PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-17-2020



Attention Governor:

There is an issue with the State of Utah Judicial Branch wherein it has been taken over by a private membership association, meaning a club of men and women that simply took over the judicial branch of the State of Utah:

“In 1985, the Utah State Constitution was amended to clarify that regulation of the legal profession should be performed under the Judicial Branch of government through the Utah Supreme Court, and the Bar was “perpetuated, created and continued” to perform regulatory and public interest services under the direction and control of the Supreme Court.”

Apparently the Supreme Court of the State of Utah (hereinafter: “Supreme Court”) granted itself broad powers of election, power of attorney of the people, and interpretation rights that allowed the Supreme Court to arbitrarily change the Constitution of the State of Utah by its own motion, election and power of attorney. The arbitrary actions by the Supreme Court was and still is a capital crime against the State of Utah.

Chapter III Law of Nations
Of the Constitution of a State, and the Duties
and Rights of the Nation in this respect.
§30. Of the
support of the
and obedience
to the laws.
“The constitution and laws of a state are the basis of the public tranquility, the firmest support of political authority, and a security for the liberty of the citizens. But this constitution is a vain <10> phantom, and the best laws are useless, if they be not religiously observed: the nation ought then to watch very attentively, in order to render them equally respected by those who govern, and by the people destined to obey. To attack the constitution of the state, and to violate its laws, is a capital crime against society; and if those guilty of it are invested with authority, they add to this crime a perfidious abuse of the power with which they are entrusted. The nation ought constantly to repress them with its utmost vigor and vigilance, as the importance of the case requires. It is very uncommon to seethe laws and constitution of a state openly and boldly opposed: it is against silent and gradual attacks that a nation ought to be particularly on its guard.”

The Capital Crime committed by the Supreme Court has been brought to the attention of the following people:

1: Shawn Farris
2: Marvin Bagley
3: William Leigh
4: Brody Kissell

Just to name a few. The Capital Crime remains hidden from the Public View.

Read More……CLICK HERE!

Bilateral Social Compact: Click Here! 

Hereby published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, 


The New Covenant is hereby identified as a part of the common law of The United States of America


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-20-2020


The New Covenant as established by Yahweh through his son Jesus/Yahushua is hereby identified as a part of the common law of The United States of America and the States of the Union within The United States of America. 

Hereby published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, 


Anna Von Reitz sentenced to 37 years in the nearest detention center!


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-18-2020


The evidence, proof and intent declared, demonstrates that the leader Anna Von Reitz and the Coordinators conspire through their actions of theft, wordings, workings, challenges to property without demonstration of title, theft of intellectual property, and the attempted theft of the metes and bounds and seaward bounds of a truly free people. All the while, Respondents, were attempting to insinuate the title of fiduciary for said free people. Evidence found upon their own website and cited here to clarify the facts.

WHEREAS, demands, statements of declaration and public notices to the effect that “we own you” need no other proof of the Respondents blatant institution of Slavery and Slavery Claims upon all Unions, Inhabitants, Americans, American Nationals, General Postmasters, Government Office holders of The United States of America, and any other foreign parties residing in America for other Governmental Businesses or Non-Governmental Organizations. This is a clear statement of Slavery by Respondents which is unacceptable to many people groups world-wide and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This clear violation of Slavery therefore strips all Respondents of their rights of immunity.

WHEREAS, Respondents believe it possible to steal the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of a sovereign nation and then declare that they are exempt or immune to any recourse or prosecution. This is an attempt to steal/usurp and be found innocent.

52 million dollar lien will be granted to the first one that will place Anna Von Reitz in their detention center with intent to hold for 37 years, no probation, no parole.   

Read More-Judgement and order: LINK

Source: LINK

Hereby published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, 


Automobile Association forms by transfer through American National Union Transportation Administration

Published by the American Herald on 09-07-2020


On September 6th, 2020, the American National Union Transportation Administration, (hereafter ANUTA), met in a planned pre-announced meeting in regards to forming the Automobile Association for The United States of America.

An official quorum was formed of current office holders of the department within ANUTA, along with an assembly.

After reading the proposed Automobile Association Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order through shared document, in assembly, a discussion was held on the overall proposal.  All questions were answered and a motion was made as follows to form the Automobile Association for The United States of America.

“Motion by ANUTA Administrator, that ANUTA hereby transfers all rights, title, and interest to the Automobile Association for The United States of America to its  Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order, thus dissolving the American National Union Transportation Administration.  This will dissolve ANUTA as a department within the American National Union, thus creating the Automobile Association within the American National Union, but stands autonomous“.

The motion was seconded by ANUTA office holder of Deeds and Recordings, and passed and carried with no objection.  The record was kept by notes and recording to be published in a timely manner.

It was so ordered to make a public notice that this Automobile Association for The United States of America will function as a Private Membership Association, and notification will be brought forth through announcement, publication, and newsletter type communication platform to all who are members of the American National Union as American Nationals and residents of The United States of America.

Further, details will be forth coming on how to join.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America. 

The American National Union Amends Article 3 of the Bi-Lateral Social Compact Agreement of the People for The United States of America

Published by the American Herald on 09-01-2020


Tonight the American National Union of The United States of America motioned to amend Article 3 of the Bi-Lateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people for The United States of America.

Article 3 reads as amended:

The people agree that all people have a natural and unalienable right to worship in accordance to their own conscience and according to the dictates of their own conscience; and that no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishment, or mode of worship in any republic form of Government within the States of the Union of The United States of America. Therefore the States of the Union within The United States of America religion is hereby known as the followers of the Way the Truth and the Life; and LINK

This motion establishes the religion for the States of the Union within The United States of America in accordance with the Law of Nations BOOK I Of Nations considered in themselves. Chapter XII: Of Piety and Religion. §129. Public establishment of religion. “But we should take care not to extend this liberty beyond its just bounds. In religious affairs a citizen has only a right to be free from compulsion, but can by no means claim that of openly doing what he pleases, without regard to the consequences it may produce on society. The establishment of religion by law, and its public exercise, are Duties and rights of the nation, matters of state, and are necessarily under the jurisdiction of the political authority. If all men are bound to serve God, the entire nation, in her national capacity, is doubtless obliged to serve and honour him (Prelim. §5). And as this important duty is to be discharged by the nation in whatever manner she judges best,—to the nation it belongs to determine what religion she will follow, and what public worship she thinks proper to establish.” LINK

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America. 



More False Claims by Convicted Human Rights Violator Anna Von Reitz

Published by the American Herald on 08-26-2020


On August 25th, 2020 Anna Von Reitz was caught making a false claim that Facebook was under the auspices of The United States of America. This was another attempt to high jack Power of Attorney from the people for The United States of America to which she is not a party thereto.

Every claim Anna Von Reitz makes is a false claim.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America.

Notice of Update to the Terms and Conditions of the Continental Dollar and the Use of the Continental Dollar

Published by the American Herald on 08-11-2020


This letter below is being published to inform every state chamber of commerce, every office of the sheriff in every county and each US state senator of the terms and conditions of the Continental Dollar and the use of the Continental Dollar.  LINK

This use of the Continental Dollar as legal tender for public and private debt will stop the globalist’s plan for forcing world communism upon the inhabitants. This will be accomplished by funding services from the people to serve the people using the original county charters. 

Attached Letter Here: LINK

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

Notice of Default on Collections: Notice of lien against PAUL STRAMER dba SLC Distributing, 116 Po Box, Eureka, MT 59917,, SLC Distributing (PDS),,

Published by the American Herald on 08-07-2020


Notice of Default on Collections: Notice of lien against PAUL STRAMER dba SLC Distributing, 116 Po Box, Eureka, MT 59917,, SLC Distributing (PDS),,

Reference: 20200707-ANU-LIEN 

[wpfilebase tag=list id=20 tpl=data-table pagenav=1 /]

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

Public Health Order 1-2020 by St Joseph County Indiana Health Department Violates Public Law 83-637

Published by the American Herald on 08-05-2020



Dear Sheriff Redman,

We members of the Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America, after reading the St. Joseph County Public Health Order 1-2020, demand the arrest of Robert M. Einterz, Mark D. Fox, and Jennifer S. Parcell, of the St Joseph County Health Department, being non-elected officials. We find this health order to be unlawful. Specifically, it is determined to be a violation of the Public Law 83-637, as well part of a treasonous conspiracy to usher Americans into a totalitarian communist system, while directing an onslaught of psychological weapons against an unsuspecting American public. This health order contains infringements upon intangible and tangible private property rights. Further this health order violates the following Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 3,5,13,17, 20,23.

OSHA states the wearing of masks restricts the volume of oxygen, creating health risks. Forcing the people of St. Joseph County to wear masks forces them to rebreathe their own germs and carbon dioxide. This is harmful to health, not beneficial to health. This health order is tantamount to attempted murder and genocide, both being the reliable byproducts of communism time and again. This health order constitutes a humiliating and degrading fraud of sinister intent, perpetrated against families, friends, and neighbors, which violates international law. Self determination is an intrinsic value of American culture. It must be exercised to be preserved for posterity.

Americans have noticed the absurd lengths to which health officials around the Country have gone to inflate Covid-19 numbers, struggling to justify the fraud, and bolster the perception of an emergency. Some even refer to the CDC as the Center for Disease and Control. If health departments were genuinely concerned with the safeguarding of health and well-being, they would not stand by to allow the fluoridation of drinking water supplies. Several international studies to date have demonstrated that fluoride added to water is causing numerous health complications, including reduced IQ ratings among children.  LINK

A health department that truly fulfilled its intended role, certainly would not allow the widespread vaccination of innocent children, who suffer irreversible health damage without any liability nor any ability to have redress of grievances. LINK

These acts are nothing short of war crimes and are a blatant attempt to deprive the inhabitants of their mental faculties and health. LINK

The people of St. Joseph County and millions of Americans will be justified to act in self defense, to counter this recent attack upon health and freedom. Unsurpassed numbers of Americans are discovering unelected government office holders being vacant a written and published social compact agreement with the inhabitants, acting as organized criminals that are providing aid and assistance to violent revolutionaries, complicit in the attempted overthrow of the States of the Union.

We believe the Sheriff answers to the people, not to the County Board of Supervisors, nor the Mayor, not even the Governor. The Sheriff is accountable to the people and only the people. Officers who claim to have the obligation of upholding public safety, must, along with the military come back into honor by arresting the long list of treasonous conspirators thereby upholding the inhabitants intangible right to their private property. Let it be known far and wide. This demand is made in accordance with the Law of Nations.

Best Regards,

The Great Council for the American National Union of
The United States of America

Contact us at: [email protected]

File:  LINK

More Evidence of Violations of International Law and the Law of Nations:

This order LINK by the St. Joseph County Health Department cites authority granted to their county from the entity styled as the Governor of the State of Indiana seen here:

whereas the US state of Indiana styles the office as Governor of Indiana:  to which is an entity arbitrarily created out of thin air thereby attacking the Constitution for the State of Indiana by breaking chain of title to the name of the State and further is a clear trespass upon the State of Indiana, a trust territory of The United States of America.

Law of Nations Book I Chapter III Paragraph 30

“The constitution and laws of a state are the basis of the public tranquillity, the firmest support of political authority, and a security for the liberty of the citizens. But this constitution is a vain [10] phantom, and the best laws are useless, if they be not religiously observed: the nation ought then to watch very attentively, in order to render them equally respected by those who govern, and by the people destined to obey. To attack the constitution of the state, and to violate its laws, is a capital crime against society; and if those guilty of it are invested with authority, they add to this crime a perfidious abuse of the power with which they are intrusted. The nation ought constantly to repress them with its utmost vigour and vigilance, as the importance of the case requires. It is very uncommon to see the laws and constitution of a state openly and boldly opposed: it is against silent and gradual attacks that a nation ought to be particularly on its guard. Sudden revolutions strike the imaginations of men: they are detailed in history; their secret springs are developed. But we overlook the changes that insensibly happen by a long train of steps that are but slightly marked. It would be rendering nations an important service, to shew from history, how many states have thus entirely changed their nature, and lost their original constitution. This would awaken the attention of man-kind:—impressed thenceforward with this excellent maxim (no less essential in politics than in morals), principiis obsta,9—they would no longer shut their eyes against innovations, which, though inconsiderable in themselves, may serve as steps to mount to higher and more pernicious enterprises.” LINK

Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations, Or, Principles of the Law of Nature, Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, with Three Early Essays on the Origin and Nature of Natural Law and on Luxury, edited and with an Introduction by Béla Kapossy and Richard Whatmore (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2008). 8/5/2020.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America