Feds Demand Apple And Google Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App is fake news!



If anyone has lived within the USA for a number of years, common sense dictates that there is no difference by and between the Feds and Big Tech. LINK

Defense contracts built Big Tech so the headline should read: “The feds doing business as Apple,  Google, Twitter and Facebook are publishing something in a court governed by canon law, (Pope Francis) went to Forbes (city of London) and asked them to publish a cover story to make it appear to the Public at Large that both entities are separate.”

Further, the Department of Defense doing business as courts, give the appearance of justice, when there are thousands of people that have to protect themselves from corruption from those courts and attempt to steal from the defendants everyday. 

The real defense in those courts is if you are doing business with the Department of Defense, otherwise consider your future burnt toast if you do anything to defend yourself in those courts. The reality is that the Military does business as local, state and federal corporations. 

We have thousands of examples and the Department of Defense does nothing to stop the military branch of courts from attacking civilians no matter how many times they are notified of the War Crimes. 

The inhabitants have a hard time understanding that in North America, everything is Military doing business as something because it is the Military Branch of the three city state empire. 

The Military is not obligated to protect civilians, they must protect the tripartite, yet your taxes support that effort and mission. The only reason why anyone is let to live or exist is because a rather large portion of your labor goes towards the mission of the Military. If not, you are a useless eater and deserve to be terminated by raising the price of medicine so the less than middle class will die off quickly. We just witnessed this in California last week.

The story in Forbes is nothing more than the Military assessing threats for the purpose of protecting itself, Vatican City and the city of London. You on the other hand are expendable which is the reason why no one feels safe anymore.

We have personally witnessed police officers walking into a small restaurant and many people stand up and leave to avoid them. If someone says something, they are vilified on the internet, by whom? The Military does it because the Military  controls the internet and all networks because the Military controls the satellites.

Why do Pentagon employees never get indicted for watching child porn at work, it is because the Military are doing business as the courts and protect the Lawyers and Judges at the request of the city of London(Lawyers) and Vatican city (judges). 

Just keeping it real….. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.   






It is very obvious we are all heading for a repeat of mass genocide situations wherein the people are disarmed and then slaughtered.

This case is an easy case to prove and all we have to do now is wait and list all of the other people that are a part of this agenda to open their mouths about disarming the people, Red Flag Laws or any other kind of rhetoric calling for disarming the people. Beto O’ Rourke will be added to the list of alleged international criminals, then we can rap this up quickly when the sentencing phase begins. 

Charging Instrument: DOWNLOAD

Evidence: DOWNLOAD

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 







American National Union of The United States of America Publication: 09-03-2019

The American National Union of The United States of America hereby publishes the fact that the U.S. has declared war against U.S. Citizens under the Declaration of Inter dependency of 1976.

While the U.S. citizens are working and supporting the U.S., the U.S. has decided that murdering its corporate citizens by siding with criminals that murder its corporate citizens has herein been declared.

The U.S. has displayed, through its actions it’s intent to murder U.S. citizens by removing the right to defend against criminal acts and lies to its corporate citizens that by disarming its corporate citizens makes them safe from harm.

The U.S. is supposed to be restricted by its 2nd amendment from litigating and regulating arms, yet it has claimed the right to regulate arms. This regulation claim by the U.S. was the first of many publishing’s of it’s intent to murder its own corporate citizens.

Corporate citizens are never more in danger than when an entity tells them that disarming them is for their own safety.

Real Governments never attempt to protect its Nationals by taking their rights away. 

If restricted by a corporate charter restriction, the party restricted does not have the right to discuss the subject matter either for or against arms. This restriction has been ignored and therefore the intent to murder its own U.S. citizens has been realized.

The first Union of this country does not agree with the intent of the second union and therefore will remain vigilant by watching and witnessing the attempted genocide of its own corporate U.S. citizens.

Published by the Great Council for the American National Union of The United States of America. 


In the matter of China Vs. Hong Kong!



Xi Jinping is a Chinese politician serving as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and has sent a large paramilitary force into Hong Kong. 

Xi Jinping is now in danger of War Crimes wherein CPC is involved in Military operations against unarmed civilians. Live rounds are already being used against civilians. Para-Military forces hidden as local police does not mean that Military is not being used against civilians and war crimes are not being committed. 

Xi Jinping and Britain is further involved in violations of the Law of Nations because Hong Kong is entitled to independence in its own right and the people are speaking out against these on going occupations that are causing negative psychological effects upon the people of Hong Kong. 

Ignoring these warnings is the way to complete dis-honor under international law. Xi Jinping is wrong and is very use to people not telling him that he is wrong and in dis-honor. 

Fairness and honor must be achieved. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 







All local currencies are independent within each county. Each independent local currency is exchangeable with the National currency known as the Continental Dollar. The website for exchange will be ready by the end of next week. 



Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The Human Rights Tribunal hearing on the charges against Anna Maria Riezinger and other parties will be Tues Sept 24th at 12:00 pm central UTC-6!



The Human Rights Tribunal hearing on the charges against Anna Maria Riezinger and other parties will be Tues Sept 24th at 12:00 pm central UTC-6! LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


Anna Maria Riezinger and husband are thieves, liars, and international fugitives that work for a foreign Monarch as private council, and both have a valid international warrant published against both persons!



Once again Anna von Reitz cannot keep her big mouth shut nor can she control her envy, jealousy, and covets everything she sees and is not above lying about people to get what she wants. 

Anna Von Reitz and her husband (hereinafter “fugitives”) are attempting to hijack the Government of The United States of America for themselves the same as Hillary and William Clinton did back when they hijacked the company corporation. Both have stupidly mistaken kindness, patience, and waiting for them to catch up with the real Government of The United States of America for weakness. Now we know that their true intentions are more sinister. Paul Stramer is also involved with this theft attempt. LINK

Here we go: 

From: Anna von Reitz <[email protected]>
Date: August 25, 2019 at 9:34:28 PM EDT
To: “Paul Stramer at Eurekadsl.net” <[email protected]>
Subject: About the “International Arrest Warrant”…..

About the “International Arrest Warrant”…..

About the “International Arrest Warrant” issued by “Reign of Heaven” Society, against me and my husband and the Government of The United States of America —- Notice in this statement that the fugitives are lying and attempting to hijack the Government of The United States of America as if both fugitives ever had anything to do with the Government of The United States of America. They caught up with the research and all of a sudden, out of thin air, both fugitives attempt to confiscate the Government of The United States of America as if they are a part of it. Both fugitives are assuming that people are stupid and do not have a memory. The international arrest warrant was not issued by the Reign of the Heavens Society, it was issued by the Government of The United States of America. LINK

Everyone can see now that both fugitives love to lie to everyone and we have caught both of them in many lies over the years and people keep listening to them. 

another bogus entity pretending to be “the” American Government, based on the purchase of documents related to the defunct Scottish Corporation formed 1868 and operated “as” The United States of America, Incorporated—- at a Naval Auction, no less —- it is all 100% Bushwah, having no cause, no basis, and no affect so long as everyone who is anyone keeps their heads screwed on and reality firmly in view. This whole paragraph is a complete lie, completely false, and an attempt to hijack a country on behalf of the British American union and a foreign Monarch called a pope. 

There is one actual Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. It is an unincorporated Holding Company formed September 9, 1776; it is privately held by the States and People of this country, and has never been incorporated. This is another example of British Crown guile in action — a gross breach of trust and infringement upon our copyrights, names, and trademarks without our knowledge or consent. Here the fugitives attempt to make it appear they are on the side of the people, we have seen this tactic since the first attack from these fugitives, they are working for the British Crown, both fugitives do this every time and call it notice or you had notice. It is a way of publishing notice without telling people directly that they have been given notice. 

Keith Livingway, the leader of this quasi-religious group, is a whackjob who has been in and out of Federal Prison for decades and who was forced to leave this country and live offshore to avoid arrest.No, Keith Livingway has never been in any federal prison and never left The United States of America and never lived offshore and is not a quasi religious leader and has never been diagnosed a whackjob.  

He went to a Naval Sales Yard Auction, bought the aforementioned items once belonging to the defunct Scottish Corporation, and thought that he was thereby made King of the World, and America, too. No, this never happened, another lie and more evidence of intent of treason if both fugitives would like to continue to claim The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America as their own. 

Next, he got “religion” and plagiarized the work of Frank O’Collins and shamelessly abused another man’s work for his own purposes (shamelessly took credit for it all, too) to create the completely elitist and whackjob “Reign of Heaven Society”.  No, this never happened, the reign of the heavens has nothing to do with one heaven organization and did not plagiarize one thing from the one heaven organization. 

They closed membership in 2012 in honor of the “End of the World” predicted (they said) by the Mayan Calendar. That means that you, Bubba, can never truly be a member in their elitist little group, because you were not “called” to their banner and subtly extorted into signing their contracts by December 21, 2012.  No, this never happened, this statement sounds more like someone who is bitter, jealous, envious, and just plain sick in the head. 

It turns out that the Mayan Calendar did not, does not, and will never predict any such thing. It also turns out that these people are nuts. Ignorant nuts, too, as they are continuing to rely upon documents created by pirates as the basis of their supposed authority and ownership interest. Another lie stated after the first lie above so now it is starting to look like ranting again of which both fugitives do quite a bit because they just released another rant claiming to be pissed about something about a week ago. it all sounded like a bunch of garbage. 

So, however “official” all their documents and prognostications may appear, its all just more crappola, wrapped up in a different piece of paper. Sorry to bother everyone to pay any attention whatsoever to their nonsense, even for the purpose of debunking it.  No, the warrant is perfectly legit and the fugitives are not sorry at all because they are trying to place in every ones minds that the fugitives have something to do with the Government of The United States of America and they do not. 

If anyone needs to be arrested, its the heirs of that Scottish Corporate Interloper and all those who attempt to form commercial corporations “in our names” for the purpose of identity theft, copyright and trademark and patent infringement, constructive fraud, credit fraud, and other nefarious purposes. This is another plea by two fugitives to divert the attention towards others that the fugitives work for by the way, and pull honest people down with the fugitives and attempt to get honest people to protect the fugitives from going to jail for the rest of their lives by acting like the fugitives are on the side of those honest people. 

It is obvious that the International arrest warrant is on the minds of the fugitives sounding much like a guilty conscience for what the fugitives have been doing to this country on behalf of the foreign Monarch LINK

That link also shows where the fugitives attempted to join the Government of The United States of America and were turned down because of the fugitives blood oath to Pope Francis. The blood oath means that both fugitives can never declare an oath to anything else for the rest of their lives and will forever remain a subject of a foreign Monarch. Blood Oaths can never be broken except by the blood of Jesus Christ where both fugitives need to go to get out of their mess. Meanwhile, the International arrest warrant will remain on their persons and both fugitives stupidly continue to attack the only people that could have helped the fugitives.  Sad but true….

The fugitives want the Government of The United States of America when a bill is due and owing to which is around the 14.3 quadrillion mark as of 2011.

So you see folks, these fugitives are just attempting to steal what is owed, for and on behalf of their foreign Monarch and attempting to get out of payment back to the people and inhabitants of the States of the Union.

Both fugitives continue to publish notice of their intent and the people and inhabitants continue to believe that the fugitives are on their side when the opposite is true. How many times do the fugitives talk about money due and owing back to the people and continue to attempt to hijack the collection rights to that debt?  

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


Anna Maria Riezinger and husband are thieves, liars, and international fugitives that work for a foreign Monarch as private council, and both have a valid international warrant published against both persons- Part 2!




International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim

Sent to Pope Francis: 27 August 2019: 23:06….

International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim Under Public International Notice for Pope Francis, President Donald Trump, the Lord Mayor of London, the Government of Westminster, Queen Elizabeth II and all other Interested Principals and Parties: The protest cannot exist because Anna Maria Riezinger (hereinafter “fugitive”) is facing international human rights violations and treason charges. 

This is your International Notice of Constructive Fraud ongoing on the sea and in the air: Your is not defined

We are the People of The United States of America.

The fugitive is not the People of The United States of America. The fugitive is the Private Council of Pope Francis with a blood oath to a foreign monarch and therefore cannot represent The United States of America in anyway. Any form of representation is considered a violation of Chapter 12 of the Law of Nations. 

We know who we are and when our Federation of States was formed: September 9, 1776, almost five (5) years before any commercial organization of confederated states of states was formed March 1, 1776; we know our jurisdiction and the nature of our States as the Donors of all Delegated Powers ever received by the Municipal United States Government and also any such Powers exercised in our names by the Territorial United States of America. The fugitive did not know the real and sovereign jurisdiction of this country until the fugitive heard it from the Government of The United States of America. The fugitive was still claiming to be one of the People of the United States a year or two ago, now that the fugitive figured out the fugitive was wrong about everything and has been attacking this country for the past 5 to 6 years, all of a sudden the fugitive is one of the People of The United States of America wherein the proper terminology is the people of The United States of America. 

Tonight we have been informed of yet another Interloper deliberately infringing upon our Unregistered Trademarks and Copyrights in violation of International Law for the purpose of commercial entrapment and fraud.  The fugitive is giving notice to the whole world that the fugitive is the interloper which is the fugitives mode of operation to get out of the human rights violations that the fugitive faces at this time.  The fugitive commits the crime and attempts to pass those crimes onto someone else.  

The guilty Parties have launched a “Private Membership Association” called the Reign of Heaven Society, based on plagiarizing the work and infringing upon the copyrights of Frank O’Collins; The fugitive is lying on the international record again. This issue has been addressed in a publishing 08-27-2019.  The Reign of the Heavens Society was not launched by anyone in this time period. It was launched by Yohannon the immerser also known as John the Baptist and Yahushua also known as Jesus Christ. 

they have similarly attempted to infringe upon our recorded copyrights and trademarks and sought to promote a deliberate confusion via a Similar Names Deceit between their additional Private Member Association calling itself The United States of America 1781 and our unincorporated Federation of Independent States doing business as The United States of America since September of 1776. The fugitive is lying again on the international record because there is no such international entity known as “The United States of America 1781” unincorporated nor incorporated. The term was a social misnomer created because the inhabitants did not know the difference between one The United States of America and the United States of America so the misnomer was added as 1781 at the end of The United States of America. The 1781 was also added to the end of the website because The United States of America was already taken as a domain, however the domain claim by a third party was not a claim to the  country known as The United States of America. The 1781 added to The United States of America does not have any official standing and therefore a misnomer created for translation and communication purposes. The fugitive is simply repeating the claims of the true residents and American Nationals that have already naturalized into the States of the Union through The United States of America. Further, there is no such entity known as The United States of America (unincorporated) a misnomer created by the fugitive. So does this mean that the fugitive has classified the fugitives act a interloper? 

Though I have no reason to suppose that Pope Francis is unaware of basic International Law, including the fact that possession by pirates does not change ownership of assets, I must remind him of his responsibility as the Keeper of Corporations under Ecclesiastical Law, and bring this matter to his attention and that of the Roman Curia for correction and must also demand the dissolution of this would-be imposter organization which has no actual or historical relationship with our States or our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. The fugitive is simply attempting to sick her Sovereign, thereby treating the Vatican as the fugitives own attack dog upon a sovereign foreign country because the fugitive has tried this same tactic before by going to SPLC when the International Arrest Warrant was originally published.  

We also wish to make it clear that The United States of America represents the independent and complete and physically-defined States belonging to the People of this country, and neither we nor our member States are any kind of “state of state” at all. The fugitive has mistaken a claim of a state within a State and started calling the phrase “state of state” which simply shows the world that the fugitive is in way over the fugitives head as it pertains to International Affairs, international law and the Law of Nations. 

As States and as a Lawful Federation of States, we cannot be defined as any enemy of any state of state organization and may not be mischaracterized as a state of state organization ourselves; we occupy a complete and separate jurisdiction as natural people and as Lawful Persons owed every respect and protection under international law. The fugitive does not occupy anything other than an office called a Private Council of Pope Francis in accordance with the fugitives own words and deeds. Further, just like the bogus judge claim a few years back, now the fugitive is pretending to be a fiduciary of The United States of America, the same country that was claimed back in 2010 and has been operating under elections since 2013. 

We are permanently and properly domiciled on the land and soil of our States and have no cause nor reason to reside in any inchoate state of state at all.

The naturalization process to remove their persons from an offshore trust through a district into the States of the Union has been provided by the Government of The United States of America and has been available for a while and all of the entities that this so-called international protest is being addressed to have no authority over a sovereign countries naturalization process. The fugitive has been publishing bogus patriot garbage since the fugitive made the fugitives presence on the internet that has no standing whatsoever.

our native land and soil, abandoned our birthright for proxy benefits or otherwise knowingly allowed any such legal presumptions must be set aside and disallowed; we accept all gifts, waive all unearned benefits, and act as Prudent Men. The fugitive whole hardheartedly admits abandoning the birthright and when the naturalization was presented to the fugitive as a correction to the problem, the fugitive was angered when the fugitive could not control everything thereby cutting out the voice of the people of The United States of America altogether.  Since the fugitive could not control the country, the fugitive began a slander campaign against the office holders appointed and elected in office that has gone on for years. The fugitive has also, through the fugitives lies, demonizing and slander of one office holder in particular, has committed the most heinous of crimes under international law, the deliberate with holding of the truth to deny others a Nationality.    

We do not inhabit nor reside in any inchoate incorporated state of state at all, and as we are the Beings in Possession of the States, we are not stateless, either. The fugitive is classified as an inhabitant under the Law of Nations, basically a foreigner to The United States of America however is still a subject of the laws of The United States of America (Section 213 of the Law of Nations). However, the fugitive is also classified as a foreign agent of the Vatican working for a foreign Monarch and attempting to disrupt the operation of a foreign country wherein a new charge could be added under the laws of spying.  

We claim our inheritance as the living sons and daughters of our Creator, formed by an Act of the True God at the moment of fertilization and as true heirs of every bit of DNA and matter belonging to us by His Gift, including claim upon every beneficial interest in the estate thus created, including any estate left behind by our dead amnion being misrepresented as a “person” and as an “infant decedent” and then used as a device to promote fraud and identity theft against our living estate and Given Name. Apparently the fugitive took the advice of the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America and is turning to God, our father in heaven, however the idea was not of the fugitives own and therefore appears fake and disingenuous. We can all let Jesus Christ decide. 

We are not amused by any of these attempts to mischaracterize us or entrap innocent people under false premises and unconscionable contracting processes — not the Dead Baby Scam, not the Justinian Deception, and not another deceitful attempt to misrepresent our Federation nor our States nor our People via the employment of deceitfully similar names adopted by “membership organizations” or commercial corporations or any other kind of inchoate Legal Entities at all. This is nothing but slander by the fugitive in an attempt to hide the international crimes of the fugitive.  

Our Social Contract within our States has been established since 1776, and any and all obligations shared with the British Government and with the Holy See have been set upon the international record since 1783; there has been no valid alteration in any provision since 1861: “This Act shall not effect any right thus previously established”. The fugitive is obviously speaking about some other unknown Social Contract that the fugitive is not a party because these statements do not meet the facts, however it is curious that the fugitive is now claiming a social contract when a year ago the fugitive did not know anything about a social compact. However we will watch the fugitive claim the real social compact once the Government of The United States of America announces it and the fact that it has been hiding in plain site for over 200 years. The fugitive is nothing more than a claim jumper and is now being exposed.  

Must we remind His Holiness of the obligation of the Holy See to strictly limit its governmental services activities to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia?  Since this Government of The United States of America and The United States of America are not incorporated and not within the District of Columbia there is no need for Pope Francis to act on anything which is the same conclusion when the International Arrest Warrant was first published wherein the brave and revolutionary fugitive with nerves of steal ran to SPLC and told on the Government of The United States of America. 

And the further obligation of the Holy See and its servants to drop any and all frivolous claims to the effect that our people are “citizens” of any fictional legal entity? The fugitive has no standing to demand anything. 

We wish this to be done, and to be done now, in this moment and forever. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything. 

We are the Children of the True God, not Children of Men; we command the Angels and command the Devils, too. The fugitive has to repent to have this standing and the fugitive has not repented.

Remove these atrocities from our presence.The fugitive has no standing to demand anything. 

Liquidate the phony 500 municipal districts which have been overlaid upon our land and soil. Remove the Municipal and so-called Administrative COURTS that have been established in violation of Our Sacred Covenants. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything. 

Remove the false claims to own our souls or any other right, title, trademark, copyright, patent or property interest rightly belonging to us. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything. 

Release all bonds and set our people free. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything. 

Cease all false claims that any of us are commonwealth property, paupers, warrant officers, municipal volunteers, employees, dependents, assets, or mere matter subject to the whim of any man, archon, seraph, ghost, demon, spirit, or goblin. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything, the fugitive must repent.

On your immortal soul, Francis, these outrages must cease. The fugitive has no standing to demand anything, the fugitive must repent. This is typical thing that the fugitive does, the fugitive pleas for help from a foreign power then witnesses against those foreign powers in the same breath thereby faking allegiance to the people of The United States of America in an effort to gather an army around the fugitive for protection. 

We demand the prompt liquidation of this THING calling itself by a name deceptively similar to our own — and we note that there never was and is not now any valid entity called “The United States of America 1781” associated with this country or with this nation. This has been addressed above, however it does show that this so-called International Protest is nothing more then an excuse to not repent. 

We also demand the cessation of any attempt to contract with this inchoate entity as if it represented our Federation of States or held any authority related to us, our Powers, our States or our Nation. “The United States of America 1781” is a foreign entity of dubious origin seeking to substitute itself for our lawful Government in violation of international law, treaty, and commercial contracts which the Holy See owes to us alone.This has been addressed above, however it does show that this so-called International Protest is nothing more then an excuse to not repent. The Holy See owes nothing because the law simply states, “Forgive Us Our Debts as We Forgive Our Debtors”. This issue has been resolved with the remedy of existing in parallel. The only one having issues is the fugitive because the fugitive refuses to obey international law and desires to control everything.  

Living people are not sheep to be herded from pen to pen, fraud to fraud, delusion to delusion—- and Lawful Persons are owed their due recognition, respect, and protection. The fugitive has been publishing various schemes thereby herding the inhabitants from fraud to fraud and delusion to delusion for the last five years at least if not longer. The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America has remained steadfast. The fugitive has also lead 5 inhabitants into a 38 year sentence wherein the others were sentenced for lesser time and the fugitive has not said anything other than distancing the fugitive from the whole situation.   

The True Heirs of the Kingdom have returned; let no man or spirit presume otherwise and let there be no more testing deployed against non-domestic targets. The fugitive has to repent first and there is no evidence of this act of repentance happening. 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary  This Fiduciary claim is a fraud and notwithstanding. 

The United States of America

c/o Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Non-domestic: Private copyright:

4711 Birchwood Road,

Big Lake, Alaska

Thank you for providing an actual address, the Human Rights Tribunal was in need of this address if in fact it is a real address. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


Reza Aslan- commits multiple human rights violations, incites war crimes and a host of other violations of international law under the law of armed conflict!



Reza Aslan started exercising his freedom of speech on August 4th, 2019 on Twitter which has resulted in a International Uniform Citation and a court case against his person for multiple human rights violations, inciting war crimes and a host of violations of international laws under the law of armed conflict. 

Reza Aslan:

This case will be heard in the first human rights tribunal in existence in North America and The United States of America established in 2015.

It does not operate like any U.S. court that allows people get away with horrific crimes right in front of the whole world and does nothing; or prosecutes or does not prosecute based on the size of their bank account or which politician or attorney they paid the most.  Nor does it stop any prosecution based on any witness being suicided while in jail. Suicide watch does not mean someone watches a prisoner commit suicide. 

Copy of Uniform Citation: LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.



List of human rights violations against Eastland County Prison in Eastland, Texas Trustee/Director: Lynn Brownlee!



The following list of human rights violations exist in just one privately owned detention center located at East land County Prison in East land, Texas. The private detention was allowed to exist through the Bar Treaty of 1947 wherein the United Nations states were created within the States of the Union implemented by the totalitarian party. The Bar Treaty created an environment of forced privatization by the totalitarian party to hide human rights violations from the public. LINK

There are 20 more human rights violations coming from within the same detention center wherein these conditions are forced on all detainees on a daily basis. 

This case is about back child support payments and the fact that the mother would not uphold her side of the visitation agreement. 

Warning: This could happen to you if you marry or have a child with a woman from the U.S. Think real hard before making this move gentlemen.

The following could happen to you if you do marry or get a woman from the U.S. pregnant: 

1: She could murder your child and call it an abortion. 

2: She could marry you with intent to divorce and extract money for child support and alimony. 

3: Or have you placed in jail and have you tortured for months at a time and place you in debt for life. Please consider a foreign woman that do not do these things to men or are not at war with men. 

4: Not even Donald Trump has ever married a woman from the U.S. 

The following list could happen to you: 

Complete list of Human Rights Violations
From Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee
as of August 6th, 2019
Human Rights Violations happened between
End of April 2019 thru August 5th, 2019
Human Rights Tribunal
Article 8
Forced Privatization
$80,000 per violation
Place: Eastland County Prison in Eastland, Texas
Trustee/Director: Lynn Brownlee
Now shown will be Human Rights Violations written, hereafter (HRV), and filed in Eastland County District Court on the civil side under a new case number.
HRV 1 thru 10 become due on 9/4/2019

#1) HRV against Lynn Brownlee for threatening to strip search Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee if he did not answer questions when Graham first arrived at the private Eastland County Jail. Used for pain compliance by handcuffing into a room.

#2) HRV for allowing notary services denied due not being a member of the staff.

#3) HRV for allowing Sherrie Gallagher, Psychologist or Psychiatrist, to offer pain compliance of threatening to force Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee into a State hospital.

#4) HRV for shackling and fettering Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee to take to court using humiliating tactics to force compliance.

#5) HRV for allowing shackling and fettering again for another trip to court, back and forth most of the day. Then at the end of the day Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee was assigned to a cell to be made to sit on a cold hard block. Suffered humiliation and pain compliance.

#6) HRV for allowing shackling and fettering yet another day to the private Erath County court.

#7) HRV for allowing shackling and fettering another day for going to a private Misdemeanor court.

#8) HRV for allowing shackling and fettering another day to a different private county court, which was the private Eastland County court.

#9) HRV allowing demanding from jail personnel to make Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee scrub a jail wall.

#10) HRV allowing prison personnel to bring purchase from commissary by Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee, and to Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee announcing out loud his business to everyone, and then cursing him with a specific name.
HRV 11 thru 20 become due on 9/7/2019

#11) HRV allowing only one change of towel and one change of clothes every seven days. This limits desire to exercise which would produce more odor.

#12) HRV allowing jail personnel telling prisoners that if they do not put food trays back in proper place or order they will not get served food anymore. Also, allowing jail personnel to talk rude and disparaging to prisoners on a routine basis.

#13) HRV allowing jail personnel to grab Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee without warning, and pull him toward a guard with no provocation or need, as it seems to be a regular process that it is done.

#14) HRV allowing prisoners do get partial sunlight for 3 hours per seven days. A ‘Trustee’ that will work for the system gets more sunlight and more privileges.

#15) HRV allowing razors for shaving to be given twice per seven day week. As a matter of sanitation issues you can see water stains occasionally on the razors as if they had been used before.

#16) HRV allowing food trays to be only partially filled on a regular practice. There are five sections per tray, and sometimes one or two sections are empty. Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee and other inmates complain after each meal they still feel hungry.

#17) HRV allowing fingernail clippers to degrade to uselessness.

#18) HRV allowing Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee to be taken to a private court, and attempted force by Bailiff of said private court to take a BAR attorney. The names Justin Mike, and Candice came to Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee later at the private county jail of Eastland to try to enforce me to fill in data for force compliance to get a BAR attorney.

#19) HRV making me homeless and at poverty level as Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee was not able to be in his own home, with the ability to make money. This has also caused damage to relationships in his community the Trustee had worked hard to establish.

#20) HRV allowing experience of frigid temperatures at certain times in the private county jail of Eastland, Texas. The Trustee experienced hypothermic symptoms as in one arm began to get numb. Jail personnel denied extra blankets to Trustee with nasty attitude.
HRV 21 thru 30 become due on 9/9/2019

#21) HRV allowing private prison personnel to practice law without a license. Private communication between Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee and his father was deemed to be legal in nature and not allowed. This helped delay actions on my behalf for due process.

#22) HRV allowing beds, and mattresses and actual beds to wear out in a way that can irritate skin already causing a health issue making it worse.

#23) HRV allowing a jail personnel named Lisa to come into a private area of dressing or showering with no male support to incite un-peaceful language over bed sheets that helped keep light out of Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee’s eyes so sleep could begin. Taking that sheet returned the Trustee to irritating sun light in eyes to cause sleep deprivation.
Human Rights Violation against Wendell Light in his personal capacity

#24) HRV allowing private corporate personnel called Deputy or Police allowing entrance into Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee’s home with no warrant, but stated in was in good faith. Wendell Light kicked the front door of house to the point of entry. The Trustee did not give permission to enter his home. There has been damage to property caused by this using unauthorized force. This includes a separate count.

#24b) HRV for endangering Trustee’s son. Wendell Light was a foreign officer acting in a public capacity. The Trustee’s son reached out to the Trustee for help and security.

#25) HRV by Wendell Light for the act of man stealing. Wendell Light used handcuffs as a restraint to transport the Trustee, Graham Bradford Lascsak to another location of a private nature to Eastland County Jail for some sort of processing.

#25.5) HRV by Wendell Light for kidnapping the successor to the Trustee, Graham Bradford Lascsak, even after the successor, Lucasey Lascsak told Wendell Light his desire to stay with the Trustee.
Human Rights Violation against Steven Herod in personal capacity

#26) HRV using act of cruel and unusual punishment by identifying Trustee, Graham Bradford Lascsak as Pro Se in the attempt to secure jurisdiction. This is also forced privatization into a private membership association that Steve Herod represents. Private Court Transcripts show forced association.

#27) HRV by Steve Herod in his personal capacity to allow cruel and unusual punishment through Rex Fields in his personal capacity to try to force Trustee, Graham Bradford Lascsak, into association through unlawful detention and arrest. A particular document was notarized by Kathy Jenthro showing explanation of rights without a BAR attorney. The person Rex Fields in his personal capacity marked the document refused to sign, as the Trustee did not sign. Under shackle and fetter, Rex Field in his personal capacity yelled you have three choices. It was called obstruction of justice by making it difficult to obtain transcript

#28) HRV against Steve Herod in his personal capacity for cruel and unusual punishment for retaliation of an Alien Tort Claim filed in the Civil side of Eastland County District Court. Also to allow Sherrie Gallagher to evaluate Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee to deny him access to due process. Collusion was involved with both Steven Herod and Sherrie Gallagher in their personal capacity to make this happen.

#29) HRV from Steve Herod in his personal capacity in aiding and abetting in allowing Wendell Light, acting in the capacity of a county deputy. This act allowed Wendell White to trespass and cause damage to the property of Trustee Graham Bradford Lascsak’s home. There was no due process and this action is not defined by any standard.

Place: Erath County District Court
filed on civil side under a new case number

#30) HRV against Hannah Bell, closed union Bar Attorney, for violating due process she in her personal capacity slandered the Trustee, Graham Bradford Lascsak. She obtained false testimony from Wendell Light giving false accusations on a record. She used Wendell Light to make his opinion, then telling the court later he was no expert when Graham Bradford Lascsak tried to ask Wendell Light a question. This was using Gas Lighting as a form of a communist technique used from technique # 38 and 39.
Human Rights Violation against Wendell Light in his personal capacity
HRV 31 to 37 become due on 9/12/2019

#31) HRV for limitation to no due process in his personal capacity.Wendell Light slandered the Trustee, Graham Bradford Lascsak with unfounded accusations about the Trustee’s ability to be a good father.
Human Rights Violation against Robbie Rudder in his personal capacity.

#32) HRV for aggravated assault. While the Trustee was shackled and fettered. The Trustee not in private association did not stand, but was made to by Robbie Rudder with observation of gun for force if needed.
Human Rights Violation against Jason Cashion in personal capacity

#33) HRV for cruel and unusual punishment, malicious prosecution, failure to honorable recuse himself from overseeing any case against Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee, as they knew one another growing up. This act was not limited to one day, but many days in process.

#34) HRV against Jason Cashion in his personal capacity for forced treatment and evaluation.

#35) HRV against Jason Cashion in his personal capacity for cruel and unusual punishment. There was a lack of due process where the Trustee filed for a continuance at a later date and was denied. This added burden to the Trustee overall.

#36) HRV against Jason Cashion in his personal capacity for cruel and unusual punishment making remarks from the private bench about statements the Trustee made calling it ‘A Circus”, and on the record told the Trustee he was a “Sovereign Citizen”, thus issuing a death threat to the Trustee.

#37) HRV against Jason Cashion in his personal capacity for cruel and unusual punishment. Had Trustee shackled and fettered to make Trustee enter Jason Cashion’s private court.

Imagine what is happening in the detention centers that are being hidden from the public.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government for The United States of America. 
