universal Charter of the Judge under Article 11: Link!

“Art. 11 – Administration and disciplinary action
The administration of the judiciary and disciplinary action towards judges must be organized in
such a way, that it does not compromise the judges genuine independence, and that attention is only
paid to considerations both objective and relevant.”

Further the term Independence was found here in the Universal Charter of the Judge:

“Art. 1 – Independence
Judges shall in all their work ensure the rights of everyone to a fair trial. They shall promote the
right of individuals to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and
impartial tribunal established by law, in the determination of their civil rights and obligations or of
any criminal charge against them.

The independence of the judge is indispensable to impartial justice under the law. It is indivisible.
All institutions and authorities, whether national or international, must respect, protect and defend
that independence.”

A judicial branch of any government is designed to be impartial and or neutral in all cases, not INDEPENDENT. The term independent means that a judicial branch, any judicial branch has claimed independence against the document that created it and therefore claiming to be independent is a clear violation of its own creation.

Where are the lies by Chief Justice John Roberts?

1: Chief Justice John Roberts cannot claim to work for a one supreme Court because he stated that he advocates for a independent judiciary wherein an independent judiciary does not exists in any documents other than a foreign document and approved by a foreign association known as: Link!

International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195

2: How can an extra ordinary group of judges do equal right to anyone when their person has to be trafficked in violation of the Protocol to Prevent. Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons Link! in order to quote “appear before them”?

3: Chief Justice Jon Roberts goes even further with the biggest lie and slap in the face ever witnessed in today’s political turmoil by stating:

“That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”; which means we should all be thankful for the treachery witnessed thus far by 9 people, one being a publicly admitted Jesuit under Roman Law and a foreign monarch, Pope Francis.

4: The term Judiciary is under Roman Law: Link! Does anyone remember voting on changing the law form of this country to and under Roman Law?

5: Notice that the Code of Conduct for United States Judges is written under cannons meaning that canon law is directly under the Roman Law in Roma Italy. Link!

Chief Justice (in name only)John Roberts lied to the whole world by presenting his office as existing within the United States under that title that no longer exists within the United States because it was trafficked into and under a foreign monarch called Pope Francis in violation of every law on the planet. Not to mention that all proceedings are determined under Lex Fori: Link! another roman law and roman public markets.

The bottom line is that the United States does not have a populated judicial branch and all of the roman law states within States followed suit. There are no judges within any judicial branch of the United States or the states they created that are not under foreign Roman Law, therefore no American Judges can exist. To state this one more time for people that are having a hard time grasping this so called new judiciary, all judges fall under roman law that is foreign to the United States and The United States of America and are dictating Roman Military Law against civilians which constitute war crimes in every case no matter how small.

Further, if you have not declared residency or taken an oath or affirmation of allegiance to Rome and Roman Law, your person has to be trafficked in order to appear before any judge because they are foreign to the United States and The United States of America and achieved that status in violation of Chapter 12 of the Law of Nations.

Many may try to argue that John Roberts is referring to the word judiciary meaning a collective of judges, that argument may have standing if it were not for the fact that the Universal Charter of the Judge and the code of conduct under cannon law exists. These foreign judges are attempting to do away with the borders of the country which would legalize their treachery because no one would exist within a judicial branch to stop them….oops, in their minds that already happened. If it were not for the Government of The United States of America and the claiming of the metes and bounds of the country and the blood moon of 2015, we may all be in a worse position than we are now complete with a chip in the hand and a total politically correct language to boot.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


International Arrest Warrant issued against the original Charter of the Judge and the ruling of U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

                               Grounds for the International Arrest Warrant

The grounds for this international arrest warrant include but are not limited to acts committed by Jon Tigar under a foreign sovereign Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem also known as Order of the Holy Sepulchre or Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, wherein is a Roman Catholic order of knighthood under the protection of the Holy See.

Its hidden Trojan horse resides within the Universal Charter of the Judge wherein Pope Francis is issuing orders to said U.S. federal judges. These orders emanating from Pope Francis are in violation of Chapter 12 of the Law of Nations and further using the violation of Chapter 12 to attack civilians which constitute war crimes. War criminals are not with the authority to issue orders nor is anyone obligated to follow said orders. LINK!

Pope Francis and its Totalitarian Party World Communist Revolution is being fought within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America against the States of the Union. Pope Francis has declared war against the States of the Union by issuing false authority as it pertains to the metes and bounds of a foreign country thereby using U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar as a mouth piece for Pope Francis itself.

Pope Francis is in violation of numerous Articles within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and seems to be hoping to get its World Communist Government over the seven continents completed before anyone can or will catch it committing war crimes against civilians, to wit;

Official Translation!

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


International Arrest Warrant issued against the original Charter of the Bank of New York 1784 brought forward to the present time!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Source: LINK!

It appears that the responsible party(s) have been identified for over 230 years of funding international crimes/terrorism and international criminals. The Totalitarian Party has been exposed.

The details of this action taken can be found at the following links:



Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Introducing the New National Government of the State of Arizona!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The signatories of the National Government of the State of Arizona have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We, the American Nationals and Declared Residents of the State of Arizona, grateful to Almighty Creator for our freedoms, do ordain this Constitution under the obligations of the Law of Nations to sustain a republic National Government styled as the National Government of the State of Arizona and within the scope of international law by recognizing Nation/State relations for growth into a perfect perpetual Union within The United States of America and to protect the
freedoms and rights of those under the obligation thereof within the social compact of this Constitution. ”



More lies by Anna Von Reitz and once again published by her cohort Paul Stramer without any fact checking!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Source: LINK!

So here we go again, same people telling the same lie over and over hoping it will eventually become the truth. Adolf Hitler did the same thing.

Quote by Anna: The wage of fraud is confusion.

Let’s straighten out everyone’s thinking right here and now.

No actual government can be incorporated.

Answer: True, no government can be incorporated.

Quote by Anna: The reason for this is that the moment you incorporate anything, a charter is issued by another, different sovereign entity—thereby subjecting it to the authority of the other sovereign.

Answer: True

Quote by Anna: Scotland can’t issue a charter for the actual government of America. At most, the nasty vermin can infringe on our international copyright and create a commercial corporation doppelganger. Which is precisely what they did in 1868 and what they are trying to do now.

Answer: No one can prove or deny what is quoted here because there are no links to the documents as evidence against Scotland,. so the claim falls under hearsay. The above quote without evidence gives Scotland a right to sue for international tort which costs about 300 million per tort.

Quote by Anna: And as for Keith Livingway and T-Roh they are trying to capitalize on the original Scottish fraud of 1868, trying to say that they bought an interest in that defunct Scottish commercial corporation and therefore now own America.

Answer: Keith Livingway and THE T-ROH SHOW never made any such claim or claims as stated in the above quote. That means that the quote is a lie and falls under false propaganda.

Quote by Anna: Good luck with that bull crap.

Answer: It would be bullcrap if the quote were true, but its not.

Quote by Anna: “The United States of America, Incorporated” created in 1868 in Scotland was chartered by the Scottish Government, not the American Government.

Answer: Where is the link to the documents proving the above quote?, and once again falls under hearsay and opens this country up to a legal tort coming from Scotland.

Quote by Anna: And this defunct Scottish entity owes us a helluva lot of money. It’s just a matter of how hard we want to press the issue of their fraud at this late date. Bank of Scotland, do you hear me? BIS?

Answer: The above quote is stated as if the previous quote were true and falls under a mere assumption that the one that made the quote is not making a false claim. The diversion tactic of writing “BIS” as if that is the entity responsible is for the purpose of re-directing your power away from the liar. In other words, its a Ghost Claim!

Quote by Anna: As you can see, it isn’t even possible for any entity incorporated by any other government to be our government.

Answer: In reality, there is no government claiming to be Anna’s government because the Government of The United States of America denied Anna’s resident declaration LINK! because of her blood oath to a foreign Monarch:LINK! which recently advocates for the RFID Chip Implantation of everyone: LINK!

Quote by Anna: And it is the same way for the “United States of America” Inc. chartered by the Roman Catholic Church in Delaware in 1925. That entity is subject to Delaware, which is obviously not able to act as “the” government of this country.

Answer: Once again no links to any documents proving the quote and now gives the Roman Catholic Church the right to claim tort against this country. In reality, Anna is helping Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church as anyone with a blood oath would do for her foreign Monarch by giving them legal standing for international tort by making claims against them that have not been proven.

Quote by Anna: There is one and only one lawful government of this country still standing in international jurisdiction, and that is The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the member States —- Wisconsin, Kentucky, Maine, Texas, and so on.

Answer: The above quote is correct except the States names which would be another lie. The problem Anna is having personally is her blood oath to a foreign Monarch which disqualifies her to enter into the States of the Union through the Government of The United States of America. She has to do a document called a “Defection” document, however it is unclear as to whether defection absolves her of a blood oath. Further, as stated above, Anna cannot enter into The United States of America because there is no evidence that the blood oath has been released against her person. To allow Anna to enter The United States of America may possibly cause her death because a blood oath broken is a death sentence.

Quote by Anna: The Universal Postal Union knows that it has contracts with the unincorporated version so none of the idiocy being promoted by Keith Livingway and “T-Roh” will be honored.

A incorporated entity acting “as” a government is not a government.

Answer: In reality that Treaty agreement was dissolved because of the defect in the entities and the fact that a two year law student signed the treaty on behalf of Lewis Cass Peyseur. The same Lewis Cass Peyseur that created the chameleon paper that the federal reserve note is printed on today. Source: Pandora’s Box by Alex Christopher. This was sent to the UPU in 2012 and two years later, the Government of The United States of America dissolved the Treaty LINK!. That is the real reason why the UPU is not talking to the Government of The United States of America. We told them to take a hike.

Quote by Anna: Because the fraud artists created all these deceptively named incorporated entities in foreign countries there is a lot of confusion. Most recently we have had to deal with “The Republic of the United States of America” (France) and “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” (Scotland— again!)

Answer: Where are the links, there is no proof of this action taken and where is the authority of a foreign subject of a foreign Monarch have the right to speak of behalf of America or the real The United States of America without being a party to it?

Quote by Anna: But all these incorporated impostors are not our government and can’t be our government. They are merely identity thieves trying to get a governmental services contract by a process of “assumption” long after we have told all of them, including Keith Livingway’s group, thanks, but no thanks.

Answer: First, Keith Livingway does not have a group. Second, an impostor is one that claims to be a part of something where a blood oath proves something different.

Quote by Anna: All this fraud has to end.

Answer: Exactly, when is Anna going to stop all of this fraud she has been claiming under a foreign Monarch?

Quote by Anna: Apparently, some officers in the military thought that because there was a “Grand Army of the Republic” that there had to be “a” Republic, but in fact, the lawful government of our country in international jurisdiction is now and has always been a Federation of States (not a Confederation of States of States) operated in tandem with state Republics—- fifty of them.

Answer: The above quote is parroting Adam Weishaupt”s theory and plan on how the country should be setup in clear violation of the Law of Nations.

Quote by Anna: So, please, everyone, get your heads clear on the subject of sovereignty and subjection. Incorporated entities are always 100% of the time subject to a sovereign entity. I think all Americans can agree on the fact that our government is not now and never has been chartered by Scotland or France.

Answer: The Government of The United States of America has never claimed to be incorporated and has always maintained that it came from the 1774 original Union, the original General Post Office of 1775, the 1781 Articles of Confederation, as amended August 5th 2015 and brought forward to the present time. No one bought anything at any auction, no one invested anything but the sweat of their brow. Everything that has been done was accomplished by simple hard work to the tune of 15 to 18 hours per day which put a strain on many marriages and families and further placed many lives in danger.

Quote by Anna: Let’s bring all this confusion to a halt and end all the fraud as well.

Answer: The only one causing confusion is Anna Von Reitz with her cohort Paul Stramer. Neither has ever stayed on the same path nor have they ever accomplished anything throughout their existence as a internet presence. They have both mastered the art of the same lie over and over in hopes that one day everyone will believe it just like their masters do, Adam Weishaupt and Pope Francis.


The assembly of the American Continent has convened for the first time!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

With each National Government that has been formed, the signatories ratified the Charter of the American Continent. Those National Governments that ratified the Charter, have convened on 11-02-2018.

Discussion was about electing a Secretary General and various other subjects that were in need of discussion. The assembly of the American Continent was adjourned until a future date certain.

Published by the committee of the National assembly of the Government of The United States of America.


New information from the National Government of the State of California: Southern Border Invasion!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The National Government of the State of California hereby states that the course has seemed to change as indicated on the map below:

It appears that the National Government of the State of New Mexico is being alerted to the invasion path and will receive the same support as the National Government of the State of Texas.

Published by the office of the Governor of the National Government of the State of California

Jason Perez
[email protected]

Statement from the National Government of the State of New Hampshire; Southern Border Crises!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

             Reference: Migrant Caravan heading to the States of the Union Southern Border

The people of the State of New Hampshire find our fellow Texans and through the Charter of the American Continent, we find ourselves in the middle of International aggression. Our countries Southern Border is under attack, and our fellow Texans are in great need of assistance.

In accordance with the Law of Nations, the people of the State of New Hampshire have the absolute right to protect the Northern and Southern border by any means necessary. Anyone who volunteers to stand at post for the sole purpose of upholding their right under the Law of Nations is with authority. Anyone who stands against you is a traitor and will be treated as a traitor.

The National Government of the State of New Hampshire will do everything within its authority to protect the lives, property and any other threat that may arise in political retaliation against you or your family. Your right under the Law of Nations is your protection.

The Caravan invading our Southern Border must not succeed in their endeavors to violate the basic principles of the Law of Nations.

The National Government of the State of New Hampshire has accepted and acknowledged the obligations of the Law of Nations and stand in compact with the National Government of the State of Texas upon our ratification of the charter of the American Continent. An attack on the State of Texas is an attack on the State of New Hampshire.

The Organization of American States is in violation and dishonor and therefore does not stand for not speaking out against its charters violations. They sit there and do nothing and say nothing. The OAS is in dishonor against its own charter and has fallen.

We must all support and have the backs of the U.S. Military, our Militias and National Guard if it is their intent to protect the Borders, time will tell the truth.

Published by the office of the registrar for the National Government of the State of New Hampshire:

Email [email protected]

David Keith Aubrey


Statement from the National Government of the State of Texas!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Reference: Migrant Caravan heading to the State of Texas

My fellow Texans, we find ourselves in the middle of an International crises funded by people that do not like the fact that the State of Texas exists. These same people have worked tirelessly to undermine our core values.

In accordance with the Law of Nations, the Texans have the absolute right to protect the southern border by any means necessary. Anyone who volunteers to stand at post for the sole purpose of upholding their right under the Law of Nations is automatically immune from suit by any third party.

The National Government of the State of Texas will do everything within its authority to protect the lives, property and any other threat that may arise in political retaliation against you or your family. Your right under the Law of Nations is your protection.

It is time to put away childish fears, selfish wants and stand as the people with allegiance to the State of Texas. The Caravan must not succeed in their endeavors to violate the basic principles of the Law of Nations.

The National Government of the State of Texas is a Government of Laws and not of men, we must all do our part to protect the interests of our children, their future and their State from this lawlessness heading our way.

We must all support and have the backs of the U.S. Military, our Militias and National Guard. Many have asked when, and the answer is now.

Published by the office of the registrar for the National Government of the State of Texas:

Email: [email protected]
Graham Bradford Lascsak


Motions by the committee of the National assembly as it pertains to the Southern Border invasion!


                                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The following motions were passed by the committee of the National assembly in preparations for the coming invasion: LINK!

Motions by the committee of the National assembly: Motion to assign the PAG’s Across America as prosecutors at the War Crimes Tribunal, motion had a second, no objections, motion passed.

Motion to alert the Human Rights Defenders as witnesses to the War Crimes Tribunal, motion had a second, no objections, motion passed.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America,
