Executive Order on the use of the style “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on any documents of the Government of The United States of America!




Executive Order on the use of the style “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on any documents of the Government of The United States of America!

Many people in America believe that anything in all caps has something to do with corporations and slavery. As a matter of fact, words in the english language in all caps is defined as a title to a book or paper OR EMPHASIS ON THE LETTERS OF A WORD; LINK!

A lot of people have never built a country before and there is a certain language that can be used for surveys, divisions, branches etc… of National Governments and does not necessarily mean that the wording is a fiction or a fake. In fact, the use of the all capital letter survey style does respect the lot and claim of another when it comes to dividing countries by lot. The technique can also be used as a security feature in documents when it comes to protecting persons.

Link to the official ExecutiVe Order as it pertains to the use of the style: “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” on seals, documents and writings within the Government of The United States of America. LINK!

The Government of The United States of America has had about three delays at Airports as it pertains to the passport, however who has not had delays as it pertains to TSA no matter what credentials are being used? The Executive Order clarifies the use of certain terms and styles that will clear up some issues that has come to the Government of The United States of America attention in the past couple of months.


Owner and Operator of “Virgo Triad” YouTube Channel accused of attempted murder!




Owner and Operator of “Virgo Triad” YouTube Channel accused of attempted murder! According to the affidavit filed with the General Post Master Council for the Government of The United States of America this Virgo Triad character thought it was a good idea to call John Harold Fulks a “sovereign citizen” against the established international record. LINK!

Video Evidence:

Minute 1 and 3 seconds to minute 1 and 10 seconds.
LINK! Link to affidavit and arrest warrant against the owner and Operator of Virgo Triad.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) website was reporting about the International Arrest Warrant against Anna Von Reitz wherein Anna Von Reitz attempted to report the Government of The United States of America to SPLC, the same communist organization at war with the people that Anna Von Reitz professes to want to protect. LINK! This simple act by Anna Von Reitz proves everything written and published as a publication of record absolutely true about her status and true character.

Quote: LINK!

“Riezinger and the group which wrote the spurious arrest warrant, the Government of The United States of America, have been feuding online sporadically for years, and seem unlikely to stop anytime soon. Riezinger concluded her email to Hatewatch by writing, “Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people out there.”

However, the owner and operator of Virgo Triad had no right to attempt to murder John Harold Fulks with her declaration of status of and on behalf of John Harold Fulks.

As far as SPLC is concerned, their declaration within their publications are notwithstanding meaning recognition by SPLC of this Government is not required. The same goes for police, judges, attorney’s or anyone/anything else. SPLC has been caught working with the National Lawyers Guild, a well known communist organization here: LINK! and fakes allegiance to the United States and the company laws when in fact the SPLC has been in adversity against the United States since the creation of the organization. The ironic thing is that the Department of Justice joined with SPLC against the United States here: LINK! and no one says a word as if the joinder was normal.

Recognition is not required as written here: LINK!

Article 13:

“The political existence of the State is independent of recognition by other States. Even before being recognized, the State has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its preservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees fit, to legislate concerning its interests, to administer its services, and to determine the jurisdiction and competence of its courts. The exercise of these rights is limited only by the exercise of the rights of other States in accordance with international law.”

This means that the Government of The United States of America and The United States of America does not need recognition from anyone other than the people within the Bilateral Social Compact Agreement published here: LINK!

When people issue their opinions as to whether it is fake or whatever they want to say, they have that right, but they do not have the right to trespass and attempt to murder any of the signatories nor attempt to falsify the international record. If they publish facts and back them up with evidence, that publication will be heard and addressed. Most of what has been published on various sites is nothing more than hearsay, opinions coming from ignorance and flat out slander all of which is notwithstanding anywhere.

The funny part of all of this slander is that the people committing these trespasses and torts are not even parties to the Bilateral Social Compact Agreement in violation of International law and the Law of Nations, however the law does not seem to matter to them which is why the rampant corruption within the country exists.

This publication of record serves as international service of process against the owner and operator of “Virgo Triad”, her real name purposely withheld and hidden by the perpetrator of this attempted murder. International Due Process is the utmost importance and the owner and operator of Virgo Triad will be afforded a Public Trial as is her human right in the General Post Master Council, a court of international public record.

If in fact the owner and operator of Virgo Triad does not answer this affidavit and the accusations written therein within 90 days of this publication of record, the owner and operator of Virgo Triad will be found guilty of attempted murder and another International Arrest Warrant will be issued against her person.

Another Issue in need of addressing:

On another issue, the Government of The United States of America may challenge the United States in the near future as to its true status and standing and as to whether it has the right to call itself a national government or a government at all and a host of other challenges.

This direction has already been reviewed by a foreign 30 year attorney back in 2013, and he said we would win that challenge hands down. However, it may take up to 30 years to collect on all damages so the signatories decided to move in a different direction and exist in parallel with the United States company so its people would have a choice.

The United States, a federal corporation is in dire need of controlling its people and exercise a doctrine of non-interference when it comes to the Government of The United States of America, the American National Union of The United States of America and the States of the Union otherwise its existence as it has been advertised may be at risk and peril in the near future.

The challenge would affect the whole world in a negative light, so therefore a little more cooperation would be prudent at this juncture. Ignoring the issue does not settle the issue, the United States federal corporation and its recognition is not required for the truth to exist and the Government of The United States of America has all of the evidence it needs for any form of challenge if said challenge is published and presented before a third neutral party.

The claim as the Government of The United States of America and any other claim is thoroughly researched with underwriter standards before being published and with that meticulous documentation is absent within the United States Federal Corporation. The United States federal Corporation exists purely on the ignorance of its believers in it and is surrounded by enemies foreign and domestic ready to pounce at the first instance of showing weakness because of all of its violations of international law and the law of nations. Reason and maturity is the doctrine of the day that is in great need of being exercised within the United States federal corporation, arrogance, ego and fake allegiance by its followers will be its downfall.


Introducing the Bilateral Social Compact Agreement for affirmed American Nationals and Declared RESIDENTS for The United States of America!




Introducing the Bilateral Social Compact Agreement for affirmed American Nationals and Declared RESIDENTS for The United States of America! Link to Signature Page! Scroll down to the bottom of the page and the whole agreement is pulished on that signature page.

If you have not at least declared residency within The United States of America, this document is not for you.Link! It is intended for those within the States of the Union within The United States of America so they can reconstitute and re-populate the States of the Union in accordance with the Law of Nations.

Any other process in a violation of International law and the Law of Nations, many have signed it already and are moving forward quickly to convene within the North American National Party to begin the next step towards independence. All certified copies will be published under this publication of record.


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The Real David William Johnson!




The Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America (ANU) was trying to reverse what Steve Baiocchi was doing by trying to place his close friend David William Johnson in charge of the office of the registrar of the ANU without being a member of the ANU. The office holders were a little confused as to the requirements of joining the ANU on the video below, however they were correct in what they were doing and extremely professional in spite of the challenges they faced in the meeting with trying to communicate to a patriot guru that advocates violence against everyone.

Would you want these people in charge of your business documents?

Steve removed himself once he was caught and David William Johnson vowed revenge. Since that time David has been posting lies on facebook in order to falsify the international record because he did not want to do a simple document to correct the problem.

This video was the next day after he spent time on the call until 6 AM the morning of this call from the previous meeting spouting the same threats and worse, then three minutes after the video was shut off, he started beating his wife, 8 witnesses to this event, the camera was still on.

You tube flagged the video as bullying and gave the channel a strike, that is fine if they do not want truth on their site, however they have no control of this newspaper. It was ok for David and Steve to harass the channel, but when the truth was posted about who these two people were and their real character and further how professional ANU operates, the narrative was changed by youtube and accusations reversed against the channel. It is figured that the reversal is retaliation for the David Hogg International Arrest Warrant. There are a lot of ANTIFA and Lawyers Guild members that work for youtube.

Further, we receive more traffic on this website then we do on youtube so the newspaper may be creating a section for all of the videos on youtube in the newspaper so they can be classified as evidence under the American National Press Union- Code of Ethics.

Warning, bad language, may not be appropriate for those under 18 years of age.

[evp_embed_video url=”https://reignoftheheavens.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/The-real-David-William-Johnson.mp4″]


The Government of The United States of America issues a international arrest warrant for David Hogg!



                                              INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The Government of The United States of America issues a international arrest warrant for David Hogg!

The grounds for this international arrest warrant include but are not limited to acts of
international terrorism through inciting, perpetrated by David Hogg, known and unknown,
as well as violations of numerous Articles within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights…..Read More…


An International Arrest Warrant has been issued for The Muslim Brotherhood within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America!



                                              INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE


An International Arrest Warrant has been issued for The Muslim Brotherhood within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America by the Government of The United States of America!

Grounds for the International Complaint and Arrest Warrant

The grounds for this international complaint include but are not limited to acts of
international terrorism, inciting violence and revolution on behalf of a Military Theology
within the States of the Union within The United States of America, as well as violations of
numerous Articles within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), to wit; Read More…..


The General Post Master Council signs an International Order as it pertains to addressing format!



                                      INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The General Post Master Council for the Government of The United States of America signs an International Order as it pertains to addressing format!

Grounds for the International Order:
The grounds for this international order include but are not limited to the current addressing
system within the United States does not reflect the correct address. The addresses of all
public buildings do not include the term “United States” thereby claiming a jurisdiction but
not recognizing the United States as the country name by all of the fifty States of the Union
within The United States of America.

The current addressing format as established by the Bank of New York Mellon within its
software within the United States Postal Service distribution centers does not include the
United States within those address formats: Read More….


New Orange County Ordinance is a trespass on natural law!



                                                     INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Source Link: https://www.clickorlando.com/news/florida-gun-shows-ban-private-sales-in-light-of-new-city-county-ordinances

Source link: https://www.wftv.com/news/local/owners-buyers-at-orlando-gun-show-must-obey-new-ordinance/752190776

Orange county, Florida was never granted jurisdiction upon the natural law by and between private parties to a private sale of property.

Once again, these socialist and communist municipalities are attempting to create a classification of “assault weapons” in commerce within the natural law by and between the manufacturer and the retailer and extending it to private parties wherein a grant was never offered and never accepted by the socialist and communist parties within the municipalities.

The foreign socialist and communist parties that further advocated for the county and city combined into a metropolitan thereby claiming a popular vote to create these abominations are moving further with their blatant trespasses upon the natural law by and between the people without consent.

For without the consent classifies all municipality ordinances under the condition of metropolitan organization international tresspasses everyday that they are published and enforced.

Therefore, all regulation of natural law by and between parties not within the social compact of a municipality is hereby internationally classified as international trespass against the natural law which is further classified as the most heinous crime in international law.

The rights and duties of the people to resist a trespass on natural law are authorized not to obey ordinances of these types published by the socialist and communist parties irregardless of United Nations resolutions and foreign proclamations and edicts.


INTERNATIONAL ARREST WARRANT is hereby issued against 1) Anna Maria Riezinger, aka Anna von Reitz, aka Anna Hapsburg, et al 2) Destry Payne 3) James Clinton Belcher!

         PUBLISHED BY THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST ON 05-10-2018                                                                                                          
                        INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

An INTERNATIONAL ARREST WARRANT is hereby issued against 1) Anna Maria Riezinger, aka Anna von Reitz, aka Anna Hapsburg, et al 2) Destry Payne 3) James Clinton Belcher! LINK

The General Post Master Council for the Government of The United States of America shall keep this warrant
and hold all evidence until being filed within the Human Rights Tribunal International until the day and time appointed.

This publication of record constitutes international service of process on all parties named therein.


INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE OF CEASE AND DESIST AGAINST Colton Blue Mudersbach, and https://www.solutionsformylife.com, and Solutions for my Life and its members!

        PUBLISHED BY THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST ON 05-10-2018                                                                                                          

INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE OF CEASE AND DESIST AGAINST Colton Blue Mudersbach, and https://www.solutionsformylife.com, and Solutions for my Life and its members! LINK TO OFFICIAL CERTIFIED COPY
