Warning to Henry Kissinger!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 04-21-2021


Kissinger Warns Washington To Accept New Global System Or Face A Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation:

There are many that are more than glad that you are reaching the end of your life on earth. We had the pleasure or the curse of dealing with your niece Stella for at least 6 months.  What a piece of work that you guys created. Yes, we know about the ceremony at the age of 12 years old where your family kills a baby and will record the slaughter to keep control of them for their whole life. 

We know one thing, your version of the NWO will die with you and your generation. Your life long efforts have been in vain and if we hear one more threat out of you against anyone with your dribble about the world communist movement and that it is inevitable that it will be spread across The United States of America, we will wish you well and will say that we love you. Not with phileo but agape love. A love that you will more than likely never know nor understand because of your life long delusion that you have lived for your 97 years. The devil will never share his temporary kingdom with you. Good luck trying to collect on your contract after your last breath. Last warning, turn back to the one that has true legal title to earth and you before it is too late. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

Objection to the Vaccine Passport- The terms and conditions are war crimes!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 04-13-2021


Just because Xi Jinping and the W.H.O. are toying with war crimes against the Chinese people does  not mean that Americans have to stoop to that level.  

All covid 19 vaccines have never been tested. They were pushed through by this idiot, Donald John Trump by executive order and this is what he said today about the vaccines: 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: 

“The Biden Administration did a terrible disservice to people throughout the world by allowing the FDA and CDC to call a “pause” in the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The results of this vaccine have been extraordinary but now it’s reputation will be permanently challenged. The people who have already taken the vaccine will be up in arms, and perhaps all of this was done for politics or perhaps it’s the FDA’s love for Pfizer. The FDA, especially with long time bureaucrats within, has to be controlled. They should not be able to do such damage for possibly political reasons, or maybe because their friends at Pfizer have suggested it. They’ll do things like this to make themselves look important. Remember, it was the FDA working with Pfizer, who announced the vaccine approval two days after the 2020 Presidential Election. They didn’t like me very much because I pushed them extremely hard. But if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have a vaccine for 3-5 years, or maybe not at all. It takes them years to act! Do your testing, clean up the record, and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly. The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!”

Someone is in need of advising the Mar-a-Lago genius before he gets in trouble with war crimes. 


Nuremberg Code: this applies to every doctor, nurse and the like and pharmaceutical company. There is no immunity from war crimes. 

” First of the ten points are, (all from United States National Institutes of Health) [2]

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him/her to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences
and hazards reasonable to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.” 

The average and even below average person can understand the aforementioned section of the code. LINK

In order to enforce the Vaccine Passport, you have to violate the Nuremberg Code.

Everyone in the medical field need to stop following orders from the DEMS because they could care less about laws and are getting ready to cause a lot of liability for all in the medical field. That means no more license to practice medicine at the very least. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

ATTENTION: Sheriff Alex Villanueva-33rd Sheriff of Los Angeles County, State of California

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 04-13-2021


It has come to the attention of the War Crimes Tribunal that certain and deliberate War Crimes have been committed by the office of Sheriff Alex Villanueva. LINK



Here is the law you are breaking:

Those people were clearly objecting to the shot and you proceeded anyways without consent with an un-tested vaccine. That is a War Crime. Cease and Desist immediately or face the consequences of your actions. Consent from the parents or guardian is not consent. The law is clear. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

The communist’s take over The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 04-09-2021


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg ruled Thursday that compulsory vaccinations would not contravene human rights law and may be necessary in democratic societies.
The ruling came following conclusion of a complaint brought to the court by Czech families regarding compulsory jabs for children.
“The measures could be regarded as being ‘necessary in a democratic society,'” the court judgment read.


This is all done for your safety. And if you don’t understand this like those people in Holland in the video, then you will be forcefully explained that it’s all for your own good. And do not even doubt, or better yet do not think at all.

Trust the science and receive the benefits!


International Notice to the International Court of Justice!



PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 04-08-2021


Attention: International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands

The International Court of Justice has been receiving letters from a woman that calls herself “Anna Maria Riezinger” (hereinafter: “fugitive”). Part 1: LINK   and Part 2: LINK Some examples are attached to this Notice. The fugitives name changes many times depending on the scam that is being perpetrated. 

Please keep in mind the fugitive has quite a few alias’s and has been convicted of Real Estate fraud, fugitives husband is a convicted rapist and fugitive claims to be a judge and a Doctor of which none of those claims are valid.  

The fugitive is creating a façade and has many people sucked into it with cunning wording and the fact that the fugitive looks like a grandmother. 

Fraudulent Documents that the International Court of Justice is receiving: 

1: publiccorrectivenoticeanddemand

2: publicinternationalnoticetovacate

3: demandforpermanentinjunctiverelief

The fugitive uses the Seal of the United States wherein also claims to be a fiduciary of The United States of America. The Seal of the United States is protected by: LINK

Next the fugitive will be claiming all of Europe and Asia. 

The country: The United States of America name is protected by Bilateral Social Compact. 

The fugitive does not speak nor represent The United States of America nor the United States. The fugitive has stolen the actual documents with the metes and bounds on them that belongs to the Government of The United States of America. LINK  and here: LINK  and here: LINK

The fugitive’s crimes are matter of public record and when confronted with the crimes, the fugitive never denies any crimes the fugitive has committed. 

Any cooperation with the aforesaid fugitive would be detrimental to the international entity cooperating with said fugitive and would be complicit with said crimes and aiding and abetting a fugitive to steal estates and trafficking in persons.

The Government of The United States of America is warning all in the international community to cease and desist any and all cooperation with said fugitive. 

Anyone that apprehends the fugitive a 50 million dollar lien will belong to said party. 

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter: 

office of the Secretary of States for the Government of The United States of America, 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


Robin DiAngelo found guilty of multiple human rights violations!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 04-05-2021


“Robin DiAngelo (hereinafter “Respondent”) is perpetuating a racist ideology using labeling terms like “white privilege,” “white fragility” “inclusion” and “unconscious bias” that aim to demoralize the People by a method of divide and conquer, thereby violating Human Rights.”

LINK: 20210331-HRTI-Judgement_and_Order-Robin_DiAngelo.pdf (nationalgreatregistry.country)

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

Notice of Default: International objection to the existence of The American First Republic in The United States of America and First American Republic in The United States of America!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 03-26-2021


This publication is the Notice of Default on the challenge of existence of First American Republic in The United States of America or The American First Republic in The United States of America. The four could not keep chain of title within their own documents. 

These four inhabitants could not prove the existence of their so-called national government in The United States of America in accordance with the Law of nations and the Montevideo convention on defining State hood nor has it proven any agreements with any of the States of the Union of The United States of America and in no connection thereof. Nor could it answer any questions listed below. The only response was to attempt to charge the challenger with “Bearing False witness” and quote some off the wall scriptures. 

The response is the equivalent of two baseball teams coming together for a game and one team tries to win the game charging that the opposing team lied when they claimed they were the better than the other team. The response to the challenge was completely totalitarian in nature. Wait until all read the indictment, it gets worse. 

All challenges must be answered otherwise a default occurs. Normally the Government of The United States of America would rely on the international default, however these four have committed some crimes that cannot be over looked. Failure to show up to the trial makes our job easier.  

Therefore, the following documents and process is hereby served upon: 

1: Steven Preston Barker,

2: Sean Will Gary Beller,

3: Neal Harrison Cornett,

4: Elizabeth Ann Cornett/Whitson

are in fact in Default of the challenge, and must answer to the following charges:

“It has been determined from the evidence presented that there is probable cause to charge listed Respondent(s) with the crimes of Theft, Rebellion or Insurrection, Trespass, Seditious Conspiracy, Advocating Overthrow of Government, Forced Association, Theft of Time and Energy, Domestic Warfare, Trafficking in Persons and Treason”.  Indictment:  LINK

and a Certified copy of the arrest warrant: LINK

and a Certified copy of the Seizure List: LINK

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

The Government of The United States of America hereby objects to the existence of The American First Republic organization within The United States of America!

The American First Republic organization is a very weak attempt to establish some kind of organization that mimics the Government of The United States of America thereby attempting to claim first in time and first in right that is implied in the name “The American First Republic”. 

The American First Republic does not have the following: 

1: It does not have any metes and bounds and seaward boundaries because it cannot overlay what is in existence. 

2: Its Post office does not have any jurisdiction within The United States of America. 

3: Its members persons are offshore within the New World Order and therefore have no territory and never will have any territory wherein a legal impossibility is attempting to be created on behalf of the New World Order.  

4: Its creation is based on a false premise and the ego of hurt feelings and a issue that cannot be settled because its existence is based on a lie.  

5: The American First Republic organization is attempting to claim a new chain of title with no agreements with the 50 States of the Union within The United States of America and therefore trespassing which can cause a tax imposed against the trespassers. 

None of the inhabitants ever tried to start a county assembly within their States and could not because no one will work with any of them. 

If none of them could start their own county assembly, how do they believe they could start a country within a country? 

Either way, the official objection has been published within this publication and therefore The American First Republic cannot exist within The United States of America and therefore its Declaration of Independence is notwithstanding due to the fact that the persons that are signing it are not within The United States of America and never were a part of the Government of The United States of America or The United States of America. 

Further, the American National Union of The United State of America hereby objects to the existence of The American First Republic because it trespasses on all 50 States of the Union within The United States of America. 

They could have easily apologized for their attack and all would have been well, instead they all chose to fight, fight, fight, and attack relentlessly which caused their own demise; thereby their individual and independent attacks destroyed their only second witness that had at one time removed their persons from the New World Order. The attacks caused all of them to destroy all existence of that removal. 

Sean Will Gary Beller’s passport has been canceled when the delivery of his person was cancelled and is now on the stolen credentials list with the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

Additional Questions: 

It reads in their 2 page constitution the following: Article II
All People(s) and or Person(s) by and through authority of this assembly are in agreement to
preserve and defend all commandment(s), blessing(s) and wrath pertaining to natural law according to the word of our Creator. 

1: What is Natural Law? 

2: Who gave these four inhabitants the authority to speak for everyone simply because they all came together on a zoom call? 

3: How does one preserve and defend wrath? 

4: Where did the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America agree to extend its jurisdiction and venue to another Post Office? 

5: When did the current American Nationals and residents agree to extend their social compact to U.S. citizens otherwise known as inhabitants to be used against those same American Nationals and residents?

6: When was anything extended to this organization to validate it? 

7: How can someone affirm an Oath of Office that does not exist or was never written or taken? 

Notice: If none of these objections or questions are answered by the time of Notice of Default, The American First Republic organization does not exist within or in The United States of America. 


The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby objects to denying open carry without a license!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 03-24-2021



U.S. appeals court says no, it’s not OK to carry guns in public without a license  LINK

No one is obligated to follow unlawful decisions so therefore open carry will never be questioned due to the fact that courts do not have jurisdiction to take away intangible property rights to tangible property. Guns are private property and not for any government to regulate in anyway. 

Family courts have been trespassing on families for years by establishing the ability to remove “parental rights” but the issue of intangible property rights to a mother or fathers son or daughter cunningly never comes up in the court. We wonder why that happens? Removing parental rights does not remove intangible property rights to a son or daughter. They can remove parental rights all they want, however they cannot remove a fathers rights to a son or daughter nor can they remove a mothers right to a son or daughter. Parental rights is a communist term to break up families. 

The objection was recorded at 648pm utc-6 in a National assembly convened. 

Everyone knows these B.S. decisions coming from the U.S. are nothing but communist party private property gun grabs from the inhabitants to make sure the communist troops don’t get shot when the DEM communist party makes its move on the streets. Biden is a full fledge communist and so is Obama.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

Know your future and prepare for it!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 03-22-2021


Prepare for what is coming by opening an account at the Continental Public Bank: https://continentalpublicbank.com

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

True Bill of Indictment against-Miley Ray Cyrus, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (Lady Gaga), Robyn Rihanna Fenty (Rihanna) and many others!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 03-18-2021


True Bill of Indictment against: 

Miley Ray Cyrus, , Shawn Corey Carter aka Jay-Z, Robyn Rihanna Fenty, Stefani, Brian Hugh Warner (Marilyn Manson) (born January 5, 1969 (age 52 years), in Canton, OH) Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (Lady Gaga) (born March 28, 1986, New York City, New York, U.S.) Robyn Rihanna Fenty (Rihanna) (born February 20, 1988 (age 33 years), Saint Michael, Barbados) Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell (born on December 18, 2001, in Los Angeles, California) Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone, (born August 16, 1958, Bay City, Michigan, U.S.) Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (Katy Perry) (born October 25, 1984, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.) Marina Abramovic (born November 30, 1946 (age 74) in Belgrade, PR Serbia, FPR Yugoslavia –Michael Lamar White IV(Trippie Redd) (born June 18, 1999 (age 21 years), in Canton, OH) Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (Born September 4, 1981, Houston, TX) Christopher Maurice Brown(born May 5, 1989, Tappahannock, Virginia, U.S.) Christian Bale, Ash Costello, David Bowie, Gorgoroth, Jill Janus, Watain, Jimmy Page, Dave Mustaine, Matt Skiba, Blood Ceremony, Sully Erna, Behemoth, Dee Snider; The list is still growing. 

Excerpt of indictment: 

“It has been determined from the evidence presented that aforementioned respondents are perpetrating a Satanism ideology that aim to negatively reinforce a subset of morals thereby destroying humanity by attacking society and morality wherein the inhabitants being vacant a social compact agreement are indoctrinated into a child sacrifice ideology on a mass scale. This spiritual warfare engaged in as the evidence will show has infiltrated internet around the country. The respondents are the idols of this societal cancer as the evidence referenced below conveys and is hereby charged with the political crime of totalitarianism which stands as War Crimes under psychological war fare thereby attacking civilians with Military precision.”

Full indictment and all evidence will be published on the Human Rights Tribunal website in the near future. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.