PUBLISHED BY the American Herald ON 06-09-2017
Written by Karen
Good day, to all of you faithful readers of the American Herald. I am honored to be a contributing Editor. I hope that you all will join me in making the American Herald the number one Newspaper in this great Nation.
Today we are covering the topic of “intangible property.” Webster defines intangible property as something intangible; specific: an asset (as goodwill) that is not corporeal. Not corporeal? You say, what does that mean? Well, Webster states that that means it is an asset without a material physical body. It is not not spiritual, and we all know that two nots represent a positive. So in other words, it is spiritual. Corporeal means substantial. Not immaterial. So, let us cut to the chase.
Intangible property is literally any thought, idea, or decision that is made on a personal level; on the canvas of the soul or mind. It is the seed that precedes the action that manifests into the material realm. It truly is just that simple. It is the first seed, if you will, that only becomes evident when it is acted upon. This could also include patents, trademarks, trade names, or copyrights. It is intellectual property. This is not a difficult concept when you consider what is private among parties, what is public, and what is strictly personal. In law, some of this intangible property rights are preconceived in the public realm. Where upon we’ve all agree to some intangible property rights, for example, grandparent’s rights. The problem is that statutory policies have been slanted to destroy intangible property rights, or personal choice, in favor of public policy. In other words, public policy has attempted to take a priority, and in some cases eliminate personal choice all together. Interesting of note, is that while researching various subjects, it is evident that many legal web sites do not even mention intangible property rights. If you’ll notice, they often skip over the concept.
Let us know what you think about this topic. Please feel free to leave your comments below. This article is not meant for legal advice. Any U.S. statutes are intentionally mute.