Open Letter of Non-recognition
The committee for the American National Union of The United States of America hereby objects to the following;
Stay at home orders
Mandatory mask wearing
Social distancing
*15 days
When the first communications scattered through the air waves on mainstream media in reference to the Corona virus or Covid19, LINK it was ordered that a 15 day shutdown was to commence on March 16th 2020 and end March 31st 2020. Some cities and counties have been shut down since March 10th. It is April 20th, 2020 and now 5 weeks later the actions of the British American Union is causing private companies to suffer a war of attrition and an illegal transfer of wealth through deceit and misappropriation of the stock market, and
There are already reports of robberies and home invasions increasing within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America in result of private companies and jobs no longer existing leaving people with no source of income for 5 weeks now which is detrimental to families everywhere, and
The people are being lied to and played for a fool about the true intentions of the shutdown and actual end date for people’s lives to regain normalcy and freedom of movement without harassment and social awkwardness in public, and
The anticipation of the opening of the shutdown is being used by liberal lefties to manufacture communist regulations to impose on the inhabitants by using fear of the spread of the Corona Virus to control the inhabitants and getting the inhabitants used to a tyrannical communist state in complete totalitarianism, and
*Stay at home orders
The Committee for the American National Union of The United States of America hereby does not recognize any authority or stay at home orders coming from any of the creature state senators or governors, and
Stay at home orders of any kind is communist propaganda and violates Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which violates freedom of movement, and
Stay at home orders in regards to Corona virus/Covid19 propaganda has been used by the Governor’s Association and mainstream media to scare people into their homes as a form of domestic terrorism and punishes dissidents who decide not to participate in the illegal activity of the communist propaganda and exercise their freedom to human rights causing totalitarianism, and
*Mandatory mask wearing
Any emergency powers or authority to enforce mandatory mask wearing in public by any senator or governor from any of the creature states is hereby not acknowledged or recognized and is not within their job descriptions nor is it within their job descriptions to give medical advice, and
People with handicaps or communication impairments are not able to read lips or have other people read theirs causing distortion of communication and is a violation of free speech under the authority of Article 1, Article 15, Article 18 and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
Wearing a mask restricts oxygen from entering the body and this for some people causes hypoventilation, claustrophobia, anxiety and fear in public which could be dangerous and may increase violence, looting in stores and public buildings, and
Wearing a mask hides the faces of criminals who inflict harm and damage to private property and is a serious public safety concern, and
*Social Distancing
Social distancing is being influenced on the inhabitants in order to alter a society and gas light a population so people would separate and is a complete privacy violation of the family. It implements an Orwellian state of communism where human interaction is condemned causing human manipulation which leads to violence, and
A form of control and transfer of police powers never granted nor appointed to which an unauthorized body is compelling performance of the inhabitants that is causing disruptions in their daily lives. LINK
Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America