Introducing the new National Government of the State of New Mexico!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of New Mexico have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We, the American Nationals and Declared Residents of the State of New Mexico, in order to establish justice, promote the welfare, and secure the blessings of freedoms of liberty to ourselves and our posterity; acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Almighty Creator of the Universe, and imploring His aid and direction in its accomplishment, do ordain
and establish the following Constitution and form of National Government, and do mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the name of the State of New Mexico”



Introducing the new National Government of the State of Ohio!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of Ohio have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We, the American Nationals and Declared Residents of the boundaries consisting of northwest of the river Ohio, having the right of admission as a member of the States of the Union, consistent with the Law of Nations, to form a constitution and a National Government, on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes,” in order to establish justice, promote the welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish the following constitution of the National Government named and styled the “National Government of the State of Ohio”, and do
mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the name of the State of Ohio:”



Introducing the new National Government of the State of Iowa!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of Iowa have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We the American Nationals and Declared Residents, formed a social compact with agreeance within mutual beliefs within the Almighty Creator. Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on the Almighty Creator for a continuation of those blessings, do hereby assemble to form a National Government to secure the freedoms, rights,
liberties, and privileges within the State of Iowa, by the name of the National Government of the
State of Iowa to maintain the freedom and independence of the State of Iowa”



Introducing the new National Government of the State of Kansas!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of Kansas have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“We, American Nationals and Declared Residents of the State of Kansas, by our delegated power
in Convention assemble on the 159th day of the year of our Creator 6020, to form this social
compact agreement in order to secure to ourselves and our posterity the enjoyment of all the
rights of life, liberty and property, and the free pursuit of happiness, do mutually agree with each
other to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the name and style of the State of
Kansas, bounded as follows”



The Government of The United States of America is requesting bids for foreign currency exchange vendor services!




Last day to submit Bids by 5:00 PM; UTC-6, November 28, 2018
Foreign Currency Exchanger Operations; and
Foreign Currency Exchanger Operations Manual;

  1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Government of The United States of America requests bids to shortlist professionals/ firms/ companies of foreign currency exchanges and/or consultants, having experience in undertaking preparation and implementation of “Foreign Currency Exchanger Operations “and “Foreign Currency Exchanger Operations Manual “for the Government of The United States of America. Bid packages will be received and opened at the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America, Global Postal Code; NAC: 850H2 MR7C8, The United States of America, (Attn: Juan Antonio Ceniceros, office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America), up to the hour of 5:00 PM; UTC-6, on the 28th day of November, 2018;

Full Notice may be viewed at: LINK!


Introducing the new National Government of the State of Texas!




The signatories of the National Government of the State of Texas have hereby formed a new National Government in accordance with the Law of Nations and is hereby introduced to all countries in and of the world and the international community by the Government of The United States of America.

“In the name of the Creator, Omnipotent Author, and Supreme Legislator of the Universe! We,
the American Nationals and Declared Residents of the State of Texas, being capable of figuring
as a State in the manner as recognized within the Law of Nations, DO ORDAIN THE
FOLLOWING CONSTITUTION, and do mutually agree with each other, to form ourselves into
a Free and Independent State by the name of the State of Texas.”



Open letter to the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from the National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay!




This particular case took quite a while to clear up and the probation officers began to make up charges to put Shannon Reckner back in jail. This case was about a woman that was convicted of kidnapping her son while at the same time had legal custody of her son. Link!

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts had a ankle bracelet on this woman thereby not allowing her to go back home to New York. She had to stay in hotels for almost a year. They doctored records to keep jurisdiction and a host of other crimes to say the least.

Shannon Reckner is a signatory to the New National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay. When that fact was published:Link!, things started clearing up and the ankle bracelet was removed, here was Shannon Reckner’s report as to what happened the day of the hearing the day after her ankle bracelet was removed:

“So I showed up at the courthouse this morning and when I went to probation department the girl was pissed that they let me out on bail even though I showed up but so she said because I sent out the Declaration of Trespass, Theft and Trafficking, they said I violated probation’s no contact rule. So she says, well you need to go in and see the Judge and I’m gonna recommend that you go to jail today
and so with that we dropped off my documents with the clerk who said they would not accept them to file into the record and we left. Currently on the road…”

Keep in mind that whenever the Stock Market securities are threatened or cannot sell under a Warrant put, they always refuse filings, everything was recognized to a point of saying she was innocent of all charges and convictions and removed the ankle bracelet and they were extremely kind to her thereby treating her like a Government official. However, they needed Shannon Reckner to volunteer to show up to court due to the political decisions that had already been published under international law and the Law of Nations.

Those people that know how Catholics are knew that they like to play nice to catch you off guard so the following letter was dropped off at the clerks window and Shannon Reckner went on her way to freedom.

So this letter went to the Attorney General of their state within the State and the rest is history: Link!

To: Maura Healey
1 Ashburton Pl, Boston, MA 02108

Dear Maura Healey,

My name is Christopher Doherty, holding the office of the Governor for the National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay interim.

There is a matter that has occurred yesterday 08-15-2018 that is of concern. Shannon Reckner was setup to fail in her terms of probation that she intended to finish her time and move on.

Here is the issue of grave concern. Shannon Reckner is no longer considered a U.S. citizen. She has the status of non-citizen, non-resident alien to the United States of America.

Her reasons are obvious because of how she has been treated by the U.S. Commonwealth of Massachusetts installed after the Civil War. Its Security Division has not canceled any foreign securities in her case regardless of ample evidence of her political decisions.

We know that the judicial system is broken under Pope Francis. We also know that the government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a Catholic government formed for Catholics. Shannon Reckner is not a Catholic, however the Catholics intend on attempting to force Shannon Reckner to serve Pope Francis even though his reputation is less than stellar as of late.

The National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay is not in need of your endorsement or recognition. It does not need your credit nor services. The Law of Nations stands alone. We are talking about the book the Law of Nations not the Laws of a Nation.

At this moment, we have multiple human rights violations against Pope Francis based on the actions of his followers on 08-15-2018. Further, we have violations of Chapter 12 of the Law of Nations against Pope Francis of which his office is a subject.

The National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay has nothing but time to wait out the Illuminist-Socialist-Communist that have set up a socialist system in the government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts because it will destroy itself in a very short period of time. Its debt is enormous and will fail.

However, that does not mean that Pope Francis is not going to be held liable for War Crimes, human rights violations, and violations of the Law of Nations on his way to his own destruction caused by his destructive behavior.

Shannon Reckner is under oath to another Government. Shannon Reckner will never serve your master and never be what your master likes to call “rehabilitated” and return as a U.S. citizen to serve his Empire. This means Pope Francis is now torturing Shannon Reckner maliciously under international law.

This National Government will take the proper steps to convict Pope Francis of multiple crimes every time his Catholic subjects step out of their boundaries. We will no longer attempt to charge the subjects of a foreign Monarch; the foreign Monarch has made his intentions very clear that he intends on continuing to attack America to subdue it to his will wherein he will not succeed.

The National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay is going to ask nicely; would you please release Shannon Reckner and cancel all foreign instruments and securities against her person from your Securities Division so she can resume her duties and responsibilities as Secretary of State interim? If this happens, we move on like nothing happened. However, Pope Francis is a different story.

Kind Regards,

Office of the Governor for the National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay,

Chris Doherty

The War Crimes happening in Europe using so-called immigrants are actually foreign Militants being commanded by Pope Francis to attack civilians. Military attacking civilians is the definition of War Crimes in its most basic form.

In America, civilians are being attacked under the cover of religion through the courts (501c3). The Securities Market are creating cases against non Catholics, using its law against non-Catholics under the command of Pope Francis to fund the war through the Securities Market and use those funds to takeover Europe.

All of these claims have been connected either directly or indirectly in this ongoing investigation and prosecution against Pope Francis under the Law of Nations where no leader of any country can claim sovereign immunity. All Catholic organizations are suspect and anything they do to attack non-Catholics are being recorded as evidence against Pope Francis, under religious, political, multiple human rights violations, chapter 12 of the Law of Nations, War Crimes, international trespass with intent to do harm and a host of other crimes to numerous to publish in this International Public Notice publication of record.


3: Arizona Governor-Douglas Anthony ‘Doug’ Ducey and Arizona Attorney General and Mark Brnovich found guilty of multiple human rights violations!

Published on 08-16-2018 by the American Herald

 International Public Notice


Case Number:  20170119-HRT-NUTC-1229X2017001

Claimant’s Name: Crystal Nuttle

Respondents Name: Douglas Anthony ‘Doug’ Ducey and Mark Brnovich

Human Rights Tribunal Public Trial Records: 

Declaration of Indictment 

Declaration of Existence

Published as a Publication of Record by the American Herald on 08-16-2018

2: Arizona Governor-Douglas Anthony ‘Doug’ Ducey and Arizona Attorney General and Mark Brnovich found guilty of multiple human rights violations!

Published on 08-16-2018 by the American Herald

 International Public Notice


Case Number:  20170119-HRTI-JOHK-2016-1229X2017002

Claimant’s Name: Karla Johnson

Respondents Name: Douglas Anthony ‘Doug’ Ducey and Mark Brnovich

Human Rights Tribunal Public Trial Records: 

Declaration of Indictment

Declaration of Existence

Published as a Publication of Record by the American Herald on 08-16-2018

Arizona Governor-Douglas Anthony ‘Doug’ Ducey and Arizona Attorney General and Mark Brnovich found guilty of multiple human rights violations!

Published on 08-16-2018 by the American Herald

 International Public Notice


Case Number: 20170119-HRTI-JOHK-2016-1229X2017002

Claimant’s Name: Sara Ybarra-Johnson Hernandez

Respondents Name: Douglas Anthony ‘Doug’ Ducey and Mark Brnovich

Human Rights Tribunal Public Trial Records: 

Declaration of Existence

Published as a Publication of Record by the American Herald on 08-16-2018