Published in the American Herald on 1-9-2022
American National assembly of The United States of America
Ordinance No. 4
previously known as
The Board of Assemblymen of the American National assembly of The United States of America, hereby, passes an Emergency Ordinance to stop all pharmaceutical companies’ experimental vaccinations, injection inoculations, jab, oral or otherwise to children 18 and under within any county within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and
The responsible parties listed hereafter, that are obligated to this Emergency Ordinance include, but are not limited to; all United States corporate service agencies, at the federal, state, County, local levels, School Boards, Health clinics, Hospitals, the Food and Drug Administration, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and any other variation of the aforementioned entities willfully and deceptively using the term “vaccine” in patents and public pronouncements to pervert the meaning of the term for the manipulation of the public by offering experimental synthetic gene therapy injections or inoculations within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and
This Emergency Ordinance authorizes the cease of all pharmaceutical companies’ experimental vaccinations, injection inoculations, jab, oral or otherwise to children eighteen (18) and under as a public emergency affecting the life, health, property, and public peace amongst the civilian inhabitant populace and the people for The United States of America in Social Compact. The action of experimentation on persons against a disease by introducing experimental synthetic genes, infective material, microorganisms, or vaccines into the body is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code and Human Rights, and
Links to Evidence of the public emergency!
- A compilation of evidence that the pharmaceutical industry means to murder the population. LINK
- Massive child heart damage imminent as globalist prepares to vaccinate children. LINK
- The medical industry is intentionally killing teenagers! LINK
- And just what makes the vaccine for children different? According to Pfizer, an ingredient to help stabilize heart attacks. That’s right, heart attacks. LINK , and
Fines and penalties
Medical Doctors, Health advisors, alder, abettor all violators of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation and Human rights violations will be prosecuted and be convicted of murder of any child, and
The fine associated with violations shall be paid in the form of XLM equivalent to Seventy-five Thousand (+75,000) CDLB, at the time it is deemed there has been a violation, and the fine is to be paid Thirty (30) days after the violator has been served the first notice if gone unrebutted, and
The Board of Assemblymen passed and signed this Ordinance No. 4, previously known as Emergency Ordinance ANa-5AAE500A on the 285th day in the year of YHWH six thousand and twenty-three and the 29th day of December in the two thousand and twenty first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. Translation: Twenty-nineth (29th) day of December 2021. LINK
John Matthew Szymanski – Chairman
Naomi Ruth Spears – Secretary
Gregory Thomas Johnson – Deputy Chairman
Jacquelyn Ellen Goudey – Treasurer