The World Health Organization does not have the authority to order anything as it pertains to world commerce or borders!



“Countries must inform WHO about travel measures taken, as required by the IHR. Countries are cautioned against actions that promote stigma or discrimination, in line with the principles of Article 3 of the IHR. ”  end quote   source: LINK

Countries do not report to WHO and protecting a population from a man made virus has nothing to do with stigma or discrimination so this is not the time for virtue signaling. 

The private club United Nations has already been caught creating this artificially manufactured pandemic opportunity to claim authority is does not have meaning using violence and torturing of the mind to change a political condition in many countries which sounds a lot like international terrorism.  LINK

This so-called organization called the world health organization is not with any authority whatsoever. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


The World Health Organization does not have the authority to declare any international emergency!


The World Health Organization, LINK through Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,  LINK, is using a man made virus, LINK  to claim authority that does not exist. 

The World Health Organization, (WHO) does not have the authority to declare any such emergency for any country on earth, that authority resides with the countries and not any private club created by rich men. 

Those same rich men, if found guilty of funding and spreading the man made coronavirus, spreading panic and mis-information with their communist propaganda organizations spreading world communism, LINK,  will suffer the same fate as George Soros, LINK in an effort to rid the world of this global terrorism artificially created by the rich men that created the United Nations private club. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.  




20191116-HRTI-JUDGMENT AND ORDER-Southern Poverty Law Center-TRIAL RESULTS


Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) TEENIE HUTCHISON 2) WENDY VIA 3) LISA GRAYBILL 4) HEIDI BEIRICH 5) MAUREEN COSTELLO 6) DAVID DINIELLI 7) Tina Tchen all found guilty of violating multiple human rights. LINK

Source: LINK

A lot of organizations know how SPLC does business. If SPLC does not like your point of view or can twist your point of view into something else other than its original intent, SPLC will publish the brand new profile so SPLC can raise money to destroy its own profile that never existed. 

The claimants made their case and all in SPLC  were found guilty. SPLC was given due process. The recording will be placed on the Human Rights Tribunal international website as soon as possible, however the final judgement is already published. 

How about that, the champions of human rights are the worst violators of human rights that have surfaced in the past 20 years other than the U.S. Supreme Court and its over 60 million murders. 

We don’t think we have witnessed a more hideous donations marketing campaign in the history of non-profits.

It is based on cannibalism. SPLC has to eat other organizations so it can raise money and survive. SPLC then becomes what it eats. 

It is evil to the core. The next phase is calculating damages and collections after 90 days. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 



The person GEORGE SOROS Nationalized with a 50 billion dollar lien on the property!


The person GEORGE SOROS and any other variation of the name including but not limited to any trust or any other type of organization is hereby Nationalized with a 50 billion dollar common law lien on all property for trespass!  The lien itself will be translated and published soon.  


Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


List of media outlets declared communist propaganda organizations violently pushing World Communism!


The following is a list of organizations declared and classified by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America communist propaganda organizations violently pushing World Communism! LINK

1: CNN
3: The Washington Post
4: The Wall Street Journal
5:  New York Times
6: Comcast
7: Liberty Media
8:  Bloomberg  LP and Bloomberg Media
10: Business Week magazine
11: News Corp
12: The Wall Street Journal
13: Wired
14: Vanity Fair
15: The New Yorker
16: Vogue
17: Cox Family – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
18: The Boston Globe
19: ABC
20: CBS
21: NBC
22: The Las Vegas Review-Journal
23: Morningstar
24: US News & World Report
25: New York Daily News
26: Village Voice
27: Hubbard Broadcasting
28: Tribune Publishing Co.
29: The Los Angeles Times
30: The Chicago Tribune.
31: CNBC
32: regional daily papers
33: Gawker
34: Bertelsmann
35: Sony
36: News Corp
37:Walt Disney company
38: AT&T
39: Hearst Communication
40: MGM Holdings Inc.
41: National Amusements

and all organizations connected to these same 15 billionaires. None of these organizations qualify as media or press and their members violently attack non-communists. They consistently print fear and violence to scare civilians for political purposes. These organizations must heed this declaration and classification before being classified as terrorist organizations and Nationalized.    

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


Governor Ralph Northam now recognized as a globalist and international terrorist-Democratic Party destroyed!



Due to the recent declaration of war and acted upon and against the inhabitants of Virginia, Governor Ralph Northam is now recognized as a globalist and international terrorist. 

Governor Ralph Northam has attacked civilians and is continuing to attack civilians in and for World Communism. 

Governor Ralph Northam, being a part of the Democratic Party, (527 organisation) and through its constant attacks against civilians, has identified itself as a branch of;  

(40) The term “world communism” means a revolutionary movement, the purpose of which is to establish eventually a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in any or all the countries of the world through the medium of an internationally coordinated Communist political movement.

Therefore, the Democratic Party or any variation of the name has dissolved itself within the United States and has emerged outside and into an enemy of the United States as a mere puppet of a much larger world Communist political movement; and all of its leadership has declared their persons world citizens by actions and deeds.  

Warning: Anything they say or do is a setup and not to be trusted. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 





American Herald-Logo-Grey


January 21st, 2020

TO:  North Texas State Mental Hospital and various agencies with employee relationship, or assignment to patient

James E. Smith, Carolyn E. Sanders, Matt (Rights Protection officer), Larry Lewis, Lori Bohannon – Clerk of County Court

RE: Graham Bradford Lascsak – housed in Start 2


IT IS HEREBY ORDERED within 24 hours of delivery by fax that Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee a member of the American National Union of The United States of America be immediately released from North Texas State Mental Hospital due to forced pain compliance, torture, slavery, forced association through Political religion by the North Texas State Mental Hospital.

The prohibition against torture in international law is, like that against slavery or genocide, absolute. Torture is impermissible under any circumstances, including war, public emergency or terrorist threat. The prohibition is so strong and universally accepted that it is now a fundamental principle of customary international law. 

As a right of self-determination Graham Bradford Lascsak has naturalized within The United States of America thereby expatriating from the United States to correct his political status by claiming a nationality, an entitlement protected by Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  A link to the Naturalization process of the Government of The United States of America can be found here.   LINK 

By failing to comply with this order you are hereby notified that the North Texas State Mental Hospital, including but not limited to all the listed persons are through the claim of torture in violation of all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which carries a fine of  750,000 per violation by UCD or USD.

His political determination is now with the North American National Party.  Graham Bradford Lascsak resident id number is 972470705012, and his Natural Area Code is 6QKSL NBDPV.  Having exercised his political will to declare Residency within the States of the Union by having his PERSON delivered back to the Original Union under first in time, first in right via the General Post Office.

A link to the proclamation of existence of GRAHAM BRADFORD LASCSAK, PMA published by Graham Bradford Lascsak, Trustee over a three-day period in the legal public notice section of a publication of record stands unrebutted.  The link is attached herein. LINK 




  • Release: Set free, discharge, remove from custody without harm, vacate person from premises, release, to give up a right as releasing one from his/her obligation to perform under a contract, or to relinquish a right to an interest in real property, to give freedom, as letting out of prison, the writing that grants a release.



Notice to all courts and lawyers as it pertains to the use of a psychological evaluation!



The use of the psychological evaluation as a go to tactic when a defendant will not stop defending their persons is the same as torture in all of its forms. 

If the lawyers and attorney’s can’t win a case, a psychological evaluation is where they all go which is nothing more then a Communist move done by all communists in the history of communism. 

In other words, communism has been outlawed in this country for a very long time. If there is one more report that a psychological evaluation has been ordered by one more judge when motioned by any psychiatrists or attorney in any court, all associations associated with any of the actors in the court will be under arrest for practicing communism under the proper acts and laws that pertain to communism. Private associations lose immunity when engaged in nefarious acts and practicing a craft that has been outlawed qualifies as nefarious. 

Further, if any officer does not understand what someone is saying or claiming, this does not mean they are sovereign citizens. When you say these things, you sound stupid and like a communist because the term was created by a communist organization called Southern Poverty Law Center.

If we hear reports wherein officers claim sovereign citizen status for someone, the badge will be under arrest for practicing communism and the badge will be tried and if found guilty, will be fined wherein a damages claim will be placed against said badge and not released until damages have been paid.

Everyone is sick and tired of attorney’s, judges and police ruining the lives of the inhabitants and the totalitarian tactics because those three classes do not agree with the political views of inhabitants.

Everyone is sick and tired of the political views of police, attorney’s and judges hijacking the judicial departments and enforcing their political views on everyone else. These tactics are getting old and more and more difficult to live with everyday. The sorry excuse of blaming the legislatures is absent any validity because unlawful orders do not need to be followed. Just ask those what happened to them when they followed unlawful orders in the Nuremberg trials.

Further, there were Sheriff’s that claimed in the Virginia protest on 01-20-2020 that they will not follow un-constitutional orders, so everyone knows you all have a choice in what you do. Too late to take it back and pass the buck to another branch. 

If the judges, attorney’s and police worked on removing all communism from the States of the Union, what a paradise this country would be within 6 months. Real criminals would be in jail and the honest people would have peace. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


The committee of the National assembly has original and exclusive interpretation authority!



The Articles of Confederation of 1781: 

Article XIII. Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States, in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.

The United States, in Congress assembled had original interpretation authority in this country; The United States of America. 

The United States claimed interpretation authority under Marbury vs. Madison in 1803. If interpretation authority was transferred from the Articles of Confederation of 1781 to the constitution of the United States of 1789, why would that interpretation authority have to be claimed in a case in 1803 in Marbury vs. Madison? 

The answer is that the constitution of the United States did not replace anything otherwise all of the attributes of the original Confederacy of 1781 would have transferred to the so-called new government. 

The interpretation authority of the States of the Union now rests with the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America after all has been said and done. 

Further, the rural free delivery routes and the NAC jurisdiction is open to ICE agents thereby by passing all sanctuary policies within the zone improvement plan.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. LINK
