Monopolies through the systematic use of Commercial Discrimination in America!


Published on 06-09-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

                                    INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

There are certain types of discrimination that people suffer on a daily basis. When most people think of discrimination they think of an individuals race. However, there is a more sinister type of discrimination that is happening in America that has catastrophic results.

The revolutionary war in 1776 started because of commercial discrimination. The Dutch and English east India trading companies were receiving preferential treatment against its competition in the tea industry.

Commercial discrimination policy in the States are a complete joke. Here is an example:

“Pursuant to State Finance & Procurement Article, §19-101, Annotated Code of Maryland, the commercial non-discrimination policy is a State policy which mandates that the State shall not to enter into a contract with any business entity that has discriminated in the solicitation, selection, hiring, or commercial treatment of vendors, suppliers, subcontractors, or commercial customers on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry or national origin, gender/sex, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or marital status, or any otherwise unlawful use of characteristics regarding the vendor’s, supplier’s, or commercial customer’s employees or owners.”   Source: LINK

The reason why it is a joke is because the policy comes from a monopoly that has legalized monopolies by not mentioning the fact that commercial discrimination is all about stamping out monopolies and has nothing to do with the subject matter of the quote above. Therefore, the policy does the exact opposite by perpetuating monopolies.

America was founded on equal opportunity for trade and commerce. The innovators of their time prospered because they had an equal opportunity to create a product and then sell the product to would be buyers.

Today, many have to have a number and a mark to buy or sell. The mark is defined as: If you do not think a certain way or believe a certain way, all resources of the earth are hoarded from your industry.

Today, the war on terrorism is all about disguising commercial discrimination. Commercial Discrimination is all about protecting a certain group of people and their interests at the expense of others. 

Recent examples of Commercial Discrimination:

1: The deliberate withholding of non-profit entity numbers from the Tea Party. 

2: The deliberate taking of intangible property or renting the intangible property right to a home or commercial establishment and not selling the home or commercial property itself.

3: The deliberate act of requiring traffic ticket quotas.

4: The Affordable Care Act.

5: Any Executive Order  has been used as a form of Commercial Discrimination because the order itself is not for the purpose of breaking up a monopoly. Its nature is to take from one industry and give it to another industry through force and intimidation. The original intent of the Executive Order was to break up monopolies if the courts failed to act.

6: The Emergency Education Act created a monopoly for the colleges where if someone does not have a degree from one of those organizations, they cannot get a job, even though it has been proven over and over that people without college degrees are consistently more successful than those that have a degree.

Through the constant use of Commercial Discrimination, America has become a political and commercial cult wherein if a certain perception is revealed about a certain industry, the industry  is attacked and support is taken from that industry until it falls back in line with the cult leaders edicts and personal beliefs.

The basic laws of a country are ignored by monopolies because those monopolies use the basics that people need to survive against them to manipulate an even larger monopoly over smaller industries. 

On average, small businesses go into massive debt before the doors even open. This is done through commercial discrimination by larger companies that continually use their monopolies to remind the people on a daily basis that their monopoly exists and “What are you going to do about it?”. The few overzealous and power hungry individuals have setup their own private dictatorships on the local, state and federal levels and not one Executive Order has been written to stop it. Without the order, the Military is useless to stop it even if they wanted to stop it.

Regardless of who is involved in the commercial discrimination, LINK, the real problem is that the country has lost itself and its foundation when it was created because the people today have not even heard the words: “Commercial Discrimination” in their lifetimes and therefore Commercial Discrimination has been able to thrive more now than ever.

Like was written in the first paragraph of this article, people affiliate the word discrimination with race and not industry. To give people a perspective of the words Commercial Discrimination, those two words in commercial jurisdiction are worse than war crimes or human rights violations because the result is genocide and the legal world knows about it and helps perpetuate the practice of Commercial Discrimination.

The United Nations was created to stop Commercial Discrimination; however, the result has been the perpetuation of the discipline of Commercial Discrimination because of its Commercial Discrimination against the existence nation-states and National Governments.



The office of Governor for the Government of The United States of America files multiple complaints!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 05-28-2016 by The American Herald


The Office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America has filed multiple complaints with the Department of Defense against various parties. 








Published by the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America


The General Post Master Council issues zero tolarance rules when dealing with American Bar Association members!


Published on 05-24-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

                                      INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The General Post Master Council issued a set of zero tolerance rules against all American Bar Association members within the metes and bounds of The United States of America, that violate human rights and the jurisdiction of the Government of The United States of America!

Generally the General Post Master Council (GPMC) is very easy going when it comes to tolerating Bar Association Members mouthing off. However, there was a threat issued against an American National and therefore, the GPMC knows for a fact that the Bar members have reached a level that is out of control, and therefore no longer has self governing authority. As a general rule, when an organization has failed to display self discipline, and adherence to the rule of law, it becomes a danger to society and commits perpetual human rights violations.

The American Bar Association declared all of the people in the U.S. states US citizens and residents of the states which made them stateless in the early 1950’s. The reason why that was done was to open the door to a massive money laundering scheme using un-recognized private currency. Making arbitrary declarations about the status of the people is a crime, especially for the purpose of silencing witnesses. As a result, the American Bar Association, backed by the Masonic Lodges has become the biggest drug dealers on the American Continent.

The District Attorney of Larimer County, Colorado decided to abandon the rule of law and make arbitrary threats towards a human rights defender and a documented American National. The only ones that hate American Nationals and human rights defenders are those people that are enemies of human beings, enemies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and low down dirty drug dealers looking to put someone in a private prison to launder drug money by collecting fees to hold those people that have been trafficked into the STATE that only exists on paper. This arbitrary behavior is out of control and the drug dealers have become the most tyrannical organization known to the people today. The trustees of the American Bar Associations are out of control and drunk with crime and the power that comes with it. 

Therefore the following rules are hereby implemented by the GPMC for the purpose of restoring peace and tranquility within the metes and bounds of The United States of America.

1: Any documented American National has full immunity from any charges from ANY American Bar Association member or any other type of association member.

2: Any claims of non-recognition of any credentials of the Government of The United States of America will result in a Human Trafficking arrest against the American Bar Association member making that claim.

3: Any attempt to regulate, enforce foreign law, assault, arbitrary arrest or detention, attempt to privately contract through plea bargaining, or anything else other than “Have nice day sir” directed towards a documented American National will result in an immediate arrest and prosecution for human rights violations against the American Bar Association member, the trustee and District manager that has implemented this action.

4: Any jurisdiction that attempts to place a documented American National on trial will result in an immediate International Complaint to be filed against the entity number of said jurisdiction within the States with the proper authority. If that proper authority fails to resolve the matter, that entity number falls under the jurisdiction of the Human Rights Tribunal and is subject to international sanctions of the Human Rights Tribunal enforceable by customary international law. Since the American Bar Association is not under the constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights nor do any of their clients within its UNION, those rules for due process do not apply as claimed in the past. 

5: Any non-recognition of the Government of The United States of America credentials, National currency or any confiscation of said credentials is an International copyright violation and the subject will be prosecuted in the name of the Government of The United States of America and fined for the violations.

Public Notice:

A: All documented American Nationals are subject to the GPMC and the Judicial Branch of the Government of The United States of America by voluntary contract. The Government of The United States of America is a subject of the Law of Nations.

B: Any non recognition of this status is a contract violation and falls under the slavery clause of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on civil and political rights. If a documented American National is not recognized as having the right to contract, then the American Bar Association members are claiming that the documented American National is an American Bar Association slave and therefore subjects the American Bar Association member to immediate arrest for slavery.

C: Any form or attempt to isolate a documented American National from their Government, intimidate, threaten any other type of arbitrary action including but not limited to passive aggressiveness and gang stalking against a documented American National for whatever reason is an offense under multiple human rights violations.

D: Any attempt to retaliate by claiming terrorism against the Government of The United States of America by any American Bar Association member of any of its agencies will result in an immediate attempted murder charge against said perpetrators.

Further, if anyone witnesses any documented American National committing any human rights violations they are to contact the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United State of America immediately to issue a report of said violation(s).

Email: [email protected]

It is highly recommended that the trustees of the American Bar Association implement a new policy of cleaning house and becoming human rights compliant. The association as a whole is considered the devils den at this point and displays blatant disregard and contempt of any form of human right.

Clarity Purposes

Let the GPMC make this next point extremely clear, the States decided to shield themselves from any international war crimes by claiming intra state commerce jurisdiction. The Government of The United States of America is in inter-state commerce and is not interested in intra state commerce or harming anyone within the States. Therefore, stay out of interstate commerce according to the agreements already made and the Government of The United States of America will stay out of intra state commerce. 

The GPMC reserves the right to alter or amend these rules at any time where the particular case may call for additional rules to be altered or amended.

end of notice




The office of Governor for the Government of The United States of America files a complaint!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 05-17-2016 by The American Herald


The Office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America has filed a complaint with the Department of Defense against various parties. This is the first of many that will be filed in the near future.



The Government of The United States of America issues transgender restroom guidance to schools!


Published on 05-14-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


Guidance delivered by the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America


The office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America (Governor) is offering the following guidance to the schools on how to handle the transgender issue in reference to this article: LINK

1: The tax payer money spent on this issue and the subject matter itself will surely fix the 42% un-employment rate currently residing in the U.S.

2: The subject matter of the transgender issue is great leadership because it cures the homeless rate over night. The Department of Justice is doing a great job in offering its guidance in the transgender issue because it cures its debt problem and more debt should be spent on other issues that deal with the personal sexual issues of the people. The psychological counseling that the Department of Justice is engaging in should fix everything.

3: Blackmailing school districts into complying with the transgender issue is an excellent way to insure the psychological welfare of the people as a whole wherein some kind of award is in need to being awarded to the psychologist that rendered that advice.

4: Please provide the evidence that speaking about the gay and transgender issue for 8 years has in fact cured the multiple human rights violations that comes from unemployment, homelessness and starvation that currently resides in every district within that grand ole new union.

5: Please speak clearly so that everyone can listen to the guidance as to how publicizing sexual preferences for 8 years; and when are the pedophiles going to be released from prison when it is finally legal to commit violent acts against children by having sex with them under the guidelines of a “Sexual Emergency”?

6: The aforementioned subject matter does cure the problem of arbitrary  arrests of the homeless and is an excellent way  to spend and bring in revenue.

7: “Socialism is a great thing until the other guy runs out of money”. Margaret Thatcher

The real guidance from the Government of The United States of America is as follows: 

1: The boys use the boys restroom and the girls use the girls restroom. To perpetuate crime when a sexual deviant claims to be transgender for the purpose of raping teenage girls is not guidance, it is suicide of a society.

2: Boys and girls can be identified by the sex that they were identified as on their birth certificate.

3: Any psychological counseling on this issue can be paid for by the individual damaged after the age of eighteen.

4: The transgender and gay issue is not a public issue and therefore the Public Trust is not liable to fix the issue. The issues are private in nature and therefore not the expense of the people.

5: All school districts qualify to receive perpetual funding of a National currency that is debt free and interest free from this Government since it was this Government that started the school districts in the first place.

Presented by the Government of The United States of America


Introducing the existence of the reign of the heavens Healing Center Cooperative!


Published on 05-11-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


The reign of the heavens Healing Center Cooperative was created for the patients of the reign of the heavens Healing Center Association to be able to afford medical care for themselves and their families. 

A cooperative is not a new idea, however it fit perfectly within the intent of the reign of the heavens Healing Center. The trustee of the reign of the heavens Healing Center believes the Cooperative annexed to it is a viable solution to the medical care crises currently plaguing the United States.  LINK to the National Great Registry


Acceptance and acknowledgement by the office of Governor!


Published on 05-11-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


The office of Governor for the Government of The United States of America hereby accepts and acknowledges the American bison as the official national mammal. This particular United States also accepts and acknowledges the American Bison as the official National mammal.  LINK TO NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

GOVNUSA copyserveimage

Symbolism is everything!


The reign of the heavens society is not associated with devil worshiping!


Published on 05-11-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


Presented by the Government of The United States of America

An Illuminati member Stella Lehn is doing her best to associate the reign of the heavens with devil worshiping.

Stella Lehn appears to be a harmless little old lady. However, when someone spends some time with her, a whole other  Stella Lehn appears that is cunning, manipulative and has a vile agenda.

Stella Lehn is a “former” Illuminati member, the niece of Henry Kissinger that grew up in the Illuminati devil worshiping cult. Stella Lehn claims she is not a part of the Illuminati any more, however, once she was caught recording committee meetings without the knowledge of the committee and claiming she was reporting to someone every other day, the whole plan was exposed.

Ever since Stella Lehn was exposed, she was removed from the office of General Post Master which expels her from Government service. Since this last video she made, Stella Lehn has been deported from The United States of America. The action by the National assembly seems harsh, however, the action taken was warranted.

The Illuminati was using a harmless appearing little old lady that calls herself “Bluewitch” and claims to be a good witch, but spreads rumors and lies that the reign of the heavens is condoning all of these alternative beliefs which in the opinion of the members of the Temple, is devil worship.

If a movement can be established by a little old lady, how could that seem threatening to anyone? It depends on the subject matter that is being established.

Jada Jackson has seemed to fall under Stella’s spell. Stella’s innocent laughs when she is lying. Her theatrics when she does not know the answer to a question etc.. etc… Jada Jackson has been asked politely at least on three different occasions to remove her slanderous video from You tube and refuses to remove the video thereby intending to slander the reign of the heavens. Both Jada Jackson and Stella Lehn is using the ignorance of others to form an impression about the reign of the heavens which is false and both are doing this with evil intent.

Here is the screen shot of the comments that were placed on Jada Jackson’s you tube channel:  LINK

Go look at the video page now, Jada Jackson is hiding those comments to hide her intent from her subscribers: LINK 

The reason why Jada Jackson is doing this is because that is what devil worshipers do, they do evil against others for no reason.

If the Illuminati can get enough people to believe that the reign of the heavens has something to do with a middle earth theory, or somehow tied to Hinduism, or a part of snake worshiping, then people will shun and do their best to destroy, then the Illuminati can swoop in and take over with the help of people that believe they are doing the right thing for their god. If that happens, the Illuminati has the original Government in their hot little hands and can destroy from within, if that happens, the Illuminati can start enforcing Communism to cover the devil worshiping agenda. Why do we know this? It is because the committee lived it for 9 months while Stella Lehn did her best to disrupt anything that the committee was doing with constant interruptions and re-directing conversations. At the same time Stella Lehn was causing arguments and division. Since Stella Lehn has been banned from the committee, more was accomplished in one week then the previous 5 months.

Stella Lehn has a little helper and protector that lives near her that was elected the coroner which has been removed from office, removed from General Post Master and has been deported also. His name is Gregory Layton. Anytime Stella Lehn was confronted to stop interrupting the committee, Gregory was the first to claim abuse and tort on Stella’s behalf. Illuminati members love drama and create it where they can to hide their agenda. They also use drama and false claims against anyone they deem might figure out what the agenda is and its details. 

The Government of The United States of America and the reign of the heavens society is dedicated to the human rights of others. Devil worship and communism is the exact opposite of human rights and therefore cannot mix the two. 

Warning: All of the information on the Jada Jackson you tube channel as it pertains to the reign of the heavens cunningly called “Reign of heaven”(to avoid liability) is false. Anyone foolish enough to believe Stella Lehn on anything she says or any legal advice she imparts deserve what they get. Neither Stella Lehn nor Jada Jackson represent the reign of the heavens nor do they speak for the Government of The United States of America. Anything claimed in the video either by Jada Jackson or Stella Lehn is a complete mis-representation of the truth and completely opposite of the views of the American Nationals and the  reign of the heavens society Temple members. Jada Jackson refused to invite anyone that has the authority to speak for the Government of The United States of America  or the reign of the heavens and decided to lie to the public instead. The actions taken by Jada Jackson are of low character and dis-honest therefore Jada Jackson and Stella Lehn are in violation of the human rights of the members of the reign of the heavens society Temple to say the least. International Human Rights violations may be published against both Jada Jackson and Stella Lehn.


Stella Lehn, a former American National and human rights defender conspired with a U.S. citizen Jada Jackson to to smear a foreign Government and a foreign Temple on behalf of a third party that being the Illuminati in violation of International law and the law of nations. Further, the video content is cunningly attempting to create a international confrontation and obligations that the Government of The United States of America will not honor.  

Presented by the Government of The United States of America.


Introducing the existence of the San Diego county assembly!


Published on 05-08-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


The San Diego county assembly received its own page on the National Great Registry for The United States of America today complete with its own charter. Congratulations to the people of the San Diego county assembly! LINK CLICK HERE

The San Diego county assembly received a 10 million Continental Dollar grant to boost the success of its Exchange: LINK CLICK HERE.

Delegate Marcus Yarborough has worked tirelessly to establish the county assembly for the past couple of months and it appears that progress is being made. Congratulations Marcus on a job well done!


The trustees of the Temple of YHWH offer dual nationality to correct chain of title!


Published on 05-08-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


There have been many questions about a currency reset all over the internet. The problem arises when the assets are covered in false claims against them that created the currency in the first place. The chain of title has to be corrected before any kind of currency reset is valid otherwise the reset will crumble as quickly as it began.

Therefore, since all of the assets that create the currency is governed by the old and new testament of various versions of bibles and scriptures. It makes sense to follow the chain of title in that book to find a solution to the chain of title issue and correct the problem. Through research and investigation, it is believed that the problem has been identified and the solution has been found in about 10 different spheres at once.

The problem and solution is written in the Minutes of the Meeting with various other topics covered. The problem starts with WHEREAS, and then the solution is covered in the BE IT RESOLVED section of the Minutes right afterwards.

This is a part of the problem described on page 2 and the whole document can be found here:  LINK CLICK HERE

This is the page that the Minutes are published on: LINK CLICK HERE!

“WHEREAS, the people in and of the world are being transferred at birth to a church on paper without their knowledge or the knowledge of the mother or father; and”

Please keep in mind for those that do not know that the reign of the heavens is a country. Watch the following video and see for yourself.
