Bob Avakian Citation

American Herald-Logo-Grey


Robert Bruce “Bob” Avakian born March 7, 1943

( hereinafter “respondent” ) promoting an atmosphere of resentment and hate by claiming a false narrative of a white supremacy that needs to be eradicated, and

Respondent is stirring up tension among the inhabitants within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America wherein using manipulative tactics by using a chain of title caused by the stirred up aftermath of the communist infiltration within several of the private company local municipalities across the Country wherein the chaos is created by the private company
municipality courts wherein the Democratic Party as a 527 organization private company has been attacking the civilians within these private company municipal courts, and

The Respondent is attempting to falsify the record by claiming the communist infiltration within the private company local municipalities is a white supremacy when in fact it is by people of all diversities therefore attempting to incite violence towards people of Caucasian skin or attempt to spread fear among people of Caucasian skin in attempt to retaliate out of fear of other diversities
that will create the precedence of a race war within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America, and

Respondent claims to emancipate the world by introducing a biased science and strategy of revolution by promoting openly for communism when communism is illegal activity within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America and therefore respondent is charged with communist activity promoting communist ideology, and

Respondent is promoting white supremacy needs to be exterminated when every race has a group who terrorize a people by claiming superiority race and therefor respondent was attempting to exile a entire race of Caucasian people pledging the race of Caucasian people towards mass murder and therefore respondent is charged with war crimes attempting to mass murder of the race of people with Caucasian skin, and

Respondent is spreading bigotry towards anyone who is not in support of respondents ideology therefor claiming dictator and king of the world by claiming to emancipate the entire world in respondents latest published book called The New Communism attempting to exile the entire world and therefor respondent is herein charged with violating all articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights absolutely defiant of the Law of Nations customary international law, and

