Published in the American Herald News on (9-29-2022)
The United States of America
NAC Address: 85JPK M2RPJ
State of Florida, Chapter 10
NAC Address: 8669J ML9PQ
R.R.1., The United States of America
NAC Address: 7PJ57 PDVPF
Phone: 3053704917 Email: [email protected]
Comes now the Trustee for ANTHONY REDLER, PMA, hereinafter “Affiant”, being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has first- hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and
The following persons shall be referenced within this Affidavit of Fact, hereinafter “Affidavit”, as stated herein; Florida Highway Patrol hereinafter “FHP” agents Brandee Williamson #3859 hereinafter “Respondent 1”, Jesus Gonzalez #5004 hereinafter “Respondent 2”, FHP County of Miami-Dade South and County of Monroe District Commander Captain Alvaro Feola hereinafter “Respondent 3”, County of Monroe Sheriff Richard A. Ramsay hereinafter “Respondent 4”, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Judge James Wood Morgan III Bar # 72223 hereinafter “Respondent 5”, States Attorney Ashley Cesarano Bar # 115927 hereinafter “Respondent 6”, Florida Bar Association President Gary S. Lesser Bar # 967017 hereinafter “Respondent 7”, the Lord Mayor of London, Vincent Keaveny of the executive, legislative, and other general government support Parent Corporation, City of London Corporation hereinafter “Respondent 8”, President of Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons Robert J. Lambert hereinafter “Respondent 9”, and
- Affiant states that the living man Anthony Redler hereinafter “Tony” acknowledged, signed, and submitted the Bilateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people for the States of the Union of The United States of America thereby claiming Tony’s person exists as one of the people within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America on (February 6th, 2022) entering into a government body politic in accordance with the codified Law of Nations, and
- On (August 23rd, 2022) Tony accepted, acknowledged, and affirmed that Tony’s particular Nationality as an American National is counted as one of a permanent population for the States of the Union further entering into a government body politic within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit 1 within this Affidavit, and
- Affiant’s Private Membership Association registered with the governmental political party known as North American National Party for The United States of America foreign to the corporate political parties of the United States corporation on (March 15th, 2022 through March 17th, 2022) internationally published Three (3) consecutive days evidenced in Exhibit 2 within this Affidavit, and
- Affiant acknowledges that the vehicle Affiant was operating was a rental vehicle registered within the parent corporate STATE hereinafter “corporate State” arbitrarily in the name of the constitutional State of Florida rented to Didier, Jean, Pierre Redler. Affiant also acknowledges that Affiant had been operating a motor vehicle above the recommended posted speed of safety, and
- On (September 11th, 2022) Affiant was subjected to pain compliance, kidnapped, and held for ransom by Respondent 1 and Respondent 2 under the supervision of Respondent 3 operating in the foreign political subdivision wherein Respondent 4 holds the title of “Sheriff”, alleging unlawful speed and traveling without a foreign corporate State Driver’s License. Affiant was pulled over while operating said motor vehicle by Respondent 1 and Respondent 2, and
- Respondent 1 requested Affiant’s driver license and received Affiant’s constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License issued by the North American National Party then returned to Respondent’s vehicle. After a moment Respondent 1 and Respondent 2 returned to the vehicle Affiant was operating and notified Affiant that the constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License is not valid and inquired whether Affiant had another valid license. Affiant explained that the Driver’s License issued by the North American National Party is valid. Affiant then informed Respondent 1 and Respondent 2 that all the information needed by Respondents are on the constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License, and
- Respondent 1 inquired about Affiant’s address and Affiant’s spouse answered that all the information was provided on the constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License. Respondent 1 stated that there was no address, only numbers, and Affiant’s spouse explained that the address provided is a Natural Area Code hereinafter “NAC”, but Respondent 1 requested an arbitrary physical United States Postal Service hereinafter “USPS” address. Affiant’s spouse attempted to explain that the only address Affiant has is an NAC and Respondent 1 stated “you live in a house, so what is the address?”, and
- Respondent 1 momentarily left, came back, and had Affiant step out the vehicle refusing to give a reason. Respondent 1 then asked Affiant to follow Respondent 1 to a foreign registered agent vehicle. Respondent 1 placed Affiant’s hands in handcuffs and informed Affiant’s spouse to stay in the vehicle or Affiant’s spouse would be arrested too, and
- Affiant was taken away in Respondent 1’s vehicle. Affiant’s spouse went to the foreign registered agent vehicle to inquire where Affiant would be transported to but Respondent 1 did not respond or open the window and proceeded to leave with Affiant without informing where Affiant would be taken to, and
- Affiant’s spouse and family followed Respondent 1 and Respondent 2 for approximately Forty (40) minutes to the Monroe County Detention Center. Arriving at the Monroe County Detention Center, Respondent 2 came to the vehicle Affiant’s spouse occupied to request the phone number of Affiant’s spouse. Affiant’s spouse attempted to explain that the constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License is valid. Respondent 2 stated again that the Driver’s License is not valid for the corporate State and the North American National Party was not a familiar Party. Respondent 2 stated the sergeant was contacted and the sergeant stated that the constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License is not valid in the corporate State. Affiant’s spouse stated to Respondent 2 that Affiant’s nationality was denied and Respondent 2 stated that Affiant’s Nationality was not denied but the constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License is not valid in the corporate State. Respondent 2 stated that a check within the 50 corporate Commonwealths and States produced no results evidenced in Exhibit 3, and
- Later Affiant’s spouse received a phone call from the Monroe County Detention Center to inform Affiant’s spouse that a ransom in the amount of Three Hundred Twenty-eight Dollars (328) would need paid to release Affiant. Affiant’s stated that legal counsel had been contacted and that Affiant’s spouse would call back, and
- Inside the Monroe County Detention Center, Respondent 1 asked Affiant to sit down and explained everything to other agents in the admissions office. During this time an agent took Affiant’s personal effects and shoes and gave Affiant a bracelet with Affiant’s name and gave Affiant’s shoes to wear, and
- Immediately after, a medical staff employee requested Affiant come for the medical check-up. The employee checked Affiant thoroughly and asked Affiant questions pertaining to Affiants potential smoking, drinking, and drug use. Affiant answered “no” to the inquiries and was then asked to sign a document for the medical check-up. Affiant then sat and waited as Affiant had no knowledge as to what events may occur following Affiant’s kidnapping, and
- One of the staff employees then asked for Affiant’s address wherein Affiant explained that Affiant’s address is a Natural Area Code. The employee replied: “I don’t know nothing about that” and left Affiant. After few minutes the employee returned providing two options: 1) Affiant give a real address and Affiant’s spouse could come with the ransom to pay the bond and Affiant could leave the detention center tonight, and 2) If Affiant does not provide the address Affiant has to stay in the detention center for the night and tomorrow morning the judge will tell Affiant how much the bond will be. The employee stated the minimum of Five Hundred Dollars (500) or more depending on what the judge decides, and
- Affiant answered that of course Affiant wanted to leave the detention center that evening but Affiant once again stated to the employee that Affiant’s address is a Natural Area Code. The employee became upset and told Affiant to give Affiant’s address and pay the ransom or Affiant stays in the detention center. Affiant agreed to point to Affiant’s residence on a map and employee provided a map of google earth. Affiant provided the geographical location for Affiant’s NAC to the employee, and
- After a short period the same agent that took Affiant’s personal effects earlier came to escort Affiant for pictures capturing Affiant’s face and tattoo. The agent asked Affiant to sign a paper arbitrarily for another person held at the detention center. The agent then placed Affiant in a cell structure without asking Affiant to sign the correct document, and
- After an extended period the same agent came back once again to take Affiant’s hand and fingers prints then again captured pictures of Affiant and Affiant’s tattoo. The agent then asked Affiant to sign more documents and gave Affiant one document among several to sign, keeping the other several documents. The agent gave Affiant a piece of paper with Affiant’s name and inmate number to be able to call, and
- The agent escorted Affiant to a phone and asked Affiant to follow the instructions. When Affiant took the phone a voice asked Affiant to repeat select sentences and stated Affiant’s voice would be recorded. Affiant repeated approximately Twenty (20) sentences which were posted on the wall. Affiant finally spoke with Affiant’s spouse and Affiant told Affiant’s spouse exactly what the agents told Affiant. Affiant then requested Affiant’s spouse come with the exact ransom amount. After the call the agent escorted Affiant back to a cell structure, and
- Affiant’s spouse entered the Monroe County Detention Center with Affiant’s father Didier, Jean, Pierre Redler to pay the ransom for Affiants release. Affiant’s spouse and father spoke with an agent before taking an elevator to enter the detaining area and the agent demanded Three Hundred Seventy-three Dollars (373) for Affiant’s ransom instead of the ransom amount stated earlier. Affiant’s spouse attempted to explain that Affiant stated a different amount earlier but another agent came to the speaker and demanded the updated ransom amount stating “I don’t care what he said, if you have it, bring it up. The exact amount no change”, and
- After an extended period a new agent came and told Affiant that Affiant’s spouse paid the ransom and began the process of releasing Affiant. Again, captured pictures of Affiant were taken and Affiant was asked to sign a cash appearance bond evidenced in Exhibit 4. The agent escorted Affiant to a room to give Affiant’s clothes and personal effects back including but not limited to Affiant’s constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License evidenced in Exhibit 5, and
- The agent asked Affiant to sign more documents for personal effects and detention center effects return, gave Affiant the Sheriff’s receipt evidenced in Exhibit 6, a Twenty Dollar (20) ransom receipt evidenced in Exhibit 7, an unlawful speed document evidenced in Exhibit 8, a driving without a license document evidenced in Exhibit 9, and asked for Affiant’s initials for one document to leave the detention center. The agent then escorted Affiant to the elevator to go outside and Affiant was finally returned to Affiant’s spouse and family. A document for a hearing at the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Branch Court Division Freeman Justice Center located at (302 Fleming St. Key West, FL) on (September 29th, 2022) was included with Affiant’s release evidenced in Exhibit 10, and
- On (September 21st, 2022) Affiant requested Elisabeth Chalaca Odou hereinafter “Witness” to call the Clerk at Freeman Justice Center to obtain the Case Number forcefully associated with ANTHONY REDLER, PMA for record. During the conversation Witness was informed that the date and venue for the scheduled hearing had changed to (September 22nd, 2022) whereas the Clerk informed witness that a notice had been sent approximately One (1) week prior to Affiant utilizing a USPS address not associated with ANTHONY REDLER, PMA, and
- Affiant was present with Witness at the demanded time for the changed hearing and venue at the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Branch Courthouse located at (3117 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL) involving Respondent 5 and Respondent 6 under supervision of Respondent 7 as President of Florida Bar Association, a private association integrated into the corporate judiciary of the corporate State. Upon the calling of ANTHONY REDLER’s name, it was conveyed that said name is a private membership association and that Witness was present as a translator for Affiant to assist in proper communication whereas Affiant’s fluent language is French. Witness handed the Notice of Representation and Change of Venue evidenced in Exhibit 11 to the clerk then handed to Respondent 5. At the conclusion of said Notice Respondent 5 stated Witness would not be allowed as Translator for Affiant thereby creating a barrier in communication between the Affiant and Respondent 5 wherein Affiant would not be able to understand language pertaining to the allegations presented. Respondent 5 stated no knowledge or understanding of a “private membership association” thereby creating a further barrier of communication as to Affiant’s duties, obligations, and rights and issued another hearing date for (October 11th, 2022) evidenced in Exhibit 12-1 and Exhibit 12-2, and
- Affiant hereby objects to the arbitrary trafficking in person(s) of ANTHONY REDLER or any other variation of the name by the foreign political subdivision of County of Monroe, the corporate State, the corporate municipality Washington D.C., and/or the District of Columbia Affiant hereby objects to and denounces U.S. Code 26 Subtitle F Chapter 79 § 7701 (39) (A) and (B) stated herein; (39) Persons residing outside United States If any citizen or resident of the United States does not reside in (and is not found in) any United States judicial district, such citizen or resident shall be treated as residing in the District of Columbia for purposes of any provision of this title relating to— (A) jurisdiction of courts, or (B) enforcement of summons, and
- As Trustee to a registered member of the North American National Party, evidenced in EXHIBIT 2, foreign to the corporate political parties of the United States corporation, Affiant hereby objects to the arbitrary denial of Nationality and arbitrary denial of a constitutional State of Florida Driver’s License provided to Respondent 1 and Respondent 2 as identification evidenced in points 6, 7, 8, and 9 of Section I. herein, therefore violating all Thirty (30) Articles of Public Laws-101 whereas ANTHONY REDLER, PMA hereby claims liability against all Respondent’s PERSONS, associating collectively, for committing denial of Nationality upon Affiant. Affiant is in social compact with the permanent population of the States of the Union of The United States of America therefore Affiant is a member of a civil society lawfully authorized to administer lawful body politics of a constitutional State in accordance with the codified Law of Nations Book I Of Nations Considered in Themselves Chapter II. General Principles of the Duties of a Nation toward Itself § 16 A nation is under an obligation to preserve itself, and
- Affiant hereby accepts and acknowledges the Zero Tolerance Policy International Public Notice of the Year of Yahweh 6018 evidenced in Exhibit 13 regarding human rights violations and aggressive actions against documented American Nationals by foreign jurisdictions, and
- Affiant hereby accepts and acknowledges the Declaration of Rights for The United States of America evidenced in Exhibit 14 therefore declaring Affiant’s International right to International law as standard conduct in reciprocal relations between Affiant and the permanent population for the States of the Union upon the rural free routes within the metes and bounds of The United States of America, and
- As provided in Section I. points 5, 9, and 13 through 23 ANTHONY REDLER, PMA hereby claims liability against all Respondent’s PERSONS, associating collectively, for pain compliance, kidnapping, and ransom as damages incurred upon Affiant, and
- ANTHONY REDLER, PMA hereby claims liability against all Respondent’s PERSONS, associating collectively, for committing forced association upon Affiant by demanding corporate, private hearings utilizing Affiant as collateral with threat of apprehension and further ransom by foreign registered agents upon tardiness or absence to said hearings, and
- ANTHONY REDLER, PMA hereby claims liability against all Respondent’s PERSONS, associating collectively, for committing political communism and political persecution upon Affiant whereas Respondents have subjected Affiant to Slavery by arbitrarily appointing Affiant as collateral for bond(s) issued in variations of ANTHONY REDLER, PMA, ie; [ANTHONY REDLER/A. REDLER/REDLER, ANTHONY/Redler, Anthony], evidenced in the Exhibits provided herein, to the private Federal Reserve system. Such actions of designating the registered NANP member as a security interest to bring credit into existence in the form of U.S. Dollars otherwise known as Fiat currency with no value or substance arbitrarily hold Affiant responsible for payment of said bond(s) without remedy to discharge fully. Affiant cannot discharge an obligation within the foreign political subdivision or corporate State with promissory Note currency owned by Bank of England within the metes and bounds of the satanic Masonic City of London Corporation wherein Respondent 8 is Mayor thereof, therefore ANTHONY REDLER, PMA hereby claims liability against all Respondent 8 for Debt Slavery. Respondents under the corporate State oath are subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, Respondent 8 of the satanic Masonic City of London Corporation evidenced in Exhibit 15, and
- Affiant hereby acknowledges fraud currently being committed by Respondents for arbitrarily changing ANTHONY REDLER, PMA or any other variation of the name in various documents to create multiple security interests to bring credit into existence in the form of U.S. Dollars otherwise known as Fiat currency with no value or substance, and
- It is the duty and obligation of Affiant to inform Respondents as elected officials and/or officers of the corporate State that all persons elected within the corporate State are committing infiltration of the original constitutional State of Florida. Upon the submission of this Affidavit of Fact to the Great Jury for the General Post Union of The United States of America it shall be recognized for all claims included but not limited to herein that may be applicable within an initial charging instrument in the form of a True Bill of Indictment, and
- Affiant acknowledges that the cornerstone of Monroe County Courthouse has been laid by the satanic Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida evidenced in Exhibit # wherein Respondent 9 is current President of the aforementioned satanic Lodge thereby subject to liability for the aforementioned charges within this Affidavit of Fact, and
- Affiant hereby motions for all Respondents to cease and desist all actions upon ANTHONY REDLER, PMA or any other variation of the name, and
- All monies Fiat or otherwise obtained by private corporations within the foreign political subdivisions of the corporate State from persons residing in the foreign political subdivision, the corporate State, other international institutions, or otherwise be returned to said persons, and
- As stated in Exhibit 11, upon the submission of this Affidavit of Fact to the Great Jury for the foreign trade Union, General Post Union of The United States of America, Affiant hereby recommends that a Change of Venue be issued by the Human Rights Tribunal International of the Government of The United States of America as the legal and lawful jurisdiction and venue for Affiant to determine accountability of Affiants and/or Respondents actions, not private judiciary proceedings within the foreign political subdivisions of the corporate State, and
- Affiant shall submit this Affidavit of Fact as evidence within a formal complaint to the Clerk of United States Court of Federal Claims located at (717 Madison Place, NW, Room 103 Washington, DC 20439) for further accountability regarding Respondents nefarious actions, and
Respondents shall be granted Ten (10) days from receiving registered electronic mail containing this Affidavit of Fact as an international publication to give rebuttal via registered email to Affiant’s Representative at the electronic mailing address of [email protected] or the claims stated herein shall further stand as fact.
Affiant Further Sayeth Naught,
This 192nd Day in the Year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 27th day of September in the two thousand and twenty-second year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.
Internationally Notarized Affidavit of Fact with Exhibits provided here: LINK
Evidence of legal and lawful jurisdiction and venue provided here: LINK
Published by Trustee