The people for The United States of America hereby declare The United States of America a free State for the purposes of defining itself as a free country and free of des-potism within its metes and bounds of its territory as defined within the Articles of Confederation, as amended May 5th, 2015.
The definition of a free State included the original 13 (thirteen) colonies and those States that did not include slavery within its laws. However, the 50 (fifty) American States that became independent States derived from the status of the original 13 (thirteen) States have not operated as independent States and or free States since the inception of a foreign constitution and have not freed themselves from despotism for over 240 (two hundred and forty) years. The foreign constitution has within its wording and has been implemented to operate as a permanent Military occupation of The United States of America. The foreign constitution further violates the Law of Nations due to the fact that a Military occupation does not grant legal rights to the occupier to change the status of the people as one of its citizens.
What about the States of the Union? The States of the Union are within the territory of The United States of America and will function as free States when ready and able other wise their independence will derive from The United States of America until fully apprised of the Law of Nations and able to carry on their own international relations. The Union stays in tact under the Articles of Association of 1774 as amended in the present time.
“State” simply meant country from 1760 to present time;and “free” always meant free from despotism, rather than from some other country.
Now therefore, with this declaration in mind, there are certain rights that accompany free States and shall be enforced by the Government of The United States of America through legal and lawful means for the security of the next generation.
What does this mean?
1: The definition of a state as defined in 1864 by the municipal government of the District of Columbia is hereby abolished within The United States of America and the States of the union.
2: The charter of the judges is hereby deported in accordance with the Law of Nations.
3: This declaration removes resident alien status under a foreign power from the people thereby granting first in time and first in right status to choose their own status and destiny.
4: The lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem are occupiers of a foreign country in direct conflict with the James Monroe Doctrine of 1823 and the Law of Nations thereby implementing an illegal trade embargo against the National Currency of the country. The illegal embargo is being implemented inside a box created on paper called a domestic jurisdiction and barring a National currency to be traded within it. This declaration holds the lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem liable for these damages against The United States of America.
There are many other changes that will take place as this reality is realized after being notice of its existence. We will keep everyone notified of any updates and or resolutions that occur.