The American National assembly of The United States of America hereby objects to the world government social compact known as the Georgia Guidestones!

Published in the American Herald on 09-10-2021


The American National assembly of The United States of America hereby objects to the world government social compact known as the Georgia Guidestones. The people of the American National assembly are signatories to the social
contract known as Bilateral Social Compact Agreement by and between the people of The United States of America. Further, the American National assembly hereby objects to being a party or associated with the world government social compact inscribed on what is known as the Georgia Guidestones. Whereas, the American National assembly motioned for the American National assembly, to object to being a party or associated with the world government social compact, in reciprocity with the National assembly of The United States of America on September, 4th in the two thousand and twenty-first year of the new covenant at 6:15 pm UTC-6, with a second at 6:17 pm UTC-6, with no objections, concluding motion passed at 6:30 pm UTC-6 LINK

Published by the committee for the American National assembly of The United States of America 

The Government of The United States of America hereby supports the people of Australia in their struggle against New World Order Tyranny!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-06-2021


The Government of The United States of America hereby supports the people of Australia in their struggle against New World Order Tyranny!

The protection of the people has gone beyond its scope wherein the words “for your own protection” have now reached full blown attacks against a civilian population in the form of domestic terrorism. 

We pray that the people of Australia are victorious in their struggle for perfection.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

The Government of The United States of America hereby objects to The Arms Trade Treaty!

PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 09-06-2021


The Government of The United States of America hereby objects to The Arms Trade Treaty offered at the United Nations!   LINK

The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America does not nor will not accept the obligations and rights of The Arms Trade Treaty. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE of the American National assembly of The United States of America Constitution!

Published in the American Herald on 09-06-2021


The American National assembly of The United States of America hereby proclaims the existence of the American National assembly of The United States of America Constitution that was adopted and ratified on the 166th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 1st day of September in the two thousand and twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK

Publications by the American National assembly of The United States of America within the National Great Registry can be found here: LINK

Published by the committee for the American National assembly of The United States of America

Emergency Ordinance Passed by the Board of Assemblymen of the American National assembly of The United States of America!

Published in the American Herald on 09-05-2021


The Board of Assemblymen of the American National assembly of The United States of America, hereby, passes an Emergency Ordinance to outlaw any authoritative orders for a digital vaccine passport, including digital vaccine certificates, paper vaccine certificates, blockchain based or otherwise not specified that has to do with tracking vaccination status of any person(s)  inhabitants, or otherwise within any county within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America. LINK

Published by the committee for the American National assembly of The United States of America

Forced Deportation Notice For Mark Vincent Parkinson Declared An Enemy of the Country!

Published in the American Herald on 09-02-2021


WHEREAS the matter of assisting the elderly population in our Nation is of high respect, as is the compensation of the medical staff that provides the care and assistance to the elderly population of this Nation.

The current head and chief executive officer of the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living, former Governor of Kansas Mark Vincent Parkinson, is attempting to take over the medical power of attorney of not only the “residents” of all assisted living centers and the dedicated medical staff caring for the elderly population of our Nation. Mark has said, quote; “Focusing only on nursing homes will cause vaccine hesitant workers to flee to other health care providers…”

Flee verb

Run away from a place or situation of danger.

Mark Vincent Parkinson obviously knows that forcing this experimental procedure into peoples bodies puts those people in danger and he not only chooses to continue to push this experimental procedure on providers and those in need of medical care, he is also looking forward to working with the Biden administration on pushing this to every other (medical) field.

Evidence for Deportation Notice: LINK

NOW THEREFORE the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, in accordance with the FORCED DEPORTATION ACT OF 2021 LINK has declared Mark Vincent Parkinson an enemy of the country by way of pushing the New World Order Agenda.

BE IT DECLARED that the following sites owned and registered to Mark Vincent Parkinson as his primary and alternate residences are to be under demolition order until complete:


258 Glaize Orchard Rd

Winchester, Virginia 22603


NAC: 890GD P62R9

1409 Hillcrest Dr

Blacksburg, Virginia 24060



9427 Spruce Tree Circle

Bethesda, Maryland 20814

BE IT FURTHER DECLARED that following property of Mark Vincent Parkinson are also to be under demolition order including but not limited to the following vehicles: 

Vehicles Owned or Driven by Mark Vincent Parkinson 
Volvo Xc90
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Ford Escape Hybrid
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Lincoln Mkx
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Ford Mustang
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Ford Mustang
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America


PROCLAMATION OF EXISTENCE of the Driver License for the American National Union of The United States of America!

Published in the American Herald on 09-01-2021


American National Union of The United States of America


Identified as: 202100901-GC-IO

The American National Union of The United States of America, hereby, proclaims the existence of the Driver License for the American National Union of The United States of America. This Driver License will be distributed through the Transportation Committee, a committee created by the American National Union. Wherein a member of the American National Union is a holder of the Driver License, the member has granted their intangible property to the use of the public highways and the original General Post Office of 1775 Rural Route 1.

This Driver License is not required, whereas everyone has the right to freedom of movement under Public Laws formerly classified as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights wherein it states: Public Law 101-13-1- Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the border of each State.

However, this Driver License is in reciprocity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the American National Union of The United States of America classified as Public Laws within the States of the Union within The United States of America. LINK

The members of the American National Union of The United States of America accepted and acknowledged this proclamation of existence on this 166th Day in the year of Yahweh 6023, translated the 1st day of September in the two thousand and twenty-first year of the new covenant in Yahushua’s name. LINK

Chairman – William James Wright V      

Published by the Transportation Committee for the American National Union of The United States of America           



Published in the American Herald on 08-31-2021




Excerpt from the Law of Nations Preliminaries Idea and General Principles of the Law of Nations § 17. Distinctions between internal and external, perfect and imperfect obligations and rights:

“It is now easy to conceive why the right is always imperfect, when the correspondent obligation depends on the judgment of the party in whose breast it exists; for if, in such a case, we had a right to compel him, he would no longer enjoy the freedom of determination respecting the conduct he is to pursue in order to obey the dictates of his own conscience. Our obligation is always imperfect with respect to other people, while we possess the liberty of judging how we are to act: and we retain that liberty on all occasions where we ought to be free.”

The words within the excerpt above relay the effort one should make to refrain from attempting to exercise the dictates of their own conscience upon another. If one consents to the trends or policies, including those disguised as law, of another then the results of the consent are justifiable, though such behavior should be conducted in accordance with the previous excerpt. If the trends or policies are not consensual then forcing such is a violation upon the nonconsenting, therefore trespassing on the natural legal obligations and rights therein of the nonconsenting.

This applies to the case within Illinois, a political subdivision of the United States corporation involving Circuit Court of Cook County Judge James A. Shapiro’s decision to take parental rights away from Rebecca Firlit over her 11 year old child for not consenting to an inoculation of an experimental vaccine LINK. The decision has been rescinded for now according to reports. When it is understood that these political subdivisions masquerading as Nation states are corporations, then it should be further understood that enforcement of these corporate polices being utilized to administer justice are a violation of the Law of Nations Book I Chapter XIII Of Justice and Polity § 158 a nation ought to make justice reign.

Further, James A. Shapiro a political subdivision justice is acting as a third party interloper attempting to claim a legal obligation of the child, over the legal rights of the Mother as Mother to her child, therefore violating the fundamental legal obligations and rights of parents over their children.

Excerpt from the Law of Nations Preliminaries Idea and General Principles of the Law of Nations §3. Definition of the Law of Nations:

“In this treatise it will appear, in what manner States, as such, ought to regulate all their actions. We shall examine the obligations of a people as well towards themselves as towards other nations; and by that means we shall discover the Rights which result from these obligations. For, the right being nothing more than the power of doing what is morally possible, that is to say, what is proper and consistent with duty,—it is evident that right is derived from duty, or passive obligation,—the obligation we lie under to act in such or such manner.”

A nation and/or state is subject to the same behaviors in accordance with respecting the obligations and rights of one another. Those whose duty of operating within a nation and/or state should remember that deterring from these principles will only corrupt that nation and/or state and leave it in a weakened condition. Even further, when there is no social compact to authorize the administration for applying justice over others than any decision based on the dictates of their own conscience upon another to force a corporate policy, considering it their duty, is again violating the fundamental legal obligations and rights of others. LINK 

Excerpt from the Law of Nations Preliminaries Idea and General Principles of the Law of Nation § 6. In what the law of nations originally consists:

“We must therefore apply to nations the rules of the law of nature, in order to discover what their obligations are, and what their rights: consequently, the law of Nations is originally no other than the law of Nature applied to Nations.”

The office of Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America and staff want to know where James A. Shapiro claims the legal right to have the legal obligation over other parents children.

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America.

Publication updated on September 3rd 2021 at 6:39pm UTC -6 


Published in the American Herald on 08-27-2021


The Great Jury agrees that Respondent Christopher Andrew Wagner of the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas actions are of such a serious nature that these actions merit the charge of War Crimes, wherein the Respondent has deprived a civilian/inhabitant the right of choice to consent to voluntary medical experimentation in violation of Article 1 the Nuremberg Code. LINK

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America

Ritchie John Torres and family are hereby charged with war crimes!

Published in the American Herald on 08-26-2021


The Great Jury agrees that Respondent, United States Representative for the political subdivision of New York’s 15th congressional district, Ritchie John Torres and family are hereby charged with war crimes for advocating and bringing forward Bill H.R 4980 for mandatory experimental vaccinations upon any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States in violation of the informed and voluntary consent principle within Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code. LINK

Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America