The National Flag of the Government of The United States of America:
God takes the devout turned idol creator (“SHEMOTH Chapter 33: verse35: And YHWH plagued the people because they made the calf, which Aharon made”.) and clothes him with purple and gold. (SHEMOTH Chapter 38- Verse: 39-2:And he made the shoulder garment of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material, and of fine woven linen.) (Scarlet was a type of fine and expensive woollen cloth)
The failure was made into a priest.
Exodus 32 tells the story of Aaron the Levite.
The fallen priest.
Truth be told, it is the fall of a nation. But the Bible counts the fall to the detriment of their leader. The chosen priest of a Most High God…fails. He gives in to the plea of the people and creates an idol and stands by while God’s people worship the heartless, powerless mass.
The pillar of smoke stands behind them as a reminder of the faithfulness of a God who protected them and brought them out of a land of slavery. Yet there he stood. There they danced. And the Lord was grieved.
Moses interceded for the people and they were forgiven. (Again.) Then, in Chapter 39, an amazing, unthinkable action was ordained. God takes the devout turned idol creator and clothes him with purple and gold. The failure was made into a prince.
One moment He is collecting gold and melting them into an idol…watching
His children fall and refusing to lead them. The next moment, he is clothed in purple. Redeemed. Not only is he completely restored, God allows Aaron into the Holy Place. He is a priest – an intercessor for the fallen. God Himself meets Aaron the failure and hears his voice. What a picture this is of the grace of a Holy God come down.
And so it is with us.
We lament. We fail. We create idols. We cause believers to stumble. We lead guilt-ridden lives. The Lord comes down, clothes us in royal garments, and gives us access to the Holy Place. We approach the Throne of Grace and receive it wholly. Our messy ugliness is redeemed for the Glory of the One who makes all grace accessible.
The redemptive power of a Savior, manifest in the fallen. It’s His story. It’s always been His story.
Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America