Owners of Southern Poverty Law Center accused of religious persecution and attempted murder!



It seems that everyone knows about the Southern Poverty Law Center (hereinafter “SPLC”) wherein that it is a propaganda front for the communist party and the Lawyers Guild and further supports A.N.T.I.F.A., an international terrorist organization. LINK

The local police uses SPLC’s list to create a profile on people and places those people on a Domestic terrorist list where other police officers will see this on the records and attempt to agitate the accused to violence so they can shoot them and murder them. This is called Political assassination which is also called attempted murder. 

First, there is no such thing as “Reign of Heaven Society” however there is such an entity called “The Reign of the Heavens Society” where it is a religious organization. 

Further, the Reign of the Heavens Society is an international organization and not organized within The United States nor within any of the states within States. 

The Society was derived from the country known as the reign of the heavens that is named in the New Testament. MATTITHYAHU 4  

The Reign of the Heavens Society has no political association within The United States so there is no way it can be anti-government. 

The Reign of the Heavens Society is also derived from the first church of James, the brother of Jesus. 

SPLC has 30 days to remove its designation of the Reign of the Heavens Society from its list otherwise a human rights violation complaint will be filed against its owner for many counts of attempted murder and religious persecution. Monetary damages will further be filed against SPLC’s owner in an effort to punish SPLC for its continual contempt for international law.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 




The committee of the American National Union of The United States of America passed a motion to open an investigation into Hillary Clinton!!




The committee of the American National Union of The United States of America passed a motion to open an investigation into Hillary Clinton! 

Apparently no one in the American National Union is afraid of Moloch worshipers like they are in the city of Washington D.C.

All of the lies are extremely obvious and the people for The United States of America are sick of watching crimes upon crimes committed over and over and no one is doing anything about it. 

It is a slap in the face when someone like Hillary Clinton lies on the international record over and over and expect no one to catch it.  Let the investigation begin. 

Published by the committee of the American National Union of The United States of America. 


September 9, 1776 has nothing to do with “The United States of America”!



The committee of the American National Union of The United States of America has been observing that certain persons have been publishing deceptions claiming that September 9, 1776 has something to do with the name “The United States of America” in an effort to remain relevant and pull persons under the subjection of the 1789 company corporation on behalf of the tripartite.  

Anyone can take about 2 to 3 minutes and look up that date and clearly see that the September 9th, 1776 does not correlate with the name “The United States of America”, the real name of the country.  Adam Weishaupt was promoting a secular country that operates in parallel as a privately owned company and operates under the Declaration of Inter dependency of 1976 today which promotes globalism.  LINK

The committee of the American National Union of The United States of America is asking that anyone claiming the aforementioned deception is simply ignored so we can all move forward to prosperity and towards rebuilding the country. 

Published by the committee of the American National Union of The United States of America. 



Globalism defined by the committee of the American National Union of The United States of America!





Is defined as an individual or group of individuals under the voluntary condition of self exile. 

The definition of Exile is: 

Definition of exile

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1: the state or a period of forced absence from one’s country or home
A: the state or a period of voluntary absence from one’s country or home
2: a person who is in exile
The United Nations have attempted to legalize and or give rights to those persons living in exile wherein has been defined as a legal impossibility. 
Therefore Globalism is a legal impossibility to achieve. 
A person under the condition of exile are not with any rights in existence. There is no country in existence that can enforce the human or civil rights of those persons under the condition of exile. 
Those persons that have claimed a status of globalism, global citizens or form a global community seem to believe that they can use the protections of countries while claiming to NOT be a subject of international law and the Law of Nations.  The condition is defined as a legal impossibility. 
The exiled globalists are high jacking the venue of the free press to promote the legal impossibility of globalism through its political propaganda machine known as the democratic 527 organization by using an illegal tactic called  subliminal marketing and self projection; which is forced religion of deception and a deceptive social engineering platform to which constitutes evidence warranting self exile to all those people that join this effort also known as Neural linguistic Programming. LINK
These persons preaching the deceptive religion wherein deceptive religions are actual cults are attempting to remove the borders of countries and force all other persons into exile and under one state which constitutes a legal impossibility.
Since the existence of the legal impossibility, these preachers have decided that there are too many people on the planet to achieve their goal, so genocide has seemed to solve their legal impossibility problem. The discipline is known as murder your way out of any obstacle and liability. Moloch worshipers are known to use these tactics when they promise fame and fortune to their followers.  
These preachers of a deceptive religion, when confronted with a legal impossibility, will self project their failure and attempt to blame the existence of others as an  obstacle and promote the murder of those labeled as an obstacle rather than accept the liability of the failure of their plan and acknowledge the failure of the foundation of their self proclaimed religion and ideology.
These preachers of a deceptive religion has gone further in their preaching to promote anything contrary to the obvious and completely reject common sense which involves a sociopath mentality thereby suffering a lack of empathy for their fellow human beings. 
The committee of the American National Union of The United States of America hereby objects to the use of its airspace as a medium of exchange of a false and deceptive religious doctrine and orders a cease and desist on all inciting of a civil war and pushing a civil war among the inhabitants with the use of the word impeach or any other variation of the subject matter. 
Any use of the word “impeach or any variation thereof” is hereby forbidden by the privately owned news networks otherwise suffer a fine of 750,000.00 dollar fine each time the word is used by the privately owned corporate media news outlets. 
The only alternative at this point is to report the news, build the economy, rebuild the infrastructure, build the southern border wall and move forward with peace and happiness rather then war and destruction. 
Published by the committee of the American National Union of The United States of America. 

Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City makes communists look smart!



Here they are attempting to take a right away from one person that violates that persons human rights and gives a right to a group of people that have no human rights in a foreign country and need to be deported where they would be entitled to human rights in their own country.  LINK

New York Cities human rights commission make all other human rights organizations look stupid when releasing garbage rules like the aforementioned. Why don’t we all just ban the word “Impeach” then we can all have some peace. 

If anyone is subjected to this garbage human rights commission rule, please appeal to the Human Rights Tribunal International so it can be reversed immediately and that extortion fine can be erased fairly quickly when members of the commission are charged with violations of human rights internationally. LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.





Biden and Son laundered 1.8 billion through the Ukraine central bank!



The number one rule in laundering drug money and how to spot it is when a loan goes out and the money disappears. The bad part is that the people of Ukraine are left with paying the loan at a high rate of interest to procure future money laundering loans.

The Central Bank of Ukraine and its owner decided to play ball which gave the owner free access to the United States taxpayers taxes. This is called a debt swap agreement to spread out the fake burden so the people never get a clue as to what has happened to them.  If you play ball with the drug dealers, you get a free pass and are now a good guy. 

The biggest secret of the United States is that it started out as pig farmers that started the Stock Market and eventually became drug smugglers that do business as a government and passes itself off to everyone that it is a nation created by a social compact agreement of, by and for the people for The United States of America.

In communism, it is easier to launder the drug money because the honest people are killed or oppressed and unarmed.

Further, drug smugglers love to make sure drugs are illegal which jacks up the price when there is a organization that says legalizing drugs, stops the drug problem. LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 



These are the un-elected third party interlopers that hijacked the country now pushing for a civil war!



 This is as illegal as it gets: 



The Uniform Law Commission (ULC, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.

ULC members must be lawyers, qualified to practice law. They are practicing lawyers, judges, legislators and legislative staff and law professors, who have been appointed by state governments as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to research, draft and promote enactment of uniform state laws in areas of state law where uniformity is desirable and practical.

  • ULC strengthens the federal system by providing rules and procedures that are consistent from state to state but that also reflect the diverse experience of the states.
  • ULC statutes are representative of state experience, because the organization is made up of representatives from each state, appointed by state government.
  • ULC keeps state law up-to-date by addressing important and timely legal issues.
  • ULC’s efforts reduce the need for individuals and businesses to deal with different laws as they move and do business in different states.
  • ULC’s work facilitates economic development and provides a legal platform for foreign entities to deal with U.S. citizens and businesses.
  • ULC Commissioners donate thousands of hours of their time and legal and drafting expertise every year as a public service, and receive no salary or compensation for their work.
  • ULC’s deliberative and uniquely open drafting process draws on the expertise of commissioners, but also utilizes input from legal experts, and advisors and observers representing the views of other legal organizations or interests that will be subject to the proposed laws.

ULC is a state-supported organization that represents true value for the states, providing services that most states could not otherwise afford or duplicate.


The Uniform Law Commission (ULC) has worked for the uniformity of state laws since 1892. It is a non-profit unincorporated association, comprised of state commissions on uniform laws from each state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Each jurisdiction determines the method of appointment and the number of commissioners actually appointed. Most jurisdictions provide for their commission by statute.

There is only one fundamental requirement for the more than 300 uniform law commissioners: that they be members of the bar. While some commissioners serve as state legislators, most are practitioners, judges, and law professors. They serve for specific terms, and receive no salaries or fees for their work with the ULC.

The state uniform law commissioners come together as the Uniform Law Commission for one purpose—to study and review the law of the states to determine which areas of law should be uniform. The commissioners promote the principle of uniformity by drafting and proposing specific statutes in areas of the law where uniformity between the states is desirable. It must be emphasized that the ULC can only propose—no uniform law is effective until a state legislature adopts it.

The ULC is a working organization. The uniform law commissioners participate in drafting specific acts; they discuss, consider, and amend drafts of other commissioners; they decide whether to recommend an act as a uniform or a model act; and they work toward enactment of ULC acts in their home jurisdictions.

Don’t bother deleting the videos, they have already been downloaded. 

Notice: The Uniform law commission is hereby noticed that the organization is in violation of many human rights and political rights, War Crimes and extensive criminal behavior that is shocking to the conscience. The Human Rights Tribunal and the War Crimes Tribunal is very interested in this issue that when solved, will solve all other issues within the country. In other words, the Uniform Law Commission is in a lot of trouble and it had better international lawyer up. The lawyers need a lawyer.  

For the rest of the world, here are a couple of questions: 

1: When were private and un-elected organizations ever voted in to create laws and not subject to the laws they create? 

2: When you voted for a representative, when does a private organization that happens to be associated with that representative have a right to write laws for that representative wherein somehow the representative powers pass on to private un-elected organizations?

Those same un-elected organizations that took over the courts by changing the word Judicial Department to Judiciary in the tripartite state within a State constitutions without a vote. 

Can anyone see a slavery pattern here? The uniform law commission does not have 1st, 5th and 14th amendment immunity against nefarious acts known as human rights violations and war crimes nor does it have immunity from courts established by the people for The United States of America. 



Notice to the local Municipalities-If we keep seeing this activity by your private police officers they will be charged with Domestic Terrorism!




Notice to the local Municipalities-If we keep seeing this activity by your private police officers they will be charged with Domestic Terrorism along with the unions and training camps!


Don’t bother deleting the video, it has already been downloaded. 

Further, judgments will be placed against the Municipal flags for damages to the victims of these domestic terrorists.  

This International Public Notice is being written to save lives because if these acts of domestic terrorism do not stop, many police officers will be murdered in a revolution and will not have a prayer of survival once the revolution begins. 

Stop inciting violence towards a revolution because the people are going after the billionaires, high public officials, members of both parties, Hollywood cult members, Catholic Priests and anyone that gets in the way. They are not going to be shooting each other. 

It is getting more and more difficult to keep people from murdering each other because of domestic terrorism being committed by the police officers every single day, the video above is an example and it is ordered to cease and desist. 

To the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Military: all of these police officers are under your offices flag, why don’t you do something about the domestic terrorism committed by your police officers committing these acts of terrorism under the commander in chiefs flag everyday? Just because this cop was fired, this still happens on a daily basis. 

The Government of The United States of America is tired of doing your job and cleaning up your mess, fix these courts under your flag, fix these cops under your flag, fix these lawyers under your flag. Your office is in desperate need of re-training everyone because no one in this country has any idea when they are breaking laws, poorly trained, poorly managed, poorly governed, extremely ignorant and have not earned one days pay. 

Here is another one of your messes: LINK

Everyone is really tired of fixing the messes of the city of Washington D.C. Its like living with a bunch of drug addicts.  

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 





Baal Peor is nothing more than religious persecution and usurpation!



Gender pronouns are the People trying to get away from male and female which erases the Sovereign’s creation and persecutes people through criminalization for not accepting or joining in the mocking of God.

The People are supplanting the Sovereign of nations and came up with corporations to get away from the Sovereign of nations which is man stealing, trafficking in persons and creating a false international record.

The People removed one color from the rainbow covenant to mock the Sovereign of nations.

Love has grown cold and the People have been  turned over to a diluted mind. 

The People are attempting to do away with the Sovereign of nations by blaming the Sovereign of nations for what the People are doing.

The People re-defined marriage into a fake legal corporate contract and a business enterprise to make it appear as a spiritual covenant with the Sovereign of nations.

The People stole the intangible property of the people and re-defined it through a fake power of attorney called representation.

The People have made it a crime to pray to the Sovereign of nations.

The Pentagon, Google, Face Book and Twitter have joined with communist China against the Sovereign of nations.  LINK

The People have openly declared the Satanic Temple a real religion. LINK

The People have chosen infanticide instead of life: LINK

The People have chosen silence over the right to choose life or death with their speech.


The Manna World Holding Trust is a fraud!



There are some people going around the internet claiming to own all of the assets that back all of the central banks called “The Manna World Holding Trust”.  

They claim to use the word trust as a descriptive term when they say it is really the “12th Banking Jurisdiction” and is its own country with its own country code also known as the unknown country but have yet to show anyone the country code or where it is listed. 

The first red flag is why would a country that claims to hold all of the assets in the world need to be registered anywhere? “Mana World Holding Trust – Bank for International Settlement Registration FMCA777888777888999.”

Who registered all of the assets in the world with  The Manna World Holding Trust and where did they get those assets? No chain of title!!

Then it claims this: “The Contract binding the “trustees” to the TRUST since 1949, expired in 2008, was renewed until 2013 and is now completely terminated.” 

If the contract is terminated then why are these people claiming to be able to fund anything? 

Some things stated are true but highly doubt Kim Goguen is who she says she is because there are sources that say the assets are in fact stolen from the Bedford Trust and Kim is in deep. We are being told that all Kim can do right now is move funds around in a circular but cannot withdraw anything and is being watched like a hawk. In other words, no one can unlock anything based on their DNA, this same scam was proposed about 5 years ago with a superior DNA claim.

Somethings in this whole scenario are not making any sense which usually means the company corporation is behind the whole scam. Kim is also claiming to be the fiduciary for The United States of America and the world. Kim sells delusions of grandeur to make people believe they are a part of something they are not and possess authority that does not exist.  

The best thing for people to do is run from the whole story because none of what people are being told is true as far as the promises are concerned.

In one part of this story, some low level Generals apparently think they can do what they are doing with immunity, however on that level they have their own police force. Of course, the people watching and trying to stop the theft are being demonized by the thieves. That is nothing new.  

Yes,  some people claiming to be a part of the deal have contacted the Government of The United States of America wherein the real American Nationals know when someone is trying to set us up for a fall. You get use to it when it happens over and over for years. 

The Government of The United States of America has been approached by the Military at least 40 times in the last 9 years and the mission is to delay what you are doing with promises of Military backing. The goal is to get you to tell everyone you are working with the Military with a promise of a whole lot of money and power and when nothing happens, the goal is to discredit your word and you are stopped from doing what you are doing. The military gives you a false hope and sense of power and backing when it does not exist. When everything is said and done, the target is ruined and possibly setup for a crime that the Military committed and that usually happens when all else fails. Always keep records and spread those records all over the country to protect yourself.  

Here is a copy of what they are passing around: LINK

No one has signed it, a generic name is given and me is not defined. There are a bunch of other errors in the writings that people would believe if they did not know better or knew what a legal document is supposed to look like. 

People are being scammed, for what reason, who knows other than delay, however we did receive an email from someone claiming they needed a 10 thousand dollar check to keep something going that made reference to this particular scheme but who knows what is real coming out of the same people and organization all of the time. 

If you don’t believe anything in this publication, maybe you will believe the people in Africa: “Kimberly Ann Goguen is a fraud leader, queen-pin, who intentionally deceives individuals, and government officials, by offering them grants, free gifted money from Sovereign Trust Accounts FMCA7778887778889999 which is non-existent.”  LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 
