Notice of International Lien against the Bank of New York Mellon!



Original Publishing: LINK

For this international lien and publishing so published as a matter of record, recorded in the National Great Registry for the Government of The United States of America and hereby executed as a International Lien in the name of Yahushua, Yeshua, also known as Jesus Christ, and  LINK

Executed under: COLOSSIANS 3-17

17-And whatever you do in word or deed,
do all in the Name of the Master ,
giving thanks to Elohim the Father through

John 14:13-14

Assignment Notice:

The Lien is hereby transferred into the  THE INTERNATIONAL TRUST FUND #8D7ABDB1-C39E-448D-A9AC-D398A7BFC698  LINK

The Beneficiary(s) for this claim are the States of the Union and the American National Union of The United States of America of 1774 brought forward to the present time, and

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America 


International Objection, Anna Maria Riezinger is not a fiduciary for The United States of America!



International Objection, Anna Maria Riezinger is not a fiduciary for The United States of America because The United States of America is not in any trust agreement. 

Just a couple of years ago this same internet personality claimed that the name “The United States of America” was not the name of the country, then claimed it was a corporation created in 1868 and went bankrupt in 1907, then claimed the General Post Office was bought in an auction in the early 1980’s, then claimed that the General Post Office was bought in 2010 at an auction. Then came up with a claim that there was a entity known as The United States of America (unincorporated) and all of a sudden Anna Maria Riezinger is fiduciary and has saved the world so all will praise her and we can all have parades in her honor and even create a National holiday in her name. Except….. no one can claim all assets of a country with a UCC-1 Form, sorry folks, that is not how it is done.  LINK

Anna Maria Riezinger does not have an oath or affirmation to The United States of America and can’t because of her blood oath to the Universal Catholic Church under Pope Francis, the communist of all communists. LINK

Further, this is what was claimed just a little while ago: 

“The government owed to us, “the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States”, is not a government of serfs all serving the interests of a commercial corporation. The government owed to us serves us. Period.” 

Then claimed this: LINK

” And these things calling themselves deceptive names—- “The United States of America” and “The New Republic” and “The united States of America” and “The Unity States of America” and so on?

What are they?
Nothing but foreign corporations trying to seize control of what? The foreign (British) federal government corporation and foreign (French) municipal government corporation operating the territorial and municipal jurisdictions of the United States
of America (Minor).”

Looks like MI6 trying to pull another fast one on everyone. Sending people on another false hope and waiting for the knight in shining armor to come and save them which is what all of Anna Maria Riezinger’s writings are starting to look like from a larger point of view. 

On another point, for those that have not been around these types of people, if they and others want something, they will trash the people that have it and then attempt to steal it when no one is looking and everyone can witness that going on here, basically everyone is witnessing someone trying to steal the assets of the country while serving the thief that stole the assets in the first place thereby claiming to be your savior at the same time.

If objections like this one were not published, the plan is to attempt to take a fiduciary status over a country, then the real plan is to place it under a foreign monarch, (Pope Francis) and move forward with a New World Order with a one world religion under Baal Peor. With the help of people like Anna Maria Riezinger  and Robert Gilman and others that have been working overtime to achieve this goal, the funny part is they do not remember their lies and don’t remember that they canceled their claim earlier with their own words and publications many times.

International Objection, Anna Maria Riezinger is not a fiduciary for The United States of America and another trespass by the Vatican and the city of London has occurred. Also, pay attention to the alias’s being used by the same internet personality.  

Warning, this is what happens when you listen to these types of people: LINK

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.




Numerous fake accounts on Linkedin claiming to work for the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America!



There have been numerous fake accounts on Linkedin claiming to be a mail carrier for the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America.  The issue has been brought to the attention of Linkedin. 

For example:

No one knows where these people came from or who they are and most of them look like they belong to a satanic cult. 

This is a list of the fake accounts just in case someone is trying to get a hold of this Government on Linkedin and may be encountering one of these people on the list: LINK 

Further, it is easier to go to Tom Goudey’s page and contact that office if attempting to contact the Government of The United States of America. 

Published by the committee for the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


Charges dropped in multiple cases by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America and many other international public notices!




All charges have been dropped in the following cases: 

  • Mark Zuckerberg; and
  • Rashida  Tlaib,  Ilhan  Omar  and  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; and
  • KEITH  ELLISON,  Rashida  Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar. 


Reason for dropping charges: The General Post Masters of the General Post Office of the Government of The United States of America will no longer place their lives on the line nor risk their lives for those obsessed with all manner of vile acts, and  

Further, all National Governments that have been created in the past couple of years have been placed back in trust with the general post office, and 

Further, co-trustee with limited powers status will be offered to the Great Council of the American National Union of The United States of America as it pertains to the National Governments of the States of the Union, and 

Further, the office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America has been appointed Prosecutor for all future prosecutions in defense of the Government of The United States of America, and 

Further, the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America will no longer be accepting Federal Reserve Notes nor taking any payments through Pay Pal, real money only, and 

Further, all exterior borders have been closed until further notice, and 

Further, that a motion was carried to EXILE State Resident Bradley Kinney; and

Further, that a motion was carried to place PayPal claimant Bradley Kinney in DEFAULT JUDGMENT in the amount of 350,000.00 Continental Dollars-LB in equity; and  LINK

Further, any and all future resident declarations will result in the person being delivered to the States of the Union, and convening within the American National Union of The United States of America. Claiming a Nationality will still be available, however secondary to establishing a business within The United States of America, and

Further, the left and right no longer get along in the second union and the violence is becoming unmanageable, therefore when situations like this occur, a separation must occur in accordance with the Law of Nations. The conservatives are welcome within The United States of America, the left liberals are welcome to stay within the second union. If these terms are acceptable with both parties, let the first Union know about the agreement and preparations will be made to implement the separation. Contact the office of the Governor at: governor(@)

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


The story of Aaron the Levite and our National Flag!




The National Flag of the Government of The United States of America:

God takes the devout turned idol creator (“SHEMOTH Chapter 33: verse35: And YHWH plagued the people because they made the calf, which Aharon made”.) and clothes him with purple and gold. (SHEMOTH Chapter 38- Verse: 39-2:And he made the shoulder garment of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material, and of fine woven linen.) (Scarlet was a type of fine and expensive woollen cloth)

The failure was made into a priest.

Exodus 32 tells the story of Aaron the Levite.

The fallen priest.

Truth be told, it is the fall of a nation. But the Bible counts the fall to the detriment of their leader. The chosen priest of a Most High God…fails. He gives in to the plea of the people and creates an idol and stands by while God’s people worship the heartless, powerless mass.

The pillar of smoke stands behind them as a reminder of the faithfulness of a God who protected them and brought them out of a land of slavery. Yet there he stood. There they danced. And the Lord was grieved.

Moses interceded for the people and they were forgiven. (Again.) Then, in Chapter 39, an amazing, unthinkable action was ordained. God takes the devout turned idol creator and clothes him with purple and gold. The failure was made into a prince.

One moment He is collecting gold and melting them into an idol…watching
His children fall and refusing to lead them. The next moment, he is clothed in purple. Redeemed. Not only is he completely restored, God allows Aaron into the Holy Place. He is a priest – an intercessor for the fallen. God Himself meets Aaron the failure and hears his voice. What a picture this is of the grace of a Holy God come down.

And so it is with us.

We lament. We fail. We create idols. We cause believers to stumble. We lead guilt-ridden lives. The Lord comes down, clothes us in royal garments, and gives us access to the Holy Place. We approach the Throne of Grace and receive it wholly. Our messy ugliness is redeemed for the Glory of the One who makes all grace accessible.

The redemptive power of a Savior, manifest in the fallen. It’s His story. It’s always been His story.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


The U.S. state of Texas judiciary declares itself a communist state!



It appears that the inhabitants of the State of Texas have allowed a communist party to take over its judiciary. 

The communists that have taken over the judicial department of the State of Texas are a little smarter then the inhabitants of the State of Texas. 

The communists did not change the name of the Judicial Department to Judiciary so no problem there. The communists still operate similar to a republican form of government on the surface, however when you look closely, you can see those pesky Russian loving commies right in plain site embedded in the State of Texas judiciary.   

There is a part of the State of Texas constitution that reads the following: 

“Sec.3.EQUAL RIGHTS. All free men, when they form a social compact, have equal rights, and no man, or set of men, is entitled to exclusive separate public emoluments, or privileges, but in consideration of public services.”

When this is brought up and filed in a civil court, a communist judge declares the following this morning in a status hearing:

Paraphrase: “There is an individual here that has an Alien Tort Claim recognized. This individual will undergo a mental status evaluation to see if the individual can stand trial. It will take place in the next 30 days”. 

Here is a copy of what was filed in the civil court: LINK

Where did the communist judge declare the U.S. State of Texas a communist state? Only a communist believes that the state can stand alone without a people or a permanent population in social compact because the state is the god of a communist and socialist. This is why communists and socialists get along with satanists. They all hate human beings, and desire to eradicate them from the face of the earth therefore have declared war against their creator. Further, when a communist is cornered, he always goes for the mental evaluation to re-direct the narrative away from the main point that the State of Texas does not have a permanent population because no one signed a social compact even though it is written in plain sight right on their constitution.

A communist does not go by what is written, they use interpretation because the state is their god and they speak for their god on a daily basis for the purpose of redefining it to their advantage because they hate to lose to the truth, a lot like a satanist. 

It is easy to find a communist and socialist if you know what you are looking for and listen to the wisest man that ever existed on earth, “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them.”  

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.




Democratic Party (527 organization) declares itself a domestic terrorist and international terrorist organization!



The Democratic Party has declared itself a domestic and international terrorist organization through what it does and says.

The basic definition of domestic terrorism or terrorism itself is: to intimidate or coerce a civilian population through constant violence, threats, slander, doxxing, and targeting political opposition with criminal acts.

Terrorism definition is much easier to define:

Terrorism, the systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police. Source: LINK

Here are a couple of sources that back up this self declaration:






A.N.T.I.F.A. is operated by the Democratic Party and the National Lawyers Guild.

Every organization owned by the Democratic Party is going around the internet and terrorizing anyone that does not share its point of view. People that do not even have an opinion are being harassed if they click the wrong link.

Maxine Waters openly incites terrorism against political opponents: LINK

Here are the facts when it comes to terrorism. The inhabitants are not required to obey any law, policy or rule that is created from terrorism or a terrorists act.

If a privately owned political party wants to use violence to attempt to gain power, that party is not required to be obeyed. Who in their right mind would obey a privately owned political party that has a history of political violence and consistently blames everyone else for its violence. At least international terrorist organizations claim a terrorist act publicly. The Democratic Party blames its opposition for its terrorist activity.

The reason for this publication is not to tear down the Democratic Party and not so the Republicans get more fake votes in their fake elections. It is to relieve the Government of The United States of America of any air of collusion with either party by speaking out against what it has witnessed. The courts, the privately owned political party’s and their antics, the constant wars being pushed on everyone, the satanic agenda, the Baal Peor agenda and a host of other agendas is all nothing more then an embarrassment and shows the rest of the world that the inhabitants can’t even govern their own actions accordingly, how in the world do they qualify to lead the world or be world leaders? 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America



Gun Manufacturers are welcome in The United States of America!



The Government of The United States of America  and the American National Union of The United States of America welcome all gun manufacturers with open arms to do business within The United States of America. 

Tired of getting harassed and having your livelihoods threatened by communists and socialists everyday?

The Great Council has spoken about this issue on several occasions where gun manufacturers can join the first Union and enjoy the fruits of their labor without constantly being threatened by privately owned companies calling themselves political parties.

All gun manufacturers are welcome to open a franchise within The United States of America here: LINK   

The gun manufacturer claims a NAC here: LINK

The instructions for claiming a NAC are on this page at the bottom: LINK

The business is issued a franchise certificate from the office of the Secretary of State for the Government of The United State of America and with that Business Certificate, the franchise is free to join the American National Union of The United States of America. 

No one would believe how free businesses are doing business within the First Union. The full structure of the American National Union of The United States of America will be explained in a future broadcast of THE T-ROH SHOW. The First Union is not like the teamsters at all, it is a Public Union, not a private union. All businesses write their own regulations and work with other industries that help each industry to compliment each other rather than all of the benefits going to the highest donor (lobbyist) to get access to a hijacked office thereby hijacked by a private company calling itself a national political party. 

No one can stay in business under those conditions. Every industry is welcome to open a franchise within The United States of America. 

Many types of foreign businesses from multiple countries are also welcome!

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America


Fire everyone in every court in the country and start over!




The Government of The United States of America has more evidence then needed to prove the following: 

1: All courts in the country under the control of the commander in chief whether it is local, state or federal are the most corrupt organizations anyone has ever seen in the history of courts. 

2: All detention centers and court houses are owned by the judges. 

3: Evidence is hidden on a daily basis. 

4:  Bonds in cases are bought and sold on the stock market on a daily basis wherein the courts are beholding to the investors. 

5: All courts are used for political purposes. 

6: All due process is ignored everyday. 

7: All court officers are on the take no matter how anyone slices it and they all need to be shut down, every court officer fired and sent home, every case where prisoners are being held need to be reviewed and in the cases of non-violent offenders, sent home. 

All retired military officers and non-commissioned officers can run the courts under the rules of occupation until permanent replacements can be found.

A complete overhaul of all organizations claiming to be judicial in nature need to be reviewed and shut down if found to be doing something other than judicial activity.  

It is to a point now where it does not matter if someone is trained in judicial proceedings because those that are so-called trained are so corrupt, a law student in law school for 3 months can do a better job. A local store keeper can do a better job and we think people today would trust the local hair salon to run a court more honestly then what is in the court rooms today. 

The blatant corruption has been going on for a better part of the last 50 years and it is time to scrap all of it and start over. The court houses need to be cleaned, all retirement needs to be cut off, even from those that served as judges, and use that money to revamp and restore the whole judicial system from the bottom up. 

It is so bad, that we do not have time to put those that corrupted it in jail because it would take 10 years just to prosecute them, it is faster to send them home and make sure they never work in the law profession again for the rest of their life. 

The funny part of all of this is that the people in the judicial system can run it honestly, however they all,  whether good or bad have decided to either run it in corruption or allow it to run in corruption their whole careers. That means all are complicit with the corruption and all of it is done on purpose every single day. There are no good or bad guys when the so-called good guys let the bad guys get away with the corruption so you are all bad. 

The Government of The United States of America receives ex-cops that saw the corruption and had to leave because it was so bad. Now imagine this, a man or woman leaves the police force and court system because there are so many crimes being committed on a daily basis. The people that are hired to stop crime are committing most of the crimes in the country. When this kind of condition occurs, it is time to scrap the whole thing and start over. 

To the International Community: 

Don’t believe one judgment was rendered with due process, not one honest court proceeding is going on today, nothing coming out of the U.S. no matter if local, state or federal so called judicial document has one shred of honesty attached to it. Do not invest in one bond being sold by a Municipality, it is all fraud from start to finish and the International record everyone is reading is completely false. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 
