The American National Union of The United States of America Great Council re-sets the foundation of the American Union of 1774!

Published on 08-21-2017 by the American Herald

Public Notice

The American National Union of The United States of America Great Council has been busy re-setting the foundation of this country so that it can be Great once again.

The official record of the Great Council is always published in the National Great Registry here: LINK   The term minutes does not imply the Great Council to be a private body, the term is being used as a part of the Official Record and will be changed soon.

The Great Council has adopted and ratified

1: the National Anthem, “America the Beautiful”,,

2: Oath to the American National Union of The United States of America,

3: adopted NAC society system for the American National Union,

4: adopted the rural free delivery routes into The American National Union,

5: Ratified the National flag of The United States of America,

6: adopted the Continental Dollar as the National currency,

7: adopted the American Herald as the official legal organ,

and the Great Council has adopted or ratified more within the official record and  is ready to adopt or ratify more that has been provided to the American National Union of The United States of America. 

The Government of The United States of America and the American National Union of The United States of America are coming together to form a solid foundation for the country as a whole.

If anyone born on one of the 48 States, you can join the restored Union of 1774 here: and become a part of the Great Council. A 60 day waiting period has been implemented in order to be able to enter motions etc.. for security purposes. However, those that join the American National Union are welcome to listen and add input and ideas before joining the Great Council.

Public Notice: If the term “American Nation Union of The United States of America” is somewhere within the official record of the Great Council, it means and is intended to read: “American National Union of The United States of America”.
