Introducing THE SOUTHERN BORDER ORDINANCE OF 2017, passed by the United States, in Congress assembled!


Published on 05-12-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

THE SOUTHERN BORDER ORDINANCE OF 2017 is designed to uphold the Law of Nations.  LINK
Mexico has had some issues with respecting the borders of The United States of America so it is prudent to build a wall to send a message that the Law of Nations is being upheld within The United States of America.  The reason why the amount is less than 20 billion is because a motion was passed in the National assembly to re-value the Continental Dollar, legal tender to: 1 Continental Dollar= 1.50 USD.
The authority to emit Bills of Credit comes from Article 12 of the original Articles of Confederation of 1781:
Article XII. All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of congress, before the assembling of the united States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof the said united States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged.

Wherein Article XII has been brought forward to the present time and amended on August 5th, 2015 to read:

(o) The Government of The United States of America shall enter into Treaty, Alliance and Confederation; coin or Print Money, exchange into digital currency, issue Stamps or any other financial instrument; the United States, in Congress assembled shall not pass any Law impairing
the Obligation of Contracts, and

Since this emitting of a Bill of Credit from the proper authority has commenced, the current structure of emitting of Bills of Credit now known as a “Letter of Credit” will cause concern of perpetual debt against the States of the Union due to the restrictions against the States of the Union from being able to emit a Bill of Credit to pay their debts.

“It is provided by the Constitution of the United States, Art. I, Sec. X, that no state shall ’emit bills of credit, or make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment or debts.'”

The Company article caused the States of the Union to remain in perpetual debt thereby transferring the ability to emit Bills of Credit to the private central Bank of New York Mellon wherein a Bill of Credit known as a “Letter of Credit” is emitted and gold and silver is demanded back in payment.

Since the Government of The United States of America is not under any such restriction(s), a Bill of Credit is hereby emitted to pay for the THE SOUTHERN BORDER ORDINANCE OF 2017 in full without recourse of the discipline and designed of perpetual debt and unjust enrichment. The current administration in the White House is now being put to the test. 

There are more ordinances coming forward in the next week that will address the issues of the country to resolve the perpetual war and put an end to unequal weights and measures. More acts to follow: LINK



Introducing the newest version of the Continental Dollar as designed by the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America!


Published on 05-06-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice


The office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America hereby introduces the newest versions of the Continental Dollar based on this International Public Notice published on March 20th, 2017  LINK.


Anyone found printing fake news (not supported by facts) thereby printing wording for the purpose of  inciting as it pertains to the Nations currency wherein the wording withholds or is intended to withhold a debt free, interest free National currency and as a consequence withholds a Nationality by way of fear, shall be prosecuted under the Law of Nations under the classification of inciting fear thereby causing rebellion against the country and further under Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

Notice: The Continental Dollar is not connected to the U.S. Treasury nor the Bank of New York Mellon. The U.S. congress was without any authority to pledge the Treasury Seal of North America to the United Nations nor did the U.S. congress have any authority to use the Treasury Seal of North America under First in Time First in Right Doctrine: LINK

Further, the images below are not being interpreted correctly by the internet as far as the colors are concerned. Further, the Continental Dollar is not “Rainbow Currency” advertised by Vatican City. Neither Vatican City nor the three city-state empire is with any authority over the Continental Dollar, its value, its definitions, nor its legal tender and National currency standing. However, the empire is welcome to use the Continental Dollar, value its currency against it and use it in trade and commerce. The empires subjects are welcome to use the Continental Dollar in a lawful manner without recourse from any international person and or character. 

Newest Versions of the Continental Dollar:

















Published on 05-06-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST, an independent newspaper and legal organ of the Government of The United States of America


Nevada Southern Detention Center Nationalized for reports of pain compliance/torture and possible multiple human rights violations!


Published on 05-04-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

The committee for the Government of The United States of America received a report of pain compliance tactics being used consistently against two individuals within the Nevada Southern Detention Center: (copy of the report) LINK

The committee believes that we all have different points of view, politically and otherwise, however, prejudice and torture is crossing the line of proving a point. Lack of communication or ignorance between two parties does not constitute pain compliance/torture by either party. However, pain compliance and gang stalking to soften up defendants before going to trial is unacceptable behavior.  

Nevada Southern Detention Center: NAC: 5B1PR P17WJ   Published here: LINK

The committee for the Government of The United States of America will publish updates as they are acquired.


Anna Von Reitz and Paul Stramer printing lies on top of lies!


Published on 05-04-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

Claim in red, rebuttal in blue

This particular document was posted on the Anna Von Reitz website called ” Let’s Settle This Hash……”: LINK  on 04-26-2017

Wherein it states the following:

“The de jure government of this country is called The United States of America (Unincorporated). It has to be unincorporated to serve as a sovereign government, because if it held a corporate charter granted by some other government, it would be subservient to that government.
Okay? Everyone got that?”

We can agree upon that statement because The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America is not incorporated. Embassy: LINK

“During the so-called American Civil War the rats in Congress created a doppelganger entity incorporated in Britain called “The United States of America, Inc.”. This is called “The United States of America” but it is not your de jure government. It is just a corporation granted a charter like any other British corporation.”

Where is the evidence of this claim? There are no links or documents, nothing….. This is the first time that the Government of The United States of America has ever heard of such a claim or the subject matter.

“Now we have Keith Livingway running around claiming that he basically went to a bankruptcy trustee sale and “bought” the office of “Postmaster General” out of a claim on abandonment. He is telling everyone that this abandoned office is the land jurisdiction trustee office once held by Benjamin Franklin and that it is the land jurisdiction de jure government that he is representing.”

Keith Livingway never claimed that he attended a bankruptcy trustee sale, nor did he ever claim to have bought the office of Postmaster General. Where is the evidence? Where is a publication of the claim? There isn’t any because it is a complete lie. The whole scenario was completely made up by Anna Von Reitz and Paul Stramer.

“But here’s the kicker—- Franklin held the office of Post Master (land) not Postmaster (sea) —- and on top of that, none of these quasi-military offices like “Lieutenant Governor” and “Attorney General” and “Postmaster General” even existed prior to the Civil War.”

Here is an image of the original ledger of Doctor Benjamin Franklin, and a LINK to the whole ledger now in PDF. (page nine)

Everyone can see that “Postmaster General” did in fact exist before the civil war, and here is the link to the successor of Ebeneezer Hazard:LINK The Postmaster General credentials are towards the bottom of the page.  The National assembly did create a department of the General Post Office to operate as a Government agency, however that was done to protect the original General Post Office of 1775 from foreign powers when doing business with them. The National assembly has that right and power to create such agencies when doing business with foreign powers. Further, everyone can see that Benjamin Franklin did in fact hold the office of Postmaster General and not this made up difference in spelling and land/sea jurisdiction garbage. All surveys require both, metes and bounds and seaward boundaries in order to be legitimate.  No one can land lock a country.

“Therefore— is Keith Livingway filling Franklin’s vacated office?
He is claiming to own an office in a defunct British corporation that was bankrupted in 1907—- The United States of America, Inc. He is not occupying Franklin’s [land] office which was as a “Post Master” –two words, notice? And not a “Postmaster” and not a “General” anything.
The de jure government of this country has never been incorporated and never can be incorporated. Period.”

True, the dejure Government of The United States of America cannot be incorporated in another country and it isn’t incorporated anywhere. As a matter of fact, corporations are required to be registered with the Government of The United States of America when doing business within its metes and bounds and seaward boundaries. Benjamin Franklin never vacated his office, it was succeeded as written in the Declaration of Chain of Title:

“Declaration of Chain of Title

IT IS DECLARED THAT; the office of the Postmaster General of the Confederacy of The United States of America of 1775, first held by Doctor
Benjamin Franklin on 26th of July 1775, was succeeded by Richard Bache on November 7th, 1776, succeeded by Ebenezer Hazard on the 28th
day of January, 1782, and died in the year of 1817 without naming a successor. The office of the Postmaster General of the Confederacy of
The United States of America of 1775 was vacant from the year 1817 until the year 2010.” as published April 2nd, 2012 at the link above. 

Keith Livingway is not and has never claimed to personally own any office, however he was appointed successor of Ebeneezer Hazard as stated in the Declaration of Chain of Title here: LINK  by the National assembly to the office of the Postmaster General and or Post Master General of the General Post Office of the original Confederacy of 1781 back to 1775 and now the Government of The United States of America. The appointment is for life or until succeeded to keep chain of title to the country known as The United States of America.

These facts as stated in blue may be a source of distress, jealousy, embarrassment or otherwise to Anna Von Reitz and Paul Stramer.  Those emotions do not give them the right to print lies, deceive people, or slander people. Neither of them have the right to attack people personally with lies and deceit. Neither of them called to verify the facts of their documents, ever…That is called libel and others that are parroting these lies and twisting the facts are also libel. All of this back and forth really needs to end because it is beginning to have the look and feel of high school all over again.

The office of the Postmaster General of the Government of The United States of America will never be vacated or released into the hands of proprietors seeking to use Patriot tricks to gain control of the country on behalf of foreign powers. Upon the death of the current aforesaid office holder, the chain of title reverts back to the National assembly to appoint a new successor and further there exists other protections of said office that is privileged information. Further, it is a vary serous crime to attack the General Post Office of the country.

THE T-ROH SHOW will broadcast and cover the real story and facts about how all of this came about when it pertains to the General Post Office and the original Government when more important issues are already covered.


Warning- Beware of step-by-step-emancipation process!


Published on 04-27-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

This Notice is to inform the Public of serious issues that could seriously complicate someone’s life if they are not careful.

Subject Matter:

The following information exposing the facts of the subject matter is in blue below the subject matter in black with an exception that one sentence is in red.

Declaration of Political Status= No such title of a document in existence,

In international law three categories of Political status are usually recognized:

Independent countries e.g.: France, Canada

Internal independent countries which are under the protection of another country in matters of defense and foreign affairs, e.g.: Netherlands Antilles, the Faroe Islands, British Virgin Islands etc.

Colonies and other dependent political units e.g. Puerto Rico.

Political Status is achieved by declaration of sorts such as Declaration of Independence, Declaration of Sovereignty, and Declaration of Rights etc…

Declarations are recognized and Political Status is recognized but not a Declaration of Political Status.

To all whom it may concern, i, a living woman known as anna riezinger of big lake, alaska,

The living woman is of big lake, alaska. The statement really says that anna riezinger was created by and a daughter of big lake, alaska.

of sound mind and body, a Caucasian of age, not indigent, not penniless, a landlord having been born on the portion of the North American Continent claimed by the united States of America and under their political dominion and more particularly on the land area recognized to be under the political dominion of the wisconsin state,

There is no wisconsin state in existence, of sound mind and body was null and voided when claimed to have been created by big lake, alaska, and that big lake, alaska has the ability of creation, yet claims political dominion in another state that does not exist. The North American continent was never claimed by the united States of America.

Political Dominion does not exist, however Dominion Theology (also known as Dominionism) is a group of Christian political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on Christian understandings of biblical law. Extents of rule and ways of achieving governing authority are varied. For example, Dominion Theology can include theonomy, but does not necessarily involve advocating Mosaic law as the basis of government. The label is applied primarily toward groups of Protestants in the United States.

and having been born politically free and politically independent, i claim to have been born one of the progeny of the People of the United States as they styled and established themselves in the Preamble of The Constitution for the united States of America and am one of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States as defined in The Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, and am a beneficiary —not of any Public Charitable Trust— but of The United States Trust;

The Constitution for the united States of America never existed, the People of the United States did not have the political right to establish a constitution of or for  the United States of America or a constitution of or for the United States that may have claimed to establish a constitution for the United States of America. The Treaty of Paris, 1783 never mentioned the united States of America in any of its writings. 

i do freely and under penalty of perjury under the Common Law declare that i have never, ever, willingly, knowingly, and intentionally—having first been fully informed of the negative consequences—voluntarily subjected myself or my property to the authority of the British Crown nor any other artificial political or religious or commercial incorporation and i see no convincing evidence that i ever engaged in any process of naturalization as mandated by United States Statute-at-Large stipulated in the public record at SEVENTH CONGRESS, Session 1, Chapter 28, Sections 1-4, April 14, 1802, which would serve to make me or anyone in my family any form of United States Citizen however styled.

This paragraph null and voids the previous claims as a beneficiary of The United States Trust.

As a beneficiary of The United States Trust merely administered by The United States of America i am entitled and enabled to take against any codicil of the Will established by other beneficiaries and i here declare that I have taken umbrage (offense or annoyance) against both the Constitution of the United States of America charter and its various By-Law Amendments made since 1868 and the New Deal announced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933.

The beneficiary was null and voided and therefore this paragraph is notwithstanding.

If there should be any evidence to the contrary, let it here be established that any such evidence would only be in existence due to fraud and non-disclosure and adhesion and other improper, unlawful, and illegal contracting practices forbidden by the Common Law, the Law of Admiralty, and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and all those United Nations Declarations and Treaties that the United States of America, Incorporated, has agreed to —resulting in press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and secretive change of political status resulting in theft from me, the Holder in Due Coarse of my paramount identity, and Breach of Trust owed to me. These criminal acts of non-disclosure and self-interested omission resulting in falsified evidence are not consensual, not to my advantage, and not of my intentional making. By many Maxims of Law all such evidences, claims, and contracts are void ab initio (from the beginning) and those advancing such claims would be admitted criminals.

This paragraph is notwithstanding because there is no claim towards a declaration or a political status as it reads under the heading.

Any such documents that might be ascribed to me are lawfully authorized under the universal Law of Necessity as the fruit of the fraudulent practices and claims set forth in the paragraph above and such documents, if there be any, do not establish any valid contract or agreement rendering me subject to any foreign power nor serve to make me a debtor, voluntary conscript, or chattel acting as surety for any artificial en legis (creature of the law, artificial person) entity.

This issue needed to be taken to Vatican City due to the blood oath and in absence of a blood oath, an affidavit is in order, the subject matter does not embrace a Declaration or Political Status.

Be it also known that i am a peaceful and non-combatant woman and not an enemy of any state or people and i freely release and discharge all judges and justices from any obligation to impose statutory military law per Section 17 of the Trading With the Enemy Act as Amended by the Banking Emergency Act of 1934 in any case whatsoever brought before them and bearing my name in any style; and, i hereby record that i do not consent to any statutory military court proceedings related to me or my person(s) in the past, do not consent to any statutory military court proceedings related to me or my person(s) in the present, and do not consent to any statutory military court proceedings related to me or my person(s) in the future: i do not consent once, I do not consent twice, i do not consent three times, but i do accept the oaths of all judges and justices to support and defend The Constitution, i do accept their obligation to operate in amity and friendship in perpetuity with respect to me and my person(s) and vessels in commerce guaranteed by The Definitive Treaty of Peace 1783, The Treaty of Westminster 1794, and their obligation to perform with good faith under the Bar Association Treaty of 1947.

This claim of immunity is notwithstanding

My principle of law is the American Common Law and my court is a court of record on the land of the united States of America and cannot be construed as the Common Law of Admiralty; i claim the Saving to Suitors Clause of the Northwest Ordinance in all matters and issues pertaining to me and my property.

Here is another claim which would null and void all previous claims.

My money is the United States Silver Dollar. All funds deposited, transferred, or disbursed from accounts associated with me or operated under my name are to be denominated as lawful money and all accounts may only be exercised as fiduciary operating accounts and not interpreted otherwise.

The United States Silver Dollar cannot be claimed by one individual which would fall under international theft and the accounting subject matter would fall under orders to the Trustee if the paragraph had any truth written in it, and if a trustee existed and a beneficiary existed.

To the extent that others may have criminally misrepresented and mischaracterized me for the purpose of press-ganging me and plundering and pillaging my estate in my artificially contrived absence and caused there to be confusion and false claims regarding my identity, nature, activities and political status i here affirm that i have returned home with a clear conscience and uninterrupted loyalty to my country and there can be no truthful or competent evidence otherwise. As one of those protected by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment of the corporate charter known as the Constitution of the United States of America and Section 9 of the Trading With the Enemy Act Appendix, i accept the oath of the Alien Property Custodian and the United States Treasurer to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America (Inc.) and their obligation to release and return my property free and clear of any damage resulting from their seizure of it, free of all debt, tithes, fees, encumbrances, liens, attachments, secondary titles and deeds held under color of law, involuntary and non-consensual capitulation of my name, forced use of private script in place of lawful money, appointments of usufructs (rights of enjoying something in which he has no title) and other impositions, confiscations, and false presumptions made against me and my private property.

There is no evidence of a claim to an estate even in the claim of the life estate document to be covered later.

It has never been my knowing and free and voluntary Will express or implied to provide any incorporated entity with the benefit of my body or estate — nor was it my free and willing and knowing act to ever subject my son eric belcher of big lake, alaska, to any such presumption. i never deserted my son from the moment of conception nor have i knowingly allowed him to be interpreted as an abandoned vessel subject to maritime salvage by any incorporated entity nor have i voluntarily appointed any such incorporated entity as his Trustee or usufruct (false claimant of something in which he has no right) at any time.

as written above, a trust was claimed already: “My money is the United States Silver Dollar. All funds deposited, transferred, or disbursed from accounts associated with me or operated under my name are to be denominated as lawful money and all accounts may only be exercised as fiduciary operating accounts and not interpreted otherwise.” And now a trustee was never appointed; wording that invalidates everything.

It has never been my knowing and free and voluntary Will express or implied to grant my power of attorney to any incorporated entity.

Granting of power of attorney falls under a letter of appointment and is not within the subject matter of a Declaration or Political Status.

As the lawful copyright Holder in Due Course of the Trade Names Anna Riezinger and Anna Maria Riezinger and Anna M. Riezinger and as the creator and Holder of the copyrighted pen names Anna von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz and all derivatives thereof, all autographs, signatures, trademarks, symbols, numbers and seals including all derivatives of any such symbolic representations of me, i consider use of these symbols by anyone pretending to act in my behalf without my explicit and knowing consent obtained under conditions of full disclosure a criminal trespass, infringement, and act of identity theft.

The holder in due course (HDC) theory is a rule in commercial law that protects a purchaser of debt, where the purchaser is assigned the right to receive the debt payments. The theory insulates the purchaser of debt, or other obligation to pay, against charges that either party to the original transaction might have had against the other.

Trade names is something completely different which has nothing to do with a declaration or political status and usually falls under a Notice of Copyright or Proof of Copyright which does not exist here. Therefore, no copyright was claimed.

All such exercise of my imprimaturs (licenses to copy or print) without my free and knowing consent results in contracts violated by fraud and force. Should any evidences otherwise exist they can only exist as evidence of self-interested crime against me and my nature and estate and as evidence of similar intentional self-interested crime against my progeny as well.

Still no evidence of a copyright claim under a declaration or political status.

i am set free to exercise my dominion over the jurisdictions of air, land, and sea and no one may otherwise address me or offer any contrary presumption from the beginning to this day and forever afterward: i was, i am, i will be a living heir to the covenant of faith and the covenant of love and i am a true woman of God.

This is a Declaration of Faith separate of a declaration and political status.

As i am the only one having true and first-hand knowledge of my nature, my Will, my intentions, my knowledge at any given time, my actions, their meaning or anything else about me— every word that drops from my lips concerning me is a Matter of Fact and all else is hearsay.

Back to power of attorney again

In support of the above declarations made in truth and with good faith and standing this _______day of April 2016: ____________________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger all rant and Deed of Trust rights reserved.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Witness in no way transfers the Issuer of this Declaration from his original jurisdiction on the land and creates no change in the origin of this Declaration.

Witness and Acknowledgement

In the Matanuska-Susitna County of the Alaska State:

Today, the ______day of April in the calendar year 2016 appeared before me, a commissioned Notary, the woman known to me as Anna Riezinger and she did autograph and seal this Declaration of Political Status as shown; _____________________________________Notary; my commission expires on:________________ and my seal is set hereon.


***** i accept the Witness and Acknowledgement of the Notary as an act of good faith service and friendship: _____________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger, all rights reserved.*****


Grant and Deed of Trust

i, the living woman, anna of the Lawful House Riezinger, hereby declare that i am the Holder in Due Course of the Trade Names Anna Riezinger and Anna Maria Riezinger and Anna M. Riezinger which were bequeathed to me as gifts by my biological parents the day i was born on June 6th of the calendar year 1956.

There is no such thing as a declaration in a Grant Deed or a Deed of Trust and there is certainly no such thing as a Grant and Deed of Trust together.

No mention of a Grantor or Grantee in the first paragraph. Actual Grant Deed example online: LINK

i retain the copyright and control of these Trade Names and all associated derivative names, signs, seals, numbers and symbols however styled which in any way claim to represent me or which seem to represent me or my property interests. No use of them in association with me or my private property is allowed absent my explicit and knowing consent obtained under conditions of full disclosure.

No mention of a Grantee in the second paragraph.

i am also the Holder in Due Course of the seal and the trademark clearly imprinted and described below which i retain for my private and exclusive use without exception and these do provide additional proof upon my Will or any public acts that they are executed by me and with my approval

No mention of a Grantee in the third paragraph.

Thumbprint, right hand, seal

Trademark : red, white, and blue bars lower left to upper in red ink. right, three white Hawthorn blossoms in the blue bar.

i also created and retain copyright of the following pen names: Anna von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz as of October 1, 1981.

These marks and symbols and Trade Names and pen names are property belonging to me as of June 6, 1956 or the date of their creation and I fully grant and deed them to together with any derivatives thereof to myself for my own use without exception.

Difference between the Grant Deed and a Deed of Trust

A grant deed transfers ownership title from an existing owner of real property (for example, a house) to a new owner. Words in a grant deed are to the effect: I (existing owner or seller) transfer to you (prospective owner or buyer) all of the right, title, and interest that I have in the subject property. The grant deed, properly signed by the transferor (seller) before a notary public becomes the ownership document for the transferee (buyer), which proves the transferee is the new owner. The notarized grant deed can be recorded with the county recorder in the county where the property is located to effectively give notice to the entire world that the transferee (buyer) is the owner of the property as of the date of the grant deed. In California, a deed of trust transfers a lien interest in real property, usually to secure repayment of a debt owing from the owner of the property to the lienholder or also referred to as the holder of the deed of trust or also referred to as the beneficiary under the deed of trust. For example, a bank that loans a buyer money to purchase a home is given a deed of trust. That is, the bank/lender is given a lien on the house, and under the terms of the deed of trust, in California, has the right or “may make an election to” foreclose or repossess [so-to-speak] the house, without getting a court order, if the loan becomes delinquent. A lienholder under a deed of trust must follow very strict statutory procedure to conduct a non-judicial foreclosure and forced sale of a house whose owner defaulted on his or her loan.

In support of the above declarations made in truth and with good faith and standing this _______day of April 2016: ____________________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger all rights reserved.

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. Witness in international jurisdiction in no way transfers the Issuer of this Grant and Deed of Trust from her original jurisdiction on the land and creates no change in the origin of this Grant and Deed of Trust.

Witness and Acknowledgement

In the Matanuska County of the Alaska State:

Today, the ______day of March in the calendar year 2016 appeared before me, a commissioned Notary, the woman known to me as Anna Riezinger and she did autograph and seal this Grant and Deed of Trust as shown; _____________________________________Notary; my commission expires on:________________ and my seal is set hereon.




***** i accept the Witness and Acknowledgement of the Notary as an act of good faith service and friendship: _________________________________________non-negotiable autograph and seal by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger all rights reserved.*****


Record of Name(s) Affidavit

This was supposed to be a declaration under terms and conditions of a copyright claim that does not exist.

In this case the name anna also called anna riezinger and anna maria riezinger refers to a living woman born the sixth of June in the calendar year 1956, a native to wisconsin and second daughter of lavera and emmett of the Lawful House Riezinger, biological heir and beneficiary of her parents, her land, her house, her names, all trademarks and symbols and accounts and earthly estate in sum total:

Does not mention which house, which land, the family trust name, which trademarks or symbols, what accounts, and what type of estate is the earthly estate or is it a trust, corporation, etc… and is living woman a religion, belief, creed, declaration etc…

Anna Maria refers to a living woman born on the land of the county referred to as the magisterial judicial district of Clark County, a beneficiary of the Divine Estate, and the United States Trust, superior to and set apart from all commercial rules and entities.

Where is the Divine Estate and did the mother and father own it? Where is the document accepting and acknowledging the position of beneficiary of the United States Trust and who is the trustee?

Anna Maria Riezinger is a Trade Name belonging to the non-combatant living woman bequeathed to her on June 6, 1956 by her biological parents, mistakenly registered as a commercial vessel enfranchised by the State of Wisconsin which was itself a franchise of the bankrupt United States of America, Incorporated, that same year. This Trade Name should have been recorded as an unincorporated business operating on the land jurisdiction of the organic states instead of being registered as a foreign situs trust operating in the foreign jurisdiction of the sea—- a mistake and disservice for which the living beneficiary seeks full correction and remedy.

Where is the affiant in this whole document? Affidavits usually have affiants in them, however an affiant is never established.

ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER – a non-combatant commercial vessel structured as a Foreign Grantor Trust rightly belonging to the living beneficiary who is the same woman native to wisconsin but mistakenly created as a franchise of the UNITED STATES which acquired all franchises and property of the bankrupt United States of America, Incorporated, and which then acted as a usufruct to establish new franchises benefiting itself – a circumstance for which the living beneficiary seeks full correction and cure as required by Article IV of the still potent Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666: “should the dead Man should he be found alive” all property held in his name must be returned to him free and clear of debts, liens, and other encumbrances established by presumed secondary beneficiaries. The establishment of this ESTATE trust is again a mistake and disservice for which the living beneficiary seeks full correction and cure.

Still no affiant!

ANNA M. RIEZINGER is a public transmitting utility which has been created by USA, INC. acting as an usufruct of yet another merely presumed secondary beneficiary of the living woman and her estate, a mistake and disservice for which she claims full correction and remedy.

No affiant!

Anna von Reitz and Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz are both pen names created by the living woman called anna maria riezinger on or about October 1, 1981, to which she retains all lawful claim and copyright for her use from that day forward.

Still no claim of copyright or evidence of copy right recorded.

i, anna, the lawful Holder in Due Course and Entitlement Holder of all property bequeathed to me including my given names and names created by me, being of age and sound mind and body, not indigent, not penniless, not incompetent, and not at fault for the mismanagement and bad faith of those entrusted to care for my property, request immediate correction of the records and reconveyance of all property held or formerly held in my name(s) plus settlement of my accounts reflecting the fact that i am not a decedent, not unknown, and not a pauper.

No affiant, no defined property, yet claims to be a creature of big lake, alaska.

i, anna, a true woman of God, have never knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily sought any benefit from nor accepted any office or role as an administrator or co-trustee or co-beneficiary of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) established for the benefit of displaced plantation slaves in the wake of the American Civil War, say that i am not a slave or former slave, not an indentured servant of any kind, not under any kind or condition of color, not a corporation, not an artificial person, not a taxpayer, not a United States citizen of any style or stripe, not now and not ever considering such citizenship a benefit, and not subject to the limitations of any civil rights conferred upon me, not seeking welfare, not employed by any franchise of any governmental services corporation, not seeking any corporate privilege, not stateless and not in need of any political asylum, not a member of any political party, religion, or cult, not an enemy toward any people or state.

No affiant, may come close to a declaration but still does not establish anything.

As i, anna, a true woman of God, am the only one having any first-hand knowledge of my Will, my knowledge, my intentions, or my nature, every word that falls from my lips and every act that proceeds from my hand is a Matter of Fact and all else is hearsay.

This another claim of no power of attorney yet a letter of power of attorney does not exist so no reason to take away something that was never given and still no affiant.  

So said and so done this ______day of April in the calendar year 2016: by anna riezinger for Anna Riezinger:_______________________________________________all rights reserved.


Notice of Emancipation

In accordance with the Emancipation Proclamation issued by Executive Order of President Abraham Lincoln On January 1, 1863 and the still-standing order of Abraham Lincoln acting as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army and Navy, all Federal Officers and Government Officials in every capacity and at every level are given Notice of the following:

  1. “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three (1863), all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” — President and Commander-in-Chief, Abraham Lincoln (boldface added).
  2. That numerous persons named after states and people have been press-ganged, kidnapped, and enslaved for the profit of private, mostly foreign-owned corporations and that those persons have been deliberately manipulated by those responsible so as to bring false claims against the actual states of the union and the actual people of the United States;
  3. That all these persons are considered slaves and treated as criminals by definition under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and that they do or have in the past included a foreign situs trust called Anna Maria Riezinger, a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust called ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, and a public transmitting utility called ANNA M. RIEZINGER;
  4. That all these similarly named corporate franchises have been created and operated without the knowing consent and agreement of the free-born living woman anna maria riezinger who was never told about this abuse of her given name this infringement upon her copyright and this disrespect of her position as Holder in Due Course and Entitlement Holder of her earthly estate and who is not at fault for the mismanagement of these corporate franchises;
  5. That the living woman anna maria riezinger is not deceived and is owed her freedom and her estate free and clear of all false presumptions, claims, debts, deliberate confusions and acts of personage against her and against her private property including her inherited Trade Names: Anna Riezinger, Anna Maria Riezinger, and Anna M. Riezinger;
  6. That the living woman anna maria riezinger relies upon the Emancipation Proclamation to secure the willing and ready assistance she requires of all federal officials and officers at every level including federal state and territory officials to honor and assist in emancipating –that is—liquidating all of the en legis slaves on paper that have been named after her and used as a means to control and defraud her of her natural estate.

All paragraphs notwithstanding and all claims invalidated in previous documents by the signor. No evidence calling anyone Master and being considered property and no evidence of title to the property known as a human being.

Claim of Life Estate

This shows that the life estate of anna maria riezinger dba Anna Maria Riezinger is due and owing to the lawful heir and:

–that the beneficiary stands on the land jurisdiction of the United States;

–that the beneficiary is of age;

–that the beneficiary is not an infant nor a decedent nor a corporation;

–that the beneficiary grants her names and estates to herself:

Beneficiaries cannot grant themselves property that belongs to an estate, only a Grantor can do that,  it is never mentioned in all documents anywhere, so the whole claim of life estate and all previous claims are null and void by the last statement in the claim of life estate.

__________________ anna

Prepared by: anna maria riezinger

for: Anna Maria Riezinger

c/o Post Office Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska RR 99652

[With a great, big, fat adult footprint autographed: footprint of anna maria riezinger born on six June year of our Lord nineteen hundred fifty-six in neillsville, wisconsin, taken April second of two thousand sixteen in big lake, alaska]

anna maria riezinger, all rights reserved.


Seal the bottom right hand corner of all these documents with your thumbprint and file them with the nearest land recorder’s office and ask to pay the nine dollar 1802 tax to reconvey your estate. Get at least three certified copies.

Is notwithstanding, there has been no conveyance

Record these documents along with the Authenticated Long Form Certificate of Live Birth that the State Secretary of State and US Secretary of State have signed as being authentic, and the other documents which Kurt Kallenbach has developed for these purposes.

Authenticating the Birth Certificate of which was never signed authenticates your status as the surety for the Public Debt of the Charitable Trust.

Taken together these actions provide ironclad documentation that you are you and that you have claimed your estate.

No such claim, declaration, affidavit or conveyance has ever been made throughout this whole process.

Send a Certified Copy to the United States Treasurer Rosa Gumataotao Rios and a copy of the copy to the Secretary of the Treasury requesting correction of their records and release of your estate.

No claim to release an estate was ever established or order written to release an estate or evidence that an estate exists within the Secretary of the Treasury office.

And if they don’t promptly do so, invoke the office of the United States Marshals acting as Federal Marshals to arrest them for violation of their international fiduciary trust obligations.

Act of domestic terrorism.

Terrorism is, in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim.

We could have made even greater points on each part of this so-called process, however, the reader has been warned as to the implications of issuing said process and making promises as to its validity. There is enough evidence to claim the right to honest services however the issuer is not a Public office holder so therefore the liability of dishonest services does not fall on the public at large.


Anna Von Reitz is spreading fake news once again!


Published on 04-24-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

Anna Von Reitz has been on the rampage spreading fake news again.

Here is the latest: LINK

“A Very Important Announcement– The Nature of the Battle

This morning it comes across my desk that the foreign organization calling itself “General Post Office” is assembling an “army” to invade the Continental United States.”

This claim by Anna is fake, no one is invading the Continental United States other than Islam at the moment. The rest of the comment is garbage to sell the initial claim that the continental United States is being invaded.

Here is another: LINK

This comment is completely fake. No one claimed to buy anything at auction, there was a Postmaster General in 1775 named Benjamin Franklyn that eventually was succeeded to Ebenezer Hazard which did not have a successor until 2010. There was no claim to a Postmaster General of the United States. The rest of the writings are completely fake to sell the lie of a Trojan Horse theory.

This is what the Government of The United States of America has on record as it pertains to Anna Von Reitz and James Belcher:

Anna and her husband came to the Government of The United States of America back in 2012. They both received trust documents that were being done at the time. The committee for General Post Office, LDC that was registered in Belize was operating in tandem with the original General Post Office of 1775 to pull the original General Post Office into an international jurisdiction and back into the States of the Union through The United States of America so Anna and her husband could receive their inheritance. Her main complaint was that no one called her when in fact she was invited to the weekly assembly and never showed up. Everyone at the time was invited to the assembly call. Folks, this is not fake because the certificate is here: LINK

Further, Anna tried a second time to take over the General Post Office in 2015:

Anna von Reitz <[email protected]>

to me
I made it back home and am attaching a copy of the Trust Certificate my husband received dated 23 July 2012 from an organization calling itself “general post office”.
As you can see, it included a RESIDENT Identification Number of 598307036169. I have an identical document with # 653471686044. There are also Foreign Business Certificates #203 and 204. I have a copy of The Articles of Confederation, as amended as issued by the General Post Master Council for The United States of America, as further amended 21 April 2012.

When Anna figured out that other people had a say in this Government, she attempted in many emails to discredit the Government and the General Post Office. The email string is basically a long line of more fake claims made by Anna against something that she could not control.

Right after the second attack by Anna, the National assembly voted not to honor her or her husbands claim to residency because of the following reasons: LINK

1: Anna is a foreign agent working for Vatican City that is well known to be a communist city-state: LINK to FULL Document

2: Anna has also taken a full blood oath to a foreign communist state:

“Judge Anna von Reitz. Yes, I have a blood oath standing on the altar of the Universal Catholic Church.
My Blood Oath clearly states to you— as it did to Cardinal George of Chicago (see the actual letter addressed to him that is part of my archive at— that I was putting my life and soul at risk to bring forward the Great Fraud against the American states and people for remedy.”

3: Anna Von Reitz has never complied with the company Foreign Agent Registration Act that has been able to be determined to exist. 

4: Anna Von Reitz full blood allegiance is to a foreign communist country that actively infiltrates organizations and groups to attempt to get them to break the law which takes them down and disperses them, a tactic right out of the communist manual. Anna Von Reitz is spreading fake news and lies to scare people to keep them stateless.


1: Declaration of Political Status: “No such thing, you either belong to a political party or you don’t, the political party either has a political platform and a membership card or it doesn’t.  The Political Party has a political status, not an individual.  The political party is either a communist party, or a republic form of Government platform, or a democracy etc….

2: “Grant and Deed of Trust” : that does not have a Grantor or Grantee in the wording.

3: Record of name(s) affidavit: heir and beneficiary cannot exist in one document. They are two separate types of entities under two separate bodies of law and the wording is horrible.

4: Notice of Emancipation: dealt with actual slaves that were considered property at the time, nothing to do with today.

5: “Claim of Life Estate”: Life Estate is not a term, also done improperly and is null and void for vagueness and instructed to record in county records and were never told to publish anything which in this case was good for the signors of these types of documents.

A first year law student would laugh these documents out of the court room and she considers herself a judge which was self proclaimed. No elections, no legislature to make law to enforce, no political party, no court rules, no charter and goes on and on.

Anna Von Reitz uses slander and fake news to create fear that is intended to keep her subjects under control on behalf of her masters running a communist regime under the veil of religion. Anna Von Reitz has nothing to do with the American States of the Union and always places herself as a martyr against Vatican City which is what all infiltrators do. The tactic is right out of the book of foreign infiltration.

The Continental Army is not a standing army nor is it classified as a invading army. It is formed like the army in Switzerland which is not a standing army.

The Government of The United States of America, under the Law of Nations, has the right of self defense along with the States of the Union within The United States of America. Pope Francis declared the mass immigration of Muslims into Europe as an invasion. LINK

The U.S. Military is pledged to the United Nations: LINK    (page 6 last paragraph)

The States of the Union are left to fend for themselves and Anna Von Reitz is against this basic human and international right?

1: Why would the Continental Army scare Anna Von Reitz?

2: Why would Anna Von Reitz do her best to attack the original Government of a country that she professes to protect in the form of being a martyr against the evil doers of Vatican City?

3: Why do people follow this woman blindly and believe everything she says? Anna had to be trained somewhere.

4: Where are the documents to support her assertions that the office of the Postmaster General was bought at a bankruptcy auction and where are the documents that shows that an actual bankruptcy sale occurred?

5: Where are the documents showing any claim made by Anna Von Reitz? Answer: There aren’t any because all claims made by Anna Von Reitz are fake news or orders coming from somewhere or someone else to create fear and keep people stateless. 

6: What could be the motivation for this agent to be so vicious and how can she live with the lies she publishes? or is Anna Von Reitz so controlling that she tries to destroy what she cannot control?

7: How come when Anna Von Reitz gets into a fight with the so-called “Continental Marshals”, they all start getting busted all over the country as an organized crime syndicate with more charges stacked to the ceiling?

Anna Von Reitz is coming close to international espionage based on her recent postings which are all on record. In case someone missed the intent of the last statement, that is a warning for Anna and James Belcher. It won’t be the agents charged, it will be Vatican City itself charged with espionage which is an international crime.

Anna Von Reitz has failed her mission as an agent when she was not able to infiltrate this Government in 2015; and now she is using black operation tactics to cause confusion and division at the expense of the Public at Large. The result is a scared people that blindly follow a self proclaimed judge without questioning her sources if any and parrot her disinformation.

If you do not want to believe this publishing, that is fine. But at least do your research before you also end up looking like an foreign agent for Vatican City.

If anyone has any questions, go to the Support Center and submit a ticket: .




The National assembly Nationalizes the States of the Union original Constitutions and hereby grants the metes and bounds back to each State!


Published on 04-22-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

Many people do not know that there are at least 3 different and separate United States. This is what Family Guardian reports about the issue:

source LINK  Page 37

The Government of The United States of America has claimed without rebuttal that the name of the country is The United States of America.

The chart should read:

United States= Geographical=Country= The United States of America

United States=Geographical=Federal Territory under the charter of the United Nations

these United States=Geographical=States of the Union

United States-legal-Government of the United States of Manhattan Island=foreign company known as the Virginia Company and the Dutch East India Trading Company under the Netherlands

United States=Law of Nations=Country=The United States of America=Law of Nations=Government of The United States of America

This is no reflection on the work that is on the SEDM website. They are some good people that do amazing research.

The National assembly of General Post Masters/American Nationals under the Articles of Confederation , as amended August 5th, 2015 (last amendment through political convention) heard a motion to Nationalize the rest of the original State constitutions that were not nationalized and placed into the Union when they were formed due to the fact that the Virginia Company did not have that authority and nor did Manhattan Island.

When this link is read: LINK

The reader will witness the claiming of the metes and bounds when tossed by New World Order politicians over the last 50 years in order to form their World Communist Government that rules by continent. The flag is an older flag and so is the Great Seal, however all claims were properly brought forward to the new Great Seal and the New flag of the country.

What does this mean?

1: The States of the Union are no longer under a private company flag nor are they under the charter of the United Nations. 

2: Any treaty signed under the charter of the United Nations is notwithstanding within the States of the Union within The United States of America.

3: All United Nations agencies doing business as various COUNTIES, STATES ETC… are required to begin the process of transferring resources back to the original charters of the counties and States and begin the election process otherwise suffer the punishment of committing international crimes with multiple human rights violations including but not limited to human trafficking of persons.

4: The States of the Union are no longer privately owned trusts.

The reader should see at least four ramifications of the Nationalization process and there will be many more too numerous to mention in this International Public Notice.  Nationalization is defined here: LINK      It is required that all States of the Union have a republic form of government under the Law of Nations and not the type of Government that Adolf Hitler formed when Germany was Nationalized by the Nazi Party. Any form of government other than a republic form is notwithstanding:

definition: .

“republic as “a form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people either directly or through elected representatives.”
Not a republican form of government: LINK  which leaves a lot of wiggle room for cults and private membership associations to take over as we have all experienced.

The States are now accessible to the people that were born within the metes and bounds of The United States of America and according to the States laws, a fidelity oath is required for that claim to have standing.

This will be a lot to take in for most so this particular International Public Notice ends here and more will be forthcoming as this process moves forward.


Cease and Desist the Slander!


Published on 04-21-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

This is a quote from the Articles of Organization of the reign of the heavens society when it was formed.

“Furthermore, I will safeguard the helpless and ignorant and teach them to stand on their own. I will uphold the laws of the reign of the heavens, its trust agreement and the Articles of Organization of the reign of the heavens society, I speak these words in the name of Yahweh, not in conflict with the Sovereign of the reign of the heavens Yahushua, and before my neighbors, so that I shall have standing among all other Nations and States, the reign of the heavens society or otherwise. All these words I speak, I promise, and”

If anyone hears of any idiot claiming that we claimed the “Kingdom of Heaven” and the seat of the Most High Yahweh, please let them know that they will be receiving a slander suit against them to the tune of 750 thousand in legal tender for each count of slander. THERE IS NO ANTI-CHRIST HERE! There are good people doing some phenomenal work dedicated to the freedom of their own families, their country and fellow countrymen. 

As everyone can see that the Citizens and Nationals of the reign of the heavens fully acknowledge the Sovereign of the reign of the heavens and no one claimed Yahushua’s position or Yahweh’s position anywhere in the documents. The phrase “Kingdom of Heaven” is a misnomer created by the monarchs of Europe to condone their subjection of the people and to give the appearance that God in heaven endorses their throne and your subject status.

There is a difference between willingly following a man because you want to follow him through respect and wanting the same things and using the throne of the Most High to get people to believe that if you don’t submit that God himself will throw your eternal soul into hell to be burned in the lake of fire.

The latter claim by the Monarchs of Europe has been used to do evil against people in the name of God for centuries. Learn the difference and stop the slander that is derived from ignorance and childish fears. Further, there are a lot of very jealous people self projecting fears and superstitions and they are going to cost you a lawsuit and deprivation of liberty through economic hardship.

Further, the news outlets are doing nothing but attacking each other in a fight between the left and the right which is accomplishing nothing. Whether your news organization is alternative media or mainstream media does not matter, you are all media and attacking each other does nothing more than bring shame and disgrace to the media profession as a whole.

Slander is a heinous crime that has no place in America.  Slander is an embarrassment to our country and our countrymen.  Cease and desist on the lies and slander. It accomplishes nothing and allows a third party to reap the profits and rewards of a worn out political agenda.




Published on 04-11-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America authorized the passing of THE CONTINENTAL ARMY, NAVY AND MARINE ACT OF 2017 today.

The act is straight forward and brings a lot of the history of this country forward to the present time.

The act can be downloaded here: LINK

The new page on the National Great Registry can be found here: LINK

The sign up page with all of the details can be found here: LINK

Don Boxley has been appointed as organizer and contact for the Continental Army, Navy and Marines.  When the sign up form is filled out, he will get a copy. 

The community can be found here: LINK

This Continental Army, Navy and Marines is not affiliated with the U.S. Military or any other Military.  However, the Government of The United States of America is not at war with the empire either.

U.S. agents need not hide themselves when joining the Continental Army community website. You are welcome to join the site and ask questions. There is no need to get paranoid and suspicious. Further, you are welcome to join the Continental Army, Navy or Marines if you wish, for the purpose of defending your country.

The Continental Army, Navy and Marines are structured much like the Military in Switzerland. People in Switzerland were consulted about their structure and it was a prudent organization.

People with no Military experience have something to contribute to this Military. However, the more Military experience the higher the rank. Women are welcome to join.

Police, Sheriff’s, agencies and the like are welcome to join. The Homeland is in need of protecting, the local law enforcement cannot do it all nor are they equipped to do what people are expecting them to do. They need help! Lend a helping hand and accept the obligation to protect and defend your country. Members will not be expected to leave our borders. This Military is for protecting the country as a defense force. Not a Military to be deployed all over the world interfering with other countries and their governments.  The National Guard is not equipped to make a formidable defense, it is going to take all of us together. 

You do not need to be enlisted to join the Military community site. Become a part of your countries history!


The Government of The United States of America is not accepting responsibility for the Missile attack against Syria on April 6th, 2017!


Published on 04-08-2017 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

International Public Notice

It is vary apparent that the Virginia Company ( the Company) doing business as the United States of America and the United States have never read the Law of Nations. 

The event of Thursday night, April 6th, 2017 was a clear violation of the Law of Nations also known as International law today. The charter of the United Nations was an addition to the Law of Nations when it was created.

The Law of Nations is very clear on matters of war:

the LAW of NATIONS,  Book III of War chapter I, Of War,—its different Kinds,—and the Right of making War.

Definition: War is that state in which we prosecute our right by force.

Public war is that which takes place between nations or sovereigns, and which is carried on in the name of the public power, and by its order.
This is the war we are here to consider:—private war, or that which is carried on between private individuals, belongs to the law of nature
properly so called.

In treating of the right to security (Book II. Chap. IV.)we have shewn that nature gives men a right to employ force, when it is necessary for
their defence, and for the preservation of their rights. This principle is generally acknowledged: reason demonstrates it; and nature herself has engraved it on the heart of man.

As nature has given men no right to employ force, unless when it becomes necessary for self-defence and the preservation of their rights
(Book II. §49, &c.), the inference is manifest, that, since the establishment of political societies, a right, so dangerous in its exercise, no longer
remains with private persons, except in those rencounters where society cannot protect or defend them. In the bosom of society, the public authority decides all the disputes of the citizens, represses violence, and checks every attempt to do ourselves justice with our own hands. If a
private person intends to prosecute his right against the subject of a foreign power, he may apply to the sovereign of his adversary, or to the
magistrates invested with the public authority: and if he is denied justice by them, he must have recourse to his own sovereign, who is obliged to
protect him. It would be too dangerous to allow every citizen the liberty of doing himself justice against foreigners; as, in that case, there would
not be a single member of the state who might not involve it in war. And how could peace be preserved between nations, if it were in the
power of every private individual to disturb it? A right of so momentous a nature,—the right of judging whether the nation has real grounds of
complaint,—whether she is authorised to employ force, and justifiable in taking up arms,—whether prudence will admit of such a step,—and
whether the welfare of the state requires it,—that right, I say, can belong only to the body of the nation, or to the sovereign, her representative.
It is doubtless one of those rights, without which there can be no salutary government, and which are therefore called rights of majesty (Book I.

War is either defensive or offensive. He who takes up arms to repel the attack of an enemy, carries on a defensive war. He who is foremost in
taking up arms, and attacks a nation that lived in peace with him, wages offensive war. The object of a defensive war is very simple; it is no other
than self-defence: in that of offensive war, there is as great a variety as in the multifarious concerns of nations: but, in general, it relates either
to the prosecution of some rights, or to safety.We attack a nation with a view either to obtain something to which we lay claim, to punish her
for an injury she has done us, or to prevent one which she is preparing to do, and thus avert a danger with which she seems to threaten us. I do
not here speak of the justice of war: that shall make the subject of a particular chapter:—all I here propose is to indicate, in general, the various
objects for which a nation takes up arms,—objects which may furnish lawful reasons, or unjust pretences, but which are at least susceptible
of a colour of right. I do not therefore, among the objects of offensive war, set down conquest, or the desire of invading the property of others:—
views of that nature, destitute even of any reasonable pretext to countenance them, do not constitute the object of regular warfare, but
of robbery, which we shall consider in its proper place.

It is claimed by the Company that Assad attacked innocent civilians with chemical weapons after a Missile Attack had already been ordered and carried out. Further the Company claimed that the Assad Regime threatens the safety and security of the “United States and its allies” after a punishment had been implemented against Syria.

There was no proof that the Assad Regime attacked innocent civilians other than a news report coming from a source known as Cable News Network (“CNN”) wherein was accused of being a fake news network in February and was not invited to White House Briefings. 

This violation of the law of nations by the Company was committed under arbitrary conditions sparked by fake news which could result in a World War III.

International due process was ignored, a trial was commenced against a sovereign nation, the sovereign nation was judged based on fake news, the jury consisted of close relatives of the CEO of the Company, and the execution was commenced on April 6th, 2017 after a promise was made to the Companies voters that acts of intervention against sovereign nations was not to be tolerated and against international law.  Further, the Company is well aware of the Law of Nations wherein it states within its charter: To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;  Article I Section 8 of the charter (constitution) of the United States. 

Any recourse from this act committed by the Company CEO is not the responsibility of the Government of The United States of America under the Articles of Confederation as amended August 5th, 2015 or the country of The United States of America under the Law of Nations which is the Law of the Land.
