Published by the American Herald on 10-31-2019
Comes now Jason Westley Hall on this day 15 th day of October 2019
Chairman Interim of the Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America is campaigning a two year term as Chairman for the American National Union of The United States of America.
Hello, my name is Christopher Michael Doherty and I hold the office of Deputy
Chairman interim of the Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America.
I was blessed to be one of the original signers of the constitution for the American
National Union of The United States of America shortly after claiming my Nationality.
From the time it was revamped in November of 2017 and brought forward to the present timeline the Union has grown steadily.
One of the first orders of business was to ratify the Charter of the American Continent.
Once moved under the obligations of the Charter of the American Continent, the original Union of 1774 freed the States of the Union out from underneath Monarch rule through the Universal Postal Union also known as the General Postal Union of 1874.
The aforesaid Charter grants the people and their posterity the opportunity to shape their economic destiny on the American Continent free from the tyranny of a global governance and its economic interdependence.
Further, the ANU has moved to adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights within its By Laws and will continue to fulfill its obligations therein being subject to the Law of Nations as well as the laws of The United States of America.
Let’s look at Article 23 which is a basic entitlement guaranteed by the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, which reads:
Article 23
1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and
favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection
of his interests.
Over the next two years we will look to create effective uses for the flow of currency to find and purchase real property for the sea and air movement for the production of goods and services with a warehouse.
Recruit and develop skilled workers for the creation of a new energy economy across multiple sub Unions and focus our efforts on building a solid foundation for our safety, status and standing by expanding our legal department to include a legal training program to train legal liaisons.
Offering the ANU my skill set of leadership and vision, I ask for your vote as we look ahead to close out 2019 strong by holding the first elections of office holders of the Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America.
Christopher Michael Doherty
Being with our government and now the American National Union for close to one year, it does not cease to amaze me of the great growth inwardly and outwardly in all our ways.
Differences, disagreements, and great debate make us who we are as Declared Residents or American Nationals. I am offering to be placed on the 2019 first American National Union election ballot for the office of the Treasury.
When casting a vote for those you feel will best lead and demonstrate the leadership you want over the next two years, I do ask for your vote and know the best candidate or write in nomination will be what is best for all.
Offering my skill set that Yahushua has provided to me in all ways is a pleasure to use within the American National Union, and The United States of America. I seek peace, balance, in all ways, great communication, total transparency, and the best use of our fiscal resources at all times.
From Liberty to Freedom-
I am John Mark Adams.
I, Michael Adam Fathauer, is running for the Office of the Secretary for the American National Union of The United States of America.
I have knowledge of chain of title, letterheads and many other secretarial roles that legally binds contract law.
Being apart of the original States of the Union through the Articles of Confederation 1774 has brought me a great sense of profound belonging and purpose and I wish to serve this Union with all obligations associated with in.
If elected, I will follow my obligations, duties and responsibilities that I have acknowledged and accepted and will faithfully fulfill.
Serving The United States of America has brought me great joy and sense of security that I shall pass on.
Thank you, vote Michael Adam Fathauer