Persons are not recognized as Human Beings in U.S. states except one


Published on 11-25-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

After many reports filed in the Human Rights Tribunal, it is clear that the U.S. states do not recognize human rights. There is a good reason for the non-recognition. It is because persons are not defined as human beings within the U.S. states statutes. 

If there are no human beings, there can be no human rights violations. That condition does explain why a national tribunal was never established under Title 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United States.

Here is the link to a table of person definitions within the U.S. states: LINK

Oklahoma does in fact define its persons as human beings which is the only U.S. state that does recognize human rights.

It is pretty easy to boast a stellar human rights record to the rest of the world when the statutes are designed to never be able to violate human rights. No human beings, no human rights, no human rights violations. Pretty slick huh? 

For with every action, there is an equal opposite reaction. If a U.S. state is without human beings, then it does not have a population. The U.S. state within a State cannot recognize contracts because there are no human beings to sign them. They cannot have a U.S. census because there are no human beings to count. 

Expanding on this line of thinking, are defendants and plaintiffs recognized as human beings within a court room?  Does the court itself recognize an operator of a motor vehicle as a human being? Is a resident of a U.S. state or a citizen of the United States recognized as a human being? The evidence above says no. In that case, how can there ever be conflict for the court to resolve or rule on? Entities do not have a conscience, they do not breath, they do not have any thought or intent and therefore cannot claim human rights violations. Jurisdiction is an issue because how can a court claim jurisdiction when the statutes it enforces and uses to make decisions does not recognize human beings? 

If there was a plan to wipe out the population of the earth, the way to avoid human rights violations would be to set in place a body of law that does not recognize human beings at all.  This non recognition of persons as human beings simply cannot be a coincidence.


office of the Governor sends open letter to Plurinational State of Bolivia!


Published on 11-21-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

Governor Stuart Ronaldson sends an open letter of support to Plurinational State of Bolivia: LINK


It has recently come to the attention of this office that Attorney General Ramiro Guerrero, of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, has announced the dismissal of sixty (60) prosecutors on suspicion of corruption, with an additional two hundred (200) prosecutors under investigation.
The Government of The United States of America commends this effort and
will voice its support for any nation that commits itself to the elimination of judicial malfeasance and internal corruption.
Additionally, it is well documented that the president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Evo Morales, is engaged in a long-term struggle to rid that nation of its private central bank and the negative, often disastrous, effects associated with
privately-owned IMF/World Bank-imposed policies.
It is clear that President Morales and the people of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
have determined that the days of private-banking exploitation of the people and the people’s resources have come to an end.
The Government of The United States of America voices its support for these
efforts and invites representatives of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to
open diplomatic dialogue with the Government of The United States of America

Autographed this 248th day in the year of Yahweh, 6018 (November 21, 2016)

The office of Governor for The United States of America

Message from the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America


Published on 11-19-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice


The Government of The United States of America hereby introduces Stuart Andrews Ronaldson as the new Governor for the Government of The United States of America.

Message as follows:

The violence that has been occurring since the company election is hereby ordered to cease and desist.

Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, with­out distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, prop­erty, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limita­tion of sovereignty.”

Whomever is threatening anyone else over an election including but not limited to the people in the Hollywood network are in blatant violation of human rights as written within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Inciting is a serious crime that was a part of the war crimes charged against the Nazis in Nazi Germany. Inciting would include statements that are threatening to kill another or attempting to incite the people to anarchy.

It is very disappointing that the States are not doing anything to stop the violence nor is the Barack Hussein Obama. This may mean that the people not saying anything to stop the violence are attempting to cause a condition wherein UN troops are needed to stop the violence.  A condition of lack of performing ones duties to maintain the peace is an act of inciting.  The United Nations is to cease and desist all political plans to abolish National Government within the metes and bounds of The United States of America.

At this moment in time, corporate media outlets are number one on the list of human rights violators in the form of inciting the public at large to blatant violence against its opposition supporters.

The office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America calls for immediate cease and desist of all violence that is derived from the past election otherwise face international human rights violations against those persons mentioned above and others.  The violence that occurs which result in human rights violations within the metes and bounds of The United States of America is within the jurisdiction of the Government of The United States of America.

office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America





The International non-recognition game for the purpose of hiding evidence!!


Published on 11-09-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

The international non-recognition game is simple. Whenever an attorney is cornered like in the case of the Ramsey County, Minnesota Prosecuting Attorney, LINK there are two things that are said to get out of the corner: 

1: Do you have a Bar License to represent the client? This question gives them an excuse to remove evidence from the case so they can classify the case that benefits the Bar Association in an attempt to escape liability.

2: Your Government is not recognized. This statement does the same thing by hiding all of the faxes from their records of its existence.

The Government of The United States of America does not expect any county level employee to understand international affairs because their education level is in the category and classification of infant to high school. Most of them have grown up in the same county they work in, and do not realize there is a whole other world outside of their own local politics.

The reason these statements are made is for the purpose of hiding evidence from their private records. When a local private company makes a mistake and it is brought to their attention, the first thing they do is deny any wrong doing and hide evidence of any wrong doing by changing the classification of the individual that is under tort.

This is what the Organization of American States has to say about this non-recognition tactic:

Article 13

The political existence of the State is independent of recognition by other States. Even before being recognized, the State has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its preservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees fit, to legislate concerning its interests, to administer its services, and to determine the jurisdiction and competence of its courts. The exercise of these rights is limited only by the exercise of the rights of other States in accordance with international law.   LINK

The Government of The United States of America has the Ramsey County Prosecuting Attorney by the short hairs and everyone of the judges know it. The Ramsey County Bill it owes to the Government of The United States of America is now over 20 million. In order not to pay its bill, it plays the international non-recognition game to hide evidence. Israel did the same thing to Palestine for many years. In the end, the entity hiding the evidence always loses.

We pray for Ramsey County and its populace that better leadership is elected and these high school kids that run their courts are blessed with a greater understanding of the world around them. Prosecutors are never allowed to hide evidence no matter what.


Open Letter to President Elect Donald J. Trump


Published on 11-09-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


Dear President-Elect Donal J. Trump:

It is with pleasure I write this congratulatory message to you on your fine achievement of winning the 2016 Presidential Election.

Your energy and diligence is commendable. Congratulations!

There is no doubt, based upon the election results, the American public determined your campaign promises to be more compelling and your character to be superior to those of your opponent’s. Initiatives you put forth such as increased border restrictions, the U.S. withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership and North American Free Trade Agreement, the repeal of “Obamacare” as well as infrastructure spending and the roll-back of dictatorial and oppressive Executive Orders are not only compelling but necessary.

The Government of The United States of America looks forward to your implementation of these and other campaign promises. No doubt, the re-shaping of your company’s policies and practices to ensure human rights compliance will restore its reputation as a productive and trusted member of the international business community.

The Government of The United States of America offers its support and cooperation to you with its interest free legal tender and its financial expertise to give the United States a chance to get back on its feet and pay down its debt. The Government of The United States of America has first in time and first in right international status. We look forward to working with your administration.

Contact this office at [email protected].

Again, congratulations.


office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United States of America,

Thomas Goudey



The Catholic Church denounces the Doctrine of Discovery!


Published on 11-07-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice


The Doctrine of Discovery: LINK

What would you do if you found out that your religion was founded on a possible false doctrine? Then you found out that the truth was sealed in blood under the blood moon doctrine.  LINK

When has anyone seen the Catholic Church denounce its own doctrine? The heavens demanded it.

The reign of the heavens has drawn near once again!!!


The Government of The United States of America reclaims its Coast Guard!


Published on 11-06-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

The Government of The United States of America hereby reclaims it Coast Guard under first in time first in right international status. LINK

ADM Paul F. Zukunft of the Current Coast Guard is hereby ordered to report to the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America at [email protected] immediately.  

End of Notice


King Willem of the Netherlands rejects peace offer!


Published on 11-06-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

King Willem of the Netherlands was on linkedin for some time and had many royal connections. Our Governor connected to King Willem on linkedin and so did the office of the Post Master General.


A few days later, an offer of peace and reconciliation was sent to resolve some issues that would benefit this country and the Netherlands.  LINK

Right after that Peace and Reconciliation was sent. The King Willem account was completely removed from linkedin. The messages that were sent from that account were also removed. When all messages are removed, a move like that is very drastic to go to that trouble of removing all messages sent from that account.

Here is the issue, once a country moves towards peace and reconciliation, the receiving country has no choice but to go to peace. The receiving country can’t run and act like the offer never happened. Accepting peace and reconciliation is as permanent in the Law of Nations as breathing. The offer has to be accepted and acknowledged otherwise the whole receiving country is in dishonor.

Here is the question, why accept the connection in the first place and then completely disappear from the network? Many may say that the account was a fake, but the 275 connections to that account were all royals from around the world. It is pretty hard to fake that many accounts and never ask for money from the connections like someone running a scam.

We can only conclude at this time is that the Dutch Monarch has no interest in peace and reconciliation so maybe the rumors about the Dutch government are true.


The Heavens Demand it of the Powers That Be!


Published on 10-31-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

It is not expected that many will fully understand this International Demand from the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America. However, those that do understand have been reminded.

The office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America hereby issues the following International Demand!

“I, John Harold Fulks, being duly elected to the office of Governor for the Government of The United States of America, along with the National assembly hereby fulfilled all of the obligations of the 33 + 3 requirements for full recognition and acknowledgement of existence.” Publication Link:

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