Published in the American Herald News on (2-1-2022)
Affidavit of Fact
Comes now the Trustee for KEVIN MICHAEL JUHAS, PMA, hereinafter “Affiant”, being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has first-hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and;
1) Affiant states that private property located at Natural Area Code (NAC) number: 7089W PV9PG has been lawfully claimed within the venue and jurisdiction of The United States of America by an affirmed American National for The United States of America evidenced herein; https://nationalgreatregistry.country/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/20221101-VOC-JuhasKevin-Michael.pdf. The property has clear signs posted with the verbiage “PMA MEMBERS ONLY”, picture provided in Exhibit 1, page 3 within this Affidavit of Fact (hereinafter
“Affidavit”), and
2) On the 310th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 23rd day of January in the two thousand and twenty-third year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name at approximately 3:58 PM UTC-6 a foreign political subdivision agent did trespass on private property of KEVIN MICHAEL JUHAS, PMA (hereinafter “PMA”) to harass Affiant, picture provided in Exhibit 2, page 3 within this Affidavit, and
3) On the 311th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 24th day of January in the two thousand and twenty-third year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name at approximately 11:10 AM UTC-6 the same foreign political subdivision agent did again trespass on private property of PMA and harass Affiant, picture provided in Exhibit 3, page 4 within this Affidavit, and
4) Later on the 311th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024 Affiant witnessed an envelope taped to the screen door of the private property of PMA with a name and verbiage with no address; “Kevin Juhas or Person/Persons in possession” wherein an Affidavit of Fact was internationally published and no rebuttal properly received by Affiant evidenced herein; https://americanheraldnews.com/?p=9206, and
5) Affiant has signed a declaration of political affiliation with and is a member of North American National Party, the political Party for The United States of America wherein said property has been claimed, and
Course of Remedy
Affiant to present Affidavit to North American National Party to notice parties involved to cease and desist in any form of trespass on private property of KEVIN MICHAEL JUHAS, PMA, KEVIN MICHAEL JUHAS, PMA, and Affiant, and
Affiant Further Sayeth Naught,
This 311th Day in the year of Yahweh 6024, translated the 25th day of January in the two thousand and twenty-third year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name.
Internationally notarized Affidavit of Fact with Exhibits provided here: LINK
Published by Trustee