A further look into “Perpetrators Exposed”

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Published on 04-03-2015 by the American Herald

Hello Readers,

The American Herald likes to go into depth on stories that are published by other newspapers from time to time. THE REIGN OF THE HEAVENS SOCIETY POST published an article entitled “Perpetrators Exposed” on April 1, 2015.

The article goes into some details about Manhattan Island. However, it did not dig deep enough. So the American Herald decided to put some scenarios together that would help those who read the other article get a bigger and better picture of the country as a whole and their personal situation.

Scenario #1

1: Lets explore the possibility that all U.S. citizens are correct that they have constitutional protections and that the United States is a country.

2: Lets explore the idea that we had a revolutionary war in 1776 under the declaration of independence, the Articles of Confederation was established in 1781, and replaced by a better constitution in 1789 where the Federal Government was born and the founding fathers had everyone’s best interest at heart.

3: It would mean in the present time that everyone that is born in the United States is a U.S. citizen with birth right citizenship and a resident of their State. Anyone that thinks they are not subject to federal law is an anti-government nut-job and a danger to the American Society. It would also mean that they hate democracy and are enemies and should be put down like every other rebel in history.  It would further make sense that the American people are very patient and tolerant of others and their political views and judge themselves as an advanced society that tolerate the ignorant and depraved.  Anyone that cannot see how great the people are and their constitution are terrorists that are jealous of the American lifestyle and their freedoms, and how dare they challenge the U.S. and its Military might.

IN scenario #1, that scenario should describe with relative accuracy as to the view of most Americans.

Here is a problem with scenario #1: On June 7, 1629,  the Netherlands settled Manhattan Island as a colony, and then an independent country that does claim the right to establish colonies of its own and has claimed the whole east coast and further to the Mississippi River which apparently still stands today.

Further, it established a central bank called the Bank of New York 1784, known today as the Bank of New York Mellon on Manhattan Island which means it is a foreign Bank to the U.S. because remember, the United States claims to be a country just like Manhattan Island.

Further, Manhattan Island is chartered from the  Netherlands which is also a foreign country to the United States if in fact the United States is a country of its own.

Further, this would also mean that Manhattan Island, being its own country tied to the Netherlands, finances the U.S. Treasury, and the U.S. Congress etc… and the U.S. Treasury circulates Manhattan Islands money which would technically mean that the federal reserve notes would be a foreign currency to the United States and the U.S.  The U.S. Treasury does have its own Treasury Note that is debt free and interest free but fails to circulate them to its own U.S. citizens.

If someone can correct this scenario, it would be appreciated. If all courts in the U.S. and the U.S. states will collect nothing but federal reserve notes, that would mean that the prisons, even public prisons would technically belong to Manhattan Island, a foreign country, foreign to the U.S.

Further, this would mean that the United States is allowing a foreign country to traffic all U.S. citizens to a foreign State in all court cases and other conditions. It would also mean that the United States is enforcing tax collections on U.S. citizens in the absence of any law requiring it to a foreign country thereby subjecting all U.S. citizens to a foreign law and social agreement.  The currency of a country defines its independence and its sovereignty.  The federal reserve note belongs and emanates from Manhattan Island, a foreign country. The United States also allows U.S. citizens to pay the debt of a foreign country and enslaves its citizens to that foreign country which means every arrest is an Article 9 violation by every Public Officer of the U.S. or U.S. state. “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.”  Arbitrary: a :  not restrained or limited in the exercise of power :  ruling by absolute authority <an arbitrary government>

To be continued with scenario #2 in a future publishing.


Scenario #1 and #2