General Post Office Report: LINK
Convention on the rights of the child: LINK
Quote: PART I
Article 1
For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. End quote
The family is an independent association that is associated by blood and not by contract, constitution, charter, political party, convention or other legal relationship.
The convention on the rights of the child attached to this report is a trespass upon the family and its independence because the convention targeted the children that were not of legal age to contract.
This means that the convention, even though it appears that the convention was for the child’s benefit, seeks to recognize that a child under the age of 18 has the right to contract and therefore creates a legal impossibility unless the child is emancipated from the child’s mother and father. The legal impossibility is that the child is no longer under the privilege of the mother and father as the convention seeks to control and define that independent blood relationship.
When a child suffers universal emancipation from their mother and father before the age of 18 internationally, the emancipation seeks to break up the family on paper which has real world consequences. Emancipation is cunningly disguised as “rights of the child” wherein fact the child is now legally available for sex and other adult activities. Since the convention was passed, the sex trafficking and sex trade for underage children has exploded among the rich. The United Nations is fully responsible for this condition under arbitrary interference thereby breaking up families worldwide.
The International crime that is committed in plain site is that the convention of the rights of the child in fact exists and breaks up families. Breaking up of families is a crime under Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
C. ‘ Respect for family rights ‘. — The obligation to respect family rights, already expressed in Article 46 [ Link ] of the Hague Regulations, is intended to safeguard the marriage ties and that community of parents and children which constitutes a family, “the natural and fundamental group unit of society” (6). The family dwelling and home are therefore protected; they cannot be the object of arbitrary interference. Respect for family life is also covered by the clause prohibiting rape and other attacks on women’s honour, as stated in the next paragraph. Furthermore, Article 82 [ Link ] of the Convention provides that in case of internment “members of the same family, and in particular parents and children, shall be lodged together in the same place of internment”. In the same way the Convention lays down that “internees may request that their children who are left at liberty without parental care shall be interned with them”. Respect for family rights implies not only that family ties must be maintained, but further that they must be restored should they have [p.203] been broken as a result of wartime events. That is the object of Articles 25 [ Link ] (family correspondence) and 26 [ Link ] (dispersed families) and of some of the clauses of Articles 39 [ Link ] , 40 [ Link ] and 50 [ Link ] .
AND: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Published by the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America.