All loans from the federal reserve and the Bank of New York Mellon re-classified!


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-20-2021


All loans from the federal reserve and the Bank of New York Mellon are hereby re-classified as gifts wherein the creditor and debtor relationship never existed.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America




The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America added the charge of murder against anyone who administers the ‘covid Vaccine’ Jab and the person dies!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-20-2021


The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America added the charge of murder against anyone who administers the ‘covid Vaccine’ Jab and the person dies!  This includes but not limited to the people that made the so-called Vaccine, the people that are forcing the Covid Vaccine upon anyone or coerced anyone to take the Vaccine. The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America does not recognize any treaty signed by corporations. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

Last warning to James Clinton Belcher also known as James Clint Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger also known as Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-09-2021


Last warning to James Clinton Belcher also known as James Clint Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger also known as Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck!

Reference: LINK

Both James Clint Belcher (hereinafter “James”)  and Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck (hereinafter “Anna”) have now crossed the line. 

The REAL Head of State is Keith Edward Livingway that has succeeded the office of the Post Master, Postmaster, Post Master General, Postmaster General, of the United States of America, the united States of America, these thirteen united States of America and The United States of America, unofficially in November of 2009 and on April 2nd 2012. LINK 

Both Anna and James rendition of the history of the General Post Office is more of a Bar Room Joke and complete garbage rather than having any real facts. We warned everyone that Anna and James would try to make a run at the country and here they are just as predicted. 

The appointment was made by the people in social compact, an agreement that completely baffles both of you as being needed to form a country because their real goals are to traffic persons into the New World Order. The General Post Office was abandoned until April of 2010 and neither Anna nor James had a clue it even existed at that time and has never been abandoned since that time and thousands of people know that fact. The country has been intact since 2009 and settled in 2013, Anna and James are subjects of the three city state empire and serve its interest.  

Anna and James, we are assuming that Anna wears the pants in that house, have been trespassing upon The United States of America on behalf of the New World Order for at least 6 years. Both Anna and James have been lying to the inhabitants about a great many things that have been established. Now you are both trespassing along with Henry Kissinger on the country itself by trying to claim Head of State. 

The REAL Head of State, Keith Edward Livingway, with proof of claim, the one both of you have been personally attacking for the past 6 years with more lies then the media itself is warning both of you that if you publish one more document that claims that either one of you have any form of claim against The United States of America or its Head of State and the office, a warrant will be published against each of you stating that you are both wanted Dead or Alive. Everything claimed by the Head of State, Keith Edward Livingway has never been incorporated at anytime. 

We have been looking for you, but we now have the resources to pay people to track you both down and find you although many would gladly do this service for free for the Government of The United States of America. 


Both Anna and James are hereby ordered to cease and desist interfering with the International, National and Local affairs of The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America and the States of the Union. Both of you are considered traitors/criminals and both of you will be deported from this country known as The United States of America under the Deportation Act of 2021.  

Henry Kissinger is also warned with this same warning. We knew your niece and she spilled all of it all the way down to your 12 year old sacrifice a baby ceremony while you tape it to keep them under your thumb for the rest of their lives. 

Both Anna and James, all of your claims are completely ridiculous and many thousands of people have seen the evidence of your lies and deceptions. We have meetings everyday debunking your claims and teaching people the truth.  Both of you have lost your campaign of usurpation and this Head of State has been patiently waiting for Anna and James to start to attempt to take this office. 

All three, Anna, James and Henry Kissinger have all had their last warning and their Cease and Desist. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

James Clinton Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger are still committing consumer fraud!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-01-2021


James Clinton Belcher and Anna Maria Riezinger are still committing consumer fraud!

Besides the fact that James Clint Belcher, a sex offender, signs everything with an alias “James Clinton Belcher” which makes everything he signs a fake and with no authority whatsoever is now trying to impound Paypal and the Internal Revenue Service.  Paypal must have been noticed that Anna Von Reitz, who claims to be a Judge and or Justice, is a fake claim and a lie wherein Anna Von Reitz collects money under that title and is therefore committing consumer fraud. 

Further, Anna Von Reitz also known as Anna Von Riezinger. she likes to change names when it suits her, hereby claims she and her comrade James Clint Belcher (hereinafter: “James”) owns the country which makes their so-called Federation of States (not recognized publicly) a private organization that Anna Von Reitz calls “The United States of America (unincorporated)”. 

Henry Kissinger has these two so twisted up in their heads that it is obvious that they are both operating under pure ego thereby making them believe that Anna Von Reitz and James have some kind of authority to impound the Internal Revenue Service and Paypal. Does anyone notice that Paypal and the Internal Revenue Service never had a trial, no due process, and are being threatened under complete dictatorial process and none of their followers protest against the totalitarianism? That is the definition of a cult. Anna Von Reitz nor James have never followed any kind of due process and continue to show contempt for due process. We are sure the inhabitants want this so-called Federation of States in charge when its leaders operate in domestic and international terrorism instead of by the law while claiming they are the real deal and everyone else is a fraud. You will know them by their fruits. LINK

Henry Kissinger has these two, Anna Von Reitz and James defrauding the Public into believing they have something to do with The United States of America and are in fact being used as pawns in a very sick game in an effort to place the New World Order in this country. It is all in their paperwork and so-called processes. Patriot garbage…..

Now James is following some advice from the late David Wynn Miller by signing a stamp diagonally and poof, magically James is a Post Master. 

Both Anna Von Reitz and James have defrauded the inhabitants by claiming they had unelected people, claim they represent the States of the Union, or each State in some kind of magical roll call thereby putting the country back together doing business as The United States of America, when if fact that is in no where close on how to form a State let alone a whole union of states.

Now we know why Anna Von Reitz and James never get arrested for using the Great Seal of the United States is because they are being handled by one Henry Kissinger, the man that is one of the leaders of the deep state and one of the main players in establishing the New World Order. It further makes sense as to why all paperwork coming from Anna Von Reitz and James are not completed and violate every form of International Law. It further explains why they both lashed out so quickly against Paypal and the Internal Revenue Service; first it shows everyone that Anna Von Reitz paperwork does not work and that she is still a U.S. citizen and so is James.  Neither had any intention of leaving the U.S. otherwise why have a Paypal account in your own name and this scam they have been perpetrating is a good money maker designed to further weaken the inhabitants that do not want the New World Order. 

If you have donated money to Anna Von Reitz you need to contact the Attorney General of the State of Alaska and file a consumer fraud complaint against Anna Von Reitz and James as soon as possible because both are defrauding you.  LINK

As everyone can see above, James is a Sex Offender and it shows in his background check that he has not renewed his sex offender registration wherein we suspect that the reason for avoiding the renewal is because James is hiding the location of Anna Von Reitz. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

Introducing the new GPU crypto coin issued by the Continental Public Bank!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-30-2021


Introducing the new GPU crypto coin issued by the Continental Public Bank! 

Yes, the General Post Union is a crypto coin to be mined and traded, and is not a token. The GPU coin is structured like bitcoin with no pre-mined coins available. There will only be 21 million in circulation. You can invest in this coin with vouchers and labor for now while we work towards listing the coin on an exchange if we find that decision to be a wise move. The value of the coin is 1 coin=1 Continental Dollar-LB=1 USD for now or until further notice. 

The wallet is available here if you would like to get started: LINK


Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

Introducing the new UCD crypto coin issued by the Continental Public Bank!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-30-2021


Introducing the new UCD crypto coin issued by the Continental Public Bank! 

Yes, the United Continental Dollar is a crypto coin to be mined and traded, and is not a token. The UCD coin is structured like bitcoin with no pre-mined coins available. There will only be 21 million in circulation. You can invest in this coin with vouchers and labor for now while we work towards listing the coin on an exchange if we find that decision to be a wise move. The value of the coin is 1 coin=1 Continental Dollar-LB=1 USD for now or until further notice. 

The wallet is available here if you would like to get started: LINK

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

International Notice: The Election of a King!


Blue Mountains-Temple Seal copyOn this 211th day in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and twenty three, and the 16th day of October two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name,

International Public Notice

Published on the 16th day of October two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name,

The reign of the heavens society Temple hereby announces and publishes the election of the King of the reign of the heavens society Temple and the reign of the heavens country established over 2000 years ago.

Yohanon the immerser announced its existence first and soon after Yahushua, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ announced its existence after its existence was established by its metes and bounds and seaward boundaries. Please do not mis-understand, we are not claiming that there is not a Spiritual Kingdom when in fact there is…What we are saying is that Jesus left us an earthly Kingdom/country also and it is called the reign of the heavens. 

National Great Registry Filing: LINK

The charter for the reign of the heavens society
has been amended to the reign of the heavens society Temple LINK
The Seals and Flag have been amended since the writing of the original document:
as amended October 7, 2021. 

Bilateral Social Compact:
The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to the following Articles that
make up the Bilateral Social Compact:
Article 1: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to seek the Father in
Heaven with all of our heart, mind and being, and
Article 2: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to walk through the
straight gate and go down the narrow way to find the living anointed one known as Jesus, the
Christ, the way, the truth and the life, Yeshua, Yahushua, and
Article 3: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to strive to agape love
our Father in Heaven with all of our heart, mind and being, and
Article 4: The members of the reign of the heavens society Temple agree to agape love our
neighbor as our self.

Notice: Yahushua, Yeshua, Jesus the Christ was elected King of the reign of the heavens on
the 7th of October, 2021 by the members of the assembly of the reign of the heavens society
Temple and the assembly of the reign of the heavens.

Too our knowledge and to this day we have not witnessed a formal election of Jesus, the Christ A.K.A. Yahushua, Yeshua and other names complete with a Social Compact. We are not saying that it has not happened, we just haven’t witnessed the election of the King.  

Therefore, We, the assembly of the reign of the heavens and of the reign of the heavens society Temple made sure that a formal election has in fact taken place.  A lot of people do not know that Kings are elected to office and that succession is illegal to tolerate. All voters are in fact parties to the constitution and by-laws and all are verified. 

This means that the status of “reign citizen” is open to those that wish to remain a subject of the King, Yahushua, Jesus the Christ, Yeshua. The facts are that the King bought you and can pay your ransom so that you are free from Tyranny. 

The status “reign citizen” is a duel status with other countries. It does not remove your current status within your country. It has a potential to remove all wars because if everyone had a reign citizen status and their own status within their country, it would be highly unlikely that anyone would bomb their neighbor nor do any harm to each other.  

Notice: The idea of a Crislam  LINK as a one world religion under force is not a solution for world peace. If you choose to be a subject of the true King here on earth, Crislam would not have any jurisdiction over you . 

If you would like a duel citizen or a duel citizen and National status you can start here: LINK 

Revelation: 17

14“They shall fight with the Lamb, and
the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is
Master of masters and Sovereign of sovereigns.
And those with Him are called, and
chosen, and trustworthy.”


37Then Pilate said to Him, “You are a
sovereign, then?” Yahushua answered, “You
say it, because I am a sovereign. For this I
was born, and for this I have come into the
world, that I should bear witness to the
truth. j Everyone who is of the truth hears
My voice.”

Connect with us on Telegram to get to know who we are:



PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-06-2021



You, Donald John Trump and the office of Donald John Trump, is hereby placed on Notice that your particular Executive orders are protecting Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci and many others from anyone carrying out any form of enforcement against the aforementioned individuals for multiple human rights violations, war crimes, and Nuremburg code violations. 

You, Donald John Trump and the office of Donald John Trump keep pushing a non-vaccine wherein the evidence is overwhelming that the particular poisons are killing thousands of people and therefore implicate you and your office for war crimes, human rights violations and crimes against humanity. 

You, Donald John Trump and the office of Donald John Trump have 30 days including weekends and holidays to withdraw your signature from the executive orders that are protecting the aforementioned war criminals otherwise you and your office will be indicted for the same crimes.  Executive privilege’s and immunity is not recognized when indicted for war crimes, crimes against humanity and human rights violations. Just ask Saddam Hussein. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America redefines the Natural Area Code!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-28-2021


The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America redefines the Natural Area Code! 

The Natural Area Code is hereby redefined as: International-National-State and county mail routes that abut United Nations-Federal-state and local surveys; LINK

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

The Government of The United States of America hereby supports the people of Australia in their struggle against New World Order Tyranny!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-06-2021


The Government of The United States of America hereby supports the people of Australia in their struggle against New World Order Tyranny!

The protection of the people has gone beyond its scope wherein the words “for your own protection” have now reached full blown attacks against a civilian population in the form of domestic terrorism. 

We pray that the people of Australia are victorious in their struggle for perfection.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America