Beware of William David Parker aka David Parker: Williams agent provocateur!



Every time William David Parker shows up, let the games begin.  William David Parker (hereinafter “William”) has been peddling his idea of what is called the Dominion of Melchizedek since 2012. LINK

However, William is no dummy, he has read the Law of Nations and knows that it is highly illegal and a violation of the Law of Nations to reside in a foreign country and attempt to recruit people to join his so-called nation.  It is called “man stealing”. 

He claims to have territory in Taongi, yet does not live there and no verification that the claim exists. He likes to remain in Florida and North Carolina trying to sell a social compact with him from anywhere between 6K and 20K. LINK 

There is another side of William, when he shows up, people get arrested and William quietly leaves the scene. Oddly enough, many false rumors surround the people getting arrested. One of the General Post Masters of the General Post Office of The United States of America has experienced this scenario. 

His whole premise and story is this, William claims that the reason why the constitution of the United States came into existence is because the original States of the Union could not pay its war debt which is completely false and would violate the Law of Nations wherein he professes to be an expert. International debts do not constitute a surrender of sovereignty of a country although the international banking cartel would love everyone to believe that premise.  Funny that a man that claims to be foreign to the United States sure does know a lot about its history and his version is always in the United States bankers  favor known as “We the People”. 

Quote:  “You cannot “issue currency” or “license banks” just because you “have a nation”. Without being signatories to Banking Treaties that “run this planet”; you cannot “license a bank” or “put currency” into anyone else’ jurisdiction. A State, that Contracts with or is in Treaty with other Nations…must have agreements for “PAR VALUE” of Their State Currency.” LINK

The above quote is in the comments at that link.

It is not believed that William works for the CIA or other agency, it is believed that he works for the International Banking Cartel itself and attacks anyone following the Law of Nations to keep the international banking monopoly in tact. 

The whole Dominion of Melchizedek claims seem to be a front and is used to lure people into a legal trap under the Law of Nations cunningly disguised code violations are usually the charges, however William is no where to be found when the take down starts.  

Further, William claims to have the right to publish interpretations of case law in the United States which in its rules is practicing law without a license, however William continues to roam free which appears that he is protected by some powerful people that have enough power to control United States agencies, hence the international banking cartel. 

William moved into a private group on Face Book called “Tactical Sovereignty” and appears to have taken over complete with promotions etc..

The bottom line is everyone has been warned by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America with first hand experience in this specific subject matter. 


The National Government of the State of New Mexico amends its Bilateral Social Compact Agreement!




The National Government of the State of New Mexico amends its Bilateral Social Compact Agreement from its original. LINK

The main articles added are as follows to address certain unresolved issues: LINK

Article 28
If anyone within the State of New Mexico shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall be an alien to the State of New Mexico and shall be
incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them; and

Article 29
If anyone shall accept credit from a foreign private bank or in their official capacity offer, issue or file any form of security or bond to be traded in a commercial bond trading market, such person shall be an alien to the State of New Mexico and subject to a alien tort claim in violation of the Law of Nations; and

Article 30
If anyone shall own, operate or have interest in any privately owned jail, detention center or other building for the purpose of holding human beings from Liberty such person shall be an alien to the State of New Mexico and shall be subject to an alien tort claim in violation of the Law of Nations regardless of status; and

Article 31
The following Commandments shall be the Law of the Land within the State of New Mexico:

Article 32
The Nation of Islam and its Muslims are foreign to the State of New Mexico and is strictly forbidden from settling within the State of New Mexico now and forever; and it is hereby ordered that the border between Mexico and the State of New Mexico is hereby closed. Further, the people agree that a wall by and between the
State of New Mexico and Mexico would benefit the people of the State of New Mexico and further bring the people of Mexico back in honor with the Law of Nations: and

Article 33
The tripartite, city of Washington D.C., city of London, and Vatican City is strictly forbidden from subjecting the State of New Mexico to its policies; and

Article 34
It is strictly forbidden for the State of New Mexico to tax private property; and

Article 35
The people agree that it is strictly forbidden to kill a fetus. Further, the people agree that it is strictly forbidden for any agency to receive funds for the unlawful act of splitting up families, and

Article 36
The people agree that protecting the southern border, whether acting in the capacity as agency or not is with the absolute right of international arrest of any trespass committed by any foreign citizen or subject of a foreign power no matter the intentions of the one committing the trespass, and

Article 37
Any office holder in the State of New Mexico is strictly forbidden from interpreting the restrictions set forth in this Social Compact; and

The aforementioned amendments are now in effect along with the previous articles previously published in a publication of record.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


Private Attorney Generals Across America are hereby recognized as International Lawyers!



Source: LINK

Private Attorney Generals Across America are hereby recognized as International Lawyers with all of the powers, obligations, rights and duties as any other International Lawyers. 

The association is known as International Lawyers Association of the Reign of the Heavens: LINK

The Private Attorney Generals Across America went through a three year training period to qualify as International Lawyers and will be offering training classes in association with other organizations. The current lawyers in America are not trained in International law. 

The association is without any corruption and have been watched during the three year training period. Believe it or not, they are honest lawyers and have earned the right to be known as International lawyers. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.  


International Complaint Against Islam In Honor of Yahweh!


Published by the American Herald on 04-14-2019

A page has been created on THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST for people that would like to add their name to the International Complaint. 

All religious preferences are welcome to sign and will be kept up to date on the progress of the complaint. 

CLICK HERE! to read the Initial Complaint that is designed to get things started while a lot of evidence will be added to the case as it progresses.



Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Spiritual Matters assigned to the War Crimes Tribunal!



Claim Evidence:

The reign of the heavens society Temple has assigned Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Spiritual Matters to the War Crimes Tribunal to hear issues under the aforementioned subject matter. LINK

It appears that certain religions have been attacked over and over in the last 20 years and they have no place to file complaints when most of the attacks have been coming from the places that are supposed to settle these issues. 

The details of the assignment is within the Official Record at the link above and the definition of an example of an ecclesiastical and Spiritual Matter is in the Official Record also. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 



General Post Master Council can now hear cases for violations of the Law of Nations!



The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America motioned to deliver the authority to determine violations of the Law of Nations to the General Post Master Council. The General Post Master Council is very qualified to hear and determine if violations of the Law of nations have in fact occurred. The authority to hear and determine violations of the Law of Nations is in good hands with the General Post master Council that has a long history in its decisions and is rarely inaccurate in its determinations. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 




Third Notice: The Government of The United States of America hereby challenges the United States!



The Government of The United States of America hereby challenges the United States in its claim to call itself a Government and a country and to any representation rights, form treaty obligations or executive agreements thereby binding the people of the country to any International obligations.

Further, the Government of The United States of America hereby challenges the United States in its claims to any succession rights and perfect chain of title from the year seventeen hundred and seventy-four to present time.

It is customary under International Law and the Law of Nations that a ninety day period is given to the party so challenged to prove its claims otherwise relinquish all usurpation to the proper party making the challenge. 

Gas lighting, diverting the subject matter, political persecution, or any other tactics that do not address the challenge directly from the proper person so authorized to answer this challenge, meaning someone that can prove that they are in fact a direct party to the United States is notwithstanding. Murdering, torturing or attempting to censor or silence the challenger does not result in a proper response nor proving a claim under international law and the Law of Nations. 

Published and challenged by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.


The biggest lie ever told by the United States Inc.



Source: LINK

“It must be admitted that it is difficult to assert the historical existence of
an actual contract.55 In fact, if the Constitution were taken to be the social
contract, an argument based on social contract might be used to argue against
judicial activism in privacy cases. As Professor Perry structures that position,
while arguing against it, the Constitution is viewed as a social contract between
the nation and the states and among the branches of the federal government, in
addition to the usual view of the social contract as between the people and the
sovereign or among the people.5 6 As such, the tenth amendment is a clause of
the social contract that is violated by judicial activism where state legislation is
involved.57 Similarly, activist review of congressional and executive actions
violates article III of the social contract.58″

“While the Framers of the Constitution may have been affected by social
contract theory, 59 the Constitution is not itself the social contract. The social
contract is not a contract among the branches of the sovereign government or
between sovereigns – the states and the federal government.6° The social
contract is among the people or between the people and the sovereign. 61″

Law of Nations: DOWNLOAD

The biggest lie ever told was the fact that United States Inc. never had a permanent population that it claims it had or has at this time. That is 240 years of no population whatsoever. If no social compact by and between the people, no State or government can exist. Private states within States cannot exist as written in the Law of Nations.  

At this point in time, the only Government that existed since 2011 is the Government of The United States of America, and now, National Governments of 15 States within the States of the Union that are not corporations LINK.  In accordance with the Law of Nations  and the source document downloadable above, there has never been a citizen of the United States nor a U.S. citizen in existence because a required social compact by and between the people was never signed by anyone meaning it never existed until 2010. LINK

Since the tripartite is the responsible party for this lie, the sole blame does not rest on the U.S. Military, the tripartite military center. The fact that the city of London, the tripartite financial center and Vatican City, the tripartite religious center had a hand in this lie thereby also responsible for lying to the rest of the world about its continual slavery.  

The bottom line is that the United States that the people believe existed, in fact never existed, and therefore it is time to change their reality to something that is fact based and not built on a foundation of quick sand.  

The Government of The United States of America has been correct since its inception and no one can deny that truth and all of the bashing and lies must be taken down from those blogs that have been spewing lies upon lies for the past five years. Those publications of lies shows the rest of the world what kind of people they are that would constantly lie and bear false witness and simply love to hurt other people for no just cause. 

It is also time for the Sovereign Citizen Domestic Terrorist profile to be wiped from the database of United States Inc. because it is nothing more than a political hit list and illegal at best. United States Inc. has no authority to hold the private records of the people in the first place and therefore has no authority to take in migrants or offer citizenship. It is a privately owned company and that is all. 

All international records of United States Inc. must be handed over to the Government of The United States of America for the United States Inc. has no National authority nor can it classify anything under National security without being in dishonor of the Law of the Land (Law of Nations). LINK

The U.S. Military does have the option to become an American Military by virtue of a new National flag, a social compact and an oath to the country and not to a empty constitution created by a private company.  The people are tired of endless foreign wars and will eventually rebel if asked to invade another country on behalf of the psychotic and greedy.  The U.S. Military can yield by its commander raising the National flag at anytime.  The historical Continental Dollar is the National Money and nothing has to be lost as far as retirement or time served in the U.S. Military. This offer is made to the U.S. Military from the light of forgiveness and humility. A third World War will do nothing but destroy your family, friends and future and expedite your destiny towards perdition. (a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation)

It is time to exercise YOUR right of self determination thereby determining your own future and not dictated from those that are determined to choose their own path to perdition.  It is never too late until your last breath no matter what has been done in accordance with the New Covenant.  Contact the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America for a flag if needed or desired. LINK 

Serve your own country rather than the tyrants across the pond!


Owner of accused of attempted murder!



The owner of is accused of attempted murder by claiming that a non-member of being classified as a “Sovereign Citizen Domestic Terrorist” and multiple human rights violations through a technique called “Gaslighting”. The owner of record according to ICANN LINK is Richard Skalsky of Palo Alto, California.

Affidavit: LINK

Some Exhibits and the evidence is growing: LINK

Apparently Richard Skalsky runs a website specifically geared towards self professed Marxists and Leninist wherein Prosecuting Attorney’s frequent to gain information to help them with their cases on a local level.  There are also lawyers and police that access private files and criminal history and share that information on the Fogbow website. 

Further, its members will troll phone calls, meetings and other events for the purpose of interference, gas-lighting and other violent acts for the simple purpose of harassment and intimidation. 

The criminal activity that emanates from the website itself does not help anyone trying to do business as an internet presence.  The fogbow website further acts as if it were some kind of official website for classifying persons which forces association and profiles persons in an arbitrary manner contrary to due process; which can ultimately end up that Fogbow’s target being tortured in a detention center or murdered by a political assassin using deadly force because of a lie also known as swatting. These situations are a very serious matters wherein the members of the Fogbow website think it is funny. 

The Fogbow website is in desperate need of being taken down or changing its format as soon as possible because the evidence is growing against its owner of record. 


More information on the SOVEREIGN CITIZEN MOVEMENT can be found here:

The United States is attempting to connect the Government of The United States of America with their made up communist profile known as the “Sovereign Citizen Domestic Terrorist Movement” in the middle of an International Challenge!



Even though the Government of The United States of America has consistently spoken out against liens and other tactics used by people to try to defend themselves because they do not know any better. Right in the middle of an international challenge, LINK, 

The United States underhandedly attempts to connect an old 2016 case with the Government of The United States of America through a Deputy Sheriff Christian Freichels of Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, St. Paul Minnesota that wants to appear that he is a part of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.  LINK  

They activated and started enforcing the Search Warrant recently, right in the middle of an International Challenge. Of course, it is connected with the fake “Continental Marshals” and other silly things people do when the International Bankers create a desperate situation. 

All we can say about the warrant is that the Government of The United States of America obviously had nothing to do with that “Continental Marshals” group and attempted to talk them out of going through with it with one of their members in a short 10-minute call 8 or 9 months ago.  Basically, the whole idea was really dumb as best. 

The United States still has until the 5th of May, 2019 to answer the challenge otherwise the United States is in default. A search warrant for Google emails is not a proper International response nor is attempting to change international classifications thereby attempting to define a Government of which the United States is not a party is, in fact, an International Crime under the Law of Nations. However, the Government of The United States of America does not expect that the United States has ever read the Law of Nations book itself. Ever since its Naturalization Act of 1790, and its inception in 1787, the United States has been in violation of the Law of Nations. 

If Deputy Sheriff Christian Freichels of Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, St. Paul Minnesota continues to interfere with the International Challenge, the interference will result in a default by the United States, so the Government of The United States of America can name Christian Freichels as the best man on the Government of The United States of America’s side.  Keep going Christian, you are the best man for the job of getting those pesky people that believe in private property ownership, those evil private property owners that are enemies of the Socialist regime. You get them buddy……
