Why are so many people in jail in America? Part 2


Published on 09-19-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


In this series published as “Why are so many people in jail in America?” This is part 2 of the series.

The following Judicial Review issued by the General Post Master Council on 09-19-2016 should clear up some issues people are having about the differences in United States, the United States of America and The United States of America. Many have tried to decipher the differences, however they were missing a key piece of evidence hidden in plain site.

Everyone that reads the judicial review will have a clear understanding of today’s world. Further, they will be able to completely understand U.S. politicians where it pertains not only to the wording of their speeches, but the subject matter of the various speeches published from time to time.


The title of the review does sound boring, however, there is information that will change the course of the country if understood and enforced.




Why are so many people in jail in America?


Published on 09-12-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


Many people have asked why so many people are in jail in America. Most of those questions are coming from people from around the world. They watch in total disbelief as to why there are more people in North America in jail then there are in 194 countries combined.

Earlier reports in 2013 suggest that there are at least 10,000 people in jail in every U.S. state that have been in jail for over 5 years without an arraignment. Many have claimed that indefinite detention was passed to cover this liability of holding people for years without any formal charges or arraignment.

There are literally hundreds of organizations that stay busy  researching court records and do achieve getting people released that have been in jail for 10 years without charges or any arraignment. These facts are hidden from the rest of the world while politicians from the U.S. go to other countries and lecture those countries leaders about human rights violations and criticize their judicial systems. 

The judicial systems in America receive more free air time on television then any other organization in North America. Court cases and who was arrested and who did what is blasted all over the news on a daily basis before anyone is convicted of anything.

The masses believe that if someone is arrested, they must have done something wrong because no one is arrested unless they do something wrong. This point of view is a very gullible position to maintain because when those very same people get the full arrest experience, they are the first ones to protest against it. 

When most of those people are abruptly awakened to the judicial process, they quickly realize in an instant that there is no law in the U.S. states judicial process. Everything that happens to those newly  awakened souls is on the whim of the court officers. Their futures are determined on the feelings of someone they do not even know nor have ever met.  The most basic realization is that money talks, money is freedom, pay the man and he lets you go until he needs more money. 

For those that do not know anything about their state judicial system, let’s discuss the realities as to why so many people are in jail in North America.

There is a process called “pain compliance” that is being implemented against everyone when arrested. Even in the most minor offenses against the U.S. states.

Pain compliance is done in a way that psychologists call “passive aggressive”. This means that someone means to hurt you or even torture you, but it is done in a way that the victim will question their own sanity or ask themselves, “Did I see or did I experience violence being perpetrated against me by a court officer?” or “Did I just see that?” 

Here is a list of conditions of pain compliance. This list is compiled to help those people know when they are being tortured:

1: When arrested, the officer begins to ask personal questions that have nothing to do with why you are being arrested and then begins to use the badge and uniform to give the benefit of his or her advice on how to live that sounds more like an excuse to inflict pain and talk you out of a lawsuit against them. Folks, that officer is a witness against you, what do you care what their advice is or why would their words matter to you?

2: Booking you before being taken in front of a magistrate. When an individual is being booked before being taken in front of a magistrate to determine if the arrest was valid is the definition of a police state. This condition allows the officers of the private detention center to implement pain compliance before appearing before a judge. In the military, they call it “softening up the subject”, the  legal term is called “pain compliance”, in the real world it is called “torture”.

Forms of pain compliance are:

A: Cold temperatures. In all private detention centers the temperature is around 60 degrees. People are purposely placed in cold rooms with little to no cover to stay warm. These conditions can cause “hypothermia” where the core temperature of the body  can fall into dangerous levels that can cause death.

B: Lack of water, food and sleep. The private detention centers have very  little nutritional value in their food and booking officers love to withhold water and other essentials to stay alive so that the victim will comply with the illegal booking process. If you don’t answer questions you don’t get food, water or a blanket to stay warm. They also slam doors and leave lights on for the purpose of sleep deprivation before going to court. Medical attention is also withheld if the private detention center officers inflict a wound. The deprivation of medical attention is designed to keep the incident off the record to avoid a lawsuit and make the victim believe there is no law or recourse/justice for crimes committed by the private detention center staff. Essentially, the pain compliance is designed to plant in the minds of the victims that the private detention center officers are gods and cannot be touched.

C: Constant threats of more serious charges are always the case which is a psychological pain compliance program used to soften up the victim to accept any less form of future torture that is offered by the judge and accepted by the prosecutor. This process is how the court officers achieve guilty pleas with a lesser sentence. A not guilty plea is usually met with a harsher sentence and more pain compliance.

D: Constant ridicule from private detention center officers in the form of political ridicule, religious ridicule, personal ridicule, or any other benefit of their personal opinions.

E: Strip searching a victim when it is obvious the victim does not have any drugs on them or have been strip searched an hour before. This is common in all prisons if a individual is being transferred.  It is done to create a condition of humiliation.

F: Cleaning up the accused and offering them food, water or other comfort to hide the pain compliance process from the General Public when the accused is going to court. Everything that is done to the victims is done behind the scenes which is passive aggressive behavior. Wife beaters like to hide their abuse and go to great lengths to hide their abusive activity.  

G: Hiding evidence or ignoring evidence during a trial which happens all of the time on a daily basis. The judges normally rush a trial on traffic and other minor offenses to make more money and ignore key pieces of evidence that could land those judges in jail. Most of the time spent by court officers is hiding past crimes committed by the court officers and hiding evidence to evade future civil lawsuits.

H: All private detention centers are privately owned and all court officers have shares in the detentions centers themselves. This means that the more people that are in their detention centers, the  more money that is made by the court officers and the police. The payments are made to the court officers privately in order to keep the information away from the public and avoid the appearance of conflict of interest.

That is the basis as to the reason why so many people are in jail in North  America. Like it or not and offended or not, pain compliance is a reality in North American and the U.S. states.



The National assembly welcomes the Private Attorney Generals Across America association!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 09-06-2015 by the American Herald


The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America welcomes the Attorney Generals Across America association.

The people working within the Attorney Generals Across America association have been speaking and attending various meetings for the past couple of months.

Good impressions have been formed on both sides and all believe that this relationship will mutually benefit both parties. 

In the Official assembly record, it reads:

“FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Government of The United States of America shall recognize that the “Private Attorney Generals Across America” association shall have the authority of representation of the States of the Union within the States of the Union in the capacity of a private attorney general representing and on behalf of resident aliens and documented American Nationals within the States of the Union if so desired by resident aliens and documented American Nationals within the States of the Union, and”


The American Herald will keep the International Public Community up to date as this relationship further develops in the future.


The National assembly extends “Legal Tender for debts public and private” capabilities to the Continental Dollar!


Published on 09-06-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


Yes folks, you heard correctly, legal tender for debts public and private.

Lets clear some things up before people start going haywire over the Legal Tender for debts public and private act of 2016. LINK

According to HJR 192 and the public law and statute that was derived from that resolution, the wording is very specific in the resolution. LINK

The part being referred to is the last paragraph of the first page and reads into the second page of the document at the link provided above.

The resolution is very clear as to why it was written and still operates today in much the same way. Many people have mis-interpreted the resolution to a point of going to jail for a time for not paying bills and a lien is placed on private court officers because it is believed those people are breaking the law.

The resolution was written in such a way that the wording is a means to an end of the U.S. emergency thereby leaving the emergency as a voluntary condition rather then a compulsory condition.  The way in is the way out.

The United States, in Congress assembled has passed the Legal Tender for Debts Public and Private Act of 2016 with additional attributes that came from the National assembly to make sure that the act operates the way it is intended.

LINK to the act

LINK to the official assembly record.

The more disturbing piece of information that came through this emergency situation is that the people that have kept this emergency in place for so long have accomplished nothing other then establishing a long record of human rights violations.

Here are some concerns that can be resolved right away: 

1: No, the Continental Public Bank is not authorized to re-loan any promissory note to anyone else.

2: No, there is no interest on any loans in the Continental Dollar legal tender.

3: Yes, the current merchants, banks and businesses are authorized to accept the Continental Dollar Legal tender without violating Public Policy and further cannot be refused as payment for debts public or private.  Further, there will be a code in the serial number that distinguishes the Continental Dollar legal tender and the Continental Dollar lawful money. LINK

4: Yes, in the act and the official assembly record, there is an end to the perpetual emergency and full resolution that provides a clear way back to the rule of law.

The people that have been studying this fiat currency issue will see this avenue as the answer to their concerns right away, others will have to take some time to read and absorb the information provided and come to their own conclusions as to whether the solution will work for them. Please read the act and official assembly record carefully before coming to any conclusions and share with your friends and family that may be able to use this foreign disaster relief program to their benefit. 


The United Nations never legally existed on paper!


Published on 09-02-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST


On 09-14-2012, the Universal Postal Union received a document from the Government of The United States of America pointing out that the General Postal Union Treaty was never signed by a plenipotentiary (representative) of the Government of The United States of America.

For those that do not know, under the Law of Nations and International relations, the stile of an entity is everything. This means that if Spain and France wanted to create an agreement by and between each other, the parties have to read Spain and France. The parties cannot be altered in anyway otherwise the treaty is null and void. 

Example: The treaty cannot read Espania and Franc unless that is the proper translation within each countries languages. In English, the parties have to be Spain and France otherwise the treaty never happened.

When the General Postal Union was created in 1874 (became Universal Postal Union “UPU”4 years later) and the parties that signed the treaty to create the organization convened, there was a change in one of the plenipotentiaries entities. For those people that have never heard of the UPU, it is an organ of the United Nations that provide Global Postal Services and is responsible for the existence of all of the addresses of each office of the United Nations. If the United Nations offices do not have a legitimate address, the office does not legally exist. If the office never legally existed, anything that the office signed never happened. 

Here is a copy of the document sent to the UPU with proof of service receipt: LINK

If everyone will notice in the treaty that the entity/country that was listed and invited to the signing of the treaty was “The United States of America”.

However, the plenipotentiary that showed up and crashed the party was one: For the United States of America: JOSEPH H. BEACKFAN.  According to the official record, Joseph H. Beackfan was not invited to sign anything and was not a plenipotentiary of The United States of America when he signed the General Postal Union Treaty.

According to today’s history books, The United States of America was supposed to have been replaced with a new country name and constitution in 1789, yet there it is again one hundred years later. The countries name The United States of America is also mentioned again in South Carolina’s declaration to leave the Union which sparked the Civil War.  

The Government of The United States of America has attempted at least four times to correct the problem and the UPU keeps ignoring the solution. Instead, the UPU has resorted to different forms of pain compliance (form of illegal torch er) against the Government of The United States of America to keep it quiet. The Government of The United States of America does not go away because for those in the know, it has the blood moon. LINK

As a result, the Government of The United States of America was able to recognize the Postmaster General, Megan Brennan, as the head of the Postal Department in its Executive Branch as if USPS never existed. LINK

The silver certificate and the Continental Dollar along with the Continental Stamp are in circulation within The United States of America.

The UPU is without any legal addresses for the United Nations so that private club never existed and is responsible for making fools out of 194 countries and committing  a fraud against the  whole world.

The Government of The United States of America believes that this mistake was on purpose so that the United Nations could be dis-credited and the New World Federal Republic could come in and save the day with a new world government. Now that the plan is out in the open, any body claiming to be a World Government is illegally claiming a position and existence under an illegal and or non-existent Treaty and non-existent address.  

The Government of The United States of America is expecting more pain compliance to be exacted against it, however, that is what psychopaths do for a living. It is ignored and the  Government of The United States of America moves on to re-building the States of the Union. The Government of The United States of America did withdraw itself from the General Postal Union Treaty about a year after that aforementioned document was sent because of the refusal of the UPU to correct its fraud. The UPU was given 4 times total to acknowledge its mistake and correct, yet chose to implement pain compliance to cover it up.



Declaration of Value by the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America, as amended!


Published on 08-27-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

                                  INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The amended Declaration can be downloaded here: LINK

In light of the re-introduction of the States of the Union published on August 9th, 2016, LINK,  it seemed prudent to publish the aforementioned amended Declaration. 

Many will be pleasantly surprised over the wording of the declaration and the declaration will make many people happy. Globalists will not be so happy to see the declaration published with its particular wording and intent.

Please read the declaration and pass it on to your family and friends as it does affect everyone on one way or another.




Brooklyn Bridge New York City Hall Slanders the American Herald!

American Herald-Logo-Grey

Published on 08-18-2015 by the American Herald


The American Herald receives some bizarre comments on various articles published by the American Herald on a daily basis.

Today, a comment that was written was outright slanderous in nature. The most interesting part of the comment was its source. The comment was posted on a particular article involving a woman claiming to be a Article 4 free inhabitant. Although the video was entertaining to some and others were disturbed over the videos content. The whole article sparked some real controversy among the people. LINK TO ARTICLE

The comment posted today is as follows:

“You are not making “observations” as you out and out lie. You are another pathetic free inhabitant with a keyboard.”

Please keep in mind that this article is over a year old and the original video had been removed from youtube. So the American Herald staff decided to look up the IP location of the individual making the comment and find another posting of the video on youtube. Here is what we found:

Comment response from the American Herald:

“Well Mr. West Ford, it appears your ip address links you to the Brooklyn Bridge New York City Hall. How are you boys doing today? Just for your information, we do know that you are attempting to plant a seed that the term “inhabitant” is a bad, bad thing. However, this newspaper happens to know that residents are supposed to take an oath or affirmation of allegiance to obtain the status of inhabitant and then municipal citizens wherein they do receive a dividend check every year and are not liable for any debts. Those debts are passed on to the U.S. state residents. It is also known that they do obtain a United States nationality after that process is complete. It is also known that John F. Kennedy was killed for exposing that fact and attempting to make the exiled people a citizen again. Based on your comment, it appears that the Brooklyn Bridge New York City Hall is attempting to slander the American Herald in an attempt to hide these crimes against the UDHR and many other international laws by simply using the term inhabitant in its comment. Thank you for submitting more evidence as to identifying the parties that are perpetrating these crimes of slavery and owning slaves, today known as U.S. state residents. Thank you for your confession on behalf of the Brooklyn Bridge New York City Hall. Have a good day!”

The article itself, written by the American Herald does affect and implicates  the taser industry as selling, promoting and requiring torture devices to be used on residents of the U.S. states under the term “pain compliance”.

For those that believe that the American Herald is against the police and siding with the crazy Article 4 lady, is notwithstanding.

However, according to the response by the American Herald, all the cop had to do to really help was offer to take the couple to the nearest county judge to take an oath of allegiance. It would be that simple. Yes, she would have moved from resident to inhabitant and then to citizen and gain dividends check every year. Yes, the driver’s license would not be required and everything would have ended very peacefully. Instead, ignorance was equal on both sides and therefore renders the American Herald a third party neutral observer.


The Government of The United States of America hereby re-introduces the existence of the States of the Union!


Published on 08-09-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

                                  INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

On June 30, 1864, the following definition was introduced into the record of the District of Columbia:

Untitled-1 copyLINK TO FULL PAGE

Quote: And be it further enacted, That wherever the word state is used in this act, it shall be construed to include the territories and the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. Approved, June 30, 1864. end quote.

For everyone’s information, that was when the definition of a state was altered. When the definition of a state was altered, the definition alteration was intended to obliterate the existence of the States of the Union. Some may argue that the definition was compartmentalized to that particular act, however that same definition has been the standard operating procedure for the District of Columbia since June 30, 1864 to present time.

The city-state that committed said act was the city of Washington D.C. The city of Washington D.C. committed this act in the name of the District of Columbia.

Since June 30, 1864, every document signed under the altered definition of a state is notwithstanding due to the fact that the District of Columbia was never defined as a State of the Union. Further, any and all agreements signed after June 30, 1864 do not legally exist under the Law of Nations.

Either version of history and no matter what is believed since the Declaration of Independence, the altered definition of a state above would be considered, whether in the past present or future, repugnant to the Law of Nations. 

The Government of The United States of America (Government) has attempted 4 times to receive full recognition from the Universal Postal Union (UPU) thereby allowing the Government to correct the legal problems of the existence of the UPU. The Government showed the purported leaders of the UPU the errors within the General Postal Union Treaty signed in 1874. The UPU has had almost three years to wake up and realize that it does not legally exist. Even though other countries signed the General Post Union Treaty, one of the signatories was a fraud and therefore dis-honored the whole agreement. Dis-honor cannot exist within Commerce. Any act of dis-honor within Commerce is no act at all. Since the UPU does not legally exist, than the United Nations does not legally exist. Since the purported leaders of the UPU did not listen to the Government, the UPU has rendered itself null and void as having any legal existence altogether. The General Post Union Treaty never happened and therefore the Universal Postal Union never happened because all agreements were signed under an altered definition that was not authorized by the States of the Union. 

The Government of The United States of America has managed to preserve the original Union and the States of the Union. It has also managed to hold on to the General Post Office of 1775.

It will be up to the States of the Union to decide the existence of the city of Washington D.C. meaning that its dishonor of treason against The United States of America has yet to be determined as to its continued existence is serving the best interest of the States of the Union or not.

It is noticed, by the Government of The United States of America, that it is its  honor and privilege to hereby re-introduce, under the authority of the Law of Nations, the existence of the States of the Union, to the world; and may its existence be prosperous and peaceful. May the States of the Union shine as the light of real freedom for all to see and witness, that it may have been covered in darkness for a time, yet its light of freedom shall never be extinguished by those that derive their power from fear and treachery.

The States of the Union may for a time exist under the Articles of Confederation, as amended August 5th, 2015. However, the Government of The United States of America, under the authority of the Law of Nations,  shall issue this order that a constitutional convention is hereby ordered to convene, for the people to determine their own destiny.

General Information for the General Public:

The New World Order null and voided itself and its own existence. Therefore, anyone with good reasoning skills can determine that the end times are not here yet. It is time for the people to assemble and re-build their structure, otherwise the Government of The United States of America is here until the self determination is made.

So declared, ordered and introduced by the Government of The United States of America, under the authority of the Law of Nations, on the 143rd day in the year of Yahweh, 6018, translation, 08-09-2016.

office of the Governor for the Government of The United States of America,

GOVNUSA-300x300John Harold Fulks

The Government of The United States of America introduces the “Law of Choice” to the World!


Published on 08-05-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

                                  INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

The Government of The United States of America hereby introduces the Law of Choice to the International Community and the World!

The Government of The United States of America gives notice that the Law of Choice does not exist in any codification, law, statute, declaration, or any other document in any country in and of the world.

For the past six years and since the reforming of the Government of The United States of America, its subject matter is and has always been about choice. 

The whole point is that everyone literally has a choice. 

In all other countries, choice is a matter of perspective meaning choice is handed out from the top down.

Hillary Clinton will win the election, not because she was voted in office, not because the office has not existed for the past one hundred years, but because she carries the message of her task masters and will carry out all commands in delivering that message.

Example: Over half of the Democratic company voted for Bernie Sanders, and when Hillary Clinton won the nomination, the people that voted for Bernie Sanders were locked out of the convention.

Why? It was not because there was emails or the fact that people read emails and blah, blah. It was because Hillary Clinton carries the message and the message is this:

The people that voted for Bernie Sanders thought they had a choice. What this means is that those people that thought they had a choice and exercised that choice were punished for making a “choice”. 

The reason why Trump is constantly attacked is because Trump, in his own heart believes in choice and believes he has the right to make a choice. Choice and permission are two different concepts of law. If Trump thinks he does not need permission, he is not carrying the message of those that control Hillary Clinton.

Alex Jones believes he has choice and resists any notion of permission. Therefore the main stream media will punish Alex Jones over and over whether through slander, name calling or any other type of punishment that is permissive for the main stream media to impose.

All statutes today are written and carried out in a way that punishes the act of choice. This means that if a choice is made, that act of choosing is punished.

It does not matter that you drove 75 in a 55 mile an hour zone, it is the fact that you thought you had the choice to drive 75 miles per hour in a 55 mile an hour zone that created the crime against the state.

It is not the fact that people have guns that is a crime, it is the fact that people believe they have a choice to own a gun. The fact that a choice was made is punished, not owning a firearm without a license.

It is not the fact that someone murdered another that is the crime because murder was legalized in Roe v. Wade, it is the fact that the individual thought they had a choice to take another life. The act of choosing is punished, not the murder.

If anyone does any research on the issue they will find all of these examples over and over in the way statutes are written. The statutes made criminals out of people that think they have choice instead of obeying commands.

This thinking about commands and choice comes from the lack of respect from those powerful countries that do not perceive a threat from weaker  countries. What this means is that if a country does not have nuclear weapons, than that country has basically no vote on anything in the world. The world has not changed since it’s inception meaning that if someone can kill another, or have the capability of killing another, they receive respect. If a country can destroy another, it has a say and a vote and it also dictates which country has a choice and which does not. The more powerful country becomes and acts like a god because it exercises its own choice and gives weaker countries permission. This thinking comes from the powers that be and has trickled down to the inner cities.

The powers that be are called the powers that be because they have nuclear weapons and can destroy the world with those weapons. This means they can kill without recourse and therefore gave themselves the full right of choice while placing everyone else under their permission. It is no different in the inner city where those with the guns make the rules. It is the same thing on a larger scale. The U.S. is the U.S. because it can take away choice without recourse. If the U.S. did not have that capability, no one would listen to it in other countries. The funny thing is just because an entity can destroy a country, does it have the right to tell other countries what to do? Does it have the right to deny choice?

A country and its Government has never made a law that everyone within it has choice which is the reason for Governments rising and falling. It will always stamp out the existence of its own people by abolishing choice or delegating permission.  

Therefore, the Government of The United States of America is going to declare the acceptance and acknowledgement of the Law of Choice. It is time that history is made.  Once the Law of Choice is understood, the mind is free because it realizes that those attempting to quash choice are fighting their own existence and the existence of the universe itself.

In the past, those that made a choice to claim a Nationality were in fact punished for making a choice. It was not the fact as to what they claimed or why, it is simply because they thought they could make a choice. Once it is clear that they are going to make a choice beyond permission, whether accepted or not, is when they have freed themselves from those that gave themselves permission to attempt to reverse existence.

No one has to wait any longer, people are being locked up and punished for making a choice. It has been going on for a while. However, it is also sad to watch the U.S. destroy herself in the process. She had her ups and downs, but she has destroyed her own existence by owning slaves and delegating choice through permissions. She is powerful, but not more powerful than the Law of Choice.


The Mission of the Government of The United States of America is under attack by the States! Part 2


Published on 08-04-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST

                                  INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE

This notice is intended to show the people why slave ownership is such a horrible condition. People that claim ownership over others are basically weak and pathetic. Slave owners are without any skills of their own, yet they attempt to use those that do have integrity and talents to support their appetites. Slave owners enforce their claims of ownership over others through intimidation and force.

In reality, when slave owners come up against people that can see right through their facade that is being used to enslave others, the weak and pathetic side is revealed.

If the readers will remember this notice LINK .  It was revealed that the City of Center Hill has been operating  under an illegal charter for 30 years. In other words, it does not get anymore criminal than the way the City of Center Hill has been operating for the past 30 years.

Sumter County, Florida has been enforcing non-existent ordinances against dis-enfranchised residents of the City of Center Hill for over 30 years. This legal condition renders the residents slaves and or property of private slave owners. This same condition has been found in all cities in all U.S. states. 

If Sumter County officials were not aware of this illegal condition, they would have thanked the Government of The United States of America for arresting all city bonds and also would be preserving the General Post Office located in that area. The officials would also correct the problems. Since nothing that resembled any kind of self correction occurred, the intent is to own slaves. Further, the slave owners have no intention of freeing the slaves.

This case started with one man and some tall grass and garbage that needed to be removed from a vacant lot. The people living around the vacant lot kept dumping garbage on the lot. So instead of protecting the property owner from illegal dumping by handing out tickets to the people dumping garbage, they charge the owner with massive fines. 

Since the property was owned by a whole family, the whole family started to quit claim deed their interest in the property to one man because of the harassment of the slave owners running the political sub-division of the State of Florida. Sounds official doesn’t it? All of the slaves should be shaking in their boots over that title.

The owner of the property wanted to preserve the integrity of the property once it was cleaned up and offered an easement agreement to the Government of The United States of America. The mission is to provide dis-enfranchised residents (slaves) with a Nationality to give the former slaves some standing to protect themselves from the army of attorney’s that the stock holders hired to protect their interests and control their slaves.

When the General Post Office was established, all illegal dumping of garbage stopped and the neighbors started watching out for the property. Of course the slave owners of Center Hill saw this as a threat because it made them look bad and started to expose the fact that they were not doing anything to resolve the problem other than they saw another opportunity to steal more paper notes and to remind the slaves of how big and bad they are to keep control.

Once the owners started quit claiming their interest in the property over to the one, the court started removing the people listed in the complaint created by the slave owners one by one. Take a look at one example: LINK

After the arrest of all of the illegal obligations and bonds, the county turns around and adds all of the people back into judgment through judge Michelle T. Morley, who happens to be a stockholder herself and a slave owner . This is called “turning back the clock”. Turning back the clock happens is all cases where a crime is being hidden. LINK to bogus judgment – Notice Michelle T. Morley initials.  Please keep in mind that the initial claim was already paid and all evidence has been recorded and filed.

Turning back the clock is intended to make something look legitimate when in fact the action is notwithstanding. Large numbers are added to the document and words like “if plaintiff is not purchaser of sale” to leave it open to the city  buying the property with a bogus and or fake lien. When reports like this one are published, the publishers are labeled “sovereign citizens” to smear the individuals publishing the truth for the purpose of hiding a multitude of crimes of slave ownership. Diane Lamb is a manager of over 1100 slaves and is protected by Hunt’s law firm located in Leesburg, Lake County, Florida.

Weak and pathetic slave owners do not like it when their crimes are exposed because they live in fear of being discovered every day. The slave owners thought it was a brilliant idea to own slaves under the condition of the slaves never realize they are slaves and claimed as property.

Slaves in America today cannot have anymore than 10,000.00 dollars other wise it is confiscated. They can’t wear certain types of clothing or wear their hair a certain way that may project unity. Unity scares the slave owners and therefore must be disbanded. The slaves cannot say certain words or express certain emotions that are perceivedas being violent against their owners. Slaves cannot vote or have their vote counted because they are property. Slaves are forced to buy insurance to cover the liability of their owners property. Slaves are forced to buy their own medical insurance to cover the liability of their owners. The slaves simply do not know they are slaves. The slaves come in a variety of races, colors and creed, there is no discrimination by the owners. Slaves enjoy the equal opportunity to be owned by another. 

The slave owners create problems out of thin air and transfer the solution to those problems to the slaves. “Politicians create the problems, the slave labor bail the slave owners out over and over and over.”

Nothing has changed since 1789, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

The Government of The United States of America fulfills the mission of freeing dis-enfranchised residents by providing a way by law to claim a Nationality. The only people that see that mission as a threat is a slave owner and human rights violator.

The slave owner mentality goes all the way to the White House and the Bank of New York Mellon.

Check this out: LINK

This is another example of back dating a case:

“The U.S. Attorney’s office went and got a court order sealing the autopsy results on Alton Sterling. They also went and got a court order sealing that court order.

The Feds also placed a gag order on the East Baton Rouge Coroner’s Office related the case.”

The back dating will occur while the case is sealed and in this case, they are trying to seal the order to seal the case to conceal the back dating.

Like it or not, that is the way it is in America until the slave owner mentality is eradicated out of the minds of the weak and pathetic.

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”  – J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director, The Elks Magazine, 1956
