Published in the American Herald on 5-16-2022
The United States of America
NAC Address: 70PHZ P5FJ2
State of Iowa judicial district 15
NAC Address: 76B5V PXQZ6
NAC Address: 7089W PV9PG
Affidavit of Fact
Comes now the Trustee for KEVIN MICHAEL JUHAS, PMA, hereinafter “Affiant”, being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has first- hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and;
- Affiant states that Kevin Michael Juhas hereinafter, “KMJ”, is a natural born American and on (December 30th, 2019) KMJ signed a State resident Declaration to The United States of America declaring KMJ’s residency evidenced in Exhibit 1 within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- KMJ accepted and acknowledged signed and submitted the Bilateral Social Compact by and between the people for The United States of America thereby claiming KMJ’s person exists as one of the people within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, on (February 27th, 2020) further entering a body politic in accordance with the codified Law of Nations evidenced in Exhibit 2 within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- On (October 15th, 2020) KMJ took a Declaration and Affirmation of National for The United States of America, thereby becoming part of the permanent population of State of Iowa, one of the States of the Union of The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit 3 within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- Affiant joined the North American National Party and signed a Political Affiliation Declaration and Bi Lateral Social Compact evidenced in the link provided herein; LINK, and
- KMJ signed an alleged loan with Bank of Bennington located at (122North156 Street Bennington, Nebraska 68007) for real personal property located at (2758 Avenue C Council Bluffs Iowa 51501) on (November 25th, 2015) KMJ signed a promissory for Fifty-eight Thousand, Four-hundred dollars $58,400. Known as loan #31316, this was followed by another loan for Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-two USD Dollars Sixty-three (63) Cents $2,572.63 as “SECONDARY FINANCING”, and
- The (LOAN #31316) and loan known as “SECONDARY FINANCING” is contract Fraud- a violation of Public Law-101-3, and at the time of signing the aforementioned Note Affiant was oblivious to the fraud associated with contracting for land deeds with bankers Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12 and Public Law-101-17-2 as well as the demand for U.S. currency only, FIAT currency with no substance or value, therefore of negative value. Debts cannot be discharged with negative value currency therefore perpetual debt Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), Theft- a violation of Public Law-101-7, Public Law-101-12, Public Law-101-17-1 and Public Law-101-17-2 results thereof, and
- Public policy was put into place to stop private organizations from committing nefarious acts. Affiant is stating that Public Law 10 June 5, 1933, 4:40 p.m. 31 U.S.C.A. 462, 463 House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10) was violated, and has occurred of the note BORROWERS PROMISE TO PAY “In return for a loan that I have received I promise to pay U.S. $ 58,400 called Principal”), plus interest, to order of the lender. The Lender is BANK OF BENNINGTON, A NEBRASKA CORPORATION” for payment of a particular kind of currency wherein the United States is in Bankruptcy, and
- I3 BANK fail to realize that their demand for United States currency in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, hereinafter “FRN”, is a demand for debt currency or FIAT currency that has no value or substance, therefore no debt may be discharged by payments of mere Notes. Refusal to accept a National currency in the form of United Continental Dollars, hereinafter “UCD”, is a breach of the restored contract by and between the United States and the United States of America LINK, therefore the 1982 repeal to HJR 192 known as PL 97-258 was passed by the now nullified U.S. Congress.
- BANK OF BENNINTON allegedly loaned KMJ money (LOAN#31316) that paid for a real personal property, in return for Promissory Notes to repay that amount, and
- .BANK OF BENNINGTON merged with i3 BANK in (2021), with the ultimate parent corporation recognized as Hilltop Bancshare Inc. LINK, and
- Affiant is back on shore, and not in the Internal Revenue Trust or any one of the territories of the United States Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, etc., therefore Affiant is making claims from State of Iowa, one of the original States of the Union within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and
- Affiant is stating the contract(s) are considered fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3 committed with promissory notes, Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12, and Public Law-101-17-2 FIAT currency, debt Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME) with no value or substance known as negative currency vacant use value LINK, and (LOAN#31316) was paid up front with the money/credit from the note, and
- Wherein money/credit is created into existence with investments and bonds, and to Affiant’s understanding BANK OF BENNINGTON, A NEBRASKA CORPERATION /i3 BANK did not provide any valuable substance for said loan(s) Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3 as stated in the note, and in #7 within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- BANK OF BENNINTON monetized KMJ’s Promissory Note and separated it from the mortgage loan, Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and
- Matt Kluver, an i3 BANK employee, hereinafter “Matt”, left telephone messages to Affiant concerning no payment received; False Witness- a violation of Public Law 101-12 in regards to alleged (loan #31316) (April 18th, 2022) @ 5:13 PM UTC-5, and (April 20th, 2022) @ 4:59 PM UTC-5, and
- Affiant sent a registered letter with legal tender to i3 BANK on (April 12th, 2022) with NATIONAL CURRENTY, LEGAL TENDER FOR DEBTS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (hereinafter, “UCD”) with a correspondence letter by Affiant evidenced in Exhibit 4 within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- On (April 27th, 2022) Affiant talked to Matt via phone conveying the fact that a registered letter was sent with payment before the due date of the (15th) of the month. Affiant was in agreement to provide Matt with proof of sending with receipt. Later that afternoon Affiant was at i3 Bank with a witness. Upon sitting down in Matt’s office, Matt soon relayed they did receive a registered letter. Matt informed Affiant payment was declined/refused at the One Hundred and Fifty-six (156) street location in Omaha, Nebraska thereby making a false statement. Affiant asked for the “UCD” since Matt relayed that i3 BANK was declining/refusing the payment valued at positive Eight Hundred Forty Dollars (840.00). Matt told Affiant that their other i3 BANK branch in Bennington, Nebraska had the “UCD”, and would call to let the branch know Affiant was on the way, and
- Upon entering the Bennington branch of i3 BANK Affiant and witness sat down in front of a courtesy desk wherein Affiant identified himself, and the secretary handed Affiant a plain white envelope with Two (2) bills “UCD” that were sent registered mail vacant the letter of correspondence. Affiant inquired if the secretary had power of attorney to speak on behalf of i3 BANK. Secretary replied no, and would get someone that was. Secretary left to another area of i3 BANK, and
- Within a short time, Affiant was met by Tim Clark, an i3 BANK employee, hereinafter “Tim”. Tim escorted Affiant and witness into an office wherein all parties sat at a table with three chairs. Affiant asked Tim if i3 Bank would accept the “UCD” payment and Tim replied no. Affiant asked this twice and Tim still refused the “UCD” Denial of Nationality- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME). Affiant then gave Tim a paper with Uniform Commercial Code § 3-603 TENDER OF PAYMENT LINK and LINK. Affiant emphasized section (b), and began to inform Tim there was a discharge of the loan known to Affiant as alleged (LOAN#31316) and Affiant had all rights, title, and interest solely to the aforementioned property in connection with alleged (LOAN#31316), and
- After Affiant stated discharge of alleged (LOAN#31316) there was no rebuttal from Tim. Affiant then briefly stated other issues with alleged (LOAN#31316), and
- Tim had no rebuttal for any of the statements made by Affiant even after explaining that since the contract for alleged (LOAN#31316) was a nefarious act on part of the BANK OF BENNINGTON and continued by i3 BANK. A refund would consist of all payments made including deposits, improvements, upkeep, moving, claims for Fraud, and taxes LINK would exceed the current value of real property connected to alleged (LOAN#31316), and
- The Federal Reserve Note scrip operates as lesser than greater inequalities meaning the interest which is the debt for the use of the scrip is valued more than the money itself creating legal impossibilities by design of a system mathematically non-viable which imposes Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), and
- The BANKS employ usury and usury is debt slavery. The BANKS enslave the people through private debt base currencies worldwide (Federal Reserve Note et.al.). The BANKS hold a monopoly against all other opposition. This monopoly allows for misappropriating private equity and hiding it as public gifts and donations Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3. The debt base currency creates economic slavery which produces a proletariat (slave) class. The debt base currency with interest rates attached produces a foreclosure scheme to steal real property by partial disclosure contracts Theft- a violation of Public Law-101-7, Public Law-101-12, Public Law-101-17-1 and Public Law-101-17-2. The socialist system creates unpayable obligations and then forced confiscation by parties that did not produce any value or equity Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and
- The BANKS use the appearance of ownership by using a deceptive contract scheme which creates a slave proletariat wherein the real true owner always suffers the risk of losing the real property causing a wanting and suffering with difficulties of gaining basic necessities, and
- BANKS steal the equity of inhabitants and then loan the equity back to the inhabitants on usury creating legal impossibilities and forcing a war of attrition, and
Excerpt from the International Publication, the American Herald News LINK:
“The committee for the Government of The United States of America finds that since the federal corporation owns and controls all of its medium of exchange, the pricing and availability of the private scrip is rationed the same as the communists did when it formed government cheese lines for its people during a created economic crisis. When people make a demand for a particular medium of exchange that they have a monopoly over, the demand is nothing more than evidence of willful oppression for the purpose of slavery in all of its forms.”
International Public Declaration
“The committee for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares that anyone who offers Continental Dollars in its legal tender for debts public and private capacity, and the recipient refuses the tender of payment, the legal obligation is hereby discharged without recourse against the one making the offer”.
“The committee for the Government of The United States of America further declares that if any privately owned court attempts to classify the aforementioned tender of payment as fraud, the claim of fraud can and will be used against said claimant if anyone claims that they have suffered an attempted slavery of their person in direct correlation of said fraud claim”.
“Further, the committee for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares that anyone claiming non-recognition of the Continental Dollar is in violation of Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with full confession on the part of the claimant for the act of attempting to hide evidence under said non-recognition claim made privately or publicly:”
Article 15
- 1 Everyone has the right to a nationality. Public Law 101-15-1
- No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Public Law 101-15-2
“Further, the committee for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares that if anyone has been arrested because of said claim to a Nationality under the premise of not possessing the proper papers, the act of arrest is hereby declared to be in violation of Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with full confession thereof on the part of the arresting officer” :
Article 9
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Public Law 101-9
- Affiant loves all involved in the dishonor, named or not named, within this Affidavit of Fact for Affiant follows the Way, the Truth and the Life LINK, and
International Translation
A Classification of Public Laws-101 Published in the Legal Notice section of the Continental Free Press News as an International Public Notice can be found here: LINK
- Affiant states the agents for BANK of BENNINGTON have committed nefarious acts through contract(s) of fraud of banking and continued with i3 BANK, and
- Affiant states many human rights violations have been committed including, but not limited to, Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12 and Public Law-101-17-2, Denial of Nationality- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), False Witness- a violation of Public Law 101-12, Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), and
- Affiant discharged the debt/ loan with Continental Dollars LINK, wherein i3 BANK refused payment, Denial of Nationality- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME)
- Affiant declares any claims made by i3 bank that the debt/ loan has not been settled will be proof of intent of nefarious acts, and additional human rights violations. Further proof of intent to commit fraud by BANKS, FDIC on the advice of licensed agents and the BAR Associations under the City of London with the blessing of the pope, to steal property, and perpetuate debt slavery with the United States Federal Reserve currency by a foreign private corporation, Wherein liability for Public Laws has occurred stated herein: Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12 and Public Law-101-17-2, Communism- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), Denial of Nationality- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), False Witness- a violation of Public Law 101-12, Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and Slavery- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), and
- i3 BANK to report with proof (LOAN#31316) has been fulfilled and discharged to all party’s involved with documentation/copy(s) to Affiant, and
- i3 Bank to release all rights, title/deed, and interest stating Affiant has sole ownership of the real personal private property free of interest of anyone or any entities whether known or unknown to Affiant, stated as (2758 Avenue C Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501) in person, at i3 BANK located in Bennington, Nebraska, and
Respondents shall be granted Fifteen (15) days following the international and National publication of this Affidavit of Fact to give rebuttal to the claims within or these claims shall further stand as fact.
Affiant Further Sayeth Naught,
Kevin Michael Jushas, Trustee
This 58th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 16th day of May in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.