Buffalo Wild Wings Goes full Nazi on Military Veteran


Published by the American Herald

on 11-15-2020

International and National Public Notice


November 15, 2020

Comes now, Sean Cooper, Trustee (hereinafter “affiant”) being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that affiant has first- hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of affiant’s knowledge and belief, and;

On, November 13, 2020 a friend came to visit and asked if affiant wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings at the mall of New Hampshire in Manchester State of New Hampshire.  Affiant accepted the invitation and made our way into the restaurant. Upon arriving affiant noticed the front doors of said restaurant had a sign that stated that masks were mandatory. Being a medically exempt veteran affiant figured it was appropriate to explain affiant’s situation. As affiant walked into the Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant, affiant was stopped by the host who was working the front. The host informed affiant that affiant was to wear a mask until affiant got to the bar. Affiant responded by informing the host of affiant’s medical exemption. The host then asked the affiant to wait while the host grabbed the manager.

The manager (hereinafter “Ben”), would not tell affiant his last name but did start a conversation within 6 feet. While conversing, affiant explained that affiant is a medically exempt veteran, to which Ben replied that affiant needed to wear a mask until affiant got to the bar and then affiant could remove the mask for the duration of the visit. Affiant states that the restaurant is enforcing the arbitrary guidelines of an unelected organization known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter “CDC”) to which any orders from the CDC have been outlawed in Article 31 of the social compact agreement by and between the people for The United States of America. LINK

Affiant once again explained to Ben about affiant being medically exempt, and that affiant was willing to cover affiant’s mouth and nose with the sleeve of affiant’s hoody for the 5 second walk to the bar but stated that being forced to arbitrarily wear a mask violates affiant’s intangible property right to determine what is best for affiant’s health and well-being. There was no budge. Before being kicked out, affiant and manager Ben discussed the oppressive actions that Ben had committed. Affiant was being treated unjustly, and affiant further states that Ben’s actions on behalf of Buffalo Wild Wings created much social awkwardness to which embarrassed affiant in front of affiant’s friend.

After the aforementioned discussion regarding Ben’s arbitrary actions, affiant proposed a question to Ben asking if Ben was ok with being an oppressor from affiant’s point of view. Ben made it clear that the restaurant rules from the CDC guidelines superseded affiant’s right to determine what is best for affiant’s own health and well-being. Although affiant tried to meet Ben in the middle by offering to cover affiant’s mouth and nose as mentioned above, Ben continued to treat affiant as less than human and hereby accuses Buffalo Wild Wings with the political crime of communism for enforcing CDC guidelines. Ben then asked affiant to leave and let affiant know that affiant was not welcome in their restaurant.  LINK

Affiant further sayeth naught,

Sean Cooper

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

The following has to be the dumbest document to come out of the so-called patriot movement!


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-15-2020


Once again, gurus and their non-thinking followers have put together their own version of history that has not one part and parcel of chain of title in it. We believe that this document was created by one of the most cunning and deceitful women that exist today. Anna gives Hillary Clinton a run for her money. 

By the way, this survey is hereby declared a fraud on its face with not one bit of factual evidence to back it up, the document is simply someones pipe dream. 

Good luck trying to make sense out of the aforementioned mess.

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.  


Motion Passed To Classify U.S. Media As Domestic Terrorist Organizations

Published by the American Herald 11-09-2020

International and National Public Notice

The Assembly of American Nationals and residents for The United States of America have passed the following motions:

BE IT RESOLVED, that a motion was carried to hereby classify U.S. media as domestic terrorist organizations as evidenced herein;  LINK

BE IT RESOLVED, that a motion was carried to hereby classify the New York Bar Association as a domestic terrorist organization as evidenced herein;  LINK 

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck endorses the restoration of the country plan implemented by the Government of The United States of America!


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-07-2020


Although it is very flattering that Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck speaking for her followers has endorsed the restoration of the country plan implemented by the Government of The United States of America, we will have to decline such endorsement until we can clear up the theft and attempted murder convictions against Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck.


The following is an excerpt of the endorsement of the plan of the Government of The United States of America starting at the county level. The plan of starting at the State level was also endorsed by Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck when the Government of The United States of America had settled 15 States of the Union and she started the “American States Assembly” which ended up in a theft by Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck . 

The Government of The United States of America figures that the following endorsement will end up in some kind of crime(s) and or criminal activity, we can all wait and see: 

Anna published: “Most of us are of an age that can do that without any trouble, but for younger people who have never seen a county map of their State of the Union– just go online and hit the search bar with an inquiry like this: “County Map of Wisconsin”.

A multicolored political map resembling a crazy quilt will appear.
A county map of my home state, Wisconsin, looks like this:

All these counties taken together create a state of the Union (political state within a State). You can see at a glance that you are looking at Wisconsin, even though it is cut up into all these county pieces, each one having physical boundaries.”

Then Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger Von Reitzenstein Von Lettow-Vorbeck goes off the rails from there ends up in la la land that looks like another night drinking the cool aid.  

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.  


The Government of The United States of America is not a party to this communist takeover of the United States as of November 3rd, 2020!


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 11-07-2020


The Government of The United States of America is not a party to the communist takeover of the United States as of November 3rd, 2020!  

The Government of The United States of America will remain steadfast in its position in this matter no matter what happens. 

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.  


The Office of the President of The United States of America has been filled and elected since 2013 with no objections!


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-27-2020


The Office of the President of The United States of America has been filled since 2013 and The President of the united States of America has already been succeeded by the Office of (and can also be for) the President of The United States of America since 2013. 

First in time and first in right stands. We have the same goals and there is only one person in the way of everyone working together thereby attacking and usurping the people for The United States of America since 2014 and that person lies, cheats and steals her way through life. We will continue to defend this country known as The United States of America from all enemies. The people for The United States of America are real, live flesh and blood people and not inhabitants nor subjects of Pope Francis. 

The Vatican agents are hard at work doing their best to steal the country for their own selfish means thereby to establish the New World Order. We have won every battle and well on our way of winning the war.  The Government of The United States of America, by the will of our Father in Heaven through Jesus has managed to keep the original country safe until Vatican agents finally caught up to our knowledge and began to devise a plan to steal the country and give it to their devil worshiping master.

The Vatican agents have not gained one inch of ground since they started. The Vatican agents are outwitted and out matched at every turn which has forced them to reach out for help from their father the devil wherein they began to lie, cheat and steal their way to a false victory. They are no match for our Father in Heaven who saw fit to bestow this Great country right into our hands for safe keeping and preservation for future generations. All of the subjects of Anna Von Reitz, Vatican agent are still U.S. citizens no matter what they do because their master has lied her way to a false victory and continually lies to them daily. 

All of the Vatican and Crown agents have been tried and convicted.They are easy to out
smart, easy to outwit and they lie, cheat and steal to make it appear as if they have proven their point. They attempt to silence their enemies with false accusations, yet we still have our speech and cannot be silenced by these wicked inhabitants.  


Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America.  


Notice of Breach of Contract


Published in the American Herald on 10-23-2020


Notice of a Breach of Contract

First lien holder:
JP Mogan Chase,
P.O. BOX 901078,

Subject property: VIN 4S4BSAKCXH3422203 dated 10/15/20- C.T.A. NUMBER of 17309655

Processed by: DAN O’ BRIEN SUBARU
152 Charlestown Rd, Claremont,
NH 03743

In the name of:
PO BOX 741,

The aforementioned lien was created under false pretenses when the subject property service/car fax report was asked for from the sales representative ‘Cody’ and again from the finance agent ‘Andy’ before signing the agreement, thereby being led to believe we were purchasing a one owner no accident
vehicle, the agreement was signed.

There was an absence of full disclosure until after the purchase at which point ‘Cody’ claimed he didn’t know about the two accidents reported for the aforementioned subject property. 

The vehicle was not in the expected condition prior to the sale making the contract voidable nunc pro tunc ab ititio due to the negligent misrepresentation of the condition of the subject property prior to the
sale which is Fraud in the Inducement.

The subject property was returned in less than 24 hours after purchase and is currently in the possession of DAN O’ BRIEN SUBARU who has been given notice as to the voided status of the contract and the disposition of the subject property in the presence of a percipient witness. The deposits were cancelled and we now consider this matter closed as a peaceful settlement of a dispute.

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America

A challenge to the accuracy of the number of the corona virus deaths and new cases being published and medical malpractice.


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-22-2020


Everyone knows that it is difficult to ask the CDC to be able to verify the number of new cases of the corona virus due to health information privacy meaning they cannot release names. It is ironic that privacy is enforced in the medical arena but little or no privacy is ever enforced in any other area like getting felt up and or molested at the airport. They wonder why the airlines are going out of business. 

On the other hand, the number of corona virus deaths should be easy enough to verify the numbers by matching the numbers to the names so we all have an accurate number of inhabitants that have actually died from the corona virus. 

The easiest way to verify is to go to the obituaries. LINK 

It shows in the obituaries that one person died in New York on 10-21-2020: LINK

Where are the obituaries for all of these inhabitants that died from the corona virus? 

Here is a list of some inhabitants that have died from the corona virus: LINK

No where near the numbers being claimed by the main stream media.

If we look at this situation from a medical practice point of view, we were told that a lock down would be 12-14 days max. Then told to wear masks and do some social distancing. Believe it or not, that is medical advice.

Does anyone notice a particular number with the aforementioned medical advice picture obtained from Canada by the Continental Free Press?

If the numbers are going up in positive cases of corona virus victims, and the CDC and other agencies keep forcing the mask and social distancing medical advice. Would that not be considered medical mal-practice?

Medical personnel are continuing to force a medical treatment upon everyone at the same time publishing the number of inhabitants catching the corona virus going up wherein the numbers are proving that the medical advice of masks and social distancing is debunked medical advice. 

Therefore to continue to force said medical advice is now medical malpractice with intent to murder patients at large.  

“Medical malpractice occurs when a hospital, doctor or other health care professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient. The negligence might be the result of errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare or health management.”  LINK

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America 





PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-20-2020



Many men have been going to jail for non-payment of child support. This does not necessarily mean that child support was not paid. There is a scam in the system created by the American Bar Association. The clerks have been filing false police reports against fathers in order to collect more money then what is owed so the clerks can receive more collection fees. This practice terrorizes families and breaks them up because the father is placed in jail for non-payment, gets fired from his job and makes him homeless. The details are in the affidavit and the indictment at the links provided. 

Indictment: LINK

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America 


Man challenges the political status of the State of Kansas


PUBLISHED IN THE Continental Free Press ON 10-20-2020


If there is any statute created that regulates or taxes private property by any state means that the state is a communist form of government in that state.

In the United States, this communist status is hidden within legal and administrative court procedures as if the political issue is settled when in fact the political issue is to be settled by the legislature(s).  

The challenge is in the form of an affidavit: CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD!

Published by the committee for the American National Union of The United States of America 
