National Demand to Outagamie County and Forest County in Case Number(s) 2021CF000176, 2022CF001159 and 2023CF000921 in the matter of STATE OF WISCONSIN vs. ANDREW JAMES BURNETT

Published in the American Herald News on [10-19-2023, 10-20-2023 & 10-21-2023]


National Demand to Outagamie County and Forest County in Case Number(s) 2021CF000176, 2022CF001159 and 2023CF000921 in the matter of STATE OF WISCONSIN vs. ANDREW JAMES BURNETT

Published by the American National assembly of The United States of America LINK

Public Notice of Leave from the State of Minnesota by the Trustees of the BRANDON ALAN ANDERSON, PMA!

Published in the American Herald on 6-30-2022



The United States of America
State of Minnesota
Judicial District # Twenty-Four
NAC: 7233B Q7KBQ
Publication Number: 4975-A5DE-624803B0C7C0
International, National, and Public Notice
Notice of Leave


The Trustee and Co-Trustee, hereby give Notice of Leave from the State of Minnesota due to an experience of the increase of attacks, threats, forced association, and what the Trustee believes to be extortion by members of Political Subdivisions. The members of BRANDON ALAN ANDERSON, PMA (hereinafter, “Association”) are not naive to the fact that there is a pursuit to arrest individuals of the Association so the Members of the Political Subdivisions operating against the Association can “sweep” in and make claims against Private Property. There has been an increase of gang stalking by individuals with weapons, claiming to hold public offices, but lack proper oaths or any oath at all; that are involved in the matters of this publication:

The amount claimed due for the perceived extortion involved within the Summons known as Citation Number: 882200500005 has been paid, not by the individual that the claim was against. The fee was paid by someone else. Further, there was no admission of guilt in this matter. This Summons is believed to be extortion and fleecing on the side of the road with attempts to a furtherance in trial to arrest the individual. This gives the bankers opportunity to come in and steal Private Property. All evidenced here within this Affidavit of Fact:

The Inhabitants within the Political Subdivision of the state of Minnesota have failed to hold onto Private Property rights and have been seen as approving the Communist takeover of the state for many years.  Minnesota is facing very tough times ahead. The members of the Association understand Minnesota is in support and part of the DNC Services Corporation also known as the Democratic National Committee, who is in full support of an Islamic takeover, and Ba’al Peor worship. The end goal is total submission and domination of the inhabitants of Minnesota under the Satanic Ideologies of Sharia Law. Link provided:

The Members of the Association will not be in support of Communism, Islam and the worship of Homosexuality. The Members of the Association refuse to be threatened or moved into submission by the previously mentioned issues within this publication. The Members of the Association will not play to be a victim or seen as some kind of martyr, but instead seek full understanding of our Fathers desire by leaving the State of Minnesota in less than 2 months from the date of this Notice from the office of Trustee.

Best Regards,

Signature: , Trustee

Brandon Alan Anderson, Trustee

Signature:, Co-Trustee

Jenna Lea Anderson, Co-Trustee

Signed on the 103rd day in the year of YHWH six thousand and twenty-four and the 30th day of June in the two thousand and twenty second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. Translation: Thirtieth (30th) day of June, 2022.

Published in the American Herald on 6-9-2022



The United States of America
State of Texas, Chapter 44
NAC Address: 73X0S NK635
R.R. 1, The United States of America


This Notice of Default in the matter of the Testimonium of Events/Averment in the matter of Cause Number 21C0139-CCL, hereinafter “Testimonium”, hereby notifies all Respondents listed within the Testimonium that no Respondent has given rebuttal to the claims stated within the Testimonium as of (June 8th, 2022), more than the allotted Fifteen (15) granted following the International and National Publication of the Testimonium on (May 16th, 2022). Respondents are hereby notified that the claims presented within the Testimonium further stand as fact.

International and National Publication of Testimonium:

As a result, the Testimonium shall be utilized as further evidence of the Averment as evidenced within the Testimonium.

, Trustee


This 80th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 8th day of June in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.



Published in the American Herald on 5-18-2022



The United States of America
State of Texas, Chapter 44
NAC Address: 73X0S NK635
R.R. 1, The United States of America

Comes now, Erika Maria Scott, sole Trustee for ERIKA MARIA SCOTT, PMA, hereinafter “Testifier”, being competent to testify, and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Testifier has first-hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Testifier’s knowledge and belief, and

For the purpose of clarification of persons within this Testimonium of Events/Averment the following persons shall be listed as such:

  • Erika Maria Scott’s person- EMS
  • Michael Paul Scott’s person- Michael
  • Ethan Villasenor- Ethan
  • Christian Josiah Scott- Christian
  • Alexander Ray Scott- Alex
  • Rebecca Lambert- Witness 1
  • Gregory Dan Owens- Witness 2
  • Stevi Willis- Respondent 1
  • Demetris Simington- Respondent 2
  • Joey Elliot- Respondent 3
  • Barbara Larry- Respondent 4
  • Amy Ashley- Respondent 5
  • Donald Winsted- Respondent 6
  • Bradley Akins- Respondent 7
  • Dawson McGonagill- Respondent 8
  • Craig L. Henry- Respondent 9


  1. Testifier states that Erika Maria Scott’s person, hereinafter “EMS”, is a natural born Central American, EMS’s person immigrating to North America as an infant with EMS’s biological Parents, and on (December 25th, 2021) EMS signed a State Resident Declaration to the States of the Union of The United States of America at 10:11 PM UTC-6 declaring EMS’s residency within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit “A” on page 18 within this Testimonium of Events/Averment, hereinafter “Testimonium”. EMS utilizes the General Post Office Global Postal Code system with the address of 73X0S NK635 State of Texas, R.R.1, The United States of America in accordance with the Northwest Ordinance held as intellectual property by the United States, in Congress assembled, separate from the foreign United States of America in Congress assembled provided herein, and


  1. EMS’s person accepted and acknowledged, signed, and submitted the Bilateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people for the States of the Union of The United States of America thereby claiming EMS’s person exists as one of the people within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, further entering a body politic in accordance with the codified Law of Nations evidenced in Exhibit “B” on page 19 within this Testimonium and subject to Public Laws-101 formerly known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as amended on (November 24th, 2021) provided herein, and
  1. On (April 13th, 2022) at 9:45 PM UTC-5, EMS’s person accepted, acknowledged, and signed the Political Affiliation Declaration for members of the North American National Party, the political party for The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit “C” on page 20 within this Testimonium, foreign to the Democratic and Republican Party corporations for the United States Federal corporation wherein Persecution and Communism are being committed by members of said corporations upon the members of the North American National Party addressed in international and national publication within the North American National Party News website evidenced herein;


  1. ERIKA MARIA SCOTT, PMA, the person, is a registered business entity published Three (3) consecutive days as an international and national legal notice publication within the North American National Party News evidenced in Exhibit “D” on page 21 within this Testimonium, and


  1. On (April 13th, 2022), EMS’s person accepted, acknowledged, and signed the Declaration of Faith acknowledging Yahushua/Jesus Christ as Messiah (Lord) and savior recognized in Certificate by reign of the Heavens, the society Temple of the members of the established religión, “followers of the Way, the Truth and the Life in accordance with Article 3 of the Bilateral Social Compact by and between the permanente population of the States of the Union of The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit “E” on page 22 within this Testimonium, and


  1. Testifier has obtained international legal representation from William Emory Reffett, Shepherd for SHEPHERDS’ WAY, PMA and registered Human Rights Defender International, registration number 278200023321 evidenced in Exhibit “F” on page 23 within this Testimonium, in the matter of Cause Number 21C0139-CCL for remedy sought by ERIKA MARIA SCOTT, PMA within one of the legal, public Tribunals of and for The United States of America superseding the private hearings between BAR associates and/or licensed agents for the foreign political subdivisions of the United States Federal corporation, and


  1. Testifier states the Internal Revenue Service has trafficked PERSONs offshore and placed person(s) within the Internal Revenue Trust in one of the territories of the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., and
  2. EMS’s person is no longer offshore within the Internal Revenue Trust but are back onshore within the States of the Union of The United States of America. EMS is despised by the city of London, Vatican City, and Washington D.C., hereinafter “Tripartite”, therefore EMS is making claims from the States of the Union of The United States of America, and


  1. Testifier states that on Thursday, (January 28th, 2021) EMS received an unanswered phone call from an unknown local number at 08:13 AM. EMS knocked on the wall of Ethan Villasenor’s, hereinafter “Ethan”, room for Ethan to let the dog outside, after which the dog, hereinafter “Tiger”, would be fed breakfast while EMS woke up the other children, Christian Josiah Scott, hereinafter “Christian”, and Alexander Ray Scott, hereinafter “Alex”. EMS noticed Tiger was still inside then noticed Ethan was not in Ethan’s room. After searching the house and property for Ethan to no avail, EMS performed a reverse look up for the unanswered phone call and identified “Bowie, County of”. EMS called the phone number at 08:58 AM to a juvenile center and asked about Ethan. The representative stated that no information about anyone could be obtained and provided a number to call. EMS called the number given at 09:02 AM and was told Ethan had broken into a local church due to hunger, arrested by a police officer, and was currently being detained, and


  1. At 11:36 AM EMS received a call from Marshall, TX, hereinafter “Marshall”. EMS was told that Ethan was transported to Marshall and was being detained there instead of Texarkana, TX, hereinafter “Texarkana”, because there was no room in the detention center in Texarkana. EMS was told to call the number called earlier at 09:02 AM and was notified that EMS could schedule an appointment to talk to Ethan before court. EMS declined to schedule an appointment as Ethan had acted nefariously and broken family implemented rules in accordance with Jesus Christ’ Two (2) commandments; 1. Have Faith in Father Yahweh with all your heart, your soul, and all your might, and 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. EMS was given until the next day, (Friday January 29th, 2021) to set up a time by 5:00 PM. EMS again declined, and
  1. At 11:52 AM, EMS called back the number from earlier and was told what the process was. Ethan was being detained in juvenile detention until a court date on Monday, (February 2nd, 2021) at 11:00 AM. The hearing was to be on zoom call in a room at the Stewart E. Nunn Juvenile Court Center in Texarkana, within the foreign political subdivision, the paper state of Texas. The judge in the private hearing stated Ethan would be brought back from Marshall to the detention center and EMS would be in the building in a separate room with a monitor for the zoom call. EMS was informed that EMS would need to wear a mask while in the building. EMS refused for medical and religious reasons. A representative kept insisting EMS needed to wear one and if not, EMS would not be able to enter the building, and
  1. Testifier states that on Friday, (January 29th, 2021) at 6:00 PM EMS received a local unknown number while shopping at the grocery store with Christian and Alex. The person on the line stated it was Stevi Willis, hereinafter “Respondent 1”, and was part of the case with Ethan. Respondent 1 wanted to come to EMS’s residence on Monday, (February 1st, 2021) to go over what happened. EMS stated Respondent 1 could not because EMS had a hearing to attend that day for Ethan. Respondent 1 asked if Tuesday, (February 2nd, 2021) at 11:00 AM would work and EMS agreed. Respondent 1 also stated if EMS had any questions to call or text Respondent 1, and


  1. On Sunday, (January 31st, 2021), EMS received a phone call from Marshall at 5:47 PM and was told EMS had a scheduled call with Ethan then put on hold. Ethan answered and EMS asked if Ethan scheduled the call and Ethan stated “NO”. EMS did not want to talk to Ethan because EMS had stated numerous times at home that if Ethan got into trouble with breaking the law by stealing, murdering, and/or killing another unless in self-defense or domestic violence, to not call EMS, that EMS would call Ethan. EMS also stated Ethan was in trouble for breaking into the church and that Ethan was involving the whole family including Ethan’s brothers, Christian and Alex. Ethan then proceeded to speak over EMS mentioning to tell Christian and Alex that Ethan loved them, and


  1. On Monday, (February 1st, 2021) EMS requested Rebecca Lambert, hereinafter “Witness 1”, to monitor Christian and Alex, and after Witness 1 agreed, EMS went to the court for the zoom call, arriving approximately 20 minutes early. EMS went to the front of the building was told to wait in EMS’s vehicle in the back of the building. A representative came out and took EMS’s information advising EMS to wait until the hearing. After approximately 20 minutes of waiting from the 11:00 AM appointment, EMS was told they were having technical difficulties with the televised zoom call, and


  1. On Tuesday, (February 2nd, 2021), EMS requested Gregory Dan Owens, hereinafter “Witness 2”, monitor Christian and Alex, and after Witness 2 agreed, Christian and Alex stayed at Witness 2’s residence. EMS noticed Respondent 1 late for the scheduled meeting. At 11:49 AM, EMS received a text from Respondent 1, “Mrs. Scott, This is Stevi with CPS. I’m sorry I have been held up at a school but I am on my way now from Daingerfield.” EMS responded “ok”. EMS waited for Respondent 1 outside EMS’s residence. Respondent 1 arrived at EMS residence approximately 20 minutes from EMS’s text. Respondent 1 said name and EMS acknowledged and let Respondent 1 inside EMS’s residence. Respondent 1 sat on the couch and Respondent’s 1 took out a laptop and as EMS was to sit across Respondent 1, a call came through the police scanner, hereinafter “scanner”. EMS turned off scanner and sat across from Respondent 1. Respondent 1 asked where EMS purchased the scanner. EMS stated “eBay” to replace the broke one. Respondent 1 asked about the gun on EMS’s right hip. EMS responded to Respondent 1 that EMS has no license to carry out in public but carries while inside and/or outside in yard at EMS’s residence. Respondent 1 asked who lives at the residence. EMS responded, Michael Paul Scott hereinafter “Michael”, and EMS’s three children, Ethan, Christian, and Alex. Also Witness 2 lived at EMS’s residence until the end of (October, 2019). Respondent 1 asked if Michael is the biological father of Ethan. EMS said no, and that Christian and Alex are Michael’s biological father, and


  1. EMS said to Respondent 1 that Ethan’s biological father, hereinafter “biological father” is not in his life and at EMS’s last recollection, the biological father resided in the foreign political subdivision of Illinois, but originally from the foreign political subdivision of Indiana. EMS stated to Respondent 1 that the biological father used drugs and drank heavily. EMS did not realize how bad the drinking was before EMS had signs of pregnancy. Respondent 1 asked how long EMS was married to Michael. EMS responded almost 4 years married (August) and together almost 11 years in (August). EMS told Respondent 1 EMS has resided in the foreign political subdivision of Texas 8 years in the New Boston area. EMS told Respondent 1, EMS is originally from Chicago and met Michael in the foreign political subdivision of Iowa. EMS’s parents are from Mexico and moved to Chicago when EMS was a child. EMS’s parents retired to Mexico. Respondent 1 asked how EMS’s parents were when EMS was a child. EMS responded that Noe Villasenor, hereinafter “father”, was strict because of father’s military background. EMS stated a few times when EMS and Noemi Villasenor, hereinafter “sister”, got in trouble father had EMS and sister kneel on the bathroom floor for about 30 minutes. EMS said when kneeling did not work, father would spank EMS and/or sister with a belt. Respondent 1 asked if EMS works. EMS responded EMS works at an insurance company and EMS works only when needed. EMS advised Respondent 1 that Michael is an over the road truck driver and is gone 6-8 weeks at a time and that Michael will be back at the residence about (mid- February). Respondent 1 inquired who was EMS’s support system and EMS responded with neighbors and Witness 1 who is aged in the 70’s. Respondent 1 inquired what EMS does to relieve stress and EMS responded with reading the bible and attending Tapp church. EMS walks with older ladies on Mondays and Thursdays. EMS informed Respondent 1 that EMS went to church but no longer attends because church goers are too scared of covid. EMS stated that EMS does not approve or consent to church goers wearing a mask and no one can see the mask wearer’s face, since covid there is no hand shaking or hugs and EMS’s children, Ethan, Christian, and Alex like to give hugs, and


  1. Respondent 1 asked if EMS’s children, Ethan, Christian, and Alex attend public school and EMS responded “no” due to the mask mandates and the risks wearing one. EMS also mentioned that EMS does not believe in the flu shot or the covid shot. Respondent 1 inquired if internet access is available in the residence to do virtual learning and EMS responded no. EMS mentioned EMS’s phone WIFI gives internet access utilized on EMS’s laptop. Respondent 1 inquired if EMS has home school materials and EMS said “Yes”. Respondent 1 inquired if EMS has medical issues. EMS said “Yes”, self-diagnosed diabetes. Respondent 1 inquired if EMS went to the doctor for the diabetes and EMS said “No”. Respondent 1 inquired if the children, Ethan, Christian, and Alex have medical or health issues and EMS said “No”. Respondent inquired if the children, Ethan, Christian, and Alex have a primary doctor and EMS said “No”, and that Ethan, Christian, and Alex don’t get sick, and


  1. Respondent 1 inquired what the outcome from Ethan’s juvenile hearing was. EMS responded that there were difficulties with the televised zoom call at the juvenile court hearing. The representative informed EMS that Ethan may become ward of the state and may go to a group home. EMS and Michael have stated the last 3 years at home that if any child, Ethan, Christian, and/or Alex got into trouble with breaking the law by stealing, murdering, and/or killing another unless in self-defense or domestic violence, to not call EMS and/or Michael, that EMS and/or Michael would call. EMS stated that Ethan has been a problem child from birth. EMS informed Respondent 1 that an incident with Ethan in 7th grade involving a screwdriver with brothers Christian and Alex and the incident involved Child Protective Services, hereinafter “CPS”. EMS stated that the case was unfounded. EMS informed Respondent 1 that EMS found out Ethan watched porn at school from a friend’s phone and EMS believes that is where Ethan got the idea. EMS informed Respondent 1 that Ethan learned internet safety in Cub Scouts in 5th grade and Ethan should know better. EMS informed Respondent 1 that homosexuality goes against EMS’s religious belief, and


  1. Respondent 1 inquired about Ethan’s behavior issues that EMS and Michael have experienced with Ethan. EMS responded that in the past Ethan has come to the residence with items from school such as paper clips, pens, and pencils that EMS never bought. EMS received a phone call from Jimmie Case, hereinafter “Neighbor”, that Neighbor had feces smeared on Neighbor’s door, and that there was the possibility that Ethan broke into Neighbor’s residence due to the rummaging throughout the residence. When EMS went to Neighbor’s residence, Neighbor stated after the rummaging occurred Neighbor used the dead bolt to lock the door. After the event, Neighbor witnessed feces smeared on Neighbor’s door. Ethan admitted to the feces but denied the break in. EMS stated that the children Ethan, Christian, and/or Alex will play with the water in the bathroom while using the facilities and/or showering. EMS stated that the water bill has risen from between 50 and 55 USD to around 60 USD. EMS stated time and time again to Ethan, Christian, and Alex that money does not grow on trees. EMS stated that Ethan goes in EMS’s bedroom and takes old cell phones and/or other electronics. EMS stated that EMS’s bedroom mostly stayed unlocked while at the residence, showering and/or sleeping except when EMS left the residence. EMS stated that Christian mentioned two incidents and that is when EMS kept EMS’s bedroom always locked. EMS stated that in the first incident, Ethan went into EMS’s bedroom while showering and Ethan had rummaged through EMS’s bedroom. With the second incident, Ethan had rummaged through EMS’s bedroom when EMS was in the kitchen cooking and Ethan was to be showering. Ethan found an old cell phone that had no access because it was locked and Ethan put it back. EMS stated that when EMS has found items on Ethan and/or suspected Ethan of taking something EMS would go in Ethan’s bedroom and search for any evidence which involved flipping Ethan’s bed, tossing out Ethan’s underwear and sock drawers, tossing Ethan’s clothing out of the closet and looking everywhere in Ethan’s bedroom where Ethan may have hidden something, and


  1. EMS mentioned to Ethan that if Ethan takes/steals, EMS would search Ethan’s bedroom like the inmates in jail have been searched. EMS stated one day EMS went outside the residence door to see if Ethan had accomplished Ethan’s chore work in the yard. EMS walked outside the residence door and noticed Ethan filling up Ethan’s water bottle. After Ethan was done, Ethan headed to continue the yard work and EMS noticed the wet dirt. EMS suspected Ethan dumped the water out from the water bottle before EMS walked out the door. It was suspected that Ethan heard EMS go out the door so Ethan filled the water bottle as not to get caught for neglecting yard work. EMS informed Respondent 1 that since day one the residence has broken glass in one section of the yard and one incident involved Ethan throwing glass, hitting and cutting Christian on the head. Christian came in the residence all bloody and Christian informed EMS that Ethan was throwing glass, cutting Christian on the head. EMS was informed from another neighbor that observed Ethan throwing rocks onto the road and EMS relayed that to Respondent 1. EMS informed Respondent 1 of different disciplinary actions for Ethan’s misbehavior and nothing had worked. Respondent 1 inquired about the different disciplinary actions used. EMS responded with what EMS has done from day one, and


  1. EMS has spanked with hand, then belt, standing in the corner as a time out, then back to spanking with a belt, and a paint stick. By the time Ethan was old enough to understand reading and writing EMS instructed Ethan to write sentences in a timely matter. When Ethan did not complete the sentences by a set time, EMS removed privileges. Privileges that EMS removed were if sentences were not done by the time the Rodeo and/or fair came to town in (August) those privileges would be taken away. Then if the sentences were not completed before enrollment in soccer and/or Cub Scouts in (September) those privileges were taken away. When the removal of privileges would not suffice, the sentence writing, and the military style workouts began, and


  1. EMS explained to Respondent 1 the military style workout consisted of jumping jacks, burpees and crab walks. When the military workout did not work EMS went to spanking then EMS tried a different approach of discipline about the residence rules. Ethan would sit and read Leviticus in the bible as a teaching tool. EMS explained several times to Ethan, Christian, and Alex that nothing in this world is free including the roof over one’s head and one must work to pay bills and for what one has. EMS specifically informed Ethan, Christian, and Alex that if water was wasted that all in the residence will skip one meal to pay water bill. EMS informed Respondent 1 water bill kept going up, so the residence skipped 1 meal a few times. Respondent 1 inquired how many meals a day residence has. EMS responded to Respondent 1 that the residency went from 3 meals a day to 2 meals a day. EMS informed Respondent 1 there are many cereal boxes and no reason what Ethan did. Respondent 1 inquired to view pantry. EMS showed Respondent 1 the pantry and Respondent 1 requested to take a picture and EMS agreed, and


  1. Respondent 1 inquired about the behaviors of Christian and Alex at the residence and EMS responded that Christian and Alex listen, and do not have the same behavior issues as Ethan. EMS informed Respondent 1 that Ethan and Christian do chores. EMS described to Respondent 1 what Ethan’s and Christian’s chores were. Ethan’s chores consisted of letting Tiger out to the kennel in the morning, feeding Tiger, taking the trash can out on garbage days, mowing the yard, and raking leaves. At one point Christian helped rake leaves. EMS informed Respondent 1 that at one point Ethan got paid as motivation to mow the yard. Respondent 1 inquired what the plan for Ethan was to return to the residence and EMS responded that EMS has trust issues with Ethan, and


  1. Respondent 1 inquired of possible relatives in the area for Ethan to reside and EMS responded that if Ethan resided with anyone, Ethan would have to be stripped searched every day before leaving and entering the residency. Respondent 1 inquired of EMS’s family in the area and EMS responded that Jessie Ray Scott, hereinafter “Jessie” currently resides in Texarkana in a nursing home and of one brother-in-law and one sister-in-law in their 60s that EMS and Michael have no communications with and Witness 2 was in his 60s and cannot provide residence for Ethan. EMS informed Respondent 1 that EMS has family in Illinois and Respondent 1 informed EMS in Texas, and


  1. Respondent 1 inquired of the residence income and EMS responded after all expenses were paid, Michael’s net pay as a self-employed truck driver was approximately 60,000-70,00 USD yearly.

Respondent 1 inquired of mental health issues and EMS responded “No”. Respondent 1 inquired of any domestic violence and EMS responded once with ex-partner in 2000 and EMS did not give details and no violence at the residence. Respondent 1 inquired of abuse or neglect as a child and EMS responded “No”. Respondent 1 inquired of any native American heritage and EMS responded “No”. Respondent 1 inquired of any military background and EMS responded “No”, and


  1. Respondent 1 inquired where Christian and Alex were in the residency and EMS responded Christian and Alex are not in the residence. Responded 1 reminded EMS that Christian and Alex needed to be present in the residence and EMS informed Respondent 1 that Christian and Alex are not part of the case and do not know where Ethan is or what is going on with Ethan. Respondent 1 informed EMS that Respondent 1 needed to see Christian and Alex even if EMS did not let Respondent 1 interview Christian and Alex. EMS agreed for Respondent 1 to view Christian and Alex. EMS informed Respondent 1 that Christian and Alex are at Witness 2’s residence. As EMS went to leave the residence Respondent 1 fumbled to open the door because it was locked. EMS informed Respondent 1 the door was locked, and EMS reached beside Respondent 1’s side to unlock door. Respondent 1 got in Respondent 1’s vehicle, EMS in EMS’s vehicle. Respondent 1 followed EMS to Witness 2’s residence and EMS received a phone call from Michael which EMS answered before arriving to Witness 2’s residence. Witness 2 greeted EMS and EMS informed Respondent 1 who Witness 2 was and Witness 2 informed EMS that Christian and Alex were very good and quiet while at Witness 2’s residence (Respondent 1’s observations in Respondent 1’s affidavit: Christian and Alex “appeared very thin and small stature”, “happy demeanor” and EMS informed Respondent 1 that Christian and Alex are like angels, “clothing appeared dingy”), and


  1. EMS informed Christian and Alex it was time to go. Alex greeted Respondent 1 with a smile and Respondent 1 noticed Alex’s missing tooth. EMS responded that Alex fell and lost a tooth which has not grown back yet. EMS told Christian and Alex to get in EMS’s vehicle. Respondent 1 inquired when Respondent 1 could interview Michael. EMS responded to Respondent 1 that Michael worked a late shift and that Michael called EMS on the way to Witness 2’s residence and Michael was on the phone now. Respondent 1 asked if Respondent 1 could speak to Michael. EMS handed put the phone on speaker for Respondent 1 and Michael introduced himself to Respondent 1 as Michael Scott. Respondent 1 introduced herself to Michael and explained that Respondent 1 came to the residence over concerns about Ethan. Michael responded to Respondent 1 that Ethan has not learned, and Michael has never seen misbehavior like that. Michael responded that EMS and Michael have tried several different discipline techniques to no avail. Michael informed Respondent 1 that EMS and Michael have tried to help Ethan in the past. Respondent 1 inquired of mental issues and Michael responded “No”. Respondent 1 inquired of domestic violence and Michael responded that Michael left partners in the past if Michael felt like there would be domestic violence and no domestic violence had occurred at the current residence. Respondent 1 inquired of abuse or neglect as a child and Michael responded “No” and informed Respondent 1 that Michael was raised by grandparents and no further details were given. Respondent 1 inquired of any native American heritage and Michael responded “No”. Respondent 1 inquired of any military background and Michael responded approximately a year in Navy and was discharged and no further details given of discharge. Respondent 1 informed Michael that Respondent 1 would come back after reviewing everything and coming up with a plan. Michael informed Respondent 1 that Respondent 1 can get cell phone number from EMS and Respondent 1 can contact Michael anytime if Respondent 1 would like to, and


  1. On Thursday, (February 4th, 2021) around 5:00 PM Christian went outside the residence to feed Tiger. Christian then went inside the residence and informed EMS police came to the residence. EMS opened the residence door and EMS witnessed two registered agents, one registered agent to the left (unknown name, no name tag), hereinafter “RA 1”, and one registered agent (name tag White) to the right, hereinafter “RA White”, and as EMS with coffee in hand opened the door to step out of the residence RA 1 informed EMS that RA 1 was at the residence to remove Christian and Alex from the residence. RA 1 and RA White grabbed EMS’s arms and prevented EMS from going back inside the residence. While resisting, EMS looked toward RA White while holding the coffee cup. When EMS resisted, RA 1 pointed something at EMS and mentioned to quit resisting, that RA 1 did not want to use it. As EMS turned toward RA 1 and the item of use, EMS noticed what looked like the barrel of a gun pointed toward EMS’s face. As EMS examined and determined it was not a gun but a taser, EMS quit resisting. RA White grabbed the coffee cup and placed the cup on the front steps, handcuffed, and either RA 1 or RA White patted down the waistline and pockets. EMS informed of EMS’s cell phone on EMS’s person. EMS informed RA 1 and RA White that EMS was not carrying a gun and if EMS had one it would be the right hip while showing hip, and


  1. EMS gave permission to search yet no female officer was available for a search of EMS. EMS told the registered agents motioning towards Respondent 1 that Respondent 1 could search EMS. One registered agent informed EMS that Respondent 1 could not because Respondent 1 is not a police officer. Respondent 1 informed EMS that Respondent 1 was at the residence to remove Christian and Alex as the court ordered. EMS approached Respondent 1 and another woman (don’t name) and pleaded not to remove Christian and Alex from the residence and again Respondent 1 mentioned it was court ordered. EMS mentioned that Michael would come after cps (don’t recall what was said). EMS informed the registered agents that EMS may faint. RA 1 and RA White helped EMS back to the front steps to sit and RA White radioed for medical attention. EMS talked to RA White and EMS did not know RA 1 had gone inside the residence. When RA 1 exited the residence RA 1 informed EMS that RA 1 had spoken to Christian and Alex, and that Christian and Alex showed the registered agent the paddle used to spank. EMS informed RA White when Christian and Alex was about to be removed from the residence that if EMS could go sit at Neighbor’s front steps, EMS did not want Christian and Alex witness EMS in handcuffs. One of the registered agents asked EMS for the car seats and EMS informed the registered agent EMS needed to go into the residence and get vehicle keys to unlock the vehicle. EMS informed the registered agent which car seat belong to which child. Once the car seats were removed from EMS’s vehicle and being place in someone’s vehicle EMS requested RA White if EMS could now go to Neighbor’s porch. Once on Neighbor’s porch EMS reached for the cell phone in EMS’s pants pocket and called Michael at approximately 5:26 PM to inform Michael that cps had come to the residence and removed Christian and Alex. Michael responded to EMS that Michael would call back after calling the work Dispatcher. Michael return called EMS at about 5:28 PM. EMS informed Michael of what had transpired up to the phone call that EMS made. Once Christian and Alex were removed from the residence, EMS requested to return to the residence steps. RA White inquired if EMS still needed medical attention and EMS responded “No”. EMS sat on the front step of the residence and RA 1 conversed with EMS while the vehicle departed the driveway of EMS’s residence with Christian and Alex inside, and


  1. On Friday, (February 5th, 2021), Michael searched for a lawyer and called Friedman Law Office, and set an appointment for Monday, (February 8th, 2021). On Monday, (February 8th, 2021) EMS and Michael went to Friedman Law Office, spoke with, and retained BAR Associate Michael Friedman, hereinafter “Friedman”, paying 2,500 USD for representation, and


  1. On Thursday, (February 18th, 2021), EMS and Michael went to the 1st private hearing at 09:00 AM set over zoom at Friedman’s office. The hearing was cancelled due to a snowstorm without any notice from administrators. When arriving at Friedman’s office, the office was locked. EMS sent a text message at 08:56 AM to Respondent 1 inquiring about the hearing and if it was cancelled. Respondent 1 informed that EMS needed to communicate with the Cause attorney and told EMS the hearing was cancelled because of weather, that the next hearing will be a virtual hearing when it’s scheduled, and the Cause attorney will let EMS know, and


  1. On Monday, (March 1st, 2021), EMS decided to go along with Michael on the truck. Michael requested a passenger authorization form and application for passenger accident coverage from Coastal Carriers Truck Lines, Inc. EMS signed the forms electronically and was approved as a passenger from (March 1st, 2021) through (April 30th, 2021), and


  1. On Monday, (March 15th, 2021), Friedman attempted to call EMS at 11:25 AM, which EMS interpreted as pertaining to information for the next hearing over zoom. On Thursday, (March 18th, 2021), the next hearing was conducted over zoom. EMS and Michael only stated their names. The hearing was short, stating the charges and the next hearing date set for Thursday, (July 15th, 2021) at 09:00 AM on a recorded call, and


  1. On Monday, (March 22nd, 2021), EMS missed a call from an unknown number at 04:13 PM wherein a voicemail was left by Elsa Noble about a meeting with CPS. Michael was called and given the information and a phone conference number for the next day, (March 23rd, 2021) at 02:00 PM. On Tuesday, (March 23rd, 2021), at 01:57 PM EMS and Michael called the number provided for the phone conference on a recorded call, and


  1. On Wednesday, (March 24th, 2021), EMS received a call at 02:26 PM from Demetris Simington, hereinafter “Respondent 2”, requesting to provide an email by text for some paperwork Respondent 2 had for EMS and Michael. At 02:29 PM a text message with EMS’s email was sent to Respondent 2 and the received message was acknowledged. On Thursday, (March 25th, 2021), EMS received an email from Respondent 2 containing a family plan and visitation form to sign and send back to Respondent 2 to be filed with the court clerk to set up services. Neither EMS nor Michael signed said forms, and


  1. On Thursday, (April 22nd, 2021), EMS received a text message at 12:07 PM from Joey Elliot, hereinafter “Respondent 3”, what Respondent 3’s relation to the case was and recounted a conversation with Friedman. Respondent 3 was given permission by Friedman to speak with EMS. On Friday, (April 23rd, 2021), EMS received a call at 12:00 PM from Barbara Larry, hereinafter “Respondent 4”, to set an appointment for a phone interview the next day. On Saturday, (April 24th, 2021), EMS received a call at 01:55 PM from Respondent 4 to fill paperwork over the phone on a recorded call, and


  1. On Tuesday, (May 4th, 2021), Friedman called at 03:41 PM to informed EMS of a missed call from Amy Ashley, hereinafter “Respondent 5”, and gave EMS contact information for Respondent 5. On Tuesday, (May 4th, 2021), EMS called Respondent 5 at 03:53 PM and was informed of allegations against Witness 2 concerning Ethan, Christian, and Alex. On Monday, (May 10th, 2021), EMS called Respondent 2 at 11:52 PM requesting if Respondent 2 could separate Christian and Alex from Ethan. Respondent 2 stated when school ends. Respondent 2 informed EMS and Michael that Ethan got in trouble in school for inappropriateness with the schools computer internet, and


  1. On Tuesday, (May 11th, 2021), EMS received a call at 03:16 PM from Respondent 5 about the allegation case with Witness 2 concerning Ethan, Christian, and Alex. EMS informed Respondent 5 that EMS would be available for an appointment on Tuesday, (May 25th, 2021) at 01:00 PM at EMS’s residence. EMS received a call on Wednesday, (May 12th, 2021) at 02:55 PM from Respondent 3 for an appointment at EMS’s residence on Wednesday, (May 26th, 2021) at 01:00 PM. EMS received a call on Wednesday, (May 19th, 2021) at 02:04 PM from WINSTED PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, PLLC, hereinafter “WINSTED” for a scheduled appointment on Friday, (May 28th, 2021), and


  1. EMS received a text message on Thursday, (May 20th, 2021) at 09:06 PM from Respondent 2 about the psychological evaluation time and address. At 06:01 PM EMS received a text message from Respondent 2 containing pictures Christian and Alex. Michael sent a message to Respondent 2, “Thank you please let them know we love them ❤️” and Respondent 2 acknowledged, “I will”. EMS also messaged Respondent 2, “Thank you very much. You don’t know how much this means to us.” Respondent 2 acknowledged, “Your welcome”, and


  1. On Tuesday, (May 25th, 2021), at 01:00 PM Respondent 5 came to the residence to interview Witness 2 about allegations of possible sexual conduct with Ethan, Christian, and Alex. On Wednesday, (May 26th, 2021), EMS received a call at 09:28 PM from Respondent 3 confirming a 01:00 PM appointment. At 11:34 AM EMS received a text message from Respondent 3 inquiring whether the interview appointment could be early than 01:00 PM. EMS responded “Now”. Respondent 3 responded with an estimated arrival time of 15-17 minutes. Respondent 3 arrived at the residence around 12:00 PM. EMS started explaining about Ethan’s behavior from day one and Respondent 3 seemed agitated and clarified the visit was about Christian and Alex, not Ethan. EMS explained to Respondent 3 that Christian and Alex behave pretty good. Respondent 3 stated the boys were doing good and gaining weight. EMS inquired about meal plans and Respondent 3 mentioned Respondent 3 had not witnessed the meals but had witnessed the snacks, eating a fruit and/or a granola fruit bar. EMS made the remark “bingo”, verifying the weight gain by way of “junk food”. The interview lasted for approximately an hour, and


  1. On Wednesday, (May 26th, 2021), at 01:08 PM EMS texted Respondent 2 requesting to speak with Respondent 2 when available. EMS received a call at 01:43 PM from Respondent 2 inquiring whether Respondent 3 was still at the residence and was informed Respondent 3 had left. EMS received a call on Thursday, (May 27th, 2021) at 01:44 PM from WINSTED to remind EMS and Michael about an appointment with Dr. Donald Winsted, hereinafter “Respondent 6” at 10:00 AM in Texarkana, TX the next morning, and


  1. On Thursday, (May 27th, 2021), EMS texted Respondent 2 at 04:46 PM to confirm the day and time of the next meeting with Respondent 2 without a response. On Friday, (May 28th, 2021), EMS and Michael went to the WINSTED appointment at 10:00 AM. EMS and Michael checked in with the receptionist at the front desk and when Respondent 6 was ready, EMS and Michael were led through a door and hallway and sat in separate rooms with a table and chairs. Respondent 6 inquired individually what happened and other questions and explained how the process works. EMS and Michael filled out paperwork, did testing such as bubble fill-ins and cards, and


  1. On Saturday, (May 29th, 2021), EMS and Michael went to Respondent 4’s office appointment at 09:00 AM arriving about 15-20 minutes early and Respondent 4 had not arrived. EMS messaged Respondent 4a at 08:59 AM and got a response at 09:00 AM that Respondent 4 was enroute. After entering the building EMS and Michael checked for any errors in the information given over the phone call on Saturday, (April 24th, 2021), made corrections where needed, and signed the documents. Respondent 4 inquired when the next appointment may be scheduled and Respondent 4 was informed of a rough timeline of availability. Respondent 4 stated to text message with days and time. Throughout the appointment Respondent 4 was multi-tasking, watching/listening to something on Respondent 4’s phone, and


  1. On Thursday, (June 3rd, 2021), EMS texted Respondent 4 at 10:55 AM with a two-day schedule. Respondent 4 responded that Respondent 4 took off the remainder of the week to celebrate Respondent 4’s birthday. At 11:42 AM EMS inquired whether Respondent 4 would be available the next Monday, providing a three-day schedule. Respondent 4 messaged back “Ok. Thanks”. On Thursday, (June 3rd, 2021), EMS called WINSTED at 11:47 AM for the psychological evaluation review and was told EMS needed to sign release forms of the evaluation done. At 01:43 PM EMS called back to WINSTED and gave the receptionist a fax number, and


  1. On Tuesday, (June 22nd, 2021), EMS received a text message at 02:53 PM from Respondent 3 inquiring on how the services were going and if counseling was being done virtually. On Wednesday, (July 7th, 2021) EMS received a text message from Respondent 2 stating the psychological evaluations were completed and to get the results from Respondent 6 with a number provided. Michael informed Respondent 2 the evaluation and the results were done a month ago and Respondent 2 inquired if EMS and Michael had the results. EMS informed Respondent 2 that Friedman provided the results and EMS explained to Respondent 2 that Respondent 6’s office was called to make an appointment and was told by Respondent 6’s receptionist that additional forms had to be signed. EMS gave Respondent 6’s receptionist a fax number, but the documentation was not going through to release the results, and


  1. On Wednesday, (July 14th, 2021), EMS received a call at 01:26 PM from Friedman, stating the next hearing was rescheduled for Thursday, (July 22nd, 2021). WINSTED sent a consent form postmarked Friday, (July 16th, 2021) to be signed to release the evaluation results, wherein said forms were signed and returned approximately Two days later, and


  1. On Thursday, (July 22nd, 2021) at 09:00 AM at the rescheduled hearing, the prosecutor Bradley Akins, hereinafter “Respondent 7”, added the charge of aggravated circumstances to the case. When it came around for Respondent 3 to update the case it was stated that EMS and Michael had no remorse of what was done to the children. The next hearing date was set for Thursday, (October 21st, 2021) with the new charges included. After the hearing was dismissed Respondent 2 approached Friedman and EMS about signing the paper of relinquishing the parental rights to Ethan. EMS informed Respondent 2 that EMS did not have the form and Respondent 2 stated Friedman should have it. Friedman claimed the documentation was not in Friedman’s possession that Friedman does not print everything received. Respondent 2 handed EMS the paper to relinquish the parental rights to Ethan and EMS signed it. While outside the court room EMS inquired about how Ethan, Christian, and Alex were doing, and EMS and Michael were informed that Christian and Alex were doing well, yet Ethan got in trouble by searching internet inappropriateness by cell phone and Ethan’s cell phone was confiscated, the same incident as in school. Also, that Ethan was removed from the foster home Ethan was residing. EMS and Michael inquired if there were other options for the parenting classes because the in-person classes outlined in the family plan cannot be done if both were out of town Six to Eight weeks at a time. EMS and Michael requested if there was something online and Respondent 2 replied a search was being conducted. EMS and Michael also requested if it were possible to see or talk to Christian and Alex and were informed such request was not in the court order, and


  1. On Thursday, (August 26th, 2021), EMS missed a call at 04:12 PM from “MERCY CARTER” and the person was calling for Michael. The gentleman introduced himself as David Carter, hereinafter “Carter”, and was a volunteer for Court Appointed Special Advocates, hereinafter “CASA”. After calling back, EMS and Michael inquired on a visitation or one phone call with Christian and Alex. Carter informed EMS and Michael that an inquiry would be made for the request and gave Carter’s cell phone number. On Wednesday, (September 22nd, 2021) EMS and Michael met with Friedman at 01:00 PM at Friedman’s office to go over the case, what to say and explain, and what the new charge of aggravated circumstances were about in legal terms. Friedman explained the charges and that the next hearing was going to be the trial and how EMS and Michael were to dress for the next hearing date. Friedman was asked what and how that works, and Friedman stated that Friedman had not been in a case like this before and that the cases Friedman has had have been settled before it went that far, and


  1. On Thursday, (October 7th, 2021), EMS received a text message at 03:01 PM from Respondent 2 that an email was sent to EMS concerning a parenting class in the Tyler, Texas area that offered virtual classes and Respondent 2 sent Two pictures of Christian and Alex. On Wednesday, October 20th, 2021, EMS received a text message at 10:45 AM from Respondent 3 inquiring if EMS and Michael could meet the next day before the 09:00 AM hearing and it was agreed for 08:30 AM, and


  1. On Wednesday, (October 20th, 2021), at 04:01 PM EMS called the virtual parenting classes that Respondent 2 had provided from Tyler, TX. EMS was informed there were Two parenting classes offered starting Wednesday, (November 3rd, 2021) or Friday, (November 5th, 2021) from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM for Six weeks. The receptionist informed EMS that no more than one class could be missed and that there were no makeup classes. EMS also inquired from the receptionist since the set time and day may not work with Michael that if what EMS learned through the classes could be relayed to Michael. The receptionist informed EMS only if the court approves it. EMS requested to be added to the classes starting Wednesday, (November 3rd, 2021) at 10:00 AM, and


  1. On, Thursday, (October 21st, 2021), EMS and Michael met with Respondent 3 before the scheduled hearing around 08:30 AM. A new licensed agent for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Dawson McGonagill, hereinafter Respondent 8, evidenced in Exhibit “I” on page 42 within this Testimonium, was introduced as the new prosecutor. It was requested if EMS and Michael could see Christian and Alex and again were told the same response from the parties, that it was not court ordered. EMS and Michael mentioned that if EMS or Michael did what Ethan had done, EMS and Michael would have received a spanking discipline like Ethan. Michael informed Respondent 3 that Michael’s father would have done the same thing and Respondent 3 stated that was considered child abuse. No matter the explanation, Respondent 3 would state it was not right or deemed it being child abuse, so EMS and Michael walked away and went in the hearing room. During proceedings, EMS informed the acting Judge what EMS inquired from the receptionist and Michael stated that the parenting classes could not be a set time and/or day due to a lack of signal in certain places pertaining to Michael’s employment and that parenting classes had to be where Michael could attend where an adequate internet signal was available at the end/start of Michael’s work shift. The charges of aggravated circumstances were dropped in the proceeding but may be brought up later in future hearings. The next hearing date was set for Thursday, (January 20th, 2022). When the hearing was dismissed, EMS and Michael spoke to Respondent 2 about the parenting classes and information EMS acquired from the receptionist. Respondent 2 informed EMS and Michael that each had to go through the classes individually, and


  1. On Thursday, (October 21st, 2021), EMS received an email from Respondent 2 about the online parenting classes that were requested at the hearing, the minimum required hours, and at 05:22 PM EMS received text messages from Respondent 2 with pictures of Christian and Alex. On Friday, (October 22nd, 2021) EMS received a text message at 08:07 AM from Respondent 2 to provide a drug test with an address provided. EMS and Michael went in the afternoon after dealing with a bad water heater and Health Care Express stated they do not do drug testing after a certain time and that EMS and Michael would have to reschedule, and


  1. On Monday, (November 15th, 2021), Michael sent a text message with pictures of Michael’s random drug and alcohol test to Respondent 2, and Respondent 2 responded “Ok”. On Thursday, (November 18th, 2021), Michael sent a text message with more pictures of a negative result to Respondent 2 and Respondent 2 responded “Ok”. On Monday, (November 29th, 2021), Michael sent a text message with a picture of Michael’s completed parenting class certificate to Respondent 2. On Thursday, (December 2nd, 2021), EMS received a text message at 01:30 PM from Respondent 2 requesting for Michael to resend the drug test and Michael complied with Respondent 2 acknowledging. On Monday, (December 20th, 2021) EMS emailed Respondent 2 with the parenting skills class certificate of completion. On Tuesday, (December 21st, 2021) EMS sent a text message at 09:02 AM to Respondent 2 if there was a hearing scheduled because there were two dates given in the October hearings. Respondent 2 responded there was no hearing that day and EMS acknowledged Respondent 2. EMS then received a text message from Respondent 2 inquiring if counseling had been completed and EMS never responded. On Wednesday, (December 22nd, 2021) EMS received a text message at 08:47 AM from Respondent 2 inquiring if EMS and Michael were in town or still on the road and EMS never responded, and


  1. On Tuesday, (December 28th, 2021) Testifier received a text message at 01:34 PM from Respondent 2 if EMS and Michael were in town or still on the road, and Testifier never responded. On Friday, (January 7th, 2022) Testifier received a text message at 01:40 PM from Respondent 2 inquiring if EMS and Michael wanted Christian and Alex to receive the COVID vaccine. Michael responded, “No, please no”, and Respondent 2 inquired why. Testifier responded, “I do not believe in any vaccines especially this one. Also, it goes against Testifier’s religious beliefs and Respondent 2 responded “Ok no problem”. On Friday, (January 14th, 2022) Testifier missed a call at 03:03 PM from Respondent 4, wherein a voicemail was left stating to call the Counseling Center. On Monday, (January 17th, 2022) Testifier received a text message at 09:21 AM from Respondent 2 inquiring if EMS and Michael were available the next day. Michael responded that Michael was not due in until Wednesday night around midnight (January 19th, 2022), and


  1. On Thursday, (April 21st, 2022) Testifier and Michael went to a hearing at 09:00 AM. While waiting for proceedings to start Testifier walked over to Respondent 3 and handed a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, hereinafter “UDHR” and stated to Respondent 3 they are in violation of the “UDHR”. Friedman noticed Testifier handing the UDHR to Respondent 3. As Testifier went back to sit down Testifier stopped by Respondent 2 and handed Respondent 2 the UDHR, stating Respondent 2 was violating the UDHR. Testifier also handed a UDHR to Two anonymous persons that were in the hearing room. When the proceedings for the parents started Friedman motioned Testifier and Michael to walk outside the hearing room. Testifier and Michael went into a room with some chairs and a table and laid down both binders on the table. Freidman inquired about the papers distributed out. Testifier handed Friedman a UDHR and stated that is what Testifier gave Respondent 3. Friedman looked at it for a second and handed it back. Testifier handed Friedman the Two court documents outlined dated back in July and October and told Friedman it outlines the visitation. Friedman read it and just said it is the court verbiage they use. Friedman asked what the binders were for. Michael informed Friedman it was back up for the next step. Michael gave Freidman, Ethan, Christian, and Alex a vaccine record and Testifier pointed out how to read it. All parties left the room and headed back to the hearing room to sit down. When the previous case had concluded Judge Craig L. Henry, hereinafter “Respondent 9”, called a Fifteen-minute recess. Testifier and Michael walked out of the hearing room for a few minutes and when returning to the hearing room, Respondent 9 and Friedman were talking and laughing. Testifier and Michael sat down and waited for the proceedings to start. When Testifier’s case was announced Testifier and Michael followed Friedman to the front where a table and empty chairs were and sat down, and


  1. Testifier and Michael requested a transcript from the (April 21st, 2022) hearing between licensed agents for the foreign political subdivision, the paper state of Texas yet have not received the requested transcripts as of (May 16th, 2022), and


International Translation

A Classification of Public Laws-101 Published in the Legal Notice section of the American Herald News as an International Public Notice can be found here: LINK

  1. Respondents are not recognizing EMS’s person as an entity separate from the foreign political subdivision, the paper STATE OF TEXAS, thereby not recognizing the natural obligations and intangible rights to EMS person’s children in violation of Public Law 101-14-1, Public Law 101-14-2, Public Law 101-15-1, and Public Law 101-15-2 evidenced in Points 1 and 2 within this Testimonium and evidenced in Exhibit “A” on page 18 and Exhibit “B” on page 19 within this Testimonium, and
  2. Respondents are liable, collectively, for the kidnapping of EMS person’s children by way of arbitrarily taking testimony of EMS’s adolescent child, held forcefully by registered agents for Bowie, County of without permission from EMS, thereby arbitrarily taking power of attorney over EMS’s children violating Public Law 101-17-1 and Public Law 101-17-2 evidenced in Exhibit “G” on pages 24 through 33 within this Testimonium, and
  3. Respondents have arbitrarily kept EMS person’s children from EMS claiming abuse and neglect of said children disputing EMS person’s natural obligations and rights to discipline said children in accordance with the Two (2) commandments from Yahushua (Jesus Christ) (1) You must love Yahweh your Father with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might (2) You shall love your neighbor as yourself. EMS’s person has accepted Yahushua (Jesus Christ) as EMS person’s Messiah (Lord) and savior evidenced in Exhibit “E” on page 22 within this Testimonium and Respondents are using policies administered by members of STATE BAR OF TEXAS evidenced herein; circumventing EMS person’s religious and moral obligations and rights. The aforementioned BAR association is only mentioned in a summary notice of rights within the Texas Constitution Article XVI Section 50 Protection of Homestead From Forced or Unauthorized Sale; Exceptions; Requirements for Mortgage Loans and Other Obligations Secured by Homestead. Respondents are forcing association upon a member of the North American National Party in violation of Public Laws 101-20-2 and said forced association by members of one of the political party corporations of the foreign political subdivision, the paper STATE OF TEXAS is considered Communism and Persecution thereby violating all Public Laws-101 evidenced in Point 3, Exhibit “C” on page 20, and Exhibit “D” on page 21 within this Testimonium, and
  4. Respondent 2 has been acting as the intermediary for the kidnapping and ransom of EMS person’s children wherein Respondent 2 has sent photos of said children to EMS’s person and inquired on progress of the forced contracting of other agencies and organizations such as WINSTED upon Testifier in an attempt to comply with the policies arbitrarily administered by members of the STATE BAR OF TEXAS evidenced in Points 39, 45, 47, 51, 52, 53, and in Exhibit “H” on pages 34 to 35 within this Testimonium, and


  1. The children, Christian and Alex, shall be returned to the Parents thereof within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of the States of the Union of The United States of America wherein Public Laws-101, formerly known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, thereby placing said children within the jurisdiction of the Parents and children thereof, and
  2. Respondents shall cease and desist any and all further attempts at administering corporate policies from within the foreign political subdivision, the paper state of Texas, and

This Testimonium shall be submitted to the Great Jury for the General Post Union of The United States of America. Any further nefarious actions by Respondents shall be considered as an act of aggression equal to war declarations by Respondents upon members of the North American National Party, the political party of the permanent population of the States of the Union of The United States of America subject to a public hearing within one of the International Tribunals of and for The United States of America following the submission of this Initial Claim of damages incurred upon ERIKA MARIA SCOTT, PMA by Respondents associating with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services evidenced in Exhibit “J” on pages 46 to 48 within this Testimonium.

Respondents shall be granted Fifteen (15) days following the International and National Publication of this Testimonium to give rebuttal to the claims within this Testimonium or these claims shall further stand as fact.

Affiant further Sayeth Naught,

Erika Maria Scott  , Trustee


This 58th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 16th day of May in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.

Publication amended on September 2nd, 2022 to include a No Bill of Indictment issued from the Great Jury for the General Post Union of The United States of America. LINK



Published in the American Herald on 5-16-2022



The United States of America
NAC Address: 70PHZ P5FJ2
State of Iowa judicial district 15
NAC Address: 76B5V PXQZ6
NAC Address: 7089W PV9PG

Affidavit of Fact

Comes now the Trustee for KEVIN MICHAEL JUHAS, PMA, hereinafter “Affiant”, being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has first- hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and;

  1. Affiant states that Kevin Michael Juhas hereinafter, “KMJ”, is a natural born American and on (December 30th, 2019) KMJ signed a State resident Declaration to The United States of America declaring KMJ’s residency evidenced in Exhibit 1 within this Affidavit of Fact, and


  1. KMJ accepted and acknowledged signed and submitted the Bilateral Social Compact by and between the people for The United States of America thereby claiming KMJ’s person exists as one of the people within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, on (February 27th, 2020) further entering a body politic in accordance with the codified Law of Nations evidenced in Exhibit 2 within this Affidavit of Fact, and


  1. On (October 15th, 2020) KMJ took a Declaration and Affirmation of National for The United States of America, thereby becoming part of the permanent population of State of Iowa, one of the States of the Union of The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit 3 within this Affidavit of Fact, and


  1. Affiant joined the North American National Party and signed a Political Affiliation Declaration and Bi Lateral Social Compact evidenced in the link provided herein; LINK, and


  1. KMJ signed an alleged loan with Bank of Bennington located at (122North156 Street Bennington, Nebraska 68007) for real personal property located at (2758 Avenue C Council Bluffs Iowa 51501) on (November 25th, 2015) KMJ signed a promissory for Fifty-eight Thousand, Four-hundred dollars $58,400. Known as loan #31316, this was followed by another loan for Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-two USD Dollars Sixty-three (63) Cents $2,572.63 as “SECONDARY FINANCING”, and


  1. The (LOAN #31316) and loan known as “SECONDARY FINANCING” is contract Fraud- a violation of Public Law-101-3, and at the time of signing the aforementioned Note Affiant was oblivious to the fraud associated with contracting for land deeds with bankers Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12 and Public Law-101-17-2 as well as the demand for U.S. currency only, FIAT currency with no substance or value, therefore of negative value. Debts cannot be discharged with negative value currency therefore perpetual debt Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), Theft- a violation of Public Law-101-7, Public Law-101-12, Public Law-101-17-1 and Public Law-101-17-2 results thereof, and


  1. Public policy was put into place to stop private organizations from committing nefarious acts. Affiant is stating that Public Law 10 June 5, 1933, 4:40 p.m. 31 U.S.C.A. 462, 463 House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10) was violated, and has occurred of the note BORROWERS PROMISE TO PAY “In return for a loan that I have received I promise to pay U.S. $ 58,400 called Principal”), plus interest, to order of the lender. The Lender is BANK OF BENNINGTON, A NEBRASKA CORPORATION” for payment of a particular kind of currency wherein the United States is in Bankruptcy, and


  1. I3 BANK fail to realize that their demand for United States currency in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, hereinafter “FRN”, is a demand for debt currency or FIAT currency that has no value or substance, therefore no debt may be discharged by payments of mere Notes. Refusal to accept a National currency in the form of United Continental Dollars, hereinafter “UCD”, is a breach of the restored contract by and between the United States and the United States of America LINK, therefore the 1982 repeal to HJR 192 known as PL 97-258 was passed by the now nullified U.S. Congress.


  1. BANK OF BENNINTON allegedly loaned KMJ money (LOAN#31316) that paid for a real personal property, in return for Promissory Notes to repay that amount, and


  1. .BANK OF BENNINGTON merged with i3 BANK in (2021), with the ultimate parent corporation recognized as Hilltop Bancshare Inc. LINK, and


  1. Affiant is back on shore, and not in the Internal Revenue Trust or any one of the territories of the United States Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, etc., therefore Affiant is making claims from State of Iowa, one of the original States of the Union within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and
  1. Affiant is stating the contract(s) are considered fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3 committed with promissory notes, Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12, and Public Law-101-17-2 FIAT currency, debt Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME) with no value or substance known as negative currency vacant use value LINK, and (LOAN#31316) was paid up front with the money/credit from the note, and


  1. Wherein money/credit is created into existence with investments and bonds, and to Affiant’s understanding BANK OF BENNINGTON, A NEBRASKA CORPERATION /i3 BANK did not provide any valuable substance for said loan(s) Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3 as stated in the note, and in #7 within this Affidavit of Fact, and


  1. BANK OF BENNINTON monetized KMJ’s Promissory Note and separated it from the mortgage loan, Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and


  1. Matt Kluver, an i3 BANK employee, hereinafter “Matt”, left telephone messages to Affiant concerning no payment received; False Witness- a violation of Public Law 101-12 in regards to alleged (loan #31316) (April 18th, 2022) @ 5:13 PM UTC-5, and (April 20th, 2022) @ 4:59 PM UTC-5, and


  1. Affiant sent a registered letter with legal tender to i3 BANK on (April 12th, 2022) with NATIONAL CURRENTY, LEGAL TENDER FOR DEBTS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE (hereinafter, “UCD”) with a correspondence letter by Affiant evidenced in Exhibit 4 within this Affidavit of Fact, and


  1. On (April 27th, 2022) Affiant talked to Matt via phone conveying the fact that a registered letter was sent with payment before the due date of the (15th) of the month. Affiant was in agreement to provide Matt with proof of sending with receipt. Later that afternoon Affiant was at i3 Bank with a witness. Upon sitting down in Matt’s office, Matt soon relayed they did receive a registered letter. Matt informed Affiant payment was declined/refused at the One Hundred and Fifty-six (156) street location in Omaha, Nebraska thereby making a false statement. Affiant asked for the “UCD” since Matt relayed that i3 BANK was declining/refusing the payment valued at positive Eight Hundred Forty Dollars (840.00). Matt told Affiant that their other i3 BANK branch in Bennington, Nebraska had the “UCD”, and would call to let the branch know Affiant was on the way, and


  1. Upon entering the Bennington branch of i3 BANK Affiant and witness sat down in front of a courtesy desk wherein Affiant identified himself, and the secretary handed Affiant a plain white envelope with Two (2) bills “UCD” that were sent registered mail vacant the letter of correspondence. Affiant inquired if the secretary had power of attorney to speak on behalf of i3 BANK. Secretary replied no, and would get someone that was. Secretary left to another area of i3 BANK, and


  1. Within a short time, Affiant was met by Tim Clark, an i3 BANK employee, hereinafter “Tim”. Tim escorted Affiant and witness into an office wherein all parties sat at a table with three chairs. Affiant asked Tim if i3 Bank would accept the “UCD” payment and Tim replied no. Affiant asked this twice and Tim still refused the “UCD” Denial of Nationality- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME). Affiant then gave Tim a paper with Uniform Commercial Code § 3-603 TENDER OF PAYMENT LINK and LINK. Affiant emphasized section (b), and began to inform Tim there was a discharge of the loan known to Affiant as alleged (LOAN#31316) and Affiant had all rights, title, and interest solely to the aforementioned property in connection with alleged (LOAN#31316), and


  1. After Affiant stated discharge of alleged (LOAN#31316) there was no rebuttal from Tim. Affiant then briefly stated other issues with alleged (LOAN#31316), and


  1. Tim had no rebuttal for any of the statements made by Affiant even after explaining that since the contract for alleged (LOAN#31316) was a nefarious act on part of the BANK OF BENNINGTON and continued by i3 BANK. A refund would consist of all payments made including deposits, improvements, upkeep, moving, claims for Fraud, and taxes LINK would exceed the current value of real property connected to alleged (LOAN#31316), and


  1. The Federal Reserve Note scrip operates as lesser than greater inequalities meaning the interest which is the debt for the use of the scrip is valued more than the money itself creating legal impossibilities by design of a system mathematically non-viable which imposes Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), and


  1. The BANKS employ usury and usury is debt slavery. The BANKS enslave the people through private debt base currencies worldwide (Federal Reserve Note The BANKS hold a monopoly against all other opposition. This monopoly allows for misappropriating private equity and hiding it as public gifts and donations Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3. The debt base currency creates economic slavery which produces a proletariat (slave) class. The debt base currency with interest rates attached produces a foreclosure scheme to steal real property by partial disclosure contracts Theft- a violation of Public Law-101-7, Public Law-101-12, Public Law-101-17-1 and Public Law-101-17-2. The socialist system creates unpayable obligations and then forced confiscation by parties that did not produce any value or equity Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and


  1. The BANKS use the appearance of ownership by using a deceptive contract scheme which creates a slave proletariat wherein the real true owner always suffers the risk of losing the real property causing a wanting and suffering with difficulties of gaining basic necessities, and


  1. BANKS steal the equity of inhabitants and then loan the equity back to the inhabitants on usury creating legal impossibilities and forcing a war of attrition, and

Excerpt from the International Publication, the American Herald News LINK:

The committee for the Government of The United States of America finds that since the federal corporation owns and controls all of its medium of exchange, the pricing and availability of the private scrip is rationed the same as the communists did when it formed government cheese lines for its people during a created economic crisis. When people make a demand for a particular medium of exchange that they have a monopoly over, the demand is nothing more than evidence of willful oppression for the purpose of slavery in all of its forms.”

International Public Declaration

“The committee for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares that anyone who offers Continental Dollars in its legal tender for debts public and private capacity, and the recipient refuses the tender of payment, the legal obligation is hereby discharged without recourse against the one making the offer”.

 “The committee for the Government of The United States of America further declares that if any privately owned court attempts to classify the aforementioned tender of payment as fraud, the claim of fraud can and will be used against said claimant if anyone claims that they have suffered an attempted slavery of their person in direct correlation of said fraud claim”.

 “Further, the committee for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares that anyone claiming non-recognition of the Continental Dollar is in violation of Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with full confession on the part of the claimant for the act of attempting to hide evidence under said non-recognition claim made privately or publicly:”

 Article 15

  1. 1 Everyone has the right to a nationality. Public Law 101-15-1
  2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Public Law 101-15-2

 “Further, the committee for the Government of The United States of America hereby declares that if anyone has been arrested because of said claim to a Nationality under the premise of not possessing the proper papers, the act of arrest is hereby declared to be in violation of Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with full confession thereof on the part of the arresting officer” :

 Article 9

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Public Law 101-9


  1. Affiant loves all involved in the dishonor, named or not named, within this Affidavit of Fact for Affiant follows the Way, the Truth and the Life LINK, and


 International Translation

A Classification of Public Laws-101 Published in the Legal Notice section of the Continental Free Press News as an International Public Notice can be found here: LINK


  1. Affiant states the agents for BANK of BENNINGTON have committed nefarious acts through contract(s) of fraud of banking and continued with i3 BANK, and
  2. Affiant states many human rights violations have been committed including, but not limited to, Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12 and Public Law-101-17-2, Denial of Nationality- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), False Witness- a violation of Public Law 101-12, Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and Slavery- a violation of all of Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), and
  3. Affiant discharged the debt/ loan with Continental Dollars LINK, wherein i3 BANK refused payment, Denial of Nationality- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME)
  4. Affiant declares any claims made by i3 bank that the debt/ loan has not been settled will be proof of intent of nefarious acts, and additional human rights violations. Further proof of intent to commit fraud by BANKS, FDIC on the advice of licensed agents and the BAR Associations under the City of London with the blessing of the pope, to steal property, and perpetuate debt slavery with the United States Federal Reserve currency by a foreign private corporation, Wherein liability for Public Laws has occurred stated herein: Breach of Trust- a violation of Public Law-101-12 and Public Law-101-17-2, Communism- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), Denial of Nationality- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), False Witness- a violation of Public Law 101-12, Fraud- a violation of Public Law 101-3, and Slavery- a violation of all Public Laws-101 (WAR CRIME), and



  1. i3 BANK to report with proof (LOAN#31316) has been fulfilled and discharged to all party’s involved with documentation/copy(s) to Affiant, and


  1. i3 Bank to release all rights, title/deed, and interest stating Affiant has sole ownership of the real personal private property free of interest of anyone or any entities whether known or unknown to Affiant, stated as (2758 Avenue C Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501) in person, at i3 BANK located in Bennington, Nebraska, and

Respondents shall be granted Fifteen (15) days following the international and National publication of this Affidavit of Fact to give rebuttal to the claims within or these claims shall further stand as fact.

Affiant Further Sayeth Naught,

Kevin Michael Jushas, Trustee

This 58th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 16th day of May in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.



The United States of America
State of Florida
NAC: 8669J ML9PQ
Judicial District # 10
NAC: 7233B Q7KBQ – MMJ1N

Legal Tender for Debts, Public and Private LINK
Reference Case No: 03301 STA0051114

To Dickinson County Attorney’s Office,

Dickinson County Attorney’s Office will find +20 Continental Dollars Labor Backed valued at the exchange of (+1) Continental Dollar Labor Backed is equal to $22.00 federal reserve note as stated in the Declaration of Value of the Continental Dollar within this Registered Mail Envelope also the Publication LINK, and

+20 Continental Dollars Labor Backed has been sent as Legal Tender for Debts, Public and Private to settle a Debt associated with Case No: 03301 STA0051114 demanding currency of $-135.50 federal reserve note, at +20 Continental Dollars Labor Backed multiplied by $22.00 federal reserve note which exchanges to equal +440 Continental Dollars Labor Backed, keep the Change, and

Any Further correspondence will need to be sent to Registered Agent Global Postal Code NAC: 7233B Q7KBQ –MMJ1N no one else accepts service of process on behalf of WILLIAM JAMES WRIGHT V, PMA; and

Signed on this 10th day in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and twenty-four, and the 29th day of March in the two thousand and twenty second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name, translated (March 29th, 2022)

Best Regards,
William James Wright V – Trustee



Published on 4-7-2022 by the American Herald
Published on 4-8-2022 by the American Herald
Published on 4-9-2022 by the American Herald

The United States of America
State of Florida
NAC: 8669J ML9PQ
Judicial District # 10
NAC: 7233B Q7KBQ – MMJ1N

Correspondence Letter LINK

To the Pinellas Country Drivers License Office or DMV,

My name is William James Wright V – Trustee (hereinafter “Trustee”) is contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles or Drivers License Bureau offices, whoever is issuing Drivers Licenses in the Political Sub-Divisions FLORIDA, and

The person WILLIAM JAMES WRIGHT V is sending the United States Corporation the Class A CDL Drivers License # W623-930-85-348-0 shown in Exhibit 1 back to you and want WILLIAM JAMES WRIGHT V removed from the Public Registry and all of your systems labeled as moved out of country, and

WILLIAM JAMES WRIGHT V has moved out of country and no longer lives in the Political Sub-Division FLORIDA at 6 Pindo Palm St. East, Largo, Florida 33770-7415 due to irreconcilable differences with the Republican and Democratic Parties, and

WILLIAM JAMES WRIGHT V now has a Political Affiliation with the North American National Party see Publication LINK and Exhibit 2 Below
Any Further correspondence will need to be sent to Registered Agent Global Postal Code NAC: 7233B Q7KBQ -MMJ1N no one else accepts service of process on behalf of WILLIAM JAMES WRIGHT V, PMA; and

Signed on this 10th day in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and twenty-four, and the 29th day of March in the two thousand and twenty second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name, translated (March 29th, 2022)
Best Regards,
William James Wright V – Trustee