The committee of the National assembly has original and exclusive interpretation authority!



The Articles of Confederation of 1781: 

Article XIII. Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States, in Congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this Confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.

The United States, in Congress assembled had original interpretation authority in this country; The United States of America. 

The United States claimed interpretation authority under Marbury vs. Madison in 1803. If interpretation authority was transferred from the Articles of Confederation of 1781 to the constitution of the United States of 1789, why would that interpretation authority have to be claimed in a case in 1803 in Marbury vs. Madison? 

The answer is that the constitution of the United States did not replace anything otherwise all of the attributes of the original Confederacy of 1781 would have transferred to the so-called new government. 

The interpretation authority of the States of the Union now rests with the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America after all has been said and done. 

Further, the rural free delivery routes and the NAC jurisdiction is open to ICE agents thereby by passing all sanctuary policies within the zone improvement plan.

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. LINK




Bob Avakian Citation

American Herald-Logo-Grey


Robert Bruce “Bob” Avakian born March 7, 1943

( hereinafter “respondent” ) promoting an atmosphere of resentment and hate by claiming a false narrative of a white supremacy that needs to be eradicated, and

Respondent is stirring up tension among the inhabitants within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America wherein using manipulative tactics by using a chain of title caused by the stirred up aftermath of the communist infiltration within several of the private company local municipalities across the Country wherein the chaos is created by the private company
municipality courts wherein the Democratic Party as a 527 organization private company has been attacking the civilians within these private company municipal courts, and

The Respondent is attempting to falsify the record by claiming the communist infiltration within the private company local municipalities is a white supremacy when in fact it is by people of all diversities therefore attempting to incite violence towards people of Caucasian skin or attempt to spread fear among people of Caucasian skin in attempt to retaliate out of fear of other diversities
that will create the precedence of a race war within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and

Respondent claims to emancipate the world by introducing a biased science and strategy of revolution by promoting openly for communism when communism is illegal activity within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America and therefore respondent is charged with communist activity promoting communist ideology, and

Respondent is promoting white supremacy needs to be exterminated when every race has a group who terrorize a people by claiming superiority race and therefor respondent was attempting to exile a entire race of Caucasian people pledging the race of Caucasian people towards mass murder and therefore respondent is charged with war crimes attempting to mass murder of the race of people with Caucasian skin, and

Respondent is spreading bigotry towards anyone who is not in support of respondents ideology therefor claiming dictator and king of the world by claiming to emancipate the entire world in respondents latest published book called The New Communism attempting to exile the entire world and therefor respondent is herein charged with violating all articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights absolutely defiant of the Law of Nations customary international law, and




James Clinton Belcher is a convicted rapist and human rights violator and not the Head of State of anything!



James Clinton Belcher, a convicted rapist in 1972 and a con man and convicted human rights violator claiming to be the Head of State of The United States of America, LINK is another fantasy cooked up by Anna Von Reitz and Paul Stramer.

Everything these three do is about the money. Anna fakes a bunch of paperwork claiming it changes the status of the person and wants 10 bucks sent to her fraudulent living law firm scam. These are the same people that claimed that Anna was a Supreme Court Judge in the State of Alaska, another false claim. However, it is easy to get people to send you donations every six months when a new scam comes out. 

This is what happened, they saw that the real Government of The United States of America posted a warning and these three tried to make their voice relevant and started a copy cat. LINK

Then these three tried to make things look official by faking concern for the lives of others by blaming the Queen and Francis, LINK with whom are nothing but puppets of the city of London, LINK and have destroyed many countries with their army of judges and lawyers to keep the drug money flowing.  LINK

Here it is folks, the Government of The United States of America and The United States of America was not inherited by James Clinton Belcher.  Seriously? Their followers are going to believe that false claim while James and Anna attempt to place their person’s above them as monarch’s? AND NO ONE, NOT EVEN SARAH WESTALL ASKED ANY QUESTIONS TO FORCE ANNA TO PROVE ANY OF ANNA’S CLAIMS IN HER INTERVIEW! 

This means a bunch of inhabitants are involved in this scam, it is just a matter of finding out all of them. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 




Charge against Tampa Times

American Herald-Logo-Grey




COMES NOW, Adam Samuel Ben-Canaan (hereinafter “affiant”), whom reached the age of majority and competent to state the facts herein:

Claimant: Adam Samuel Ben-Canaan



Tampa Bay Times

Dan Sullivan

John Martin


Affiant hereby publishes the accusation of attempted murder against the aforementioned Respondents listed herein:

The affiant further states: Gaslighting herein is a general term indicating internet use of manipulating across the internet, referred to as trolls, also to include private government(s), corporations and to include such as Microsoft Bots AI programming and others unknown, designed to blog or represent as today a look-alike human, that represents as replacement or placeholder, an AI approach to a form of programmatic style of gaslighting, and

The affiant herein was improperly classified by various gaslighting by Respondents also known as U.S. Persons, and/or AI programming, targeted and labeled through forced association to a sovereign citizen and domestic terrorist for exercising a human right by coming to the aid of a friend who was incarcerated on other improperly classified accusations by various gaslighting U.S. Persons, thereby falsified and perjured statement(s), wherein the complaint was not vetted, and

Tampa Bay Times respondent 1, reported by Dan Sullivan respondent 2, and researched by John Martin respondent 3 published a libel arbitrarily which classified affiant’s person and another person as sovereign citizens domestic terrorists when affiant was never charged for domestic terrorist activity, never served for a charge of activity of domestic terrorism and given full and absolute due process according to international law according to the subject matter and found guilty by an independent and impartial trial, and

Sovereign citizens are classified as domestic terrorists and domestic terrorists can be shot on sight under international law. Respondents listed affiant as a follower of the other person listed on the published libel which arbitrarily violated the security of affiant’s person as a follower of domestic terrorism. Affiant has only knew the other person ( hereinafter “Ronnie Davis”)  for 2 and half months prior to to the start of chain of title  wherein affiant was incarcerated and railroaded for assisting Ronnie Davis from a known false statement made on record by a woman who was retaliating against Ronnie Davis for making this woman leave the property to the woman constantly being caught with theft multiple times from other people living on the property.  Respondents arbitrarily classified affiant at past time in association with Ronnie Davis a domestic terrorist regardless of association type, and

Prior to and meeting Ronnie Davis, affiant has not seen any publications of Ronnie Davis being found guilty by an independent and impartial tribunal being properly served the charges and given absolute due process as to international law, and

The published libel comes up all over the internet when applied the use of affiant’s person in search. A classification of sovereign citizen is all over affiant’s person. Respondents have marked affiant’s person for death by manipulating across the internet which would turn police officers for the corporate state into political assassins which activate instrumentality rule within the creature manufactured corporate state established as the pope as the beneficiary, and

Definition(s): Re-classified/ re-classified is a general term indicating the character of attributes relating to Communism or Socialist/Socialism to include other variety’s such but not limited to Marxism, Fabianism/Fabian Society, and Leninism.

Affiant is foreign to these corporate creature states within States and all acts by the creature state of Florida by and through its members in association have committed pain compliance to affiant and trafficked affiants person offshore and out of Country violating all human rights and many which are listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and affiant accuses and charges respondents of attempted murder and in violation of the Law of Nations customary international law, and

Affiant further sayeth naught

Adam Samuel Ben-Canaan


Michael Adam Fathauer     and      Lesley Jo Grande        


Notice to cease and desist as it pertains to the recent religious persecutions!



There have been some recent events that have occurred as it pertains to calling Jesus a f****t and depicting his image as a cross dresser and a host of other persecutions. These persecutions are considered human rights violations and hate crimes.

We are sure that the Muslims do not appreciate people calling Muhammad certain persecutions, the Baphomet statue receiving a makeover, or Buddha wearing a dress, or the Koran being destroyed by fire. The Baal Peor worshipers special privileges and protections are hereby not recognized. 

It would be nice if those that have turned to Jesus/Yahushua do not have to read these aforementioned persecutions on the internet by these religions.

This is the first notice published to the Department of Defense.

The next notice, if the first is not respected, will be to take legal action of calling out the persecution of those religions that continue to persecute with their actions of uncivilized and cannibalistic behavior against Jesus/Yahushua and God/Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 



False Flag Alert: The DEMS have everything in place and even who to blame for their false flag!



The Virginia false flag event set in the near future has emergency and martial law written all over it which means whatever happens has to justify the existence of martial law. 

Each move being made is timed and timing is everything. Articles of Impeachment come out at the same time an emergency is created in Virginia by Governor Ralph Northam that reminds us of Frank Burns of M.A.S.H., an old television comedy set during the Korean War.

The Senate Trial keeps Trump busy during a possible false flag event. False flag events is violence used to change a political structure which is defined as International terrorism. 

They busted three guys that are a part of a so-called hate group which has a F.B.I.,  SPLC and the Lawyers Guild signature all over that arrest if it happened at all. They love to virtue signal during false flags. 

We have all seen this same scenario before, so all need to pay attention, if you see it, take notes, record it and we can use it for evidence within the Human Rights Tribunal for the future trial for the accused for the purpose of exposing and stopping this international terrorism. 

One signature to look out for is when you hear a Governor talk about how much he respects the rights of the inhabitants and overstates his concern for Public Safety while at the same time taking their right to defend themselves which is causing a rebellion and civil war in the first place; This means the inhabitants are being played.

When you see office holders become syrupy sweet and overly concerned by constantly talking about your safety; that is a totalitarian communist party member buttering you up to accept their tyranny. Trading your rights and liberty for safety is another term for slavery.  

Once again, please pay attention and record anything that can be used as evidence of international terrorism. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 


The term “2nd amendment sanctuary county” defined and more governors added to the crime of slavery list!



The term 2nd amendment sanctuary county or any variation of the term is hereby classified to mean: Official Record: LINK

“Recognition of absolute private property rights for all inhabitants and people and a political declaration rejecting communism in all of its forms thereby re-claiming speech rights”.

There were many lawyers stating that the term had no legal meaning or force and now it does have meaning and force with well established law.

The following U.S. citizens have been placed on the slavery in all of its forms crimes list based on this claim: LINK

Michelle Lujan Grisham – Governor of New Mexico
Thomas Westerman Wolf – Governor of Pennsylvania
Ralph Northam – Governor of Virginia
Andrew Cuomo – Governor of New York
Jared Polis – Governor of Colorado
Jay Inslee – Governor of Washington State
Gavin Newsom – Governor of California
London Breed – Mayor of San Francisco
Doug Ducey – Governor of Arizona
J.B. Pritzker – Governor of Illinois;

It is obvious that when a jurisdiction is brought back that the real feelings of people come out.

We literally had a hard time keeping up with the names for about 10 minutes in the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America meeting yesterday.

It is time that something is done to resolve these issues which include but not limited to going our separate ways. Cracking down at this point will not cause fear, it will only cause anger, resentment and  revenge. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 




The recruitment of paramilitary, military or other officers for the purpose of disarmament of the inhabitants or the people for The United States of America by the United Nations headquartered on New York is hereby abolished and includes but is not limited to all UN state agencies. LINK

The aforementioned publication is a grievous
violation of the Law of Nations, violates all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as it is an attempt to steal people’s private property which is a war crime. 

The United Nations being a non government organization has no authority within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.

Furthermore, any and all mandates by the Security Council of the United Nations are notwithstanding and any attempt by the United Nations to enforce Agenda 21 is classified as an act of international terrorism through motion by the Assembly of the American National Union of The United States of America. 

Published by the committee of the American National Union of The United States of America.



A claim has been filed against multiple Governors for the crime of slavery in all of its forms!


A third notice has been published against the U.S. congress for the crime of slavery in all of its forms. LINK

Now, the claim has been expanded to include but not limited to the following Governors:

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

The people for The United States of America will be adding more to this list soon. The people for The United States of America that have come through the Government of The United States of America have completed four of the seven steps that qualify relinquishing any form of citizen status with the U.S. wherein any one of them qualifies as relinquishing U.S. citizenship and your local police, sheriffs, judges and lawyers are still holding some of our people. One is too many.

This particular subject matter will not go away until we are free. Everyday you will all be subjected as a criminal for the crime of slavery until you set us free. We deserve dignity and respect and will not stop until we receive dignity and respect, the same we have shown everyone since the inception of the Government of The United States of America and the American National Union for The United States of America.  

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 



Veterans and Family Members Alliance Letter

In memory and in dedication to Lieutenant Commander David G. Anderson, USN, Retired

The purpose of this offer is to create an alliance between non-active US military Veterans, and the Continental Army of The United States of America.

Those whom will assist in these efforts can contact below websites, and those whom can protect our American future, you are thanked in advance!

Contact John Harold Fulks

[email protected]

Governor:  or

Contact Secretary of State Tom Goudey        [email protected]

Department of State: the-united-states-of-america-1781-2014/

Published by the committee of the American National Union of The United States of America  LINK