Published in the American Herald News on 7-31-2022
The elected officials, Staff members, and Attorneys of City of Key West’s LINK James F. Weekley, Gregory D. Davila, Samuel J. Kaufman, May Lou Hoover, William R. Wardlow Jr., Clayton L. Lopez, Patti K. McLauchlin, Teri G. Johnston, James J. Young, Sophia Doctoche, Paul Navarro Campos, Shawn D. Smith, Ronald J. Ramsingh, George B. Wallace, Nathalia M. Abondano Mellies, and Donald Eugene Yates, hereinafter collectively “Respondents”, have formally been charged with violating all Thirty (30) Articles of Public Laws-101 for Respondents Forced Association upon ELISABETH CHALACA ODOU, PMA, hereinafter “Claimant”, and committing Communism and Persecution, among other charges, upon a member of the North American National Party for The United States of America.
Charging instrument provided here; LINK
Respondents operating for said City in the corporate State of Florida LINK have arbitrarily attached Claimant to an already dissolved limited liability company known as COCOTTE O’CLOCK, LLC, dissolved on or before (April 9th, 2022) evidenced in the captions below, thereby denying Claimant’s Nationality and arbitrarily claiming that said dissolved company is doing business as Claimant’s Private Membership Association EGG O’CLOCK, PMA and is within Respondent’s corporate venue subject to Respondent’s corporate policies.

This international publication shall be utilized as evidence within the Human Rights Tribunal pending approval by the Notaries therein for a public hearing to remedy the claim brought forward by Claimant. May Respondents repent in accordance with the Gospel of Yahushua for a day that has been fixed in accordance with Acts 17:30-31 stated herein;
“30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
Published by Trustee