The committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America brings back the Treasury Voucher Certificate System!
A few years ago the committee of the National assembly were creating a voucher system wherein people with absolutely nothing could become very well off in just a few years. The committee of the National assembly is bringing that system back wherein there is a classification of the Continental Dollar known as the Continental Dollar labor backed or Continental Dollar-LB.
Countries like Haiti can bounce back from its horrific earth quake in just a few years. Puerto Rico can do the same. No need for foreign aid. Of course, the international bankers will label those countries with every form of persecution that can be imagined and will attempt to cut those countries off from the rest of the world as far as trade is concerned. However, the benefits out weigh the persecutions and international human rights violations.
If this system is rebuked at first, all the Government of The United States of America has to do is wait, because with all of the publishing’s in the last couple of days, the people reading those publishing’s may begin to realize how far they have been lead to their own destruction. There will be a time where the people will be so hungry and living in poverty will no longer care how they are viewed by the rest of the world and begin to use this process towards their own prosperity.
The socialists used this system once and took credit for it, however this system was derived by a republic form of Government wherein the people decided their own fate.
Here is how it works: LINK
As always, the choice is yours.
Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America