Published on 09-19-2016 by THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST
In this series published as “Why are so many people in jail in America?” This is part 2 of the series.
The following Judicial Review issued by the General Post Master Council on 09-19-2016 should clear up some issues people are having about the differences in United States, the United States of America and The United States of America. Many have tried to decipher the differences, however they were missing a key piece of evidence hidden in plain site.
Everyone that reads the judicial review will have a clear understanding of today’s world. Further, they will be able to completely understand U.S. politicians where it pertains not only to the wording of their speeches, but the subject matter of the various speeches published from time to time.
The title of the review does sound boring, however, there is information that will change the course of the country if understood and enforced.