Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803) overturned by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America!




Due to the Default Judgment published here: LINK   A series of motions will be published in the coming days. 

The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted itself into genocide, mass murder, and unlawful, imprisonment, so a motion was carried by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America to overturn Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803);  Source: LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) over turned by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America!




Due to the Default Judgment published here: LINK   A series of motions will be published in the coming days. 

The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted itself into genocide, mass murder, and unlawful, imprisonment, so a motion was carried by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America to overturn the unlawful order of Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).  Source: LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Notice of Default Judgment: to the U.S. Supreme Court as it pertains to an order issued under Roe Vs. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)!




The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America hereby issues its first international notice to the U.S. Supreme Court as it pertains to an order issued under Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)!

The aforementioned order issued in 1973 was in violation of International Law and falls under the classification of genocide. 

Source: LINK

“The term “genocide” did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals.” 

The terms: 

1: Unborn babies

2: Fetuses

and other terms that are used to describe groups and unborn babies are in fact protected under international law long before the aforementioned order issued in 1973 by the U.S. Supreme Court.  LINK 

Common sense tells everyone that a pregnant woman fighting in a war on the front lines is strictly forbidden and further classifies the unborn child as innocent. Forbidding a pregnant woman from fighting in a war is for the purpose and intent of protecting the innocent.  More on this subject can be seen in a 20 minute video already filed into evidence: LINK

The decision to issue an order of placing the term abortion under the classification of Medical Procedure did nothing more then disguise the mass murder of over sixty million people and further placed all medical personnel under the liability of violating the Nuremberg principles. LINK.  Enough time has passed wherein the intent to violate international law by issuing the Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) order by the successors that had plenty of time to review its decision is very clear.

To make this first notice very clear to all who see it, the U.S. Supreme Court will be receiving a second notice of fault of this unlawful order in ten days, and then a third notice of default ten days after the second notice which is all done in this newspaper.  The U.S. Supreme Court will not be receiving anything in the mail, this publication of record is the first, second and third notice and does qualify as fulfilling International Due Process. 

Subject Matter of this notice:

In the event that the U.S. Supreme Court chooses to ignore this international notice due process and not reverse its order immediately, then the U.S. Supreme Court will have dissolved itself by committing the act of genocide, mass murder, and unlawful imprisonment of those persons found guilty of murder along with other invalidating causes in its Military capacity thereby dissolving the tripartite.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.

First Notice: 02-02-2019- LINK

Second Notice: 02-12-2019-LINK

Notice of Default: 02-22-2019- LINK

Notice of Default Judgment: 03-04-2019

The U.S. Supreme Court cannot say they did not know what it was doing when it issued the Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) order!






The Continental Dollar is being blocked by the United Nations because if the people use it, they can pay for whatever they buy because it is a National Money. When a  payment is made, private property rights exist. If a discharge is made, a payment has not been made and private property rights cannot exist. 

The Green New Deal and the Socialist Agenda is being pushed for the purpose of eliminating your private property rights. Global Warming is being pushed for the same reasons. Environmental policies are being pushed to eliminate private property rights. A Global Crises is created and those that caused that Crises will come with the solution. The solution is they own and control all of the land and resources and you get a tax bill to use their land and resources. 

The following video is hereby placed into evidence:


Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America








The right to carry firearms regardless of type act is an acceptance and acknowledgment of
the existing right of the people by the Government of The United States of America to
defend themselves in any manner chosen by the people. The Government of The United
States of America accepts and acknowledges that right of the people to defend themselves in
any manner chosen by the people and the right of self defense does not emanate from any
office of the Government of The United States of America.

Source: LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Opportunist Steve Baiocchi attempting to file Class Action Law Suit against the Government of The United States of America!



Steve Baiocchi, Mark Rock Higgins, David Jose and others are attempting to do their best to stop progress when it comes to reversing the stateless problem in North America. 



Lets get the obvious out of the way, no one has stolen anything from any of these men. What we are witnessing are some opportunists attempting to hijack what has been built to fill their own pockets. 

Steve Baiocchi use to hold the office of Chairmen of the American National Union of The United States of America, the original Union formed in 1774.  He then attempted to appoint his buddy as the Registrar, David Johnson, someone that was not a member at the time. An objection was made to that appointment and all hell broke loose. The following video is a part of what went on till the wee hours of the morning: 


Would anyone want this man to have in his possession your business records and control of all of the members information? The man did not qualify for office and Steve Baiocchi, being his close friend, did everything he could to derogate from all of the rules in place to get his close personal friend in the office of the registrar. This way they could both have full dictatorial control over all of the members.  When it was stopped, you can hear just 8 minutes of what happened for the next 12 hours. Breaking rules and doing favors for close personal friends is the epidemic of corruption going on all around us. From that point on Steve Baiocchi was and still is known as a traitor to the original Union of 1774 brought forward to the present time. 

So a few days ago, when the Government of The United States of America was making progress, here comes Steve Baiocchi, posting all of the lies of Anna Von Reitz on his facebook page: His facebook page is public so not privacy violations.



A few days earlier, two men related by marriage, David Jose and Mark Rock Higgins started some gas lighting and when we attempted to work with them to solve the problems they were claiming existed,  they were extremely uncooperative meaning they would not let the problems be solved, and there was no way of making peace with them. However there was one part of the gas lighting that was interesting, David Jose claimed that he did not need any Government to claim a Nationality and he also claimed that he has been able to release 16 children from CPS yet cannot get his own children back from CPS. 

David Jose further tried to go into business getting children back and working together a few weeks ago on the National assembly call rather than following the Child Claim procedure already in place for free. Here are some examples of the gas lighting and of course, whenever this happens because it is not the first time, the word “dictator”  always comes out of their mouths and always goes against the person trying to stop the criminal activity. 






So it was beginning to appear as if David Jose and Mark Rock Higgins was going into business using the private membership association information and the claiming a Nationality process, but you can’t do that if there is a Government that is in the way of that business venture. They kept asking over and over that they wanted the full process, step by step written in black and white which gave the Government the hint of what was being planned. 

Groups like this keep claiming that they are under common law and here is the definition of that law form: 

com·mon law

Dictionary result for common law

/ˈkämən ˈˌlô/
    1. the part of English law that is derived from custom and judicial precedent rather than statutes. Often contrasted with statutory law.
      • the body of English law as adopted and modified separately by the different states of the US and by the federal government.
      • denoting a partner in a marriage by common law (which recognized unions created by mutual agreement and public behavior), not by a civil or ecclesiastical ceremony.

      So all of them want English law over them, they do not want statutes, they want judicial precedent to create their common law without a judicial authority meaning they want a judge to legislate from the bench without an elected judge, and then keep claiming the constitution of 1789 when none of them were a part of that document. Every time they are asked who do you contact if there is a problem to solve, they rush to the Bible and say that you go to the one that you have an issue with and try to settle it, then go to their assembly, they usually name their assemblies, but don’t believe in fictions over them. Whenever they have an issue, it all becomes about the money. 

      The Government of The United States of America does accept USD as payment and it passed along to vendors that do not accept the Continental Dollar yet because there needs to be a network of manufacturers, suppliers, and producers in order to make that happen and it takes time. The Government of The United States of America is forced by the company to accept the USD in violation of their own policies. LINK  The company is doing that because they have the power to do it, not because there is a flaw with the Continental Dollar. 

      These men are using that crime and violation of public policy to their advantage in a attempt to do more damage to people that use the funds to keep websites running so people can claim a Nationality. There is not one requirement by the Government of The United States of America for a social security number, it does not need nor is it a part of that trust. Nothing goes to waste and a very small part of it is used to pay some people to do the work of Naturalization and by no means are they getting rich. We would all rather take the Continental Dollar as payment for work accomplished. Being forced to do something is not an admission of guilt of any crime. The process is very time consuming, people do not answer their emails, they show up, pay a fee, they are sent an email, they do not answer the email for months and then comes back and ask where everything is and what happened to their resident declaration. The Government of The United States of America has extensive records into each Nationality claim. Every email and every response. 

      We also have issues with people that do not know how to use a computer nor do they pay attention to instructions and details. We have to repeat things over and over and over and over. Everything is done by the consent of the claimant, no one forces them into any situation and it is clear from the beginning that they hold all American Nationals harmless for anything that happens. LINK 

      So with that original held harmless agreement, a Class Action law suit is basically a joke and shows the intent of the men or women attempting to make that claim. In order to keep that agreement, the Government of The United States of America makes sure everything is recorded and no fraud is attempted meaning that no one steals anything from Treasury for their own use. A report of everything is reported each week to the National assembly in the weekly reports and everything is recorded and those recordings are stored. 

      Example of what the Government of The United States of America has to do everyday:  The Whisper Ministry by Steve Baiocchi:  LINK  wherein he claims it is a ministry meaning they preach the Bible, however there is not one reference to the Bible anywhere on the website. It is a political website that advocates for the foreign common law of England and has a lot of old political information from the 90’s on it.  So it is not a church or Ministry at all, instead it is a cover for a political movement because the Bible is never mentioned. For this reason, this newspaper had to remove that entity listing from its directory because it was claimed to be a faith based organization. 

      The Government of The United States of America spends most of its time stopping people from doing illegal and unlawful things continually. The people doing the crimes get mad and start the whole dictator narrative and are basically butt hurt that they were caught rather then thankful for the correction. It happens all of the time. This is the reason for the held harmless agreement in the beginning. 

This will not be the last time that people like Steve Baiocchi will try something like a class action in violation of his resident declaration agreement. He already violated and abused his position as Chairmen of the American National Union of The United States of America. Steve Baiocchi was given a great honor freely that he never earned and crapped all over it and is now trying to gas light it away. 

Once again, no one was robbed, most if not all of them are in middle of their Naturalization process and won’t read the next step. All of these issues which are nothing but a handful of people, everyone else went right through with no issues, is based on a lack of communication and understanding. In order to fix the problem we are looking for people to hold the hands of those people that refuse to read their emails and fully understand what they are doing, however that takes time and once again resources that come out of the pockets of General Post Masters and their families.  

This publication of record is not with the intent to discredit anyone, those discredited did that all on their own. It is an attempt to show people that the Government of The United States of America and the National Governments formed in the States of the Union are operated by real people and families of their own and basically have the same problems all Governments have at one time or another. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America






Anna Von Reitz cannot say anything positive!




Here we go again folks,  Anna Von Reitz has come up with another unprovoked attack!

Source: LINK

Here is the latest: 

Quote: What T-ROH (The Reign of Heaven and Keith Livingway) is spreading and encouraging is all 100% garbage. 

Answer: So now spreading information and encouraging people is now 100% garbage. There is no such thing as Reign of Heaven, the reign of the heavens is a country:   and the Temple is an extension of the first church of James:  We cannot see anything negative about those facts unless you are bitter and live a bitter life which is torment in and of itself. 

Quote: Ignorant people who don’t know the difference between the Universal Catholic Church (which means all churches everywhere of every denomination that are devoted to the teachings and imitation of Yeshuah, known as The Christ) and the Roman Catholic Church have misinterpreted my message to Cardinal George of Chicago, but if you bother to go to my website, and read the letter in context you will see for yourself what the tenor of my communications to the Catholic Clergy worldwide has been for many years.  Read the Letter to Cardinal George posted there and see if you can in any way interpret that as the work of a “Vatican Agent”. 

Answer: Blood Oath to the Roman Catholic Church:  LINK

Anna Von Reitz is within her rights to join any church she desires, however, no one but Anna Von Reitz signed the document in the link that clearly states that she is a private attorney in service to Pope Francis. The Universal Catholic Church is nothing more than an extension of the Roman Catholic Church: LINK Joining the Universal Catholic Church part is not the problem with her claim. 

According to Anna Von Reitz own words, she represents Pope Francis that is not an American, who in fact is a foreign Monarch. Anna Von Reitz is in violation of the document she advocates is an American Government,  when in fact is it nothing more than a privately owned company. LINK  Accepting a title of private attorney from a foreign Monarch means that Anna Von Reitz is a foreign agent and represents a foreign monarch that is clearly attempting to destroy this country. 


Then also read my book, Disclosure 101, which details the work I have done for many years to try to correct this horrific mistreatment of humanity. 
T-ROH the source of all this garbage is trying to get Americans to “sign up” for their private commercial corporation and its services, just like numerous other persons and entities are trying to get Americans to sign up for their “governmental services”, but the fact of the matter is that the actual government of this country is vested in the living people and not in any commercial corporation.  Those corporations are supposed to be taking their directions from us, and acting as subcontractors of our actual government. 
Answer: This has been said over and over, the Government of The United States of America and The United States of America  is not a private commercial corporation, it is not incorporated nor is it incorporated anywhere on the planet. Once again, when you make a claim, place a link as to where the Government of The United States of America or The United States of America is incorporated. The days of just trusting Anna’s claim without any proof of claim is over. Her so called actual government never existed under 1789 and that fact has been proven over and over by THE T-ROH SHOW. LINK


The problem is that this scam promoted by commercial corporations like the “U.S. Inc.” and “U.S.A. Inc.” and “UNITED STATES, INC.” and “U.S. Corp” and “the United States of America, Inc.” and “The United States of America, Inc.” and “The Republic for the United States of America, Inc.” and “E Pluribus Unum the United States of America, Inc. “—- and believe me, I could go on —- has gone on so long, that people have literally forgotten what the actual American Government is and how it is supposed to function. 
And I am teaching a whole new generation of Americans to be Americans and how to peacefully and safely restore the government they are owed. 
Answer: There has never been a The United States of America, inc. if so where is the link? If someone has a oath to a foreign power, how are they supposed to tell everyone in a foreign land how an American Government is supposed to work? Everything that the foreign agent says would be on behalf of the foreign power and by watching how that foreign power runs his Monarchy, no thanks, we can figure it out on our own. The rest of the claims in that paragraph have no links to anything so we can say some lazy writing has occurred. Governments and countries are not owed to anyone, they are earned by the people that are in social compact and work towards freedom, effective self governance and sacrifice their time to support their country for the future generations. No one owes anything to anyone on this planet, that type of thinking is how we move towards communism and socialism. Communists and Socialists will consistently preach entitlement rather than earning something legitimately. Listen to Bernie Sanders, he wants to steal from the one percent in this country and is advocating for massive theft under socialism.  


Naturally, none of these commercial corporations want that.  They want to ride rough-shod over their actual employers and be in control of our resources and our lives.  That’s why they want us to sign private contracts with them instead of them having to obey the public contracts — the Constitutions — that already exist. 
Answer: The real answer to this claim is that the people do not have a social compact with those Constitutions and therefore are without standing.  The Government of The United States of America is fixing that problem one person at a time and not sitting in a comfortable home complaining about it. 
Quote: I am destroying their whole “system” of things and so they attack the messenger, but it won’t help them.  Trump has the message.  The American military has the message.  The Queen has the message.  The Pope has the message.  Millions of people all over the world have the message.  And the messenger doesn’t even count. 
Answer: Anna Von Reitz has not destroyed a thing nor has any effect anywhere with any of the postings she has written: LINK
If you are not a party to that particular organization, yelling from the street corner is not going to do any good, it is a complete waste of time.  
Quote: They can say all the vile things that they can dream up about me, but it doesn’t change the Truth I have told the world.
Answer: The only vile things being said are by Anna Von Reitz herself, out of her own mouth. Anna Von Reitz has published some horrible lies about people, slandered them and has directly been responsible for many people going to jail for long periods of time. LINK  
When writers publish claims with no links to prove the claim, that is called vile. If Anna Von Reitz was really concerned about America and a real American Government, she would support the efforts of the Government of The United States of America instead of constantly slandering it and the people that are a part of it.   
Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, 

Commander in Chief of the United States Military: Abortion Is Not Family Planning!



Source: LINK

“The Commander in Chief of the United States Military issued a final rule Friday that underscores that federal taxpayer funds provided for family planning services may not be used to support abortion in any way.”


It’s a start, now the Roe v. Wade order has to be reversed in order for the liability of the International Law protecting unborn babies to be removed.  
