A twisted turn of events-A different point of view! Part Two

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 11-04-2015 by the American Herald

Dear Readers:

Some extensive discussion about where this trail leads has been going on for a while. The committee will continue to discuss until the matter(s) is resolved. 

Subject Matter: NDAA, Patriot Act, Public executions without charges, foreclosures and border issues, trading with the enemy act, zoning/agenda 21 implementation etc…


1: National Defense Authorization Act, (NDAA). Who passed the NDAA?

Summary: The States passed the NDAA that removed all rights from the people. In order to get a president to sign something into law, the U.S. Congress had to pass it which means all of the States had to vote on it. So the major question is: Who is responsible for shredding the Bill of Rights? 

2: Who is responsible for passing the Patriot Act?

Summary: When the Towers went down, the States rushed to Washington D.C. to pass the Patriot Act. No one forced the States to pass the act, no one put a gun to their heads. The States are responsible for shredding the Bill of Rights!

3: Public Executions without charges or any recourse to whom?

Summary: The States are the ones that are implementing public executions without any recourse towards the executioner. It happens all of the time. See Youtube!

4: Who passed the Federal Reserve Act?

Summary: It was the States that passed the Federal Reserve Act. The States also created the Bank of New York Mellon and is still being used today by those same States. The States created the 12 Districts of the Federal Reserve. The States create money out of thin air. The States enforce all foreclosures. The 48 States gave their private central bank immunity from audit therefore no one would ever make the connection that the States were the ones that perpetrated and shredded their own U.S. constitution with their own private central bank.

The States continue to use a private central bank in a foreign country called Manhattan Island, bundle all Mortgages and deposit them in the Cayman Islands through a registered agent in where? “Austin Texas”.

Notes: Introduced in the House as H.R. 7837 by Carter Glass (D-VA) on August 29, 1913 Committee consideration by House Banking, Senate Banking
Passed the House on September 18, 1913 (287–85, 5 Present)
Passed the Senate on December 18, 1913 (54–34)

5: Who passed the Trading with the Enemy Act?

Summary: That would be the States again making enemies out of the people.

6: Who opened up the Southern borders of the country to illegal immigration?

Summary: That would be the Southern States. The reason why the States want illegal immigration is because they want illegal workers. The reason for the illegal workers is because they are not reported as a liability as employees on the books. When that happens, the price of the Stocks are inflated and profits are up. In case no one made the connection, the States are the biggest stock holders in the Stock Market. The illegal workers also pay State taxes.

7: Who holds the CAFR accounts worth billions? (comprehensive annual financial report) 

Summary: The Governor of each State signs off on the report every year. Easy to find on the internet.

All federal legislation is voted on by the States. The States are the ones that passed everything, yet all blame for shredding the U.S. constitution and the Bill of Rights is always blamed on the feds and never the States. No blame whatsoever has ever been placed on the States for anything that has happened to this country.

A: Who voted to invade Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, WWI, WWII, Afghanistan or any other country? 

B: Who started Guantanamo Bay and the FEMA camps?

C: Who is really in control here? Was it the States that were conquered by the Feds or was it the Feds were conquered by the States and has been blaming the feds for what the States are doing altogether with one mind and purpose.

Anyone that reads this article will come to the same conclusion. If they do not come to the same conclusion, then there is a mind block in place just like the committee discovered in an informal survey.

The States created Homeland Security and the NSA. The States created the surveillance programs and allow all of it to continue.  The States are responsible for everything that has happened over and over and never get blamed. 

How do the States get away with this? LINK The States passed the HR 5736; Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012: Quote:  “Amends the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to prohibit funds for the Department of State or the Board from being used to influence public opinion or propagandizing in the United States. (Under current law such provision applies to the United States Information Agency [USIA].” end quote

The States created an “at arms length” entity called the United States corporation. The States gave up their right to interstate commerce to hide behind the fed. The States screw the rest of the world over and over and then blame it on their federal corporation and claim it was not the fault of the States because the States deal only in intrastate commerce. The States suffer from an extreme case of passive aggressive syndrome.

The 48 States will completely destroy other countries and then run and hide behind what appears to be their daddy. The 48 States are responsible for sex trafficking rings, drug rings and any other kind of crime that anyone can imagine. The 48 States are masters at shifting the blame and appearing completely innocent.     

In the last article, who knew that the 48 States are parties to the B.R.I.C.S. agreement? If you don’t believe it, it is right in the agreement. Who runs the States? If anyone wants to know who is really responsible for State sponsored terrorism they need look no further then the 48 States. It also appears that the 48 States are well on their way to implementing their own form of the New World Legal Order.


A twisted turn of events-A different point of view!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 11-02-2015 by the American Herald

Dear Readers,

A different point of view came to mind after reading the following articles in the B.R.I.C.S. agreement that this newspaper wanted to share;


Article 7 – Authorized and Subscribed Capital

a) The initial authorized capital of the Bank shall be one hundred billion dollars (US$100,000,000,000). The dollar wherever referred to in this Agreement shall be understood as being the official currency of payment of the United States of America. end quote Source: LINK

The specific entity involved in B.R.I.C.S. is “the United States of America”. If anyone knows anything about that particular entity and what it represents will be the first biggest mistake made by the 48 states of the union.

The United States is considered in everyone’s mind as federal. Then there is a constitution which binds all 48 states under a Federal Constitution called “the United States of America” or these United States. It is also referred to as United States inc. on a different level. 

Then there is the Continental United States which is under the Articles of Confederation, as amended August 5th, 2015.


1: Who wrote and passed the The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act better known as Obama Care?

2: Who has control of the Acts created and passed in the U.S. Congress that circumvents the Bill of Rights?

3: Who created and passed the Federal Reserve Act?

4: Who is a party to B.R.I.C.S.?

5: Who created the United Nations?

6: Who created Agenda 21 and is enforcing it?

7: Who is creating fiat currency out of thin air and who is enforcing foreclosures? 

8: Who is writing laws and sending them to Washington D.C. and passing those laws that are constitutionally corrupt?

The correct answers to these few questions will be the biggest eye opener this country has ever witnessed. Everything you see is not what it seems. Once your eyes are open, bad will become good and good will become bad. This is a different kind of evil that many are not qualified to face because its deceptive talents are unprecedented. 


The Official Publishing of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Government of The United States of America!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 10-29-2015 by the American Herald


IT IS PUBLISHED, the Official Publishing of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Government of The United States of America.

Declaration of Sovereignty

National Great Registry Publishing

Comments: It appears that this declaration is happening just in the nick of time based on the financial condition of the country as a whole. The Declaration of Sovereignty is a good read so there is no need for a big introduction. It is written in the correct way that Governments declare Sovereignty. 


Marcus Yarborough Jr. Candidate for delegate in the United States, in Congress assembled!

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Hello, my name is Marcus Yarborough Jr and I’m a proud member of the Confederation Party running for delegate for the United States, in Congress assembled.

Do you have a special project or invention you can not seem to get anywhere with because of arbitrary rules and regulations created and enforced by the Democratic and Republican Parties?

How about registering your business within the metes and bounds of The United States of America. The National assembly for The United States of America is looking for people just like you!

I believe that inventors and forward thinking individuals are in high demand to bring this country’s character back to its former greatness both Nationally and among the family of nations.

If you are like minded, then proclaim the existence of your company or organization within The United States of America.

The United States of America welcomes all who wish to do business through the USC Chamber of Commerce.

As delegate, I can assure you that your intellectual property will be fully safeguarded and your dreams and desires brought to reality.

Thank you.

Marcus Yarborough Jr.

Alice Ceniceros Candidate for registrar

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Hello my name is Alice Ceniceros and I hold the office of the registrar for the Government of The United States of America.

I was elected to hold the office of the registrar for the Government of The United States of America, in the Governments very first elections in December 2013.

It is with extreme respect and pride as keeper of the records to maintain and preserve chain of title as it is of value.

Chain of title is defined as:

“A chain of title is the sequence of historical transfers of title to a property. The “chain” runs from the present owner back to the original owner of the property. In situations where documentation of ownership is important, it is often necessary to reconstruct the chain of title.”

It is a known fact within the Confederation Party that the General Postal Union Treaty of 1874 was formed by the Monarchs of Europe. The entity on the treaty was The United States of America and then signed as the United States of America. Power of attorney was taken and chain of title lost.

However, the current American Nationals through the United States, in Congress Assembled withdrew from that treaty, so now the country of The United States of America is a sovereign and independent entity.

In addition, ancestral family records have been destroyed to protect the guilty. MOST can really only trace back to their great grandparents. No one knows where they came from.

Let’s observe Article 12 and 15 which is a basic entitlement guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which reads:

Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 15.
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality

Also note a brief section in the Bill of Rights, which refers to family history:

Article VI… The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is a well-known human right and the Democratic and Republican party’s are constantly and consistently violating this basic human right.

If you are tired of arbitrary interference with your privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon your honour and reputation, then join the Confederation Party today!

Piece back your chain of title and reclaim your inheritance!

Alice Ceniceros

National Currencies and Coins


Published on 10-13-2015 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


Hello Readers:

The Government of The United States of America has found some issues with the National Currency and Coins that may be of some interest to the International Community. 

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was sent a message from the Bank of North America asking ISO to add the Continental Dollar to the country code USA. It was specific to make sure the U.S. dollar was separate from the Continental Dollar.

Then the committee started brain storming about currency itself. A few interesting points came out of the conversation.

1: First Point was the credit river decision: LINK

2: Second Point was a particular case involving the Liberty Dollar which read:

Source LINK:

Quote: The Liberty Dollars Case

In 2011, a man named Bernard van NotHaus was convicted of several federal charges in connection with a coin currency he created, called the Liberty Dollar.  The prosecution of this case sent a wave of worry through local currency projects around the country.  However, there were some important difference between van NotHaus’ coins and other local currencies.   The Liberty Dollar coins had a “$” symbol, used the words “dollar,” “USA,” “Liberty,” “Trust in God” (instead of In God We Trust) and looked in design like coins of the national U.S. currency.  According to the FBI, van NotHaus was found guilty on four counts: “making coins resembling U.S. coins; issuing, passing, selling, and possessing Liberty Dollar coins; issuing and passing Liberty Dollar coins intended for use as current money; and conspiring against the United States.”6 end quote

3: Third issue that came up was this statement in the Liberty Dollar Case: “and looked in design like coins of the national U.S. currency”.

Question: Since when did the U.S. ever have a national currency?

4: Then this was found: LINK

Please notice on that link that a national currency was issued by a public bank.


Here is information about the Third National Bank of Scranton:
“Commercial bank, national (federal) charter and Fed member, supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)” Source LINK

Notice that the listing had to be specific about (federal) when using the term “national”…

The reference to the ISO was for a specific reason.

Quote: “The International Organization for Standardization is committed to protecting the privacy of its members, customers, and other contacts.” Source LINK

The Bank of North America is hereby issuing a international public apology because the Bank of North America had no idea that ISO issued currency codes for private currency and not National Currency. It further did not realize that the ISO is a private membership association along with the United Nations. The Bank of North America did not realize that the United Nations can not exist as a public entity otherwise it would be liable for violating 194 national laws of countries in its daily activity. The Bank of North America further did not realize that in order to be a member of the United Nations and have its currency recognized by said United Nations, that it has to give up its National Currency and therefore its National Character thereby rendering its Nationals stateless.

The Government of The United States of America does appreciate ISO’s silence in the matter because if ISO were to issue a currency code or add the Continental Dollar to the USA country code, it would violate Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thereby rendering the Continental Dollar a private fiat currency rather then a National Currency.

All of these facts are facts which renders a few questions:

1: How do judges sleep at night after rendering judgments in the form of fines under a constitution thereby claiming constitutional authority, and at the same time collect a currency that is not recognized by the (federal) United States nor the constitution from which authority is being claimed?

2: How does someone break a national law when the same entity gave up its nationality by enforcing the circulation a private currency not recognized by the enforcer?

3: How does a private organization create International law without the liability and authority of the law of nations or international law?

4: How does a (federal) United States circulate and enforce a currency it does not officially recognize and then claim it has been offended after it has offended itself with its own private currency that it does not recognize? 

5: How can the (federal) United States pay its debt if it does not recognize the private currency it borrows, claim it as evidence of a debt and claim that to not re-issue it is an offense against itself?

6: How can the (federal) United States claim a currency that it does not recognize to be backed by oil and call it the petro-dollar?

7: How can the (federal) United States claim a nationality when it gave up its national currency and coin?

8: How can the (federal) United States require certain credentials to board a plane or use public property when it does not recognize the currency that is required to be used to purchase the credentials and the ticket to board the plane?

9: How can the (federal) United States internationally trade with other countries if it does not have a currency that it recognizes in circulation?

10: If the private currency is not recognized by the (federal) United States, how does it justify rendering people homeless by foreclosure within its courts?

These are just a few questions for the International Community to attempt to make sense of the existence of something that does not recognize its own existence…

The Continental Dollar has been re-introduced to the world, it is up to the world to come back to its senses and do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.


Derek Davidson Candidate for Judge!

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Ladies and Gentlemen:

The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 stipulates that upon reaching age, an individual is to be offered an oath of nationality.

Why don’t the republican and democratic parties offer these oaths to the people within the states?

The answer is because the democratic and republican parties benefit more from keeping Americans classified as Dutch colonists than Nationals. This statelessness of the people (subjects of a foreign monarch) makes them easy prey to be cheated and exploited. This is why in the fabricated fairy-tale “land of the free” more people are in jail than any other country in the world combined.

Human rights violations do not just occur here and there within the American society. Human rights violations are built into the system. An entire industry has been constructed to exploit the fact that U.S. citizens are really colonists with no standing. As a reminder, the Re-construction Act states the people are to be offered an oath. Why doesn’t it happen? If you have never heard of this, why have you never heard of this?

The reality is the democrat and republican parties are lying to the people they supposedly represent. The political parties intentionally keep people stateless, politically adrift in a sea of exile unable to defend themselves against tyranny and fraud. The denial of a nationality is a blatant violation of Article 15 (1) and (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As I said, human rights violations are woven deeply into the fabric of the U.S. American society. The democrat and republican political parties know this. These political parties have accepted the “hush” money and conspired to hide the truth for over 150 years. They have chosen to serve up the American people to be feasted upon by globalists. The Confederation Party can not endlessly lie to the people because the Confederation Party is the people, all the people, not bought and paid for representatives. If elected to the General Post Master Council I will continue my pursuit to educate the American people on their true status and show them how nationality will change their lives.

Kind Regards,

Derek Williams

Candidate for Judge


Vindication for all of you researchers out there that had a gut feeling something was wrong!

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Published on 10-09-2015 by the Confederation Party

There is vindication for all those brave men and women that have fought and researched to find the truth about the Banking System in America. The Military has been notified of this trust that was sent to the Confederation Party by an anonymous source.

Everyone knew something was wrong, no one could place their finger on the problem. Everyone knew that everything in this country was one sided. People could not put their finger on it. The trust called the “Protium Master Grantor Trust Agreement” has all of the details that spell out tax evasion, bundling of mortgages, depositing bundled mortgages offshore in the Cayman Islands using an “ambassador of the United States of America” as a gateway; and the confidentiality agreement that every banker, Republican and Democratic politician knows about; every office holder in every court knows this information.

Everyone’s position listed in the Confidentiality Agreement is released of the agreement. All of you are free to talk about everything you know without any type of legal action taken against you. Why?

Because the Confederation Party has already spilled the beans and turned over the apple cart. Every confidentiality agreement is legally null and void once the other party knows the information. There is no reason to hide, there is no reason to keep quiet about the trust. It is here for everyone to see and digest. Every banker can now enjoy their new found freedom without fear of being murdered as a whistle blower!

Every Judge, Clerk of the court, Sheriff’s office, attorney’s etc.. can now refuse to participate in any type of foreclosure because this information can no longer be held over their heads in fear of reprisal from the people or being murdered by the bankers in New York.

The Confederation Party knows that there are many more trusts like this one that is used for the prison system and many other organizations and purposes. It does not matter if the Confederation Party has them or not.  What really matters is good people getting a bad rap and becoming homeless because of a few bad apples in the human race.



Further information:

Please share with your family and friends. The registered agent information (section 8.17; paragraph A) and the jurisdiction of the trust is in the document (section 8.17; paragraph C). Everyone has been wasting their time in the state courts. All foreclosure actions are in the Supreme Court of the State of New York and other courts in that state.

All foreclosure defenses need to go to that court as stated above and the registered agent. We now know why every foreclosure action happens every three months and why it never goes away. All foreclosure actions emanate from the state courts listed above derived from Manhattan Island which is a foreign country.

It is also suspected that every court case out there in the states is derived from Manhattan Island, bundled by Manhattan Trusts and sent offshore to avoid U.S. taxes. It is believed that every court case in existence needs to have a change of venue to the State of New York to be properly adjudicated by facing the defendants accusers.

If anyone would like observer status within the Confederation Party, please go to this link and register as a user of the site: LINK

If anyone cannot download the document offered above, please leave an email in the comment section of this page and it will be sent to you directly.
