Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Reconstruction Acts of 1867 stipulates that upon reaching age, an individual is to be offered an oath of nationality.
Why don’t the republican and democratic parties offer these oaths to the people within the states?
The answer is because the democratic and republican parties benefit more from keeping Americans classified as Dutch colonists than Nationals. This statelessness of the people (subjects of a foreign monarch) makes them easy prey to be cheated and exploited. This is why in the fabricated fairy-tale “land of the free” more people are in jail than any other country in the world combined.
Human rights violations do not just occur here and there within the American society. Human rights violations are built into the system. An entire industry has been constructed to exploit the fact that U.S. citizens are really colonists with no standing. As a reminder, the Re-construction Act states the people are to be offered an oath. Why doesn’t it happen? If you have never heard of this, why have you never heard of this?
The reality is the democrat and republican parties are lying to the people they supposedly represent. The political parties intentionally keep people stateless, politically adrift in a sea of exile unable to defend themselves against tyranny and fraud. The denial of a nationality is a blatant violation of Article 15 (1) and (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As I said, human rights violations are woven deeply into the fabric of the U.S. American society. The democrat and republican political parties know this. These political parties have accepted the “hush” money and conspired to hide the truth for over 150 years. They have chosen to serve up the American people to be feasted upon by globalists. The Confederation Party can not endlessly lie to the people because the Confederation Party is the people, all the people, not bought and paid for representatives. If elected to the General Post Master Council I will continue my pursuit to educate the American people on their true status and show them how nationality will change their lives.
Kind Regards,
Derek Williams
Candidate for Judge